The two of them were very close.

"What, how is this possible?"

"Master Mizuki gave me such precious food... and even treated me to ramen. He would never betray me."

Team 7 got together. When Kakashi told them about the mission, Naruto was the first to question it.

Sasuke also said, "I think this is wrong. He doesn't look like a money-grubbing person."

If he was really a money-grubbing person, why didn't he agree when I offered to buy his ninjutsu for 1 million taels?

Also, he gave me 100,000 taels as a gift for his apprenticeship yesterday morning.

He's obviously not short of money. How could he steal money?

Kakashi: "This is the order of the Third Hokage, we must execute it."

"Whether he really stole the money and defected or not, we will know when we see him."

Soon, Team 7 and Team 8 gathered at the entrance of the village and went out of the village to chase.

In the Hokage Building, Mizuki's office, the doors and windows were closed, and suddenly a man fell from the ceiling. It was the Third Hokage.

He took out a key with a calm face.

In order to prove Mizuki's theft, he must ensure that the safe is empty, so he has to open the box to see.

If it is empty, then everything is OK.

If it is full, then sorry, he will take all the money.

So whether Mizuki took the money in the safe or not, the result will be empty.

"I announced to the public that there is only one key to the safe, just for now."

But when he walked behind the desk, bent down and squatted to unlock it, he was stunned.

There were actually three locks on the safe...

"Have you noticed my intention? It seems that he pretended to take money all the time just to show me."

He reached out and shook the safe lightly. It didn't shake. It was obviously heavy, which meant it was full.

"Sure enough, he didn't take it."

But this did not affect the determination of the third generation.

"After all, you are still too young. Do you think that hanging two more locks can stump me?"

He grabbed the two new locks with his hands, and the wind escape chakra surged out.

With two "clicks", the two locks were destroyed from the inside and forced open.

He took out the key and prepared to open the third old lock.

But at this moment, a "hissing" sound came from under the safe.

"Detonating Talisman?"

The third generation's face changed and his body retreated quickly.

With a loud "bang", the whole Hokage Building trembled slightly.

The desk was directly blown up, and the safe was also blown away, hitting the ceiling, and then fell to the floor.

Because it was used to hold money, the quality was very good.

However, the lock was blown open, and a lot of banknotes flew out and scattered all over the floor.

The third generation was furious.

"The treacherous Mizuki."

The explosion sounded very clear, and footsteps were heard outside, and a large number of people ran over here.

The third generation miscalculated, and did not expect Mizuki to set up a detonating talisman, which exploded at a critical moment and attracted attention.

The plan of framing failed completely.

Unwillingly looking at the money on the ground, the third generation disappeared with a "bang".

This is a shadow clone.

Soon, several Anbu rushed in, and several senior ninjas such as Asuma followed closely.

The third generation also pretended to come.

Asuma and others looked at the third generation and said nothing.

But everyone with a discerning eye knew that Mizuki's crime of stealing money could no longer be proven. As for the crime of defection, it would probably be left unresolved.

"It seems that the report I received was false, and Mizuki was wrongly accused."

At this point, the third generation could only give up the plan of framing.


In the forest, Team 7 and Team 8, a total of eight people, were stepping on branches and jumping forward quickly.

"Hinata, you are responsible for investigating the target's location." Yuhi Kurenai shouted.

But Hinata did not answer.


Hinata said "Ah", came back to her senses, and retracted her eyes from Naruto.

"Teacher Kurenai, I'm here."

Yuhi Kurenai: "..."

"Use your Byakugan to check the target's location."

"Shino, use your parasite bug to explore the surroundings in case someone secretly meets the opponent and attacks us."

"Yes!" Hinata and Shino responded.

Countless small black bugs flew out of Shino's body and flew around, giving Naruto and Sakura goose bumps.

Hinata activated her Byakugan and looked north.

Then he saw Mizuki sitting by a river, lighting a bonfire and grilling fish.

In addition to the fish, there was an iron teapot, in which pine needle tea was being boiled.

"This... is this a rebellion?" Hinata was stunned.

Any normal person with a brain would know that

Rebellion shouldn't be like this.

"Hinata, what did you see?" Kurenai asked.

Hinata: "Well, the target is grilling fish by the river and making tea."

Kakashi and Kurenai Yuhi looked at each other.

Kurenai: "If they are so lax, it's either a shadow clone, or it's not a rebellion, or the third generation is playing tricks on us."

Kakashi: "As far as I know, Mizuki is just an ordinary Chunin. The ninjutsu he knows is just the basic three-body technique, and he hasn't mastered the shadow clone."

Naruto immediately said: "I told you, Master Mizuki will never betray."

"How can a traitor grill fish and eat leisurely on the way to betrayal."

Kakashi: "Don't be careless, it may be a trap, we'd better be careful."

When they approached Mizuki, they stopped.

Hinata continued to observe with her Byakugan, and Shino's bugs also spread out over a large area to explore every corner.

"How is it?"

Shino shook his head and said, "No suspicious targets were found."

Hinata also said, "Within a radius of 3 kilometers, except for us, only one target was seen."

Naruto immediately jumped out and shouted, "Hey, hey, what did I say? There is no trap at all. Teacher Mizuki definitely did not betray. It must be that the old man of the third generation made a mistake."

Kakashi and Hong discussed for a few words, and then said, "Let's go over there. We will know whether Mizuki betrayed or not when we return to the village."

But the two of them had already sentenced Mizuki to death in their hearts.

Beside the stream, Mizuki turned the grilled fish on the fire to make it evenly heated.

By the way, he put his nose close to it and sniffed it hard.

"Ah, it smells so good!" He couldn't help shouting.

He was found by the third generation early in the morning. He didn't even have breakfast. It shouldn't be a problem to grill a fish on the way.

Just then, his ears moved and he turned his head and said, "Who's hiding there? Come out!"

After Mizuki finished speaking, he saw a familiar figure falling from the tree.

It was Naruto.

"Naruto, why are you here?"

Naruto stood up with a big bump on his head and said awkwardly: "This... that... I came out to carry out a mission, and I got separated from Kakashi and the others."

Shuimu: "You can't even lie. The Hokage Building is on holiday today, and no one is issuing missions. What are you doing?"

"Is that right, Kakashi-senpai, and Sasuke? Sakura?"

"Wow, it seems that it's not just you, Team 7. There were strange bugs flying around just now. It should be Shino."

"Is Team 8 here too?"

Kakashi, who was hiding behind a tree, couldn't help but slap his forehead.

Sasuke and Sakura were both cursing: "Stupid Naruto, you exposed us directly!"

The four people in Team 8 were very shocked, especially Shino.

Is the characteristic of my own parasite very obvious? How can he confirm that it's me?

Everyone came out.

"Shuimu, you are suspected of theft and treason, and now we are going to arrest you." Kakashi got straight to the point.

Shuimu thought to himself that it was indeed the case.

Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise I would be finished this time.

"Theft? Treason? Who told you that? Why don't I know it myself?" Mizuki pretended to be surprised.

Naruto said: "Master Mizuki, this matter must have been made wrong by the old man of the third generation."

Sasuke also said: "There must be some misunderstanding."

Kakashi waved his hand and said: "Whether it is a mistake or not, now, please go back to the village with us and accept the investigation."

Mizuki: "Okay, I will go back with you."

He did not resist at all.

A group of 9 people quickly returned to Konoha and came to the Hokage Building.

Then in the Hokage's office, the third generation announced that this was a misunderstanding, Mizuki did not steal, did not betray, and was innocent.

"Grandpa Third Generation, you are too much." Naruto said loudly.

"You don't even have any evidence. You just rely on other people's reports to accuse Master Mizuki of stealing money and betraying. I, Uzumaki Naruto, don't accept it!"

The third generation said: "Once there is news of ninja betrayal, the village will pay special attention to it."

"Whether there is evidence or not, it is necessary to bring the person back first."

"Now the misunderstanding has been resolved, and this matter ends here."

Naruto shouted: "No, Master Mizuki has been wronged for nothing and has suffered huge losses physically and mentally. And this matter is entirely your mistake, the third generation grandfather, you must compensate Master Mizuki for his losses."

The third generation: "..."

He glanced at everyone present, whether they were Anbu or Jonin, they were silent.

Even Kakashi did not stand up to stop Naruto.

Everyone knew that this matter was directed and acted by the third generation, and the third generation ordered the arrest of Mizuki without any evidence, and even said that life and death were not important.

This method is extremely unfriendly to the ninjas in the village.

Because no one knows, with

Will this happen to him in the future?

The third generation looked at Mizuki, and he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Because of Mizuki, his prestige as the third generation Hokage suffered a huge blow today.

He knew that he had to make a public statement now, otherwise it would be difficult to lead the team.

But as a Hokage, he still had the necessary means.

"Mizuki, what happened today was indeed unfair to you, and it was my mistake that caused you to be wronged."

He took out a scroll from the drawer and said, "This scroll of earth escape and earth formation wall training is your compensation."

"Thank you, third generation." Mizuki took it hurriedly.

He lacked ninjutsu, so he accepted everyone who came.

The Sandai nodded and changed the subject: "Next, let's talk about the explosive talisman at the bottom of the safe."

Shuimu: "Sir Sandai, I set up the explosive talisman trap just out of concern. After all, there is a lot of money in the safe."

Shuimu said lightly: "Inside the Hokage Building, there is nothing to worry about."

"Because of your worry, the desk was damaged, and the floor and ceiling were damaged. These villages will not pay for you, and you need to compensate."

"According to the preliminary estimate, the total loss is 100,000 taels. You must deliver this compensation to my office within one week."

"In addition, in view of your weak safety awareness, starting today, you don't have to come to the mission department as an assistant."


After leaving the Hokage Building, Shuimu breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's level was successfully passed again.

But this feeling of walking on a tightrope made him feel terrified.

If you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss.

"I'm not strong enough. I have to recruit more disciples. The Third Hokage is determined to get me. He lost face today, so he must want to get rid of me even more."

"I must have enough strength to protect myself in a short period of time."

"Otherwise, I might die before the Chunin Exam."

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