The two figures quietly came to the village in the middle of the night.

The black-bottomed red-cloud windbreaker was clearly visible in the moonlight.

"Kisame, just leave it here!" said Uchiha Itachi.

Kisame complained: "What does the leader want to do? He asked us to capture the Jinchūriki, but after catching us, he asked us to send him here."

"I can't understand it!"

Although he was full of complaints, Kisame still took the person off his back and threw him on the ground.

Uchiha Itachi said calmly: "We cannot question the leader's decision."

"The mission has been completed, let's go quickly."

"If we are discovered, we will be in danger!"

The two looked at the person on the ground, turned around and left quickly.

The next morning, Bai, who was carrying a bamboo basket out of the village to pick flowers, saw a person unconscious in the bushes at a glance.

The other party was covered with wounds and his breath was very weak. It was obvious that he had just experienced a war.

"How could someone be injured and unconscious here? The nurse should be from the Rock Village in the Land of Earth."

Bai didn't know this person, but after hesitating for a moment, he still took the person back to the village.

The people in the village didn't know who this person was, and even Tsunade, Zabuza and other knowledgeable people didn't know his identity.

Kushina frowned and said: "I felt the breath of the tailed beast on him. This person is a Jinchūriki."

"Why did the Jinchūriki of the Rock Village appear here?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Could it be that the village chief master brought him back?" Fu guessed.

Tsunade shook her head: "If it was him, he would not have thrown him outside the village, but brought him directly into the village."

"This person was deliberately caught and thrown outside the village by others."

"I feel that there is some conspiracy here!"

Tsunade has not lived in vain for decades, especially since she was born in Konoha Village, a village full of conspiracy and calculation. She is quite sensitive to conspiracy.

"One-tail, Seven-tail, Nine-tail are all here, and now there is another Jinchūriki. Someone wants to make Phoenix Village the target of public criticism."

Everyone looked solemn.

The whole ninja world has been rumored that Mizuki wants to collect the nine tailed beasts, and then use the tailed beasts as weapons to rule the entire ninja world.

Now there are more and more tailed beasts in Phoenix Village. If this continues, the five major countries will not be able to sit still.

It will be fun when the whole ninja world comes to besiege Phoenix Village.

"In that case, this person cannot stay in Phoenix Village, so let's send him away!"

"Otherwise, the Rock Village will certainly stand against us."

"We have already offended the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, and it is not a good thing to have the Land of Earth come again."

No one objected to this proposal, so they decided to send the injured Jinchūriki away.

Sai's fake super beast painting can draw a flying bird, so the task of sending the Jinchūriki away was given to him.

Sai took out a pen and paper and quickly drew a big white bird.

Just as he was about to send the man away, Mizuki came back.

"Hey, what are you all doing here? Who is this unconscious guy?"

Tsunade explained the matter.

Mizuki looked at the unconscious middle-aged man, with purple hair and beard, and purple clothes. Based on these characteristics, he immediately guessed the identity of this person.

The four-tailed Jinchūriki of the Rock Village of the Land of Earth, Old Purple.

There are two tailed beasts in the Rock Village, the four-tailed Son Goku and the five-tailed Mu Wang.

The Four-tailed Jinchūriki, Lao Zi, was at odds with Tsuchikage Ohnoki, so he left the Iwagakure and wandered around the ninja world.

In the anime, he was captured by Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

Well, strictly speaking, it was only Hoshigaki Kisame who took action, while Uchiha Itachi was just a bystander.

Lao Zi's Lava Release was naturally countered by Kisame.

Who built a water dam? The Lava Release was extinguished.

"Why send it away? There's no need!"

The tailed beast that came to the door should be wasted, so why send it away?

At that time, each of his disciples will have a tailed beast, and with the help of the Peacock Magic, they can disguise Susanoo, which is simply awesome.

As for whether he offended the Iwagakure, he didn't care at all.

Ohnoki, that short old man, couldn't even hit his knees when he jumped.

"But this is a conspiracy. Someone deliberately framed us to prove that we collected the tailed beasts."

"If this continues, other countries will sooner or later unite and besiege us."

Tsunade was very worried.

Minato smiled and said, "It's okay, let them come, I will take as many as they come."

Mizuki insisted on his own way and didn't listen to Tsunade's advice at all.

"Kushina, help him and pull out the four tails in his body."

Kushina nodded

, and then directly took action.

Soon the four-tailed Sun Wukong was drawn out, and Shuimu was not in a hurry to seal it, but first controlled it with the Sharingan illusion.

As for Lao Zi, after the tailed beast was drawn out, his vitality declined sharply, and he soon died.

Shuimu used the power of the human way of the reincarnation eye to draw out his soul.

At least his tailed beast was drawn out, and if he died again, Shuimu couldn't bear it.

There is no grudge, it's not good to kill others.

The Six Paths Sage cut off the connection between the Pure Land and the mortal world, causing the soul of the Pure Land to be unable to come to the mortal world, and in disguised form sealed Shuimu's reincarnation birth technique.

Therefore, Shuimu could only intercept Lao Zi's soul, otherwise he would not be able to revive.

"Outer way. Reincarnation birth technique!"

Lao Zi was successfully resurrected, looking at Shuimu, with a confused face.

He didn't know what happened.

"Wasn't I attacked by the Akatsuki? Why am I here? Who are you?"

"Also, Son Goku was pulled out of my body, so why didn't I die?"

Shuimu briefly explained the matter, and then said: "You are no longer a Jinchūriki, and the Four-Tails Son Goku will stay in Phoenix Village in the future."

"You leave or stay, it's up to you."

Lao Zi said: "I'm leaving!"

"But before I leave, I want to remind you that Ohnoki has a bad temper. If you take Son Goku for yourself, then be prepared to go to war with the Rock Village."

Lao Zi was very straightforward and left directly without saying a word about taking the Four-Tails back.

He knew the name of the double-shadow killer Shuimu.

He didn't want to die again after finally surviving!

Then, Shuimu used the Chibaku Tensei to seal the Four-Tails.

There was another giant meteorite hanging in the sky.

"I went out for a walk and came back with such a reward. I don't know who is so kind."

"It's better to give more, the more the better!"

Shuimu was very happy.

To be honest, if he were asked to rob the tailed beast, he might not be able to do it.

He is a civilized person, and civilized people don't like robbers.

He wished that the tailed beasts would come to him on their own.

"Let's go!"

After watching the excitement, everyone went to do their own things. At this time, Shuimu found that Sasuke and Karin were not there.

He didn't care, thinking that Sasuke was still practicing.

As for Karin, she always liked to run to get close to Sasuke. Generally, wherever Sasuke was, she was there.

Everyone dispersed, only Nawaki did not leave.

"Shengshu, what's the matter?"

Shengshu said: "Master, I have completely mastered the Wood Release Four Pillars Family Technique that you taught me before."

"Now the house I built is full of details and super luxurious."

"Besides, the land planned for the village has been built by me, and there is no place to continue building."

"There is no need to continue practicing the Four Pillars Family Technique. I need a new Wood Release Secret Technique."

As he said, Phoenix Village has been built by him.

Shuimu nodded and said: "In that case, I will teach you the new Wood Release Secret Technique."

He took out two scrolls and handed them over.

"These two techniques, one is Wood Release. Wood Ingot Avoidance, a defensive ninjutsu. The other is Wood Release. Wood Clone, which is a clone that is more difficult to distinguish than Shadow Clone, mainly used for reconnaissance."

"These two techniques are not difficult, suitable for you to practice."

"Practice well, and come to me after you master it to learn new secret techniques."

Shuimu returned to the office and began to make the next step of village planning.

The buildings are ready, and the next step is business planning.

For such a big village, only these ninjas are not enough, and a large number of ordinary civilians are needed to make the village lively and prosperous.

Although he is not short of money, food and clothing are always needed.

In addition, ninjas also need entertainment, fine wine and food, and hot springs, all of which must be arranged.

"We still have to find the daimyo. With the daimyo's call, I believe many people are willing to move to Phoenix Village."

"After having people, the village will slowly develop. Whether it is medical care, education, business, or entertainment, the framework will be set up quickly."

"Then let Sasuke go to the daimyo's mansion!"

Then, Mizuki searched the entire village and did not find Sasuke.

"No way, Sasuke is missing too?"

"Did he go to one of the three spiritual holy places like Naruto?"

But then, Mizuki found that Karin was also missing.

He immediately summoned the people in the village, and everyone began to investigate. Soon, traces of Sasuke leaving the village were found.

"They should have left last night. They didn't leave together. Sasuke was in front and Karin was behind."

"Heading east!"

Mizuki asked: "What stage has Sasuke's training reached?

Nobita said: "Yesterday I heard him laughing in the woods, saying that he finally mastered it and could take revenge."

Shuimu: "..."

He must have mastered the art of teleportation.

However, he doesn't think that he can beat Uchiha Itachi with just the art of teleportation!

He's so proud!

"He's going east, probably to Konoha to find Danzo."

"Oh, he's really worrying!"

Sakura died, Shuimu suffered heavy losses, and now he can't let Sasuke get into trouble.

So, before he even had time to warm up, Shuimu left the village again.

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