The contract seal is a sealing technique developed by the Uzumaki clan. This technique can cut off the contractual relationship between the ninja and the summoned beast, making it impossible for the ninja to summon the summoned beast again. On the night of the Nine-tailed Fox, Minato used this trick to cut off the spiritual relationship between Obito and the Nine-tailed Fox, successfully freeing the Nine-tailed Fox from Obito's control. Minato's sealing techniques were all taught by Kushina. Therefore, Kushina will naturally know how to perform the contract seal. Just cast the contract seal on Naruto to cut off Naruto's spiritual relationship with the Myoboku Mountain Toad Clan. After the severance, Naruto cannot summon the toad, nor will he be taken away by the toad using the reverse summoning technique. "Naruto, you're finally back." Kushina saw Naruto and immediately put down her worries.

Shuimu urged: "Let's talk later. First, remove the summoning contract on Naruto. It will be too late if you do it later."


Although Kushina was full of doubts, she immediately cast the contract seal on Naruto.

And Naruto did not resist, and let Kushina seal it.

He just looked around with doubts between his eyebrows.

"Didn't the toads say that the concentration of natural power outside Mount Myōboku is very low and cannot be used to practice fairy arts?"

"Why, I feel that the concentration of natural power here is not much different from Mount Myōboku?"

When the sealing technique enveloped Naruto, Shuimu was relieved.

"Fortunately, I acted quickly, otherwise it would be too late when those toads reacted."

He still had to rely on Naruto to get the wool of the system, so he couldn't let him lose again.

Myoboku Mountain, Gamamaru woke up from his sleep.

He just woke up with a frown on his face.

"What's going on?"

"Shuimu has turned into a stone frog and has been sealed, why is the future scene in the prophecy still as strange as before?"

"Can he still escape? Or is it not him who influences the future?"

Just then, he heard a shrill frog croaking from the bottom of the mountain.

"Old man, who killed you?"

Gamamaru recognized Shima's voice and immediately released his perception, then his face changed.

"Where is Shuimu?"

Beside the oil pool, the stone frog that Shuimu turned into had disappeared.

"Where did it go? Did Yuyi notice something and steal it?"

It immediately took out a crystal ball and sprayed a breath of fairy air on it.

The figure of Shuimu moving around in Phoenix Village immediately appeared on the crystal ball.

"What the hell is going on? He's already petrified and sealed by me, how could he escape?"

"What method did he use?"

Gamamaru couldn't figure it out.

"Damn it!"

"I shouldn't have entered the dreamland to predict the future just now, and let him take the opportunity to escape, damn it!"

"I've already alerted the enemy, and I can't leave Myoboku Mountain. It's hard to catch him again!"

Gamamaru looked ugly.

The natural energy concentration in the outside world is too low. If it dares to leave Myoboku Mountain, it will die of old age in minutes.

So, it is very angry now!

Suddenly, it thought of something.

"He can break into Myoboku Mountain to find Naruto, which means he is very fond of Naruto."

"If I reverse summon Naruto, will he risk sneaking in again?"

Thinking of this, Gamamaru immediately performed the reverse summoning technique, trying to bring Naruto to Myoboku Mountain, but there was no response.

"Damn it!"

"The contract seal of the Uzumaki clan!"

"Damn Mizuki, just wait for me, I will catch you again sooner or later."

At this time, Shima came to the temple with Fukasaku's body on his back.

"Master, please save my old man, he died so tragically!"

Fukasaku was one of the two generals under Gamamaru, so he would not watch him die.

He took out a talisman and threw it out. The talisman floated above Fukasaku and fell on Fukasaku's body.

A green light appeared.

When the green light faded, Fukasaku opened his eyes and came back to life.

"Thank you for saving me, Master!"

Gamamaru asked, "Tell me about the situation. I want to know how Mizuki escaped."

Fukasaku said, "I don't know either. I just felt a flash of light. When I looked up, the stone frog had disappeared and there were dreamlike bubbles in the air."

"Then I was attacked from behind and lost consciousness."

"Dreamlike bubbles?" Gamamaru thought of something and murmured, "If I remember correctly, it should be the forbidden technique Izanami that the Uchiha clan can only perform through the Sharingan."

"I was negligent and didn't expect this."

"Okay, you guys go down.

Warn the tribesmen to be careful of Mizuki when they act in the Ninja World in the future."

"The two sides have become enemies. If he meets our tribesmen, he will definitely kill them."

After Fukasaku and Shima left, Gamamaru waited quietly.

Sure enough, after a while, the Six Paths Sage came.

"Why did Mizuki escape?" The Six Paths Sage asked.

Gamamaru: "Izanaki!"

Hagoromo nodded and said: "If you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him next time."

Gamamaru: "I can't leave Myoboku Mountain, so I can only rely on you!"

Hagoromo: "I will train Sasuke."

Gamamaru: "How do you convince Sasuke to deal with Mizuki?"

Hagoromo: "His brother Uchiha Itachi has an eye that can be used. I will arrange it."


"Mizuki, what happened?"

"And Naruto, where have you been these days? You didn't know to come back. Do you know that I am worried about you? "

Kushina thought that Naruto had mastered Flying Thunder God, and coming back was just a thought.

So, she was very angry now.

Looking at her willful son, she felt that Minato was not there, and as a mother, she should fulfill some of the father's responsibilities.

When it's time to teach a child a lesson, you can't be soft-hearted.

Naruto felt the murderous aura, shrank his neck, and said, "Mom, it's not that I don't want to come back, but I can't come back."

"I can't fly back to Myoboku Mountain with Flying Thunder God. They said that I must wait until I practice fairy arts before I can leave."

"So you can't blame me."

Kushina frowned.

What do those toads mean? How can fairy arts be practiced so easily? Minato spent several years and still couldn't master it.

They didn't let Naruto come back before he practiced. Do they dislike us mother and son? Do they want to separate flesh and blood?

Mizuki explained: "This matter started with me. Those toads wanted to kill me, so they deliberately confined Naruto to Myoboku Mountain and led me to die. "

Kushina asked in confusion: "The Toad Clan of Myoboku Mountain never participates in the disputes between the villages in the Ninja World. How did Jiraiya persuade them to take the initiative to deal with you?"

Shuimu shook his head and said: "None of Jiraiya's business."

He explained the whole story and said casually: "That big toad has a complicated mind."

"What do you mean?" Kushina asked.

Shuimu shook his head and did not explain.

In the temple, although he was petrified, he was not dead. He heard everything that Gamamaru said.

He already knew Gamamaru's ambition.

At this time, Shuimu said to Naruto: "Naruto, I know you still have doubts about my identity."

"Master Shuimu..." Naruto was a little ashamed.

Shuimu waved his hand: "This is human nature. It is normal for you to doubt. "

After saying that, he took out a scroll and handed it to Naruto.

"This jutsu is called Tian Yuan Yu. After you practice it, you will naturally know that I can devour vitality not because I am the Ten-Tails."

"Tian Yuan Yu?" Naruto frowned.

The name is weird.

"The prototype of this jutsu is the secret jutsu of Takigakure, Di Yuan Yu."

"After mastering this jutsu, you can extend your life by taking the heart of others, and you can also obtain the chakra attributes of the person taken away."

"Takigakure S-level rebel ninja Kakuzu learned this jutsu and used it to gain immortality. He lived for nearly ninety years old, but he was still young until he met me in the Land of Waves..."

"I took the Di Yuan Yu secret jutsu from Kakuzu, and after improving it, I got Tian Yuan Yu."

"The effect of Tian Yuan Yu is even more terrifying. It can take away the vitality of all living things, whether it is human, animal, or plant, it can be taken away, similar to the legendary Ten-Tails. ”

“That’s why the Toad Clan thinks I’m the Ten-Tails.”

Shuimu explained in detail and gave Naruto the Heavenly Wrath Scroll.

At this point, Naruto’s suspicion of Shuimu had completely faded.

“Master, I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

From the day he became Shuimu’s apprentice, his life had completely changed, becoming beautiful and hopeful.

In the end, he actually doubted his master because of a few words from a toad.

That’s wrong!

Naruto was very ashamed at this point.

Shuimu touched Naruto’s head, smiled, and didn’t care.

Children don’t have a strong ability to distinguish right from wrong, so there’s no need to blame them too much.

Kushina encouraged, “Naruto, you’re wrong this time. As a disciple, how can you doubt your master?”

“In the future, you can never make this mistake again.”

Naruto nodded heavily.

Then he handed the scroll to Shuimu and said, “Master, I believe in you. "

"So you don't need to use this secret technique to prove your innocence."

Shui Mu smiled and said, "Since you call me Master, then the secret that Master taught you

If you want to learn this technique, you have to practice it and you must learn it. "

"A reminder, this secret technique is very difficult, it exceeds the S level and reaches the SS level. If you want to learn it, you have to work harder. "

Naruto brought him back, but there was still Sasuke, missing.

It's almost the end of the month, and the system's granted return opportunities will be reset soon.

We have to find Sasuke.

The question is, where did Sasuke go?

The shadow clones he sent out automatically dispersed when they were petrified before, and no trace of Sasuke was found before they dispersed.

He split hundreds of shadow clones again and asked them to disperse to find Sasuke.

After Naruto knew about it, he also split a shadow clone to find him.

But they were doomed to be in vain.

After searching for a few days, the shadow clones almost went around the ninja world, but still found nothing. If the system hadn't said that Sasuke was not dead, Shuimu would have planned to hold a funeral.

But Shuimu started to get angry when he couldn't find anyone. He wanted to find Sasuke immediately, hang him up and beat him with a belt.

He was holding back his anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.

"No, if I keep holding it back like this, I'm going to get a mental illness."

"We must do something! "

He narrowed his eyes, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Old toad of Myoboku Mountain, welcome my wrath!"

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