The battle was won, and the battle was won.

"Konoha Whirlwind!" Xiao Li shouted, and he was in front of Mizuki in an instant, leaping into the air, and gave Mizuki a high-speed roundhouse kick on the head.

"Li!" Everyone exclaimed!

No one expected that Xiao Li would be so straightforward, and he didn't say a word, and he just started to fight.

"Baguazhang Huitian!" Neji reacted quickly, and stood in front of Mizuki, ready to perform Huitian.

Gaara was also ready to control the sand to block Xiao Li.

But Mizuki waved his hand and said calmly, "Relax, no need to attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Li's roundhouse kick arrived. With a "snap", Mizuki's neck was broken and blood spurted out.

His head fell to the ground and rolled a few times, and the blood stained the ground red.

This scene stunned everyone.

"Ah!" Except for Naruto, everyone else in the Phoenix Village was stunned, and Hinata's face turned pale with fear.

The people of the Rock Village also widened their eyes.

No way, the legendary super strong Mizuki who killed the Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage, just like that, gone?

"Rock Lee, why did you do this?" Neji started with Bagua Palm and attacked Xiao Li.

Xiao Li said loudly: "Shuimu killed the Third Hokage, caused damage to Konoha several times, and killed many villagers. He also used evil ninjutsu to control you, forcing you to join the village he created. He is an absolute bastard."

"Now I kill him, you get rid of his ninjutsu control, and you can return to Konoha! From now on, we are still companions!"

Ningci said: "Li, you don't understand at all! Shuimu is not what you think."

Ningci directly used the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms, but Xiao Li dodged freely in Ningci's Eight Diagrams field, as if he knew Ningci's intentions. No matter which angle Ningci attacked from, Xiao Li could easily dodge.

"This is impossible!" Ningci looked ugly. Xiao Li used to be his teammate, and he knew his strength very well. But today he found that this former partner seemed to have changed.

After the sixty-four palm strikes, Xiao Li didn't hit any of them. Instead, he looked at Neji seriously: "It seems that you have been brainwashed by him and bewitched. In this case, I will wake you up."

After saying that, Xiao Li punched Neji through the air. A surprising scene happened. His fist broke away from his wrist and was connected by the black tentacles. It came to Neji at a very fast speed.

"Kaiten!" The fist was blocked by Kaiten.

The two fought for a while and it was difficult to tell who was better.

At this time, Naruto took a few steps forward and came to Neji's side and said: "Let me do it! Although he can't kill Master Mizuki, he killed Master, which is unforgivable and must be taught a lesson."

In Naruto's hand, there was an extra Flying Thunder God Kunai.

At this time, Mizuki's voice rang out: "Stop it!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Mizuki's head on the ground. Mizuki opened his eyes, his expression was vivid, and his face was ruddy. How could it look like a dead head?

"Illusion? No, that's not right, this is not an illusion at all!" The ninjas of the Rock Village were filled with fear.

Only Naruto knew that this was not an illusion at all.

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, Mizuki's headless body took a step, walked to the head, bent down to pick up the head, and pressed it back on the neck.

"This is not a human ninjutsu at all!"

"You won't die even if your head is cut off, what kind of jutsu is this?"

Shuimu turned his neck, glanced at Xiao Li, and said to the rock ninjas next to him: "Let's go, take us to our residence."

Gaara pointed at Xiao Li and asked: "What about him? Otherwise, I'll kill him."

Shuimu shook his head: "No need!"

Xiao Li looked at Shuimu in shock and asked: "Why are you not angry at all? I obviously attacked you."

Shuimu smiled lightly: "Which adult would get angry with a child? Your attack is not even a tickle to me."

Shuimu was reluctant to attack Xiao Li, who was a disciple recognized by the system and could be granted a return. If it were someone else, they would have died a hundred times earlier!

Shuimu would not only not attack Xiao Li, but also find a way to help him complete the Chunin Exam and become a Chunin.

Shuimu left with his men, leaving a few people in Konoha standing there, not yet reacting.

Myoboku Mountain, Naruto's shadow clone came in from the entrance, and what came into view was a devastated scene.

"What happened here? Did the master do it?" Naruto immediately guessed that it was Mizuki who did it.

He shook his head and sighed, "Ah, it's all misunderstandings. It's really bad to have such a mess. I have to explain things clearly and try to resolve the conflict between the two sides."

He soon came to the door of the temple and shouted, "Big Toad Sage, I'm Naruto."

Gamamaru's voice came from the door: "Come in!"

Naruto walked into the temple and picked a small mushroom growing at the door.

After entering, he went straight to the point: "Big Toad Sage, I tell you, Master Shuimu is not a young Ten-Tails at all. The reason why he can devour the vitality of animals and plants is because he has practiced a secret technique called Tianyuan Yu!"

Gamamaru frowned: "Impossible, Tianyuan Yu or something, I have never heard of it. Little Naruto, don't believe Shuimu, he said that, he is deceiving you. He is a young Ten-Tails, there is no mistake."

Naruto did not explain, but showed the mushroom in his hand.

"Please look!"

The mushroom shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into dust in the blink of an eye. The weak vitality contained in it was swallowed up by Naruto's shadow clone.

Gamamaru's eyes suddenly widened, staring blankly at the dust on Naruto's hand, with a brilliant light bursting out of his eyes, but in a moment, he restrained it.

"It's really the effect of the secret technique. It seems that I really blamed Mizuki wrongly. Oh, I'm really old and confused! Naruto, you should forgive me, right?"

Naruto nodded: "Well, of course I will forgive you. It's all misunderstandings. Now the misunderstanding is resolved, it's really great."

Gamamaru said: "Yes, it's really great!"


What happened on the street was quickly reported to the meeting room, the content was extremely detailed, and even the conversation was not missed.

"The head fell off, but it can be picked up and put back on. Is this the horror of the Ten Tails?" Terumi Mei was terrified.

Not only her, but everyone was scared.

Tsuchikage Ohnoki and Raikage Ai were both thankful that they had not acted impulsively before.

"Such a strange method is simply not something that humans can master. It is absolutely impossible for us to kill him with our five great nations. It seems that we can only rely on Mount Myoboku." Although the Fourth Raikage had a bad temper, he had to face reality at this moment.

"Wait!" Jiraiya suddenly stood up and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Ohnoki asked with a frown.

Jiraiya looked at the Rock Ninja who came to report and asked, "You just said that Mizuki's blood was all over the floor?"

The Rock Ninja nodded: "That's true!"

Jiraiya clapped his hands and laughed, "Hahaha, there's no need to bother to lure him into signing a spiritual blood contract."

Everyone present was smart and understood it as soon as they heard it.

"Yes, there is really no need to worry!" Ohnoki also laughed, turned around and ordered: "Go collect some of Mizuki's blood immediately, and then bring it here."

The Rock Ninja set out immediately after hearing this, and soon arrived at the street where Mizuki had just shed blood. The bright red blood on the ground had not yet completely coagulated.

The Rock Ninja immediately took a piece of gauze and spread it on the ground, and the gauze was stained red with blood. Seeing that it was almost done, he took the gauze and used the instant body technique to rush to the meeting room.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Mizuki's blood has been obtained!"

Jiraiya urged: "Give it to me quickly!"

Ohnoki nodded, and the Rock Ninja handed the gauze to Jiraiya. Jiraiya smiled and unfolded a contract scroll, ready to help Mizuki sign the spiritual blood contract.

"Once the contract is signed, the Great Toad Sage will immediately sense it. As long as the reverse summoning technique is used, Mizuki can be summoned to Myoboku Mountain and then killed."

He wrote Mizuki's name on the scroll, then stained his hand with Mizuki's blood and pressed it towards the scroll.

Mizuki, who had been taken to his residence, had no idea that danger was about to come.

"Naruto, come with me!" Mizuki took Naruto aside alone.

"Master, what's the matter?" Naruto asked.

Mizuki took out a test tube, which contained an eyeball, the Samsara Eye taken from Obito.

"I thought about this eye and thought it was best to give it to you. Only you, as a member of the Uzumaki clan, can control this eye."

"Take it. When you go back, let Tsunade help you transplant it. Your strength will be greatly improved again."

Naruto wanted to refuse, but Mizuki had already stuffed the test tube into his hand and would not allow him to refuse.

[Ding! 】

Hearing the voice, Shuimu's mouth curled up.

"My right eye is already the Samsara Eye, Obito's eye is the right eye, and the one returned by the system must also be the right eye. Right eye plus right eye, is it replacement? Or superposition?"

Shuimu's heart is full of expectations!

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