The jungle is not a real jungle.

The stone jungle is not a real jungle.

The stone pillars rise from the ground like trees growing towards the sky.

Therefore, this place is named the stone jungle.

These stone pillars are four or five meters short and tens of meters high. From a distance, they are of different heights and densely packed.

What's even more strange is that there is geothermal heat here, which has created many hot springs.

The hot spring water evaporates to form mist. Although the mist is not thick, it blocks the vision to a large extent.

If people enter here, it is like entering a maze and it is difficult to tell the direction.

"Water escape. Thousand kills water flying."

In the mist, a low shout sounded, followed by a few screams.

When I got closer, I saw three Genin from the Iwagakure village lying unconscious with thousands of spears stabbed all over their bodies.

Three people stood by, Naruto, Haku, and Hinata.

"Brother Haku, are they all okay?" Naruto asked.

Haku nodded: "Don't worry, they are just unconscious, they are not in danger of death."

Hinata lowered her head and whispered: "Although... although I don't want to kill anyone, but, Naruto-kun, Haku-kun... Lord Mizuki said that we should not hold back when we meet Iwagakure."

"Is it bad for us to be like this now!"

"What if Lord Mizuki finds out, will he blame us for being too kind?"

"My father taught me before that as a ninja, I must never be kind to the enemy..."

She spoke in a very soft and timid voice.

Naruto smiled awkwardly and said, "It should be... okay. Killing people is not good!"

"They are just candidates taking the exam. They have no grudge against us. Just knock them out and take away the scrolls. That's all."

Bai Ye said, "Don't worry. Mizuki-sama is also very kind and won't blame us."

"He saved those Jinchūriki even if they died!"

After a discussion, the three of them all smiled. They were completely relieved of the pressure of not killing the Rock Ninja.

Naruto went forward and fumbled around and found a scroll.

"What a pity. It turned out to be the Scroll of Heaven. It's the same as our scroll. We have to find someone else to take it."

"Hinata, take a look. Are there any other people nearby?"

Hinata activated her Byakugan and soon found other people.

"There is a team of Sand Ninjas over there, less than a kilometer away."

After determining the target, the three left and soon disappeared in the mist.

After the three left, Mizuki came out from the ground, looked at the direction the three left, shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, these three are more merciful than the other."

Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura, and he is kind by nature. In the anime, Naruto has never killed anyone until the end.

Even Kakuzu was killed by Kakashi.

It's the same with Haku, he never kills anyone, and Zabuza can't do anything to him.

Hinata's weak character also comes from the kindness in her heart.

To be honest, these three are really not suitable to be ninjas.

"Forget it, let them go." Mizuki was helpless.

It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change one's nature. They have this kind of character, and it's hard to change.

Looking at the three unconscious rock ninjas on the ground, Mizuki turned and left.

Although Mizuki is now hostile to the Rock Village, they are just three little Genin brats, and there is no need to vent his anger on them.

"Naruto and the others don't need me to worry about anything."

Mizuki also went to see Gaara.

Compared to the three here, Gaara and the others are not so merciful.

Ningci was originally a problem boy, and he was merciless when killing people. He used the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms, killing one kid each.

Nobita was born an orphan, and was kind-hearted. But after being kidnapped by Danzo, he clearly realized the cruelty of the ninja world, and the kindness in his heart was completely restrained.

Especially Gaara, who had a strong desire to kill, not only the Rock Ninja, but also the Genin from other villages.

Originally, Mizuki was still worried about Nobita, but now that Nobita has the senjutsu chakra in his body, his strength has skyrocketed, and there is no problem.

"Next, try to absorb the power of nature!"

After all, the senjutsu chakra provided by the Toad Senjutsu Brew is only a one-time use.

The safest thing is to master the Sage Mode.

The practice of the Sage Mode is indeed difficult, but the principle is very simple.

Completely integrate into nature, enter absolute silence from the outside to the inside, just like being dead.

In this way, the body and the outside world are perfectly integrated, and the power of nature will gather.

It is too difficult to achieve this level of integration with nature.

Myoboku Mountain uses toad oil to help ninjas absorb the power of nature.

And it is very

Dangerous, if you are not careful, you will absorb too much natural power and your body will become frog-like or even petrified.

Although Shuimu is not worried about petrification, he does not have toad oil.

"Although I forgot to bring toad oil from Myoboku Mountain, I used Liushen Flower Water yesterday and I clearly "saw" the natural energy."

"I believe that with the help of Liushen Flower Water and Toad Immortal Wine, I will definitely be able to cultivate into the Sage Mode."

Shuimu used Flying Thunder God and came to a quiet forest.

He took out Liushen Flower Water, opened the lid and smelled it.

In an instant, his whole brain was ventilated and his thinking became extremely clear.

His mental power soared six times and even overflowed from his body.

Although he closed his eyes, he could rely on the mental power overflowing from his body to "see" the tiny things around him.

The dust in the air, the bacteria in the soil under his feet, the hair on the bacteria...

It was like being in another world.

He gathered his mind and focused on natural energy. He wrapped a wisp of natural energy with his mental power and pulled it back into his body.

He then controlled some of the ordinary chakra in his body and merged it with this strand of natural energy.

Once the two came into contact, they naturally merged together.

But the next moment, Shuimu frowned.

Failed again!

This time there was more ordinary chakra, and the new chakra after fusion was very unstable and dissipated automatically.

He was not discouraged, and controlled another strand of natural energy to enter his body and continued to try.

In just 10 seconds, Shuimu tried 4 times.

But none of them succeeded.

"It's really difficult!" Shuimu opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The effect of Liushen Floral Water has ended, and he can only try again tomorrow.

"Although the effect of Liushen Floral Water is strong, it only lasts for 10 seconds each time, which is too short."

Shuimu felt that it would be best to permanently improve his mental power.

This temporary improvement is still not enough.

"When Naruto and Nobita become Chunin, we can recruit more disciples, and then we can find a way to get something that can permanently improve spiritual power."

"Floral water won't work, we have to find something else, preferably medicine."

After a short training, Mizuki returned to the Rock Village.

In the next three days, he used the six-god floral water every day to try to absorb natural energy.

But for some reason, it failed every time.

I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell exactly.

At other times, he would stroll around, taste the food of the Rock Village, and see the scenery of foreign countries.

Before the end of the Chunin Exam, he didn't plan to make trouble.

Even if someone else wanted to make trouble, he would decisively take action.

In short, in one sentence, we must ensure that this Chunin Exam is successfully completed.

Of course, not making trouble is not making trouble, but it is still necessary to make some preparations before making trouble.

For example, he took advantage of these three days to make some inquiries about the remaining five-tailed Jinchuriki in the Rock Village.

"Master Sho-daime Hokage, the second round of the Chunin Exam, the battle for the Scroll of Heaven and Earth has ended. Master Tsuchikage asked me to come and inform you to go to the Hot Spring Valley in the middle of the Rocky Jungle to watch the semi-finals together."

Mizuki, who was strolling on the street, received a notice from the Rock Ninja.

"Okay, I got it, lead the way!"

Hot Spring Valley, in the middle of the Rocky Jungle.

At this time, there were 15 people who had gathered the Scroll of Heaven and Earth and came here.

All six people from Phoenix Village had arrived.

A group of people from Konoha arrived, namely Xiao Li, Tian Tian, ​​and an unknown extra.

There was only one group of people from the Cloud Ninja Village, which were three disciples of Killer Bee, Samui, Omoi, and Karui.

The Rock Ninja Village was completely wiped out, which almost made Ohnoki, the Tsuchikage, explode.

In the Chunin Exam organized by the Rock Ninja Village, the Rock Ninja were completely wiped out. I believe that in a few days, the entire ninja world will know about this.

Ohnoki's face was thrown to his grandmother's house.

The Sand Village and the Mist Village were also completely wiped out, but with the Rock Village in front, they were under much less pressure.

The Sand Ninja leader Maki had a blank expression on his face and took his men back to the Kingdom of Wind.

Terumi Mei smiled and did not take her men away like Maki did, showing the grandeur of the shadow of a village.

What surprised everyone the most was that a group of people from a little-known village called Sennin Village had successfully arrived here.

Everyone was surprised that the village was named "Xian" and was also curious about where this village came from.

Even the Genin of the Sand Village and the Mist Village were eliminated, and there were actually three players from the Sennin Village who made it to the semi-finals.

This made everyone speculate.

When Mizuki came to the Hot Spring Valley and saw the three Genin of the Sennin Village, he raised his eyebrows.

He was familiar with the three people from the Sennin Village.

"Suiyue and Chougo, and that woman, I forgot her name, but I remember

Yes, she has mastered the Crystal Release Blood Limit, and her strength is not weak. "

"So, this Sennin Village is the previous Sound Village?"

"Then, has Kabuto Yakushi come too?"

Shuimu turned around and saw a strange middle-aged man in the direction where the people of Sennin Village were standing.

Although he looked strange, Shuimu felt that this man was Kabuto Yakushi in disguise.

Orochimaru returned to Konoha and handed over the Sound Village to Kabuto Yakushi.

I haven't heard from Kabuto Yakushi for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

Shuimu just glanced at him and looked away.

He frowned slightly, and he sensed an unusual aura on Kabuto Yakushi.

"Has he mastered the Dragon Cave Immortal Technique?"

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