The three generations of the people came to the scene.

In order to prove Shuimu's crime, the third generation brought a lot of people, including four people from Kaiban.

Shuimu was burning a fire and releasing smoke to attract the villagers' attention.

The more people there were, the better.

Soon, some villagers found the smoke and came here.

When the third generation came with a group of people, more than a dozen villagers had gathered here.

"He didn't run away, but burned smoke to attract villagers. What does this mean?" The third generation was very confused.

But no matter what, Shuimu killed people, there is no doubt about it.

"Take down the murderer Shuimu!" ​​The third generation gave an order, and two Anbu instantly came behind Shuimu and held his arms.

Mizuki immediately shouted, "Sir, wait a minute, I didn't kill him. He committed suicide out of fear of punishment."

Sir snorted coldly and said, "Nonsense."

Mizuk: "Please allow me to explain the matter in detail."

Sir didn't give him a chance at all, saying, "What's there to explain? Take him away."

Mizuk said loudly, "Sir, I came here to fish without any ninja tools. How could I kill him with a kunai? Just because he is an Anbu ninja and has a noble status, Sir, you want to find a scapegoat at will?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding villagers immediately talked about it, and even pointed fingers.

Sir's face changed.

"Okay, you said you didn't kill him, I'll give you a chance to explain."

"Don't say you didn't bring any ninja tools, the kunai is not yours, what if you snatched it from him."

Mizuk sneered in his heart, and then explained.

"I was fishing here, and when I was about to take a fish, I suddenly heard a noise behind me."

"I didn't think much at the time, and I used the Substitution Technique directly."

"When I looked back, there were already three kunai stuck in the wooden stake used for my substitute. Look, it's right there."

"Then the Anbu jumped down from the tree and said: I couldn't even kill an ordinary Chunin with a sneak attack. I'm such a waste, how can I face Lord Orochimaru?"

"Then, he inserted the kunai into his throat and committed suicide."

After saying that, he looked at the Sandai and said, "I haven't touched these kunai at all. If you don't believe me, you can check for fingerprints."

The Sandai didn't believe a word of Mizuki's words.

He just wanted to convict Mizuki immediately and then execute him directly.

But the villagers looked at the wooden stake with three kunai stuck in it, and the discussion became louder.

The Sandai needed to maintain his image as the Hokage, and he couldn't convict with just one word, but had to have evidence.

So, he could only find a medical ninja and start checking for fingerprints.

Soon, the results came out.

"Hokage, all four kunai have only the fingerprints of the deceased."

"Mizuki's fingerprints, no!"

"And there is no trace of post-faking. Mizuki has never touched the kunai."

As soon as these words came out, the villagers looked at Mizuki with a different look, no longer with the slightest doubt.

The corners of the eyes of the third generation couldn't help but twitch.

The evidence showed that this person really committed suicide, but this was obviously unreasonable. Would a root ninja commit suicide for no reason?

"Mizuki only knows the three body techniques, not illusions at all."

"And the illusion that can make people commit suicide, the Sharingan can't do it."

He was completely confused and didn't know what happened.

He glanced at Might Guy on the side and was very angry.

If it weren't for the third team knocking on the door at the critical moment, he wouldn't even know what happened.

At this time, the Anbu also checked the surroundings several times, but couldn't find any evidence to prove that Mizuki killed someone. Instead, they found evidence that the root ninja hid in the dark and attacked Mizuki.

The third generation was speechless.

"Damn it!" The third generation cursed in his heart.

First, he cursed Danzo for being stupid. The subordinates he sent out were so useless.

Second, he cursed Mizuki for being cunning. It was really unfair that he could not be convicted even in this way.

But now that things have come to this, there is no point in being angry. He can only announce in public that Mizuki is not guilty.

It's helpless!

"It's over, everyone go away!"

Everyone dispersed, and Mizuki didn't dare to continue fishing.

The third generation even came up with an assassination, which shows how determined he is to kill himself.

Never come to such a remote and deserted place to fish again in the future, and even can't be alone again.

Recalling what happened today, it was really thrilling.

I almost lost my life.

Fortunately, there was only one root ninja. If there was another one, it would not be so easy for me to deal with it.

After all, it is too limited to kill people by changing shapes.

If the enemy

If a person starts with physical skills, then even if he changes his shape, he can only save his life, but not kill people.

In addition, this skill consumes too much mana, and it can't be used more than once.

"It's still not enough hard power!"

In the Hokage Building, the third generation was a little depressed.

"Hokage, should the body be sent to the interrogation department and handed over to the Yamanaka clan to explore the memory before death?" asked an Anbu.

The third generation said: "Yes, send it."

An Anbu carried the body and prepared to go to the interrogation department.

But at this moment, the office door opened, and Danzo walked in with a cold face and crutches.

"Put down the body, everyone else go out, I have something to talk to the third generation."

Several Anbu looked at the third generation, and when they saw his gesture, they all retreated, and the body was put back on the floor.

"Danzo, what kind of trash did you send? He can't even deal with a Mizuki." The third generation asked directly.

Danzo didn't buy it, and took the initiative.

"Huruzen, you want to send the body to the interrogation department, so that the Yamanaka clan can find out that I ordered them to assassinate Mizuki, so as to ruin my reputation, right?"

"You are afraid that my reputation will be higher than yours and I will take your position as Hokage, right?"

The Sandaime's thoughts were exposed in front of him, but he didn't care, and asked back: "Why, the roots of Konoha, hiding in the darkness under the sun, are afraid of a bad reputation?"

"You..." Danzo was furious.

I don't care about my reputation, but you want to ruin my reputation so openly, do you have the patience?

"You are just afraid, hum!"

"I took the body away. All my Root ninjas have been cursed. Even if you send them to the interrogation department, you will get nothing."

The third generation: "Only the current head of the Yamanaka clan, Yamanaka Inoichi, can explore the memory of the dead. It is a waste for you to take the body back to deal with it."

"As the Hokage, I order you to remove the curse on him and send him to the interrogation department. I need to know what he experienced before his death."

"I want to know what secrets Mizuki is hiding."

Danzo snorted coldly: "If I remove the curse and let Inoichi explore the memory, won't all the secrets of my Root be exposed? By then, the loyalty of the Yamanaka clan to you will be greatly reduced."

"The three tribes of Ino, Shika and Chou advance and retreat together. If the Yamanaka clan is alienated, the other two tribes will also be affected."

"Don't you worry that without the support of Ino, Shika and Chou, the position of Hokage will be unstable?"

This makes sense. The third generation frowned, smoking a pipe while weighing the pros and cons.

Danzo said again: "Besides, he is just a Chunin, and he is a commoner. What secrets can he have?"

"I will send someone else. When the time comes, kill him and let Haiyi investigate. Then all his secrets will be known."

The Sandaike put down his pipe, sighed, and said: "Okay, let's do as you say."

Danzo: "Don't worry, I won't let Mizuki live for more than three days."

The Sandaike shook his head: "No, the villagers are talking about what happened today. If Mizuki is killed within three days, it will cause a lot of turmoil in the village."

"And after today's assassination, he will definitely be more vigilant, and it will be difficult to find him alone again."

"In this way, after a few days when the villagers forget what happened today, I will arrange for him to leave the village. By then, if he dies outside the village, it will not have any impact."

Danzo had no objection.

So, the next morning, Mizuki was called to the Hokage's office again.

"Shuimu, the ninja school is on holiday now, and you have nothing to do all day, and you even go fishing."

"As a ninja, this is not allowed."

Shuimu said helplessly: "But I have nothing else to do."

Sandai: "Okay, as a tool of the village, ninjas cannot be too idle. From today, the village will assign you tasks."

"And you owe the village 100,000 taels of compensation, and you haven't paid it back yet, so do more tasks to make money."

Shuimu cursed in his heart, damn old thing, he is really persistent, and his heart is not dead.

"Yes, I will do my best."

Sandai nodded: "Well, go to the task hall to accept the task yourself."

From this day on, Shuimu began to accept tasks.

Sandai didn't do it too obviously. At the beginning, the tasks assigned to Shuimu were all D-level tasks, weeding, cutting trees, and killing wild boars for villagers.

All of them were simple tasks that did not require leaving the village.

The abomination was that the mission reward never reached him, but was withheld by the third generation as compensation for the 100,000 taels.

Shuimu worked for the village for nothing.

None of this mattered, because Shuimu knew that the real storm was still to come.

Soon, half a month passed, and the third generation began to make trouble.

Shuimu received a new mission, which was completely different from the previous one.

C-level mission, go to the East Country

The executor is Shuimu. "The bandits on that mountain are all ordinary people. There are no ninjas. You can be careful and there will be no problem." "The mission reward is 80,000 taels." "Leave early tomorrow morning and return to the village as soon as possible." Shuimu took the mission and felt a sense of urgency. It was obvious that this mission was a trap to make him leave the village and die. When he walked out of the mission hall, he happened to meet Team 7 who came to hand in the mission. "Senior Kakashi, and Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, I haven't seen you for a few days. You look very good." Naruto pouted and said, "Master Shuimu, you are not good at all. Every day, you have boring tasks such as weeding, catching cats, and taking care of children. I am so tired of it." Shuimu smiled and said, "I will leave the village to carry out the mission tomorrow. It should take some time before I can come back. I will treat you tonight, Ichiraku Ramen, do you want to come?"

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