The three generations of the ... "We'll see what happens. If the Third Generation really attacks me, don't blame me for using a detonating bomber."

The power of 500 detonating talismans, even if they can't kill the Third Generation, can create an opportunity for Shuimu to escape.

He followed the Anbu in front of him and quickly walked into the depths of the forest.

Shuimu kept his eyes and ears open, concentrating on alert.

Suddenly, the Anbu in front of him suddenly attacked, and a kunai appeared in his hand at some point, turning around and slashing towards Shuimu's side face.

His attack speed was so fast, as fast as the wind.

As soon as he turned around, the attack was already in front of him.

Shuimu had been on guard for a long time, and suddenly exerted force on his feet, and took a half step back at the critical moment.

Then he clearly saw that the tip of the kunai passed in front of his eyes, only half a finger away from his eyes.

If he was a little slower, he would be blinded and wait for death.

"You're looking for death!"

Shuimu's eyes were cold, and he was really here to kill him.

He took out three detonating talismans and activated them directly.

A "hissing" sound was heard, and the detonating talisman was about to explode.

Seeing this, the opponent immediately retreated, not wanting to be affected by the detonating talisman.

Mizuki sneered, loosened his hand, and the detonating talisman fell. The next moment, the teleportation was activated.

He and the Anbu switched positions instantly.

Then there was a "bang", and the three detonating talismans exploded at the same time. The Anbu had no time to react and was blown beyond recognition.

The teleportation technique can also be used to actively attack.

The effect was unexpectedly good.

"The teleportation technique combined with the detonating talisman is worth using." Mizuki smiled.

But when he looked at the corpse on the ground, he frowned.

No blood!

"Another dead soul technique?" Mizuki narrowed his eyes and was a little annoyed.

He and Kabuto Yakushi had no grudges, why did he want to kill him?

"Pah, pah, pah!" There was a clapping sound in the dense forest nearby, and then another masked Anbu came out.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?" Shuimu asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to know that I am one of the three ninjas and a subordinate of Lord Orochimaru."

"As for attacking you, I just want to prove your value and see if you are qualified to be Lord Orochimaru's subordinate."

"Since you survived and demonstrated that highly practical position-changing ninjutsu, it means that your value is enough for Lord Orochimaru to use."

Shuimu didn't say anything, just stared at the other party coldly.

He didn't do anything either, because from the other party's figure and voice, Shuimu judged that the other party was not Kabuto Yakushi.

It should be another corpse controlled by Kabuto Yakushi. Even if he killed him with the same trick, it would be a waste of chakra.

He was paying attention to the wind and grass around him, looking for the real body of Kabuto Yakushi.

"The Third Hokage wants to kill you as soon as possible. You also know clearly that he sent you out of the village to carry out the mission this time to let you die."

"You have no place to stay in Konoha."

"The only way in front of you is to defect. And Lord Orochimaru likes talents like you and will accept you without reservation. Lord Orochimaru will give you everything you want, even eternal life."

"As long as you promise to be loyal to Lord Orochimaru, then when you defect, someone will support you and stop Konoha's pursuers, so that you can defect successfully."

"What do you think of this proposal?"

Shuimu: "It sounds tempting, but I like to bask in the sun and don't like to stay in a dark and damp underground cave all day long... Well, I found you!"

The next moment, three detonating tags were ignited at the same time, and Shuimu's eyes looked at a tree 70 meters away.

On the tree, Kabuto Yakushi, who was hiding in the bushes, changed his face and raised his hand to make a seal.

He wanted to use the substitute technique.

But how could Shuimu let him do what he wanted? Before Yakushi Kabuto could even complete a seal, he was already hit by the teleportation and switched places with Shuimu.

Shuimu reached the safe bushes

Among them, Kabuto Yakushi has to face three detonating charms that are about to explode.


"What kind of underworld ninjutsu is this? It can be effective even from such a distance? And there was no warning when it was activated. I didn't even react, and I had already changed places with him."

Kabuto's face, shrouded in a cloak, looked very ugly.

"It's too late for me to follow my body. It seems I can only use this trick."

"Ninja method. Yin heals injuries and destroys them."

Along with the activation of the ninjutsu, the detonating talisman also exploded.

The bright light was accompanied by a violent explosion, and Yakushi Kabuto's body was blown away like tatters.

"Hmph, you little bitch, if you dare to mess with me, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die." Mizuki sneered.

But the next moment, he saw that Yakushi Kabuto, who had been blown away, stood up immediately after landing, and then quickly ran away into the depths of the forest. After a few leaps, he disappeared.

It's like he wasn't hurt.

Even Mizuki didn't see the other person's face clearly.

"He's not dead, what a pity!"

Kabuto Yakushi masters medical ninjutsu second only to Tsunade, and also has his own A-level ninjutsu Yinhejujutsu, which can heal before being injured and has high-intensity recovery capabilities.

When the three ninjas reunited, they were all hit in the abdomen by Naruto's Rasengan, but they were not injured anywhere. They relied on Yin to heal their injuries.

"It's not unusual for Orochimaru's men to be very capable of saving their lives."

"It's a pity that the distance is too far. I don't have enough chakra to use Disapparation again. Otherwise, if I try it again, I will definitely kill him."

After repelling Yakushi Kabuto, Mizuki immediately escaped.

Two detonating symbols exploded here, making a lot of noise.

Soon after Mizuki left, the nearby ninjas arrived first, followed closely by the ANBU.

Only the bodies of two Anbu were left at the scene. After some investigation, it was found that the two had been dead for a long time and were controlled by the Death Soul Art after death.

After Sandai learned the news, he didn't think about Mizuki.

He stood in front of the window with a pipe in his mouth, looking at the bustling Konoha streets below, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Orochimaru, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Mizuki had returned home.

The sun has set and the sky is darkening. He didn't turn on the lights and even closed the curtains.

Suddenly the room was dark.

Then he opened the closet and looked at three black leather boxes filled with money.

"I leave the village this time, and I don't know when I will come back. It's not safe to keep this money at home. If the third generation discovers it, they will definitely take the opportunity to launch an attack."

"At that time, both people and money will be gone."

Because he couldn't explain the origin of the money.

A chuunin whose salary was only enough for food and clothing had a huge sum of money hidden in his family, which was obviously a problem.

If the three generations were accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, the villagers would definitely believe it.

Then the third generation can kill Mizuki openly.

"You must carry this money with you."

Of course, it was unrealistic to go out carrying three large boxes. He needed a sealing scroll.

I took some money and went out, heading straight to the ninja shop.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Tiantian lying on the counter and dozing off.

Mizuki stepped forward and shook the bell in front of the counter.

"Jingle Bell!"

Tiantian woke up immediately and said with sleepy eyes: "Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep. What do you want to buy, Senior Mizuki?"

She didn't recognize Mizuki at first, but after she met Mizuki with Metkai that day, she got to know him.

"I want the sealing scroll."

Tiantian introduced: "The sealing scroll has different prices depending on its capacity."

"The one with a capacity of 1 liter costs 10,000 taels. The one with a capacity of 8 liters costs 100,000 taels. The one with a capacity of 27 liters costs 1 million taels. The price of 64 liters is 10 million taels..."

The object-sealing scroll is to inscribe the time-space sealing technique on the scroll to create a small space in which objects can be stored.

For example, Tiantian's sealing scroll contains everything, including ninja tools and food and drink.

Therefore, when the third shift goes out to perform tasks, there is never a shortage of food and drink.

The corners of Mizuki's mouth twitched, so expensive!

The main thing is that the total volume of the three boxes at home is definitely more than 27 liters.

If you want to carry all the money away, you will need a sealing scroll with a capacity of at least 64 liters.

But for 64 liters, it costs 10 million taels.

He didn't bring that much money, and he didn't dare to bring that much money.

If he really dared to spend 10 million taels to buy the seal scroll, Sandai would dare to bring someone here within three minutes and search out all the money in the family.

The origin of the large amount of property is unknown. The Three Generations Association announced to the villagers that Shuimu collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, making a profit of 100 million taels.

capital offense!

"I...I bought 1 liter. I would like 3 liters."

There is no way, you can't buy expensive ones, you can only buy cheap ones. Just use it as small as the capacity is, and you'll see Sakura in a while.

If you take out 30,000 taels, the third generation will not doubt it.

It's almost 7 o'clock, and Mizuki has come to take care of her.

In front of Lela, Naruto had arrived long ago.

"Master Mizuki, let's go in first. I'm starving." Naruto urged anxiously.

Mizuki smiled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Wait for Sasuke and Sakura to come together. Look, they are here."

The four of them gathered together, and Mizuki immediately took out three sealing scrolls.

"Here, this is for you, one for each person."

"The capacity is 1 liter. Although it can't hold too many things, it's also."

Although Naruto is usually careless, he has gained a lot of experience recently and knows that this kind of scroll is precious, so he didn't take it at the first time.

Sasuke didn't say anything. He didn't lack this kind of scroll. It didn't matter whether he wanted it or not. It mainly depended on Naruto and Sakura.

Sakura said directly: "Master, this is too expensive. I can't take it."

Mizuki: "The money has been spent. If you don't want it, you can't return it. Take it. I still have this little money."

The three of them could only accept it.

[Ding! 】

【The host grants the apprentice Haruno Sakura a 1-liter sealing scroll, triggering a thousand-fold return. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained a 1-cubic-meter storage ring. 】

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