The chakra in his body has changed.

He hurriedly sensed the chakra in his body, and then his expression froze.

"No, the chakra doesn't seem to be missing!"

He confirmed again and again that the chakra was indeed not missing.

So, there was something wrong with the data given by the system?

"Hey, system, what's wrong with you? You can make such a low-level mistake?"

System: [Host, please be careful with your words, the system never makes low-level mistakes. ]

Shui Mu curled his lips: "Then why did the chakra data change?"

The system replied: [This is because Kakashi's total chakra has increased 10 times. ]

[The standard has changed, and the data will of course change accordingly. ]

"Kakashi's total chakra has increased 10 times?" Shui Mu was shocked.

What's going on? Could it be that Kakashi drank the inferior version of the Water of the Hero that he gave to Lee?

"So, your chakra data is really tied to Kakashi, right!"

System said bluntly: [Not bad! ]

Shuimu: "Then, since the chakra standard has changed, why is the chakra recovery speed still 2.5 cards/minute? Shouldn't it be 0.25 cards/minute?"

"Did you make a low-level mistake and didn't change it?"

"Or, did my chakra recovery speed increase by 10 times for free?"

System: [What 2.5 cards/minute, you read it wrong...]

[I reiterate that this system never makes low-level mistakes. ]

At this time, the chakra recovery column on the attribute bar has become 0.25 cards/minute.

Shuimu: ...

You are stubborn, I won't expose you!

But I despise you!

In the next few days, Shuimu had nothing to do. He made tea every day to improve his mental strength, and then used Liushen Flower Water to feel the natural energy.

Slow progress!

It seemed that life was boring.

So, in his free time, he practiced Rock Escape.

The reason for practicing Rock Escape is that after practicing it, he will gain the ability to petrify.

And it is a petrification that can be freely controlled!

In other words, as long as he can practice Rock Escape, he will not be afraid of the natural energy infusion of Toad Pill, and he does not have to worry about turning into a stone frog and dying.

Because even if he turns into stone, he can freely restore his human body.

"The three attribute chakras of fire, earth, and thunder are fused in a specific proportion, and then a certain opportunity is triggered, and then the rock attribute chakra can be obtained."

But first, these three chakras must complete the nature change.

Among the seven basic chakra attributes, Shuimu only completed the nature change of the wind attribute chakra.

"It's just a nature change, it's a piece of cake!"

He completed the nature change of the wind attribute chakra very easily.

This depends on his super chakra control.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to change the properties of other chakras.

In less than two days, the three chakras of fire, earth and thunder were all cultivated into property changes.

But the next three-attribute fusion is the most difficult.

A specific ratio is nothing to Shuimu, as long as it is controlled well.

The difficulty lies in the opportunity!

Just like the Sage Mode, although the ratio of natural energy and chakra is easy to match, it just can't be cultivated.

Obviously, these things are a bit mysterious and involve the metaphysical field that Shuimu doesn't understand.

So, he can only try many times to try to trigger the opportunity.

But in a blink of an eye, seven days have passed, and the opportunity has not been encountered, which makes his rock escape practice stagnant.

Just one step away, but this step is like a chasm, no matter how hard he tries, he can't get over it.

Seeing that the full moon night is tonight, Shuimu stopped practicing.

"Forget it, if I can't cultivate it, then I can't cultivate it!"

"When I find a way to remove the space blockade from the secret realm of the Uzumaki clan, I won't have to be afraid of Gamamaru anymore!"

He has made preparations and is going to go back to Phoenix Village to find Kushina before dinner, and let Kushina take him to find the entrance to the secret realm of the Uzumaki clan.

And on this day, thousands of ninjas from the Sand Village entered the territory of the Bird Country in large numbers.

In Phoenix Village, Kushina relied on the barrier to detect the movements of the Sand Ninjas at the first time.

She thought the Sand Ninjas were going to attack Phoenix Village, but after observing for a while, she found that this was not the case.

The Sand Ninjas did not stay in the Bird Country, nor did they move towards Phoenix Village. They just went along the wilderness to the border of the Earth Country.

"Not attacking the Bird Country, but attacking the Earth Country?"

Kushina wondered why the Sand Ninjas suddenly launched a war against the Earth Country?

She expanded the range of the barrier and crossed the Earth Country.

The Sand Ninjas were at the border of the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Earth, observing the actions of the Sand Ninjas.

Soon, the Sand Ninjas arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Earth and launched a surprise attack.

Several Rock Ninja teams stationed at the border of the Kingdom of Earth had no chance to react to the surprise attack and were directly crushed and slaughtered.

The border was breached, and the Sand Ninjas marched straight in and invaded the hinterland of the Kingdom of Earth.

"The Sand Ninjas actually started a war!" Kushina looked solemn.

Once the war started, it would not be just the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth that would be affected.

The Kingdom of Birds, sandwiched in the middle, would inevitably be implicated, and both the economy and agriculture, and even the safety of the people, would be greatly affected.

"This matter must be notified to Mizuki immediately!"

She hurriedly left the barrier room, and as soon as she came out, she met Tsunade.

"Kushina, why are you so flustered? What happened?"

Kushina said, "Tsunade-sama, more than 3,000 Sand Ninjas have crossed the Bird Country and launched a war against the Earth Country."

"They have crossed the border and invaded the heartland of the Earth Country."

Tsunade's face became solemn when she heard this.

Having experienced several ninja wars, she knew the cruelty of war.

When a war breaks out between two countries, it is not just the two countries that are affected.

The surrounding countries will be affected, and the effect of being caught in the middle will be even more miserable.

As a strategic buffer zone between big countries, small countries have always been the main place where large-scale group battles break out.

"Let Naruto's shadow clone pass on the message!"

Kushina nodded, found a Naruto shadow clone guarding the gate, and told him the news that the Sand Ninjas attacked the Earth Country.

"Quickly release it, pass the memory to the main body, and then let the main body notify Mizuki."

The shadow clone nodded and released it by itself.

Somewhere in the wild of Iwagakure, Naruto, who was practicing the change of wind-attribute chakra, immediately received the memory information sent back by the shadow clone.

His face changed, and he immediately stopped practicing, flew back to Iwagakure in Thunder God, and found Mizuki who was drinking tea.

"Master, something bad happened, the Sand Village attacked the Land of Earth!"

Mizuki was stunned: "What six major sects besieged Guangmingding?"

Naruto: ...

"Master, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, the Sand Village of the Wind Country has launched a war against the Rock Village of the Land of Earth!"

Mizuki said "Oh" and said indifferently: "It's okay, they fight them, we don't need to care."

Tonight is the full moon night, and his main task now is to wait until night to go to the underwater secret realm of the Whirlpool Country to search for a way to break the space blockade barrier.

Apart from this matter, everything else is an insignificant trifle.

Naruto: "But mom said that the Bird Country is sandwiched between the Wind Country and the Earth Country. If a war breaks out between the two countries, the Bird Country will be affected and turned into a scorched earth."

Shuimu: "Don't worry, they can fight as they please. As for the Bird Country, I'm here, nothing will happen."

"Whoever dares to harm the Bird Country, we can stop them."

"If they dare not listen, you can throw 1,800 large jade Rasengan at their village."

"If it doesn't work, there's still me!"

When Naruto heard this, it seemed to be the truth.

"Then I'll go back to the village and tell mom not to worry."

After Naruto left, not long after, Elder Yi of the Rock Village suddenly came to the hotel and found Shuimu.

Seeing his hurried look, Shuimu knew at a glance that the news that the Sand Ninja had launched a war had spread to the Rock Village.

"Lord Fengying, I'm very sorry!"

"Due to an emergency, the Wind Country declared war on the Earth Country, and three thousand ninjas from the Sand Village have entered the border of the Earth Country."

"The Rock Village will organize a counterattack, so this Chunin Exam can only be interrupted."

"Please ask Lord Fengying to take the participating Genin out of the Earth Country."

Mizuki had long anticipated that the Rock Ninja would cancel the Chunin Exam and expel people from other villages.

After all, if the war breaks out, the Rock Village will inevitably send a large force of ninjas to participate in the exhibition, which will lead to the emptiness of the Rock Village.

At this time, if the people of Konoha Village, Kumo Village, and Phoenix Village continue to stay in the Rock Village, if they are stabbed in the back, the Rock Village will be in big trouble.

Therefore, expulsion is necessary.

Mizuki stood up and said seriously: "No!"

"The Chunin Exam must not be stopped!"

I have been looking forward to the Chunin Exam for a long time. Naruto and Rock Lee will pass the exam and become Chunin in a few days. How can it be stopped now?

Elder B: ...

"Please forgive me, Master Fengying!"

"We are forced to do this. It's all because of the Sand Village's crazy heart that they suddenly started a war!"

Mizuk shook his head: "No matter what, the Chunin Exam must go on. I will not leave the Rock Village until the exam is over."

"If the Rock Village doesn't agree, I will

Join forces with the Sand Village to wage war against the Land of Earth."

Elder B's face turned green.

This is too much of a bully!

"Well, don't blame me, Master Fengying. I'll go back and ask Master Tsuchikage for instructions and then give you a reply."

Elder B left quickly and went to find Ohnoki.

At the same time, the Fourth Raikage of the Cloud Ninja and Jiraiya of Konoha also received the news.

The Fourth Raikage said it didn't matter and prepared to take people away.

But Jiraiya was a little unhappy.

"Take me to see the Tsuchikage!"

Soon Jiraiya saw Ohnoki and said straight to the point: "The Chunin Exam cannot end, otherwise the plan of the Great Toad Sage will fail."

Ohnoki didn't buy it this time.

"Whether to kill Mizuki or not is secondary to me and to the Rock Ninja Village. Dealing with the attack of the Sand Ninja is the most important thing for the Rock Ninja Village. ”

“If the Great Toad Sage wants to blame someone, just blame the Sand Ninja for messing things up!”

“You ninjas from other villages must leave before nightfall today, otherwise don’t blame me for using force to drive you away.”

Jiraiya was helpless.

War is a big deal, and Ohnoki’s decision is understandable.

Just then, Elder B rushed in and shouted, “Lord Tsuchikage, it’s bad!”

“Mizuki said that the Chunin Exam cannot be stopped, otherwise he will join forces with the Sand Ninja Village to attack our Rock Ninja Village.”

“Lord Tsuchikage, what can we do!”



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