The two armies faced each other.

Eight hundred miles south of the Rock Village, there was a land of disordered rocks, where the two armies faced each other.

Thousands of troops from the Sand Village were deployed here.

On the opposite side, the Rock Village temporarily organized a brigade of 300 ninjas, taking advantage of the terrain, and performing various earth-attributed ninjutsu to desperately block the Sand Ninja's advance.

The Sand Ninja's surprise attack came without any warning, catching the Rock Ninja off guard.

Ohnoki quickly deployed troops, but only gathered 300 people here.

The huge gap in numbers made the Rock Ninja unable to stop at all, and they could only fight and retreat.

"Wind Ninja Squad, Wind Style Breakthrough Technique, get ready!"

"Others, Exploding Talisman Kunai, get ready!"

"Direction, 30° left of the front line."

At Maki's command, hundreds of ninjas immediately stood in the front row and formed seals at the same time.

There were jonin and chunin.

"Wind Style Breakthrough Technique!" Hundreds of people shouted in unison.

They blew out whirlwinds at the same time.

The whirlwinds spurted out by each person were different in strength, but when hundreds of whirlwinds were concentrated together, the power increased immediately.

In an instant, the wind howled, the sand and rocks flew, like a 16-level typhoon, and an 800-kilogram cow could be blown directly into the sky.

"First throw, kunai, throw!"

Maki gave the order again, and hundreds of kunai with explosive talismans were thrown out.

These kunai entered the whirlwind, followed the wind, and with the help of the cover of sand and dust, they quickly shot towards the opposite side.

On the other side, the Rock Ninja also responded immediately.

"Earth escape. Earth Flow Wall!"

Hundreds of people formed seals together to release the Earth Flow Wall. One wall after another rose up and lined up in front of the position, forming a defensive wall hundreds of meters long.

The next moment, a strong wind blew.

The wind blew on the surface of the Earth Flow Wall, carrying away piles of soil and rocks, but it could never blow the Earth Flow Wall down.

But then, one kunai after another pierced the surface of the Earth Flow Wall, and the "hissing" sound continued.

"It's a detonating talisman, be careful!" Someone among the Rock Ninja shouted.

The next moment, explosions sounded one after another.

"Boom boom boom ~"

The Earth Flow Wall was immediately blown to pieces and collapsed in pieces.

From the direction of the Sand Ninja, Maki ordered.

"Second team, kunai, throw!"

Hundreds of kunai flew out again. This time, there was no Earth Flow Wall to block it. The kunai flew directly into the Rock Ninja position and pierced the ground.

"Be careful!"

People shouted frantically, but it was too late!

The next moment, the explosion of the detonating tag sounded again.

With just one round of explosion, hundreds of rock ninjas were killed or injured, which was extremely miserable.

Maki shouted: "The enemy's right wing has been breached. Send 300 people to advance from the left front. Kill all the rock ninjas you meet!"

"The rest of you, attack the enemy's middle road, focus on the enemy, and don't let them support the right wing."

"Wind Ninja Squad, Wind Breakthrough Technique, prepare!"

The smoke billowed, and the blood filled the air!

War is so cruel, it's either you die or I die!

With the help of Flying Thunder God, Shuimu flashed to the nearest position to the battlefield here, and then flew over from the air.

Looking at the tragic battle below, Shuimu clapped his hands without saying a word and shouted:

"Ninja Technique. Heaven's Shock Star!"

The next moment, a huge meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters fell from the sky with a huge sense of oppression.

The sky darkened slightly, and the clouds and mist dissipated.

Below, the Sand Ninja and the Rock Ninja stopped fighting unconsciously, looked up at this shocking scene, and their eyes became dull.

The strong visual impact made their blood seem to freeze.

"What... is this... a natural disaster?"

"It's over, this meteorite is right above us, and when it falls, we will all die!"

Everyone was desperate.

It was too late to escape.

Even if they ran out of the range where the meteorite fell, the meteorite would definitely explode after landing, and the shock wave and debris generated would be enough to destroy everything within a radius of one kilometer.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Look, there is someone under the meteorite!"

Everyone immediately looked closely, and as expected, they saw that under the meteorite, there was a person standing in the air, hanging under the meteorite, and against the backdrop of the huge meteorite, he looked like a god.

Maki said in horror: "It's Fengying Shuimu from Phoenix Village!"

Under everyone's gaze, Shuimu suddenly raised one hand above his head and pressed the surface of the meteorite.

The power of the Samsara Eye acted on the meteorite, causing a huge repulsive force between the meteorite and the ground.

It was enough to offset the repulsive force of the meteorite's weight.

The next moment, the meteorite's falling speed immediately slowed down, and it became slower and slower until it reached the bottom.

After that, it completely stopped.

Thousands of meters in the sky, the meteorite hovered.

It was like a star exploding from the ground!

"He, he stopped the meteorite from falling?"

"Is this a god?"

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Holding up a meteorite falling from the sky with one hand, is this something that human power can do?

Shuimu fell from a high altitude and finally floated a hundred meters above the battlefield.

"From today on, no fighting is allowed between the Sand Ninja and the Rock Ninja until the end of the Chunin Exam in Rock Ninja Village."

"Which side violates this will be hit by a meteorite!"

"If I can summon a meteorite, I can summon the second, the third..."

On the ground, on the Sand Ninja side, Maki asked tremblingly: "Meteorite, did you summon the meteorite?"

Shui Mu smiled faintly: "You don't believe it?"

The next moment, he clapped his hands and shouted again: "Ninja technique. Heaven's Shocking Star!"

The second meteorite fell from the sky, and when it fell to a height of one thousand meters above the ground, the speed did not decrease and continued to fall.

800 meters, 600 meters, 300 meters...

The strong wind pressure made some Genin unstable and lie on the ground.


The next moment, Shui Mu raised his hand, and the speed of the meteorite dropped sharply immediately, and finally stopped when it was a hundred meters above the ground.

At this time, everyone understood that the meteorite was really summoned by Shui Mu.

This feat of summoning and stopping at any time scared everyone.

"My proposal has been accepted by the Third Tsuchikage. Do you Sand Ninjas agree?"

Maki said hurriedly: "Yes, we agree!"

"Not only will we cease fire, we will withdraw from the territory of the Land of Earth and return to the Rock Ninja Village. We will never wage war again!"


Mizuki said: "Don't worry, I am only temporarily mediating your fight. I don't want to deal with the Sand Ninja Village."

"After the Chunin Exam of the Rock Ninja Village is over, you can fight however you want. I won't care."

"Now, both sides stop fighting and retreat 800 meters each. Before the Chunin Exam is over, you cannot cross the location of the meteorite."

"Otherwise, I will do what I say!"

Both sides dared not say a word and retreated obediently.

Seeing that both sides were honest, Mizuki left and went to other battlefields.

The three thousand Sand Ninjas were divided into three routes and advanced in three directions. The central battlefield had been mediated by Mizuki, and then Mizuki used the same trick again, and the left and right routes were mediated.

The visual impact of the meteorite landing and stopping in mid-air was too strong.

The Sand Ninja and the Rock Ninja were both scared and dared not fight again.

It was dark and the full moon rose.

"Go to the Rock Ninja Village to say hello to Ohnoki first, and then you can go to the Whirlpool Country and enter the secret realm under the sea."

"I hope everything goes well in the secret realm tonight!"

With a flying thunder god, Mizuki appeared directly in the hotel room of the Rock Ninja Village.

He opened the door and walked out of the room, going straight to the Tsuchikage's office.

"Lord Fengying, Lord Tsuchikage has been waiting for a long time." Elder Yi greeted at the door.

Mizuki entered the office and saw Ohnoki.

"Lord Fengying is really good!" Ohnoki praised.

The information from the front, several suspended meteorites, made Ohnoki more afraid of Mizuki.

He now wished that the Chunin Exam would end immediately, and he was just waiting for the celebration banquet, and while Mizuki was happy and defenseless, he would send Mizuki to Myoboku Mountain.

Mizuki smiled lightly and said, "It's just a trick!"

"Next, the Sand Ninja will not dare to push the front line any further, and Lord Tsuchikage will have plenty of time to deploy troops."

Ohnoki smiled and said, "Yes, this is also thanks to Lord Kazekage, who has greatly reduced the losses of the Rock Ninja Village."

Mizuki: "In that case, give me the money!"

Ohnoki's smile froze.

He didn't want to take the money, but he had to take it, so he could only wave his hand and ask someone to take out the money.

3 billion taels, if you trigger a thousand-fold return, it would be 3 trillion taels.

But Mizuki was calm.

He had been used to big scenes for a long time, and this was nothing.

He put the money away, without even counting it, and he didn't even have the interest to look at it again, as if these things were not money, but waste paper.

Ohnoki felt more and more distressed. .

3 billion taels, Ohnoki's eyes twitched with pain. It was enough to hire the Akatsuki organization more than a dozen times.

So, he simply turned his head and pretended not to see it!

"As the saying goes, if you take money from someone, you should give it to him to get rid of his misfortune. Lord Tsuchikage is so generous. If there is such a good thing in the future, don't forget me!"

Ohnoki: "Lord Phoenix Kage is very busy, so I won't bother you in the future!"

Mizuki left the Tsuchikage's office, then left the Iwagakure and returned to the Phoenix Village.

In the Tsuchikage's office, Ohnoki started throwing things again!

Dingling banged and smashed!


Mizuki returned to the Phoenix Village and found Kushina!

"Let's go!


Kushina nodded.

Shuimu walked to Kushina's side, stretched out his hand to press her shoulder, and the next moment, the two disappeared on the spot.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived at the Whirlpool Country.

In order not to waste time on the road, Shuimu had been to the Whirlpool Country a few days ago and left the Flying Thunder God Mark.

So today he flashed directly over.

"Next, you show the way!"

Kushina looked at the sky and shook her head and said, "Not today, the secret realm needs moonlight to open."

"But today is cloudy, and it will even rain. The secret realm cannot be opened without the illumination of moonlight."

The Whirlpool Country is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the climate is humid. Rainy days are the most common weather.

Shuimu looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds, and the moonlight was blocked.

But he didn't care, just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter!"

"Just a few dark clouds, I'll solve it! "

His figure floated up at an extremely fast speed, and in a blink of an eye he reached an altitude of 10,000 meters and entered the clouds.

The golden Samsara Eye in his right eye opened.

"Super Shinra Tensei!"

More than half of his chakra was consumed in an instant, and the powerful repulsive force spread out in all directions with him as the center.

Wherever he went, the clouds retreated and the blue sky was revealed!

A blue hole expanded in all directions with Mizuki as the center. In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds in the sky within a few kilometers were completely cleared.

On the ground, Kushina looked at the blue sky that appeared in the sky and sighed at Mizuki's strength.

"With his strength, he can at least pass the third level of the secret realm!"

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