The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Congratulations to the host, the system has increased the number of apprentices by 2. 】

Shuimu was overjoyed.

Finally, I can finally accept new apprentices and get more benefits from the system.


Onoki and others all noticed that Shuimu was very happy.

Onoki picked up the teacup on the table beside him and drank three mouthfuls in a row.

This is a signal!

Behind Onoki, a Rock Ninja Anbu who served as the Tsuchikage's guard quietly had a scroll in his hand.

The next moment the scroll unfolded, and a spherical barrier immediately unfolded, instantly covering a radius of 30 meters.

"Not good!"

The Fourth Raikage, the Fifth Mizukage, and Mizuki were all shocked.

"Tsuchikage, what are you going to do?" the Fourth Raikage shouted.

Mizuki realized that this barrier blocked the space.

"This barrier is aimed at me!" He immediately stood up and rushed out of the barrier at the fastest speed.

But it was too late!

Jiraiya had already completed the seal, pressed one hand on the ground and shouted: "Ninjutsu. Summoning Technique!"

A flesh wall appeared around, tightly wrapping the space where the few people were.

"This is the stomach of the Rocky Toad of Myoboku Mountain. Damn it, it's Myoboku Mountain again!"

He was careless. Just now, because the number of apprentices in the system increased, his mind relaxed his vigilance.

Mizuki was extremely anxious. He rushed to the stomach wall. The Rasengan had been made and pressed towards the stomach wall.

But the defense of the Rocky Toad's stomach was too high, and the Rasengan could not cause any damage to it at all.

"Give up, Mizuki!" Jiraiya said.

"You are now in the temple of the Great Toad Sage in Myoboku Mountain."

After the words fell, the stomach of the Iwasukage dissipated, and as expected, they were already in the temple of Myoboku Mountain.

In front of him, Gamamaru sat on the seat, looking down at Mizuki.

Mizuki's heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley!

This time, it was really over!

Under the blockade of space, he could not enter the virtual state.

The only means to save his life in front of Gamamaru was also useless.

The Fourth Raikage and the Fifth Mizukage had not figured out the situation yet, and their guards were also full of doubts.

"Where is this?" Raikage asked.

Jiraiya explained: "This is the temple of the Great Toad Sage in Myoboku Mountain. I am very sorry that I did not tell you in advance about the action against Mizuki this time, and I was afraid that the news would leak..."

Before Jiraiya finished speaking, he was attacked by Mizuki.

Also attacked was the Tsuchikage Ohnoki.


"Jiraiya, Onoki, you dare to join forces with Gamamaru to plot against me. Even if I die today, I will drag you two down with me."

The two were pulled towards Mizuki by gravity. A black stick appeared in Mizuki's hand and pointed at their hearts.

Seeing that the two were about to be pierced through the heart by the black stick, Gamamaru moved.

It sprayed two filaments of fairy chakra from its mouth, entangled Onoki and Jiraiya at a faster speed, and pulled them back to get rid of Mizuki's Ten-Xiang-Tian-Yin.

Mizuki was of course unwilling to give up.

He took out the bottle of unfinished Toad Brew and poured the rest into his mouth.

"Fairy Technique. Super. Shinra Tensei!" He risked it all!

The chakra in his body was directly consumed, whether it was ordinary chakra or fairy chakra.

The next moment, it was like a nuclear explosion!

With Shuimu as the center, the terrifying repulsive force impacted, and instantly a pit appeared on the ground under his feet, and the pit continued to deepen and expand.

The stones and rebels could not withstand the impact and turned into nothingness. Wherever the repulsive force reached, everything was annihilated.

As the repulsive force spread to the surroundings, the destruction became greater and greater.

Toadmaru was shocked and hurriedly exhaled a few breaths of fairy air, wrapping up Onoki and others.

"What a terrifying power, this Shuimu, when did he master the fairy chakra?" Toadmaru's face changed slightly.

The repulsive force continued to expand its range, and wherever it reached, everything turned into nothingness.

Soon, the repulsive force hit the wall of the temple. There was a defensive barrier on the wall, which slightly blocked it.

But the repulsive force was too strong, and the barrier could not stop it.

Cracks appeared on the wall. If it continued like this, it would collapse sooner or later.

"Oh no! If the temple collapses, I will have no place to live!"

Gamamaru was shocked and immediately blew out a large amount of immortal energy, which attached to the walls, ceiling, and floor, and finally blocked the destruction of the repulsive force.

At this time, Gamamaru looked even older.

Every time he blew out immortal energy, it consumed his lifespan.

Immortal Technique. Super. Shinra Tensei, full

It lasted for half a minute.

When the repulsive force dissipated, the entire temple was in a mess.

The simplest word to describe it is: bare!

Except for the walls and ceiling, there was nothing else in the temple, including Gamamaru's seat, table, wine bottle and wine glass, and scrolls on the wall...

"If it weren't for the temple blocking it, this attack would have been enough to destroy the entire Myoboku Mountain." Gamamaru's face was solemn.

Ohnoki and others were stunned at this time.

They didn't die, and they were intact under the protection of Gamamaru's fairy spirit.

But just now, seeing all the objects around them being annihilated, their hearts almost died!

"Is this the true strength of Mizuki? It's too terrifying!" Ohnoki was glad that he didn't act impulsively before.

If he had acted impulsively to kill Mizuki at that time, I'm afraid it would be a problem whether the Rock Village would still exist.

At this time, Mizuki had exhausted his chakra, panting, and his expression was listless.

"Alas, the chakra is still insufficient."

"If there were twice as much chakra, this temple would have been destroyed!"

Unfortunately, he didn't have that much chakra.

This time, he really had no choice.

Gamamaru said to Jiraiya and others: "You leave first! Next, I will kill Mizuki."

"After leaving the temple, Fukasaku will take you away from Myoboku Mountain."

It waved its hand and opened a door. Jiraiya and others entered the door and disappeared.

Gamamaru asked them to leave because they couldn't know what was going to happen next.

In the temple, only Gamamaru and Mizuki were left.

Gamamaru looked down at Mizuki and smiled: "Mizuki, don't you accept your fate? This time, all your backhands have been removed by me, and you can't escape."

"Hand over the secret technique of Tianyuan Yu to me."

"You have no choice!"

Mizuki looked at Gamamaru and suddenly smiled.

"All your backhands are removed? Old man, you are always so confident, but unfortunately, you will fail again this time."

"Do you think I didn't make other preparations?"

Iwagakure, Chunin Exam finals.

On the highest stand, the sudden disappearance of five village leaders caused an uproar.

Naruto and Gaara stopped fighting immediately.

In the audience, Ningci, Hinata, Haku, and Nobita sat together.

"Where did Mizuki-sama go? What is the flesh wall that just appeared?" Hinata was worried.

Ningci said in a deep voice: "It seems to be a living thing. My Byakugan saw that Mizuki-sama was in the flesh wall and looked very anxious."

"I'm afraid it's Mount Myōboku again."

At this time, Nobita stood up and bit his finger to seal.

"Ninjutsu. Summoning Technique!"

With a bang, the extraordinary ninja cat Watermelon appeared.

"Watermelon, use the reverse summoning technique quickly to summon Master Mizuki." Nobita urged.

This is what Shuimu told Nobita. If anything happens to him, immediately ask Xigua to reverse summon.

Xigua didn't ask any more questions and directly used the reverse summoning technique, but Shuimu was not summoned.

"The summoning is not possible. The contract is weak. Something is blocking it." Xigua looked helpless.

Nobita's face changed drastically.

"This is really bad!"

At this time, Naruto and Gaara flew near the four people.

"Do you know what's going on?" Naruto asked anxiously.

Ningci explained: "Sir Mizuki was taken to Myoboku again. Xigua used the reverse summoning technique just now, but failed to summon Sir Mizuki back."

"This time, I'm afraid it's more dangerous than good!"

Naruto looked gloomy and asked: "Do you know what happened in the stands just now?"

Ningci: "It seems that the guards of the Tsuchikage took out a scroll and set up a barrier. Then a flesh wall similar to the esophagus appeared. When the flesh wall disappeared, Sir Mizuki and the others disappeared."

Naruto clenched his fists and said angrily: "The Tsuchikage must have joined forces with the toads in Myoboku. Damn it, they actually want to harm Master Mizuki. I want to destroy the Rock Village."

The Nine-Tails chakra began to overflow from Naruto's body, and his eyes turned into vertical pupils.

Going berserk again!

At Myoboku Mountain, Gamamaru seemed to feel something and chuckled.

"Shuimu, I know you have a backup plan, which is to let your summoning beast use the reverse summoning technique to summon you away."

"But do you think I am not prepared?"

"Last time you escaped from Myoboku Mountain, you used the reverse summoning technique. Do you really think I don't know?"

"This time, there is also a contract seal barrier in the barrier, so your plan has failed!"

Shuimu's face changed drastically.

After waiting for a while, he was not summoned away. He knew that what Gamamaru said was true.

The reverse summoning backup plan did not work.

So far, he has no way to escape from the predicament.

"Hand over the Tianyuan Yu secret technique obediently, and say

Maybe I can spare your life!" Gamamaru has coveted Tianyuan Yu for a long time.

This time, he finally caught Shuimu, and he couldn't wait.

Shuimu sneered: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"If I don't give you the secret technique, you won't kill me. If I give it to you, you will definitely kill me at the first time."

"So, you are dreaming to get Tianyuan Yu from me."

Gamamaru said calmly: "If you don't give it to me, I will kill you directly. Anyway, you are not the only one who masters the secret technique of Tianyuan Yu."

"Comparatively speaking, Naruto is much easier to deal with than you."

Shuimu's heart sank to the bottom.

But he knew that once he compromised, he would die faster.

"Don't dream, I won't tell you anyway. If you have the ability, you can hypnotize me with illusion or explore my soul memory."

Gamamaru snorted coldly.

"Hmph! "

"If you don't accept my offer, don't blame me for searching your memory!"

At this time, Mizuki's chakra was exhausted and he had no power to resist.

Gamamaru was ready to take action, but at this moment, the Six Paths Sage came.

Looking at the gradually solid figure of the Six Paths Sage, Gamamaru frowned slightly.

The Six Paths Sage glanced at Mizuki and said to Gamamaru: "He controls Izanami of the Uchiha clan, don't do it like last time."

Gamamaru said: "Don't worry, I have a solution."

It sprayed a wisp of fairy air and landed on Mizuki's left eye. Mizuki immediately felt that the power of the Sharingan was sealed.

"I have sealed his Sharingan. Although the seal cannot last long, it is enough. "

The next moment, the power of nature poured into Mizuki's body.

Mizuki's limbs began to petrify, until finally, his whole body was petrified, turning into a huge stone frog.

"This scourge is finally eliminated!" Gamamaru said with a smile.

The soul of a petrified person is sealed inside the stone by natural energy, and he will not enter the Pure Land.

The Six Paths Sage frowned, but did not say anything, and did not suspect that Gamamaru had other thoughts.

He felt the stone frog, but did not feel the breath of life, just thinking that Mizuki was really dead.

"Since Mizuki is dead, the ninja world should get back on track."

"Sasuke is in the Ryuchi Cave and will come out soon. The Akatsuki organization's collection of tailed beasts will also continue."

"That's Obito..."

Gamamaru said: "Obito is dead, let's change someone else, or let Madara appear directly. "

The Six Paths Sage did not comment!

In the mouths of the two, what was about to happen in the ninja world seemed to be a script.

The Six Paths Sage left, and only Gamamaru and the giant stone frog were left in the temple.

"Hagoromo may still be paying attention, so we should not rush. Wait for a while and then explore Mizuki's memory."

Gamamaru waved his hand, and the stone frog flew out of the temple and landed next to an oil pool at the bottom of the mountain, becoming a new landscape.

What he didn't know was that Mizuki's chakra was changing inside the stone frog.

The three attributes of fire, earth, and lightning chakras were originally incompatible.

But at this moment, these three chakras began to merge.

The opportunity for rock escape appeared inexplicably.

In the core part of the stone frog, a heart that was petrified on the surface and almost dead inside suddenly beat.

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