The old man was in trouble.

In Iwagakure, Mizuki is still looking for the Five-Tails Jinchuriki.

But he has almost walked around Iwagakure, but he still can't find the real one.

"Iwagakure is very big. It's hard to find the Five-Tails Jinchuriki if I wander around like this alone."

Unless I'm lucky enough to meet him on the street, but the probability is not high.

After all, Iwagakure is now using troops against foreign countries, and the atmosphere in the village is not as good as before, so there are not many people wandering around.

"Besides, the Four-Tails Jinchuriki was captured by the Akatsuki organization before, so Ohnoki will definitely be alert and let the Five-Tails Jinchuriki hide."

So, if you want to find the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, you have to change your mindset.

"I need intelligence!"

Searching for intelligence is a piece of cake for Mizuki, who has the Rinnegan.

He easily sneaked into the Tsuchikage Building and captured a Chunin working in the building and took him into the Kamui Space.

Human Road. Memory Reading!

But after reading the memory of this Chunin, Mizuki frowned.

This person did not know the whereabouts of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki.

However, Mizuki was not without gain. At least he knew one thing from this person's memory.

"Ohnoki was indeed alert and hid the Five-Tails Jinchuriki."

As for where the person was hiding, only Ohnoki knew.

The Land of Earth is so big that Mizuki cannot search everywhere.

But if Ohnoki is caught and his memory is read, his fake death will be easily exposed.

"No, there is another way, use the super perception barrier to locate the search."

"Unless he hides in a secret realm, he cannot escape the perception of the barrier."

After Mizuki thought of a way, he immediately planned to prove it.

To use the super perception barrier to find the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, you must first get a part of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki's body tissue.

Hair, nails, etc. will do.

"If you find his residence, you will definitely gain something."

Unfortunately, this Chunin did not know the residence of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki.

"The higher-ups should know, such as those elders."

Mizuki took action again and quickly locked onto an elder, who was Elder Yi, who Mizuki was familiar with.

This time, the Rock Village sent out 5,000 people to capture the tailed beast. As the saying goes, the food and grass must be sent before the troops move. Elder Yi stayed in the village and was responsible for the allocation of war materials.

So he was very busy and there were many people around him.

And there were two Jonin guards following him at all times, even when he went to the toilet, they would guard outside the door.

The three of them were together all the time, and Mizuki would be noticed as long as he took action.

He didn't want to make a big noise, so he didn't take action directly, but hid in the dark and waited for an opportunity to move.

Since it's a fake death, then you have to die well.

"As long as there's no noise, it's fine. Although the Six Paths Sage monitors the ninja world, he won't be able to detect me immediately."

The Six Paths Sage is not omnipotent, otherwise, how could he not detect the existence of Black Zetsu?

Although Mizuki was cautious, he was not timid.

He hid in a tree opposite the gate of the Tsuchikage Building in the form of Tianyuan Yu liquefied, always keeping an eye on the Tsuchikage Building.

Finally, Elder B came out.

The two guards still followed closely.

"Hey, the supplies are finally fully allocated, and we can finally take some time off."

Elder B stretched his body, walked into a hot spring hotel with two guards, and booked a single hot spring pool.

"I'll soak for fifteen minutes, you two stand guard at the door, and call me immediately if there's anything urgent!"

When he soaked in the hot spring water, closed his eyes and was about to enjoy it, a hand suddenly pressed on his head and pressed him into the water.

Before he could struggle, he was sucked into the space vortex.

Because his head was pressed into the water, he couldn't even call for help, and Elder Yi was held by Shuimu in the Kamui Space.

" are...Mizuki?" In the Kamui Space, Elder Yi's face changed drastically after seeing Shuimu's face.

Shuimu is not dead?

How could Shuimu not be dead?

It's over. Since Shuimu is not dead, then Lord Tsuchikage took people to Phoenix Village to snatch the tailed beast, isn't it a way to seek death!

"See you again!" Shuimu greeted.

Elder B asked in horror: "You...are you dead or alive?"

Shuimu smiled faintly: "Of course I'm alive."

"Do you really think that the old toad from Myoboku Mountain can kill me?"

Elder B said loudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"You are obviously dead. Lord Tsuchikage said that the big toad sage from Myoboku Mountain has petrified you."

"This is an illusion, it must be an illusion!"

"Haha!" Shuimu sneered.

He looked at Elder B quietly, watching him remove the illusion!

But the next moment, Elder B threw a kunai at Shuimu, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

He said something about illusion, but he was actually playing mad, and the purpose was to sneak attack now.

The kunai flew at a close distance, and the speed was very fast, but it was very slow in Shuimu's eyes.

He raised his hand lightly, and with a "ding" sound, he placed the kunai between his two fingers.

This level of attack was no threat to him.

"Earth escape. Rock Hidden Technique!"

After the words fell, Elder B's body began to fade, as if it became one with the rock under his feet.

"Haha, a trifle!"

"This level of invisibility is useless in front of the Samsara Eye and the Sharingan."

What Rock Hidden Technique, Shuimu saw through the other party at a glance.

"Okay, stop struggling!"

"Tell me where the Five-Tails Jinchuriki is. If you tell me the truth, I might spare your life and just lock you up here."

Elder Oto saw Mizuki's eyes staring at him, and knew that the Rock Hidden Technique didn't work, so he stopped hiding.

But he didn't give up struggling.

"Earth escape. Earth prison!"

A semicircular earth prison appeared, covering Mizuki in it.

Earth prison is a powerful earth escape ninjutsu that traps the enemy.

In the anime, when Sasuke defected, Konoha's Xiaoqiang went to chase him.

Jirobo, one of the Four Otonin, used this move to block several Xiaoqiangs and caused a lot of trouble.

The caster presses his hands on the outer surface of the earth prison and injects chakra into the earth prison. Even if the earth prison is damaged, it will be quickly repaired under the action of chakra.

The chakra of the people trapped in the earth prison will be slowly absorbed by the earth prison.

Overall, this move is still very powerful.

Shuimu shook his head and didn't intend to waste time.

"Shinra Tensei!"

The repulsive force exploded, and the earthen prison collapsed in an instant, and Elder Yi outside the earthen prison was also knocked out.

However, Shuimu saw that even though he flew out, his left hand was tightly clenched, and he seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Logically speaking, he was caught while taking a hot spring bath, and he should have nothing on him.

"Tianyin Wanxiang!"

Elder Yi's body immediately flew towards Shuimu again.

Elder Yi, flying in the air, thoroughly realized how powerful Shuimu was, and his eyes flashed with determination.

"Shuimu, you want to capture the Five-Tails of my Rock Village, this is impossible."

"I don't know the location of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, even if I know, I will never tell you."

"Even if I die, I will not let you get any information from me!"

As he said, he opened his left hand and revealed the thing under his hand.

It turned out to be a ball of mud.

Shuimu was puzzled. What was he doing holding a ball of mud?

Could this thing be a treasure?

But the next moment, Shuimu saw Elder Yi put the mud in his hand into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.


"This picture looks a bit like Deidara?"

Shuimu raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the next moment, he saw that many thin lines appeared under Elder Yi's skin, and these thin lines were connected to his heart.

His body also began to become empty, as if all the flesh and blood were converging towards the heart, so that other places were empty.

Shuimu thought: It's really self-destruction!

It seems that Deidara is not the only one who will self-destruct.

Elder B laughed crazily: "Hahaha, hahahaha~"

"The Great Toad Immortal can't kill you, but I can. This move of mine can cover a ten-mile radius, and all life within ten miles will be destroyed."

"Shui Mu, die with me!"

Shui Mu sneered: "Tsk!"

The next moment, Elder B was sucked in front of him by Wan Xiang Tian Yin.

"Hungry Ghost Path. Sealing Technique Suction Seal!"

As soon as the power of the Hungry Ghost Path was used, the chakra in Elder B's body immediately gathered towards Shui Mu's body.

In a blink of an eye, the chakra in Elder B's body was sucked clean.

The self-explosion was naturally interrupted. Elder B's body also returned to normal.

Chakra is gone, and there is no point in self-exploding!

"You...what did you do to me?" Elder B asked in horror.

Shui Mu didn't want to waste time anymore. He directly put his hand on Elder B's head and began to read his memory.

Soon, he got what he wanted, the residence of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, and he found it.

He didn't let go and continued to explore Elder Yi's memory.

He still valued some of the secret techniques of the Rock Village. For example, the Heavy Rock Technique, the Light and Heavy Rock Technique, and the Dust Release.

Although Elder Yi didn't know these secret techniques, he might know the scrolls of these secret techniques.

Where is the axis!

As expected, Shuimu quickly searched for the hiding place of the practice scrolls of the Heavy Rock Technique and the Light and Heavy Rock Technique.

As for Dust Release, this is the most important secret technique of the Tsuchikage lineage, which is never recorded on a scroll, but passed down by word of mouth.

"Forget it, let's talk about Dust Release later!"

"That old guy Ohnoki, it won't be long before I go to explore his memory again."

After collecting Elder Yi's soul, Shuimu left the Kamui space and went to the residence of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki first, and found some hair.

Then, he came to the Tsuchikage Building again and dived underground.

There is a secret room hidden at a depth of 300 meters.

Many secret techniques of the Rock Village are hidden here.

"Hehe, they are all mine!"

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