The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Sasuke was suppressed by the gate of the Myojin, unable to move, and unable to use his chakra.

Several shuriken flew over, and there were several ninjutsu, all aimed at Sasuke.

Naruto now lacked chakra and could not use the Samsara Natural Technique.

If he was killed now, it would be really over.

"Naruto, save me!" Sasuke was anxious.

Naruto immediately flew over with the Thunder God, and Shinra Tensei blocked all the attacks.

"Sasuke, why didn't you dodge? This thing is very evil."

"You clearly had time to dodge just now."

Naruto was very speechless.

He knew that something was falling on his head, but he didn't need to change his shape to dodge.

Do you really think you are stubborn?

Sasuke was embarrassed, but he couldn't lose face.

He must not tell others that he was trying to show off, after all, this show failed.

He said impatiently: "Why are you asking so many questions? Save me!"

Naruto was helpless and didn't ask any more questions.


Sasuke was pulled out of the coverage of the Mingshen Gate by gravity, and his body immediately regained freedom.

His face was full of frost, and he was very unhappy.

"I was careless just now and didn't dodge, but the dignified ninja god actually attacked by surprise, it's really a villain."

As he said, he passed in front of Naruto, drew his knife, and his eyes were murderous.

Naruto immediately said, "Sasuke, don't be impulsive. The first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, is very strong. I was defeated by him last time. You can't beat him."

"Although you have learned the Sage Mode, he also knows Sage Arts. You have no advantage."

It would have been better if Naruto didn't say this. As soon as he said this, Sasuke's competitive spirit was immediately aroused.

"I can't beat him?"

"What a joke, you were defeated by him, so you think I will be defeated by him?"

"You watch carefully and see how I beat him. What Ninja God is just a boast made up by Konoha."

"Didn't the third Hokage claim to be the strongest ninja? What happened?"

Naruto wanted to say something, but Sasuke interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry, I won't be as careless as before."

"I have the ability to change my form, so I can fight him to a draw at the very least."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the pale yellow barrier around him rose again, and the contract seal barrier was repaired.

In addition to the contract seal barrier, there are two more layers of four purple flame arrays, one inside and one outside, which sandwich the contract seal barrier in the middle and protect it tightly to prevent it from being destroyed again.

The next moment, the sound of wind sounded again above the head.

"Damn it, it's coming again!" Sasuke looked ugly, and he couldn't use the shapeshifting, so he couldn't dodge it now.

And using Izanagi would only repeat the same mistakes.

At the critical moment, Naruto launched the divine power and entered the hollow.

The Mingshen Gate fell down, and Sasuke was suppressed again, but Naruto in the hollow was not affected at all.

"Sasuke, wait a minute!"

Naruto quickly withdrew from the Mingshen Gate suppression range, and then used the Wanxiang Tianyin again to pull Sasuke out.

"Let's go first, Sasuke. With that barrier, we have no chance of winning."

Sasuke roared: "I don't accept it!"

I can't stand it, I want to pretend, I must pretend successfully once today.

But the next moment, a large number of Myojinmon fell from the sky, and Hashirama planned to cover them indiscriminately.

Hinata took action, and attacked the sky with the Eight Trigrams Palm.

One palm can break a Myojinmon.

But the Myojinmon continued to fall from the sky, and Hinata's chakra could not withstand the consumption.

Naruto said anxiously: "If we don't leave now, we will really not be able to leave in a while!"

Sasuke was unwilling, but he had to give up.

"How do we leave?"

Naruto said: "Just don't resist!"

He activated the Kamui and sucked Sasuke into the Kamui space, and then Karin, Neji, and Hinata were all sucked in.

Then he entered the Kamui space himself.

In a blink of an eye, several people disappeared.

Hashirama stopped and frowned, "Time-space ninjutsu? Last time Naruto didn't know this technique, but in just a few days, his strength has improved again."

Jiraiya explained, "Naruto has obtained a Samsara Eye. That time-space ninjutsu seems to be the pupil technique of the Samsara Eye."

Nara Shikaku said, "This ability is the same as the masked man thirteen years ago."

"Combined with what Naruto said when he turned into Uchiha Obito, I think Naruto's Samsara Eye is likely to come from Uchiha Obito."

"After all, Kakashi's Sharingan has also evolved into a Samsara Eye."

Hashirama was surprised and said, "That young man named Kakashi also obtained a Samsara Eye?

What a pity, Konoha would have had another pillar. "

Everyone was silent.

Kakashi's defection was no less than Orochimaru's defection.

It was a huge blow to Konoha.


Kakashi flew all the way west.

He was very confused at this time after defecting from Konoha, not knowing where to go.

He grew up in Konoha, Konoha was his home, and now he suddenly left and became homeless, which was really hard to adapt to.

"Ah!" He sighed and fell from the sky.

If he kept flying, his chakra would not be able to bear it.

Anyway, he was far away from Phoenix Village, so he didn't have to worry about people from the five major villages intercepting him.

He walked west. To the west of the Bird Country was the Bear Country, to the west of the Bear Country was the Demon Country, and to the west of the Demon Country, there were other countries.

"I've been a ninja for more than 20 years, but today I realized that it was meaningless. "

Kakashi felt tired at this moment.

"It's not unacceptable to find a small country and be an ordinary person."

Kakashi was disheartened and planned to live in seclusion.

After leaving Konoha, he no longer had to carry out missions, protect the village, or obey anyone.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked forward.

"Who are you, sir? Why are you trying to stop me? I have left Konoha. If you have any grudges with Konoha, don't look for me."

"Of course, if you have any grudges with me, I will take it."

In front of him, a man in a cloak and a hat whose face could not be seen blocked Kakashi's way.

"Hehe, the famous copy ninja Hatake Kakashi in the ninja world actually wants to live in seclusion and live the life of an ordinary person."

"Is this decision worthy of your ninja career of more than 20 years? "

Hearing the voice, Kakashi felt familiar.

He had guessed the identity of the person.

"If I guessed correctly, you are Kabuto Yakushi! I can smell the smell of snakes on you from dozens of meters away."

"Orochimaru returned to Konoha and became the fifth Hokage. As his former subordinate, you were appointed by him as the new leader of Sound Village."

"Orochimaru wants Sound Village to be the hidden power of Konoha Village and help Konoha do some shameful things."

"Why, now I defected from Konoha, you come to hunt me down?"

Kakashi shook his head and said calmly: "Your strength is good, but you want to kill me with your strength, haha, it's too far away."

The man opposite took off his cloak.

Kakashi frowned when he saw it.

It was indeed Kabuto Yakushi, but he was a little different from the previous Kabuto Yakushi.

"Why, you become like this? ”

There are snake scales on the skin, vertical pupils in the eyes, and a snake head is tilted behind.

Shuimu guessed correctly, Kabuto Yakushi really mastered the Ryuchidong Sage Mode, and turned into this strange appearance that is neither human nor snake.

"Kakashi, I am not here to kill you today, I am here to invite you."

"Ninjas are born to be tools. Since you are a ninja, how can you live in seclusion as an ordinary person and bury your talents."

Kakashi sneered: "Why, you want to persuade me to return to Konoha? Since I defected, it is impossible for me to go back."

"Besides, even if I go back, Konoha will not accept it."

Kabuto Yakushi shook his head: "No, I don't want you to return to Konoha, I am inviting you to join my village."

"Your village?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows.

Kabuto Yakushi said: "Yes, my village, the Sennin Village!"

"Sennin Village? "Kakashi was surprised.

During the Chunin Exam in Rock Village, a Sennin Village suddenly appeared and took the opportunity to shine.

At that time, Kakashi was still wondering what the origin of this village was, but now he understood.

After Orochimaru left Sound Village, Kabuto Yakushi inherited everything in Sound Village, but he changed Sound Village into Sennin Village.

"Sorry, I have no interest in joining your village."

"So please get out of the way!"

But Kabuto Yakushi had no intention of giving way.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want to use force to keep me? I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

Kabuto Yakushi smiled and said, "You have experienced the battle just now, and your chakra is not much. Yes, even if I master the Sage Mode, I am not your opponent of the Samsara Eye and will be killed by you."

"But I won't do it myself."

The next moment, he clapped his hands.

"Summoning Technique. Impure World Reincarnation! "

Three coffins rose up, and when the lids fell, three people were revealed.

On the other side, the Akatsuki organization still did not take action, they were still waiting for an opportunity.

Now that the five major villages have not fought, it is obviously not a good time to act.

It was very quiet, even Deidara, the chatterbox, did not speak, because his mouth was tired.

Suddenly, White Zetsu popped his head out from the ground.



Tian Dao Pain asked: "Ze, what new news did you bring?"

Ze said: "There is good news. Konoha's Hatake Kakashi has defected and is now heading west."

Tian Dao: "Kakashi? It seems that Akatsuki can add new members again."

He couldn't wait and said: "Tell me the direction he left and I will chase him myself."

Ze smiled and said: "Don't worry, don't worry. In addition to this news, I also brought back a more interesting news."

As he said, he glanced at Uchiha Itachi who was sitting on a stone and looking up at the sky.

"What news, you should tell me quickly, what are you hesitating about?" Deidara asked anxiously.

"Hehehe!" Ze's laughter was creepy.

"It seems that there is an undercover among us!"

"Is that right? One against seven!"

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