The green light on his body turned into blue light, which was the blue steam produced by the evaporation of sweat.

His body ached again, but the pain this time was not as severe as when he opened the fifth and sixth doors just now.

Fortunately, Shuimu did not dare to open two doors in a row this time, otherwise he would have opened the eighth door of death at the same time, and the pain would have been unbearable.

Damage and repair appeared alternately again.

The strength of each cell increased rapidly during damage and repair.

The bones, muscles, and tendons of his body were becoming tough.

Twenty minutes later, all the pain disappeared.

Shuimu clenched his fists and felt his own strength.

The increase in physical strength also greatly increased his physical combat ability.

Now, even his physical skills in normal state are several times stronger than before.

"Not finished yet, continue!"

"Eighth Death Gate, open!"


In an instant, Shuimu exuded a terrifying aura.

The pressure generated by the aura spread outward in circles, covering a range of more than a thousand meters.

If someone was within a thousand meters at this time, they would definitely be blown away by the strong wind brought by this aura and find it difficult to stand.

Even weak people would be suffocated by this aura.

Like Shuiyue, they would melt directly.

What's more terrifying is that the space is distorted within a range of about 30 meters from Shuimu, and the closer to him, the more severe the distortion.

In other words, within 30 meters, all space ninjutsu will lose its effect.

"What a powerful feeling!"

Unlike the original Eight Gates, there is no blood-colored steam around him after the blood evaporates.

Instead, a large amount of chakra overflowed from his body, forming a blue chakra coat around him.

It was somewhat similar to the golden tailed beast coat of Naruto's perfect Jinchūriki mode, but the difference was that there were six black magatama on the chest of this coat.

There were 3 magatama on each side, arranged in a V shape on the chest.

It looked like the Six Paths mode, but without the seeking dao jade.

"Is this the power of the Six Paths level?"

At this moment, Shuimu felt as if he had broken some kind of shackles in the dark and entered a new realm, as if he had sublimated.

Shuimu was extremely excited, and even this excitement suppressed the painful feeling in his body.

After opening the eighth gate, his body suffered serious damage again.

And this time the damage was more severe than before, and the severe pain made Shuimu grin and grit his teeth.

It was like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

Fortunately, he had been in pain for a few times, and his body and will had adapted to it, otherwise he really couldn't bear it.

Repair began again.

This time, the pain lasted for a full hour before it ended.

Shuimu was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water. He was also listless and couldn't even lift his head, as if he hadn't slept for a month.

"My body strength has adapted to the first eight gates."

"From now on, I can open the eight gates at will."

There is still the ninth gate left, but Shuimu doesn't plan to continue today.

Now the whole person is in a very bad state. If he opens the ninth gate rashly, he is afraid that something will happen.

After adapting for a period of time, he will open the ninth gate and strengthen his body.

Eight gates are almost enough for now.

"Although the old toad in Myoboku Mountain has strength beyond the Six Paths, it is too old to move and can't exert much of its strength."

"I opened the Eight Gates and gained Six Paths-level strength. Even if I am not its opponent, I will no longer be helpless like before."

"If I can't beat it, running should be no problem."

"Well, I'm so tired, I'm really too tired. No, I have to sleep..."

Before he finished speaking, Shuimu fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Every cell in the body was damaged and repaired countless times in a short period of time, which was a great consumption for both the body and the spirit.

He lost a lot of weight.

It's really too tired!


Outside Phoenix Village, the morale of the people in the five major ninja villages and Konoha was a little low.

The reason was still Senju Hashirama.

The purpose of everyone coming this time was to seize the tailed beasts, but Hashirama said that Konoha could not occupy all the tailed beasts.

He believed that it would be best to keep the distribution of the tailed beasts as it was.

This worried Nara Shikaku, Jiraiya and others.

This time Konoha came to seize the tailed beasts, not just Orochimaru's idea, but the conclusion reached by Konoha's jonin after a vote.

"Shoudai-sama, only by taking all the tailed beasts

Only by controlling the nine tailed beasts in Konoha can we form an absolute deterrent to other countries and prevent major powers from easily starting a war. "

"In that case, the ninja world can enter a period of complete peace."

"Otherwise, war will break out sooner or later."

"So, in the long run, it is beneficial to the entire ninja world to capture the tailed beasts and concentrate all the tailed beasts in Konoha."

But Hashirama shook his head and disagreed.


"Peace achieved by force and rule is a false surface peace."

"Once all the nine tailed beasts are concentrated in Konoha, the major ninja villages may not dare to resist on the surface, but once they have the opportunity, they will unite to overthrow Konoha's rule."

"On that day, Konoha will be completely destroyed."

"In addition, the tailed beasts are too dangerous. If an accident occurs and the tailed beasts riot, Konoha will become ruins in an instant."

"Konoha was established by me, and I don't want it to be destroyed one day. "

Hashirama's words silenced Shikaku and the others.

This sounds reasonable, especially the danger of the tailed beasts, which must be considered.

The Nine-tailed Rebellion thirteen years ago almost destroyed Konoha.

If the nine tailed beasts were all concentrated in Konoha, and there was a rebellion of the nine tailed beasts one day, Konoha would be doomed!

"But the Akatsuki organization has been collecting tailed beasts. If the tailed beasts are redistributed in the original way, they will definitely be defeated one by one by the Akatsuki organization."

"When they get all the tailed beasts, I'm afraid they will use the power of the tailed beasts to bring disaster to the ninja world."

Jirai is also worried.

He has been paying attention to the Akatsuki organization and knows that the Akatsuki organization's goal is the tailed beasts.

"Akatsuki organization?" Hashirama was puzzled.

Jiraiya explained: "Akatsuki organization is an extremely secretive organization, composed of S-level rebel ninjas from various villages. The overall strength is very strong and the ambition is extremely great."

"Their base is in the Land of Rain. Orochimaru once joined the Akatsuki organization and knew that the leader of the Akatsuki organization has the Samsara Eye. ”

“Itachi Uchiha, who massacred the Uchiha clan, is now also working for the Akatsuki organization.”

Although Naruto said that Itachi Uchiha joined the Akatsuki organization as an undercover agent, the Third Hokage and Danzo who knew about it are dead, and this statement can no longer be confirmed.

Therefore, after Jiraiya and Shikaku and others discussed, they did not intend to confirm it for Itachi Uchiha.

Even if there is evidence to prove that Itachi Uchiha is really an undercover agent, it is better for Konoha not to accept such a madman who can cruelly massacre his own clansmen and biological parents.

Shikaku added: "Before, the Akatsuki organization captured the two-tailed, three-tailed, four-tailed, six-tailed, and seven-tailed."

"This organization is extremely dangerous."

Hashirama wondered: "Since it is the tailed beasts captured by the Akatsuki organization, why are these tailed beasts in the Phoenix Village."

"Could it be that Mizuki in the Phoenix Village is also a member of the Akatsuki organization?"

Jiraiya shook his head: "No, Mizuki cannot be a member of the Akatsuki organization. Mizuki and the Akatsuki organization have clashed many times. ”

“Mizuki also killed some members of the Akatsuki organization.”

Shikaku said: “My opinion is that the Akatsuki organization does not want to become the target of public criticism, so they sent all the captured tailed beasts to the Phoenix Village, making the Phoenix Village the focus of the major ninja villages.”

“As the Phoenix Village collects more and more tailed beasts, the countries will jointly attack, just like today.”

“After the major ninja villages and the Phoenix Village are both defeated, the Akatsuki organization will come out to take the tailed beasts.”

“By that time, the villages that have suffered heavy losses will no longer be able to stop the actions of the Akatsuki organization.”

Hashirama nodded.

After thinking for a moment, he said: “In this case, the five major ninja villages should not start a war here for the tailed beasts.”

“The tailed beasts cannot be concentrated in Konoha, and the tailed beasts brought back by each village will be defeated one by one by the Akatsuki organization.”

“In this case, it is better to let the tailed beasts continue to stay in the Phoenix Village.”

“Otherwise, they will fall into the trap of the Akatsuki organization. "

As he said this, he turned his head and looked west.

It can be felt that there are several strong chakra auras in that direction, all reaching the level of Kage, which should be the Akatsuki organization without a doubt.

One of the forces is particularly strong, and it is very likely that it is the owner of the Samsara Eye.

Shikaku shook his head and said, "No, Mizuki is dead, and Phoenix Village may not be able to resist the attack of the Akatsuki organization. Once the people of the five major villages retreat, the Akatsuki organization will definitely come to snatch the tailed beast."

"Besides, the people of other villages will not continue to let the tailed beast stay here."

Hashirama smiled and said, "No, although Mizuki is dead, Phoenix Village is still capable of resisting the Akatsuki organization."

"Uzumaki Naruto is very strong. Before he attacked Konoha, Tobirama and I took a lot of effort to defeat him."

"Now that he has the Samsara Eye, he is even stronger. Maybe he can resist the attack of the Akatsuki organization."

Jiraiya frowned and said, "But he only has one Samsara Eye!"


In Phoenix Village, after Naruto came out of the Kamui Space, he saw an unexpected person.

"Teacher Kakashi, why are you here?"

Yes, it was Kakashi. Under Kushina's persuasion, he joined Phoenix Village.

Kakashi smiled and said, "I have joined Phoenix Village, but I am tired of fighting, so I will not fight for this village, nor will I perform any tasks."

Kushina said helplessly, "He is only willing to be a teacher in the ninja school and live in peace with the world."

Naruto said, "Master Mizuki always said that where there are people, there are struggles. Teacher Kakashi wants to live in peace with the world, but it is probably impossible to achieve it."

Kakashi smiled slightly and did not comment.

Of course he knew that no matter where he went, he could not live in peace with the world.

But he still hoped that there would be less fighting.

After a while, Sasuke also came out of the Kamui Space. The moment he saw Kakashi, Sasuke's eyes lit up.

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