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Ps: The one in the previous chapter is 10,000 times, not 10,000,000 times. I made a mistake...

First, the technique of white stimulation was interrupted.

Immediately afterwards.


With a muffled sound, Sasuke hit the ground in an upside-down posture, and there happened to be a piece of granite underneath.

Immediately his head exploded and his brains splattered all over the floor.


A hundred meters away, Xiang Phosphorus screamed shrilly.

It's not that she doesn't know that Sasuke meets Izanagi, but caring about her is chaos.

Seeing Sasuke's head exploded, she couldn't think of Izanagi.

She wished she could fly to Sasuke immediately and rescue him.

The ninja eagle Garda couldn't help crying, and without any urging, it spread its wings and flew towards Sasuke.

But as soon as it flew a certain distance, it entered the overweight zone, and its body suddenly became ten times heavier.

Under ten times the gravity, the Ninja Eagle and the fragrant phosphorus on its back immediately fell downwards.

Fortunately, after falling a certain distance, it was out of the range of the super-heavy field. It immediately flapped its wings to stabilize its body, but it did not dare to continue flying towards Sasuke.

He only dared to hover in place and kept moaning.

After consuming 100 calories of chakra, a 10 times super heavy field was created, with a coverage radius of 100 meters and a duration of 100 seconds.

Within a hundred meters, all living and dead creatures, except himself, will be affected by gravity.

Mizuki was suspended dozens of meters in the air, quietly looking at Sasuke below, not caring.

Even if she fell to her death, Mizuki didn't bother to reach out to save her.

He rescued her from Cao Ninja Village and gave her money and a house, including food and accommodation, so that she could be safe and worry-free in Fenghuang Village.

But she ran with Sasuke without saying hello. After Sasuke killed Kakashi, she sensed it immediately, but deliberately concealed it, and then ran away with Sasuke.

Now that Sasuke came to kill him, she followed him, obviously wearing the same pants as Sasuke.

For Sasuke, she would do anything.

Such a person is a total love nymphomaniac, and can give up everything except Sasuke in his mind.

Sakura can also sneak attack to kill Sasuke for the sake of Konoha.

But now, the only one who cares about Xiang Lian is Sasuke.

It would be considered a kindness of Mizuki not to take the initiative to attack her.

Mizuki waited patiently.

He knew Sasuke wasn't dead.

Izanagi's technique is still disgusting.

It is difficult to kill, especially the upgraded Izanagi, which turns Sasuke directly into an unkillable little strongman.

But Mizuki wasn't worried.

After transplanting the Rinnegan, Sasuke only has one Sharingan left, and Izanagi can last up to 100 minutes.

Moreover, after turning on Izanagi, a large amount of chakra will be consumed every second.

With Sasuke's amount of chakra, coupled with the natural energy in Sage mode, it's pretty good to be able to support Izanagi's activation for 60 minutes.

Therefore, even if it consumes him, Mizuki can consume him to death!

At this moment, Sasuke's body on the ground suddenly turned into nothing and disappeared.

Behind Mizuki, Sasuke suddenly appeared, holding the Kusanagi sword in his hand and stabbing Mizuki in the back.


Sasuke was swollen, seeing the Kusanagi sword about to penetrate Mizuki's body.

But the overweight field was still there, and Kusanagi Sword, together with Sasuke, fell rapidly again.

"Damn it, what kind of technique is this?" Sasuke roared angrily.

This time, he forcibly turned his body and looked upwards. When he was about to hit the ground, he activated his transformation.

The target is Mizuki!

Sasuke's position and Mizuki's position switched instantly.

The imagined scene of Mizuki falling to death on his behalf did not appear.

Even though Mizuki was apparated to the ground, he was still floating and had no tendency to fall.

Sasuke, on the other hand, reappeared dozens of meters in the air, falling faster.

"Damn it, I will never suffer the same death again."

He didn't want to fall to his death again.


Sasuke chose a stone on the ground and instantly switched places.

But even so, the inertia was still there, and his falling speed did not slow down at all.


He fell to his death again!

Izanagi took effect again, and this time Sasuke did not appear behind Mizuki, but stood dozens of meters away.

This time he stood on the ground and would not fall to his death again.

But under 10 times gravity, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Although, in immortal mode, his strength is greatly increased, and he can even lift boulders weighing dozens of tons.

A mere 10 times gravity will not cause any harm to him.

But he's not used to it

, every move was more strenuous than usual. In this state, his fighting power was greatly reduced.

"It seems that physical skills are useless!"

"In that case, use the new ability!"

Staring at Mizuki with both eyes, the left eye Samsara Eye activated Kamui, and at the same time the right eye Sharingan also activated Izanami.

Mizuki immediately felt the fluctuation of space.

The space was twisting at the left chest position.

"Do you want to use Kamui to destroy my heart?"

In addition, he also sensed a strange force that enveloped him.

This force gave him a very fatal feeling.

"This power fluctuation comes from his Sharingan, it seems to be Izanami, but Izanami can only work on himself."

Sasuke's Izanami was improved by the Six Paths Sage.

Izanami can be used on himself to rewrite the reality that is unfavorable to himself and only retain the reality that is beneficial to himself.

Through Izanami, you can avoid any harm.

Sasuke's Izanami can be used on the enemy, rewriting the reality that is favorable to the enemy and only retaining the reality that is unfavorable to the enemy.

In this way, the enemy can be 100% hit.

Before, outside the Phoenix Village, when fighting against Konoha, Sasuke used this trick.

But Mizuki was sleeping before, and after waking up, he had no time to learn about the information, and had no foresight about Sasuke's new ability.

Therefore, he felt very unfamiliar with the power that enveloped him.

"Forget it, no matter what kind of eye technique it is, it doesn't matter."

"Under absolute strength, all crooked ways are just fancy."

"Don't waste time!"

"Change shape!"

Mizuki appeared a few meters behind Sasuke, and at the same time, he had an extra Sharingan on his left hand.

The next moment, the palm of his hand liquefied to form an eye socket, and this Sharingan was embedded in the eye socket.

"Izanami is not unsolvable!"

Next, Mizuki was going to activate Izanami to put Sasuke in a dead loop.

But at this moment, the Izanami that Sasuke had just cast on Mizuki took effect.

Mizuki's body suddenly turned into a bubble and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing at the same place as before.

"Go to hell!"

"God of power!"

Sasuke sneered, and the God of power completely burst out, and the power of space enveloped Mizuki's entire left chest.

Under the distortion of space, Mizuki's heart seemed to be deformed.

Mizuki's face changed drastically.

"What's going on?"

"Is it a time-related ninjutsu? He cast a time reversal on me?"

I had clearly arrived behind Sasuke and was about to cast Izanami, but suddenly returned to a distance.

If this is not time reversal, what is it?

Sasuke's God of power began to burst out, and a strong discomfort came from his chest.

Shuimu didn't dare to be afraid, and immediately used Flying Thunder God to fly away, flying dozens of miles away.

But as soon as he landed, before he could see the surrounding environment clearly, his body immediately turned into bubbles and reappeared in the same place.

Still under the cover of Sasuke's divine power.

"Damn, how did he get this ability?"

Shuimu used divine power to hollow out again, but it was still useless. Just as he entered the hollow, bubbles appeared the next moment, and he returned to the entity.

It was as if time had gone back again.

Sasuke laughed and said, "It's useless!"

"You have been hit by my Izanagi, your reality has been rewritten, and everything that happens next will be bad for you!"

"No matter what method you use, you can't escape!"

Shuimu had a cold face, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was not time that was going backwards, but Izanagi.

As long as it was not beyond his ability to understand, it didn't matter.

He used the teleportation again, flashed behind Sasuke, and hit Sasuke's head with the Rasengan.


Sasuke's head exploded!

But the next moment, bubbles appeared on Mizuki and Sasuke's bodies.

Sasuke returned to his original state, Mizuki also returned to his original position, and the Kamui still enveloped Mizuki.

Mizuki narrowed his eyes!

Sasuke's Izanami actually worked on himself and the enemy at the same time.

The difference is that it is beneficial to him and disadvantageous to others.

It's simply unsolvable!

"Give up, all your struggles are in vain."

Mizuki couldn't help but curse: "It's disgusting!"

This new way of using Izanami is really powerful. He couldn't even escape. If he escaped, he would be forcibly pulled back.

However, Mizuki also found that his continuous dodging caused Sasuke's Kamui to be unable to take effect.

In other words, as long as Mizuki kept dodging and was not attacked continuously by Kamui, there would be no danger.

"Hehe, then I won't worry!"

"As long as I change my position continuously, my life will not be in danger."

Mizuki was relieved.


In this way, he can delay time until Sasuke's chakra is exhausted, and then there will be no worries.

But this will inevitably consume a lot of time.

Sasuke uses Kamui and Izanami at the same time, and his chakra is consumed very quickly.

But he is in the Sage Mode state, with a large amount of chakra, and can last at least half an hour.

"Half an hour is too long, let's get rid of him in advance!"

"Anyway, he has mastered Izanami, and this technique must be used, otherwise he can't be controlled."

The next moment, he flashed in front of Sasuke, slapped Sasuke in the face with his left hand, snatched the Kusanagi sword in Sasuke's hand with his right hand, and cut off a horn on Sasuke's head with a swish.

The broken horn fell to the ground.

The newly transplanted Sharingan in the palm of Mizuki's left hand has turned pale.

Izanami, activated successfully!

"You have been hit by my technique, you are under my control!"

"Next, you will lose yourself in an endless cycle!"

"This is Izanami!"

Sasuke sneered: "It's useless, don't struggle, you are dead!"

After that, Mizuki turned into a bubble and returned to his original position.

The broken horn on the ground also returned to Sasuke's head, intact.

"Although your continuous displacement makes it impossible for Kamui to completely lock, greatly delaying the time of death."

"However, every time you return to the original position, Kamui will cause minor damage to your heart. If it accumulates, it will take less than ten times before your heart will be completely damaged."

"You, can't hold on for much longer!"

At this moment, Mizuki flashed in front of Sasuke again.

He slapped Sasuke in the face with his left hand, dodged the Kusanagi sword with his right hand, and cut off a horn on Sasuke's head with a sword. The broken horn fell to the ground, in the same position as before.

"You have been hit by my technique, you are already under my control!"

"Next, you will lose yourself in an endless cycle!"

"This is Izanami!"

Sasuke: "Don't you give up? It's all in vain!"

The bubble appeared again, Mizuki returned to the original place, the broken horn on the ground returned to Sasuke's head, and the Kusanagi sword returned to Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

The next moment, Mizuki flashed in front of him again, and Sasuke pulled over.


Mizuki looked at Sasuke in front of him with a dull look in his eyes, trapped in Izanami, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

But he didn't kill him immediately after all.

He shook his left hand, and the useless Sharingan under his hand fell to the ground.

"Izanami's technique is still powerful!"

Without Izanami, it would be quite difficult to control Sasuke without killing him.

Izanami is too unsolvable.

"Since Sasuke has been captured, let's go revive Minato tomorrow!"

"By the way, there was a system return just now, what was it?"

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