The new situation is getting worse.

Since he is about to face the demon Zabuza, Shuimu is under great pressure.

He must find a way to break Zabuza's silent killing technique, otherwise this trip to the Land of Waves will be very dangerous.

He can't rely on himself, Shuimu can only rely on the system.

Shuimu's idea is that no matter whether it is useful or not, he will try his best.

"Human potential is unlimited!"

"Humans have five senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. In ninja battles, vision and hearing dominate."

"As a member of the Uchiha clan, your vision is an advantage. But you can't see everything with your eyes alone."

"For example, sneak attacks from behind, such as plots hidden in the night."

Enough nonsense, Mizuki began to teach his newly created hearing training method.

He took out a bunch of bells and said, "I will throw the bells out. You have to judge the location of the bells according to the sound of the bells, and then shoot shuriken at the bells."

"Now, cover your eyes."

Sasuke covered his eyes directly with the forehead protector, and his eyes immediately fell into darkness.

"It will be very uncomfortable at first. Now take a deep breath and calm yourself down."

"Focus on your ears and listen carefully to the sounds around you."

Mizuki threw a bell and landed 10 meters in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke immediately fired a shuriken, which landed 2 meters away from the bell.

Mizuki continued to throw the bell, only one at a time.

Sasuke's shuriken, one after another, but the accuracy was not good, only occasionally a blind cat hit a dead mouse.

The training was boring, but gradually, Sasuke also mastered some skills.

He became more and more accurate, and even a few times, the shuriken hit the bell directly.

"You are really a genius, you have improved so fast." Mizuki was full of emotion and envied.

It was dark, and the training did not stop.

From only throwing 1 bell each time, it has increased to 3 each time now.

The difficulty is getting bigger.

And Sasuke, from not caring at the beginning, is now addicted to it.

This feeling of becoming stronger is what he has always pursued.

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

"Doesn't he have the Mangekyō Sharingan? Doesn't he have the illusion of Tsukuyomi?"

"Next time I meet him, I will close my eyes, and Tsukuyomi will no longer affect me."

When the moon was at its highest point, Sasuke had already hit 5 bells each time and hit the target every time.

He had already started to learn how to identify the location by sound.

"Hahaha, I've already mastered it!" Sasuke was extremely excited.

Now, he could even build a three-dimensional model of space in his mind, and then based on the sound of the bell falling to the ground, he could immediately determine the exact location of the bell, and then hit it with one shot.

Mizuki's mouth twitched, these two pillars were too arrogant.

They had only just hit the bell, and they thought they were good enough?

"Don't be too happy too soon, you are just getting started. The sound of the bell is very clear, so it is easy to identify the location."

Sasuke's laughter stopped abruptly when he heard this.

"What? This is just the beginning?"

The second pillar was deeply shocked.

"Do you think this is enough?" Shuimu was speechless.

"Now, the bell training is over. Next, change to the senbon."

When the first senbon landed, Sasuke missed the target, and it was directly 3 meters away.

The senbon was very thin, and the sound was very weak during the flight. Only when it landed, the sound was slightly clearer.

This stumped Sasuke.

He couldn't hear clearly at all, and couldn't determine where the senbon landed.

"The enemy doesn't carry bells on their bodies. They approach you silently, or hide in the dark to attack you. The sound they make is very small."

"So, there is a long way to go."

Sasuke realized that he was indeed too happy just now.

One hour later, Sasuke finally found the feeling and made rapid progress.

Time flew to midnight, and Sasuke was still in high spirits, but Shuimu was hungry and sleepy, so he had to call a halt.

The most important thing is that the system has been silent.

This makes Shuimu feel that all the hard work tonight has been in vain.

"Let's stop here today. We have to get up early tomorrow to go out of the village to do the mission."

"Hearing training cannot be successful in a short time. You already know the method. Just keep training every day in the future."

Leaving the No. 3 training ground, the two went back to their homes.

After Sasuke left, the system's voice finally rang.

[Ding! ]

[The host grants the disciple Uchiha

Sasuke listens to the sound to determine the location, triggering a 2222 times return. 】

"It actually works." Shuimu was overjoyed.

The system has not made any sound, and he thought there would be no return this time.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining echolocation. 】


Those who have studied junior high school physics know that sound propagates in the form of waves. When sound waves hit obstacles, they will rebound, which is the echo.

Bats, nocturnal mammals, have poor eyesight but extremely strong hearing.

They use their mouths to emit ultrasonic waves, which radiate in all directions. After hitting obstacles, they rebound to form echoes and are received by the bat's ears.

Based on the echo information received, and then processed by the brain, the bat knows what is around.

The echo will tell the bat the location and size of nearby objects, as well as whether the objects are moving.

Extremely accurate and with extremely high resolution.

This unique ability gives bats super nighttime activities.

It is said that there is a boy in California, the United States, who became blind at the age of 3, but gained the ability of echolocation.

When he was 14, he could run, skate, and even play football and basketball freely like other people of the same age.

Now, Shuimu has also acquired this ability.

At this time, he felt that his hearing had changed, and his brain seemed to have changed as well.

But he couldn't describe what had changed in words.


He coughed lightly, and soon, his ears caught the echo.

These echoes were formed by the sound waves emitted by his light cough just now, which bounced back after encountering objects.

The echoes entered his ears and were quickly processed by the brain.

A clear three-dimensional image appeared in Shuimu's mind.

The surrounding trees, buildings, stones, weeds, potholes on the ground... and even the dark parts of the trees not far away were clearly visible.

Moreover, there was no blind spot, and he could "see" clearly from front to back, left to right, up and down.

All the scenes within a radius of 10 meters were clearly presented in his mind.

Shuimu felt that the door to a new world had been opened.

He glanced at the hiding place of the Anbu, feeling unhappy.

He had long noticed that there were Anbu watching him, but the other party had a strong ability to hide, so Shuimu couldn't see it at all.

This also led to him being cautious in his daily work, fearing that the Anbu would see something he shouldn't see.

Today, he finally "saw" this Anbu.


He coughed again, and this time, the sound was much louder.

This time, the imaging range of echolocation was directly expanded to 30 meters.

"Haha, with echolocation, there is no need to be afraid of Zabuza."

"Moreover, the shape-shifting is no longer limited by vision, even in a pitch-black environment where you can't see your hand in front of you, it can still be used."

The next morning, Team 7 gathered at the gate of Konoha Village to protect Dazna and head towards the Land of Waves.

Naruto was extremely excited and started shouting after leaving the village.

This was the first time he had walked out of the village since he was a child.

The most bizarre thing is Sasuke. He was blindfolded with a piece of black cloth, but he still looked very cool.

Sakura is still a fangirl.

"Sasuke-kun is so handsome even with his eyes covered!"

Naruto was immediately unhappy when he saw that Sakura only had eyes for Sasuke.

"Arrogant Sasuke, you are blindfolding, are you pretending to be blind? Be careful not to trip over a stone, I won't help you."

Sasuke: "You don't understand, I'm practicing, forget it, I can't explain it to a fool like you."

Naruto made a "tsk" sound, and his eyes began to roll around, as if he was thinking of some crooked idea.

Sakura saw that Naruto's eyes were not right, and immediately raised her fist and said coldly: "Naruto, if you dare to do bad things to Sasuke, I will beat you to death."

Dazna was sweating and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, I want to return the goods."

"You three little brats all look reliable. Konoha sent you to protect me, which is a disregard for my life safety."

Mizuki hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't you still have me, a Chunin?"

"And there will definitely be no fighting between ninjas in C-level missions."

The group walked on the forest path, and the sun was getting higher.

A small puddle on the road ahead was very abrupt.

Mizuki narrowed his eyes and remained calm.

When the five people crossed the puddle, two ninjas immediately emerged from the water.

Sharp chainsaws extended from their hands, and the next moment, Mizuki was entangled by the chainsaw, and then cut into several pieces.

"Master Mizuki!" Sakura shouted in horror.

"Ah! What happened?" Naruto hadn't reacted yet.

Sasuke immediately took off the black cloth covering his eyes, then took out his kunai and shuriken, ready to fight the enemy.

"The first one!" The ghost brother said coldly.

"Next, the second one!"

The two of them were behind Naruto in an instant, and the chainsaw was entangled with Naruto.

"You dared to kill Master Mizuki, unforgivable!" Naruto clapped his hands, and hundreds of shadow clones appeared.

"How could this happen? This, this is clearly a Genin kid!" The ghost brother expressed his incomprehension.

But the two did not panic, the chainsaw danced, and Naruto's shadow clones disappeared one after another.

"Watch out for Mr. Dazna!"

Sasuke shouted to Sakura, then jumped up and shot two shurikens in succession, nailing the chainsaw to the wood.

The ghost brother made a quick decision, released the chainsaw, and used the iron claws in his hands to fight the enemy.

"Kill the mission target first!"

Naruto has too many shadow clones, and he doesn't know which one is the real body, so the ghost brother directly shifted the target to Dazna.

The two rushed towards Dazna at a very fast speed.

At this time, Sakura had already stood in front of Dazna, and her hands quickly formed seals.

"Earth escape. Earth flow wall!"

Instantly, the high wall rose up, and the ghost brothers were blocked and could not approach Dazna in the first time.

"Naruto, let's work together and kill them!"

Sasuke was fearless and raised his hand to make a seal.


"Fire escape. Great Fireball Technique!"

Naruto also cooperated tacitly, clapped his hands and shouted: "Earth escape. Earth flow wall!"

The next moment, a high wall rose on the left and right sides of the ghost brothers.

Together with the earth flow wall created by Sakura, there were a total of three high walls, blocking the ghost brothers in a dead end. At the entrance of the alley, Sasuke's Great Fireball had already formed.

"No, don't!"

Amid screams, the ghost brothers were hit head-on by the Great Fireball. When the fire was extinguished, the two lay on the ground, charred all over, and dying.

"Huh, it's safe!" Dazna breathed a sigh of relief.

Sakura and Naruto both had sad faces.

"What should we do? Master Mizuki was killed!"

Sasuke said, "Don't worry, he won't die so easily. Look, there is no body there."

Everyone turned around and saw that there was no body at the place where Mizuki was killed, only a few broken pieces of wood.

"Ah, it's a substitute technique, great!"

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