The two of them were very happy.

"Let me tell you in advance, I only want those under 16 years old."

"It's best if they have good cultivation aptitude and high comprehension. I don't like stupid people."

"I won't let them suffer. Maybe when I'm happy, I'll give them some advice on their cultivation, or even teach them some ninjutsu."

"Oh, by the way, no gender restrictions!"

Mei Terumi looked calm on the surface, but a thousand grass mud horses were running wildly in her heart.

Only like those under 16 years old?

No gender restrictions?

This Mizuki is so perverted.

No wonder he turned a blind eye to my beauty. It turns out that he thinks I'm old.


You're old, your whole family is old!

"Lord Mizuki is so polite!"

"In that case, let's make a deal. I will ask the village to send someone here immediately. Don't worry, I will definitely meet your request."

Mizuki chuckled.

"No, it's Lord Mizukage who is enthusiastic. I want to thank Lord Mizukage for his generosity."

The two smiled at each other and reached an agreement.

But what they were thinking was completely different.

Terumi was thinking about sending someone to monitor Mizuki so that if Mizuki made any unusual moves, the Mist Village could be prepared early.

As for Mizuki's perverted request, she said that she could only wrong the boys and girls in the village, and the village would remember their contributions.

Mizuki was thinking that the talents who came to the door should not be wasted.

When I take them all to Phoenix Village to be my apprentices, it will be too late for you to regret it.

That's right, Mizuki's goal is to attract talents.

Phoenix Village is seriously short of people, and the more people they can recruit, the better.

As for letting Mei Terumi misunderstand, Mizuki said that he didn't care at all.

The innocent are innocent!

The two reached a consensus on this matter, and they were very happy. They each picked up a glass and drank.

Suddenly Mizuki said: "Lord Mizukage, what do you think about the future of the ninja world? What is your assessment of the future of the Mist Village?"

The Mizukage held the wine glass and remained silent for a long time before saying: "I don't know what will happen to the ninja world, but I know that under my leadership, the Mist Village will get better and better."

"The Land of Water is located overseas, with a vast ocean as a barrier. Even if other countries start a war, they will not fight here."

"So, I have nothing to worry about."

Mizuk shook his head and smiled without saying anything.

Seeing this, Mei Terumi asked: "Why is Lord Mizuki laughing?"

Mizuk shook the wine in the glass lightly and said: "I laugh at Lord Mizukage, who is short-sighted and unaware of the impending disaster."

Mizuki was furious.

"Since Lord Mizuki said so, I'd like to hear your opinion."

"What kind of disaster will happen to Mist Village?"

Mizuki asked, "Does Lord Mizukage know that Konoha Village was attacked a few days ago?"

Mei Terumi nodded and said, "Indeed, there is information that Konoha was attacked by a master, but the invading enemy was killed in the end."

Mizuki asked, "Does Lord Mizukage know the identity of that person?"

Mei Terumi shook her head, "The specific details were not described in the information."

Mizuki raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, saying, "The man's name is Otsutsuki Pushiki, who came to the ninja world from outer space. He comes from a powerful race in the universe, the Otsutsuki clan."

"The people of the Otsutsuki clan came to the ninja world to bring disaster, until the ninja world is finally destroyed and becomes a desolate dead star without any breath of life, the Otsutsuki will not stop."

Mei Terumi would never believe it.

What Otsutsuki, what destruction of the ninja world, are all alarmist talk.

Although she didn't believe it, Mei Terumi pretended to believe it and asked, "So, the future of the ninja world is indeed worrying. I wonder what plans Mizuki-sama has?"

Mizuki knew that Mei Terumi didn't believe it, but it didn't matter.

He just wanted to convey his own ideas, which was also the main purpose of his meeting with Mei Terumi.

"Only by concentrating the power of the entire ninja world can we barely resist the attack of the Otsutsuki."

"All ninjas stand on the united front, stop internal consumption, and let the ninja world grow and develop at the fastest speed, so that there is a glimmer of hope."

Mei Terumi said, "This is impossible!"

"Since Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara established Konoha Village, the ninja world has entered the era of one country and one village."

"Countries are full of conflicts of interest, and it is impossible to form a united front."

Mizuki smiled and said, "That's easy!"

"Just let the ninja world unify into one country, isn't it."

Mei Terumi was shocked, and she looked at Mizuki with horror.

"You, you actually came up with this idea!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible


"The daimyo is in charge of the country. This is a tradition since ancient times. Everyone in the ninja world follows this tradition."

"The kingship is granted by God. The position of the daimyo is given by God and is destined by birth. Even the shadow cannot challenge the authority of the daimyo."

Shuimu sneered!

What kingship is granted by God, what is given by God, is just a brainwashing slogan shouted by the daimyo to consolidate his rule.

The people in the ninja world are really brainwashed.

Shuimu did not refute it. Anyway, it would be useless to say more. The concept is deeply rooted and cannot be changed by a few words.

He asked: "If the Water God Cult massacred the villagers, it was really manipulated by the daimyo behind the scenes, what would you do?"

Mei Terumi said: "The daimyo would never do such a thing. He must have been kept in the dark by his subordinates, or he was manipulated by someone with illusion. "

Shui Mu shook his head.

It's hopeless!

You haven't even investigated it clearly, but you said that the daimyo would never do such a thing, and you have even thought of a reason to get rid of the daimyo's suspicion.

It's terrible!

"But what if it was really the daimyo who did it?" Shui Mu asked.

Terumi Mei was silent.

"I will never stand against the daimyo. I will secretly stop him and kill all those who are involved in the affairs of the Water God Cult except the daimyo."

Shui Mu was speechless.

It's unreasonable, it's simply unreasonable!

Tired! Destroy it! Hurry up!


On the outskirts of the Rain Country, Itachi and Kisame reunited.

"One fight seven Sang, it's great that you can come back intact." Kisame was very happy to see Itachi.

Itachi nodded and said, "There was a little episode in the middle. By the way, has the organization arranged any tasks recently? "

Kisame shook his head and said, "There is no mission, but the leader sent a message to let us go back to the organization. It is said that he is welcoming a new member."

Itachi was surprised and said, "Has another new member joined? I don't know who it is."

Kisame said, "I don't know either, but the leader seemed very happy when he sent the message."

The two walked towards the Rain Village together.

Suddenly, they stopped at the same time and turned to look behind them.

In the drizzle, a figure walked closer.

"Nissan, I finally found you!"

Itachi said, "I don't want to know too much about the future, and you don't have to look for me deliberately. We are not people of the same era. Knowing too much about each other is not a good thing after all."

Kisame on the side looked strange.

"You call him Nissan?"

"One fight seven San, what is going on, and who is this person? He looks like your brother, but he is a larger version."

Itachi said, "This matter is complicated, and it is not convenient to explain too much. "

He clearly didn't want to say it.

Sasuke ignored Kisame and said to Itachi: "Nisan, I found you this time because I have something to tell you, and I also have some gifts for you."

Itachi looked at Sasuke and said nothing.

Sasuke said: "The other me in this world has been killed by me!"

As soon as these words came out, Itachi was shocked, and his eyes instantly turned into a Mangekyō Sharingan.

"You...what did you say?"

Kisame's expression became even weirder.

What do you mean the other you was killed by you? What the hell? Why does this sound so weird?

Sasuke took out Sasuke's body from the Sealing Scroll, threw it on the ground, and said: "Nisan, look, this is his body!"

Itachi looked at Sasuke's body, and the whole person seemed to fall into darkness.

The brother he had been protecting with all his heart, the one he was most beloved to protect even if he was willing to destroy his clan, just died like this?

And he was killed by his brother from another time and space?

"Why did you do this? "Itachi could no longer hold back and let out a low growl.

Itachi has always been calm, but this time, he couldn't be calm anymore.

He wiped out the entire Uchiha clan, killed his lover and parents, and had no face to continue living in this world.

But the reason why he was still alive was because of Sasuke.

He wanted to wait for Sasuke to grow up, wait for Sasuke to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, and then he took the initiative to die on Sasuke's hands, so that Sasuke could get his eyes and open the Eternal Mangekyō.

But now, Sasuke is dead!

All his waiting and persistence, all his hopes and expectations, have turned into bubbles.

"Nisan, you have suffered too much and too much grievance."

"In the past, I knew the truth too late and could only watch you leave. I don't deserve to live, and the one who really should live is you."

"But this time, God gave me a chance to start over, so I decided to change everything."

"Nisan, forgive me for my self-assertion."

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