The water was flowing, and the water was flowing.

By the pool, countless toads jumped into the water.

This is the entrance to the outside world of Myoboku Mountain. Mizuki sneaked into Myoboku Mountain from here.

But since Gamamaru was seriously injured by Naruto, Fukasaku and Shima closed the space portal of this entrance because they were afraid that Mizuki and Naruto would enter Myoboku Mountain from here.

Only a few high-ranking members of the toad clan know how to open and close this entrance.

The world-seeing toad shouted loudly on the shore: "Hurry, go in!"

"I have opened the exit, which leads directly to the Land of Fire. As many as you can escape, escape as many as you can."

"After escaping, be sure to hide. Don't think about revenge. Only by living can there be hope."

The world-seeing toad shouted while looking up at Shuimu in the sky.

It was full of hatred in its heart!

Not only it, but other toads also hated Shuimu to the core.

Originally, they lived a carefree life in Myoboku Mountain, but from now on, such days will no longer exist.

Even if they escape, they have to worry about Shuimu's pursuit.

Myoboku Mountain, one of the three holy places, will become a ruin from now on. The toad clan is completely in decline.

"Bunta, and fellow countrymen who have entered the shelter, I hope you will secretly develop and accumulate strength, and wait until one day, kill Mizuki and revive the reputation of the Toad Clan of Myoboku Mountain."

It only knows to hate Mizuki, but does not know that the cause of the incident was all planted by Gamamaru.

At first, it suspected that Mizuki was a young Ten-Tails, and called it eliminating harm for the Ninja World, but in fact, the real purpose was to plant the Ten-Tails himself and eat the fruit of the Divine Tree.

Later, after the rumor that Mizuki was the Ten-Tails was debunked, Gamamaru still did not give up, and shifted his target to the Tianyuan Yu secret technique, wanting to snatch it.

For his own selfishness, Gamamaru offended Mizuki to death, but he was unable to kill Mizuki.

So today Mizuki came to Myoboku Mountain and took revenge with the wrath of thunder.

It can only be blamed on Gamamaru for being greedy and unlucky!

In the sky, Mizuki shook his hand lightly.

The Dao-seeking Jade fell downwards in a rotation, and exploded less than a hundred meters from the ground.

First there was a blinding white light, followed by a terrifying shock wave. Wherever it went, rocks turned into dust, trees turned into slurry, and nothing could escape destruction.

All the toads, no matter how big or small, no matter what ninjutsu they used to defend, were useless.

They could only despair, their flesh and blood melted, and their bodies disappeared.

Beside the pool, the world-seeking toad closed his eyes, waiting for death while his two front paws were also forming seals.

As the seals were completed, the entrance and exit under the pool closed again.

"It's good to delay for a while..."

The next moment, he was swallowed by the powerful energy and turned into ashes in an instant.

The shock wave spread in all directions until it finally hit the barrier and was blocked.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Shuimu looked down.

I saw that the entire Myoboku Mountain had become a huge tiankeng.

There was no trace of life.

The Myoboku Mountain Toad Clan was almost exterminated, and Shuimu's purpose of this trip was achieved.

He looked around.

"This barrier, in addition to defense, also absorbs natural energy from the outside world and stores it in the barrier."

The reason why Myoboku Mountain has a high concentration of natural energy is all thanks to this barrier.

It is like a one-way filter, filtering in natural energy from the outside world, but the natural energy inside cannot go out.

This is of course a good thing for Myoboku Mountain, but it is not good for the entire ninja world.

After the ninja world experienced the absorption of the ancient sacred tree, the concentration of natural energy has been greatly reduced.

The Myoboku Mountain barrier continues to absorb natural energy and accumulate it in Myoboku Mountain, which causes the concentration of natural energy in the outside world to drop to another level.

The lower the concentration of natural energy, the shorter the life span of organisms.

This leads to the fact that the toads in Myoboku Mountain are long-lived, while the life spans of animals and humans in the outside world are extremely short compared to toads.

At least, they can't be compared with toads!

This is simply plunder and exploitation of life.

"Destroying this barrier is a good thing for the creatures in the ninja world!"

At least their life span can be extended a little.

Although it's not much, it's better than nothing!

"In addition to Myoboku Mountain, there must be barriers in the Ryuchi Cave and the Wet Bone Forest."

"If all three barriers are destroyed and the large amount of natural energy stored in the three holy places is released, the life span of humans in the ninja world will probably be extended a lot."

Of course, water

Mu Ye was just thinking about it.

The barrier of Myoboku Mountain was destroyed, but Ryuchi Cave and Wet Bone Forest had no grudge against him.

Although he would avenge his enemies, he was not the kind of madman who would kill anyone he saw.

"Then destroy this barrier from the inside!"

With another wave of consumption, the natural energy of Myoboku Mountain could be consumed. The barrier would lose its energy support and would fall apart.

The shadow clones outside the barrier had been removed, but it didn't matter, he had too much chakra to use up.

Tens of thousands of shadow clones were created again.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Shuimu, stop!"

Shuimu looked up and saw that it was the Six Paths Sage.

He didn't know why the Six Paths Sage organized him. Wouldn't it be a good thing to destroy this barrier?

When the barrier is restored, the concentration of natural energy in the outside world will slowly increase. In addition to extending the lifespan, the physical fitness and cultivation qualifications of humans in the ninja world will also increase.

The effect may not be seen in a short time, but over time, the overall strength of the ninja world will definitely increase.

This is a good thing for resisting the Otsutsuki clan.

The Six Paths Sage looked at the ruined Myoboku Mountain below, feeling a little sad, but he didn't say much.

He and Gamamaru did have a friendship, but over the years, he also discovered that Gamamaru had a secret.

He was just being used by Gamamaru to deal with his mother.

Therefore, the Six Paths Sage did not have much expression on the destruction of the Gamamaru clan.

"Shui Mu, this barrier cannot be destroyed."

Shui Mu asked curiously: "Why?"

"I have destroyed the Toad Clan, why can't the barrier be destroyed?"

"Could it be that you want Myoboku Mountain?"

Six Paths Sage: "I have long been dead, and I only exist as a soul. What do I need Myoboku Mountain for?"

"The reason why I stopped you from destroying this barrier is that this barrier suppresses the ancient demon god. Once the barrier is completely destroyed, the demon god will be out of suppression. Not only will the ninja world be destroyed, but the entire universe will suffer a huge disaster."

Shui Mu: "???"

Are you sure you are not kidding me?

Ancient demon god, funny!

The Six Paths Sage continued, "I know you don't believe it, and I don't believe it either. But this is what my mother told me and my brother as a story when I was a child."

"My mother said that this planet has three powerful barriers set up by Amaterasu, suppressing three ancient demons and guarding them by three races, namely the three spiritual families of toads, snakes, and slugs."

"The demons have the power to destroy a planet with one blow. If they are out of suppression, the consequences will be disastrous."

"My mother said that this is why she only ruled humans after she came to this planet, but never took action against the three spiritual holy places."

"In fact, the reason why my mother ate the fruit of the sacred tree in advance was that she was afraid that the sacred tree would absorb all the natural energy of this planet, causing the barrier to lose its energy source and become ineffective."

Shui Mu frowned.

Although this story sounds outrageous, Shui Mu feels that it seems to be true.

First of all, this barrier is too strong, and it doesn't seem like it can be set up by Toad Pill.

Secondly, it is better to believe it than not to believe it.

What if there is really a stranger suppressed under the barrier, and I destroy the barrier, wouldn't that be digging my own grave?

"If that's the case, forget it!"

"It's just a barrier, it doesn't matter to me whether it's destroyed or not."

"But then again, how can I get out now?"

If I want to get out, I have to make another hole in the barrier.

But to make a hole, at least the Ten Thousand Shadow Clones must work together and use the Great Spiral Seeking Jade.

But in that case, when the barrier is broken, the stored natural energy will be greatly consumed.

What if I'm not careful and the energy is consumed, causing the demon to break free from the suppression, wouldn't that be the end?

"Damn, am I digging my own grave?"

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