The old man was very angry.

Kushina was not born and raised in Konoha, so she didn't feel much belonging to Konoha.

Her childhood in Konoha was better than Naruto's, but not much better.

She was hated and rejected by the villagers, had no friends, and no one to rely on.

If she hadn't been strong-willed and actively fought back against oppression and bullying, she would have lived a worse life.

After she was captured by the ninjas of the Cloud Village, no one in the village came to rescue her.

Except Minato!

It can be said that it was Minato who saved her life and let her walk out of the darkness.

So she only had Minato in her heart, not Konoha.

Well, now there is another Naruto.

She could ignore the injustice she suffered in Konoha during her childhood, but as a mother, she would never let go of the injustice suffered by Naruto.

Even until the day she died, she would never have a good impression of Konoha again.

"No, I will never go back!"

"Even if Konoha is about to be destroyed, I will not go back!" Minato said loudly, firmly, and wanted to swear to the sky.

What is Konoha? Is having a wife and son important?

Seeing this, Kushina nodded with satisfaction and whispered something in Minato's ear.

Minato immediately became excited, his eyes were shining.

Naruto could not hear clearly, and only vaguely heard words without context such as "posture" and "whatever you want".


Konoha is actively planning to let Minato return to the village to continue to serve as Hokage.

But the effect is minimal.

Phoenix Village is also developing rapidly. Although Mizuki is not here, Tsunade is here, so the work in the village has not been left behind.

Although Tsunade loves gambling, she is still very serious when it comes to work.

Mizuki resurrected Rope Tree, so Tsunade owed him a favor and was willing to help Mizuki build the village.

Even when the first Hokage came to her and wanted her to return to Konoha, she decisively refused.

In fact, she didn't have much malice towards Konoha.

In the anime, she was moved by Naruto, rekindled her fighting spirit, inherited the will of Kato Dan and Rope Tree, and returned to Konoha to serve as Hokage.

But now Rope Tree has been resurrected, and although Kato Dan is not alive, he may also be resurrected.

It doesn't matter whether she is Hokage or not.

Another thing that makes her hate is that Konoha actually resurrected the first and second generations of the Impure World Reincarnation and forced them to stay in the village as thugs.

This is a great disrespect for the dead.

She was very angry, and her remaining good impression of Konoha was swept away.

She would rather stay in Phoenix Village and work for Mizuki to repay Mizuki's kindness.

The ninja school has been built and has begun to recruit students.

There are only two requirements for enrollment: under 12 years old and able to extract chakra within 3 hours. As long as these two are met, you can enroll.

Other than that, there are no requirements. As long as you have a hukou in the Country of Birds, you can enroll.

There is no tuition fee, and the school provides free lunch.

As long as the child can enroll, the parents can move to the village to live. The house is free, and there is a living allowance, which will last until the child graduates from the school.

This condition is so good that people outside the Country of Birds are jealous.

People from all parts of the Country of Birds, who have heard the news, are scrambling to bring their children here.

There are also people from some nearby countries who, after hearing the news, flocked to the Country of Birds and wanted to change their nationality and join the Country of Birds.

This world is ultimately the world of ninjas.

Becoming a ninja means becoming a superior person. Even a Genin can work more efficiently than ordinary people with the help of chakra and earn more money.

There was no chance before.

Whether it is the five major villages or other small ninja villages, people outside the village will not be allowed to practice ninjutsu and become ninjas.

Now the opportunity has come. Phoenix Village has actually relaxed the enrollment conditions. It must be a scramble!

Phoenix Village has become particularly lively. The streets are crowded with people, all adults with children.

The hotel is full.

The villagers are very happy. More people means good business. The streets are full of small stalls, and they are all making crazy money.

One enrollment actually boosted the economy, which was something Tsunade had never expected.

The enrollment lasted for a week, and the square in front of the ninja school was surrounded by people every day.

From time to time, people exclaimed.

"Look at that kid. He has been sitting down for less than half an hour and he has already extracted chakra. He is a genius!"

"Hahaha, that's my kid. I didn't have much hope before I came here, but I didn't expect that he would succeed. It's not a wasted trip."

"Congratulations, brother. You will be rich in the future."

"Look, the one over there also succeeded. Wow, the ones who extracted only light blue, but his was actually dark blue, and the amount was larger than others."

Some were happy and some were sad. Many children succeeded, but more failed.

Extracting chakra within 3 hours is the standard set by Shuimu.

The chakra extraction method provided by Shuimu is returned by the system, and its efficiency is 100 times that of the ordinary chakra extraction method.

Generally, those who can extract chakra within 3 hours for the first time have qualifications above C level.

We have adopted the form of casting a wide net to recruit students, so there is no worry about not being able to recruit people, so it is better to set the standard higher.

This recruitment lasted for a week.

In the end, there were more than 200 children who met the conditions.

Not many, but definitely not a few.

The parents of these children have obtained the qualification to live in Fenghuang Village, and received a set of fully furnished and finely decorated three-bedroom and two-living-room houses for free, and a subsidy of 3,000 taels per month. Although it is not much, they do not worry about their lives.

Of course, the free house is conditional.

After their children graduate from school, if they choose to work in the village, as long as they work for more than 5 years, the house will belong to them permanently.

If the children choose to leave Phoenix Village after graduation, then sorry, the house will be taken back and they will have to pay three times the rent for the period of residence. If the money is not paid, they will not be allowed to leave.

The village spends manpower and money to train talents. If they run away after graduation, it will be a big loss.

So this condition is made clear to the parents in advance. Once enrolled, it means consent.

If you regret it halfway, it is okay, it is not forced, everyone has their own ambitions.

But before leaving, you have to pay three times the housing rent.

Although Mizuki is not short of money, he will not be a sucker.

After the enrollment is over, other children who did not meet the requirements can only be taken away by their parents in frustration.

At the same time, their memories of the chakra refining method were also cleared to prevent leakage.

After the opening ceremony, the school officially opened.

Tsunade is the principal of the school, and Kakashi is the teacher.

The copy ninja Kakashi, who has mastered thousands of ninjutsu, is the perfect person to teach students.

No matter what kind of ninjutsu it is, he can teach it. He can teach whatever students want to learn.

As for how one person can teach more than 200 people, it is very simple. One shadow clone technique is enough.

More than 200 children are divided into five classes, with more than 40 people in each class.

Kakashi splits out 5 shadow clones, one clone leads a class, and the original body sits in the office watching intimate paradise or goes shopping.

Without the Sharingan and the Samsara eye, and drinking the water of the hero again, Kakashi's chakra is also abundant.

Just 5 shadow clones, it's a piece of cake.

Let alone 5, 50 is no pressure.

There is no way, Phoenix Village is not crowded now, and the ninja school can only rely on Kakashi alone.

In addition, Tsunade also planned that after this class of students completed a year of study, had a general understanding of the basic knowledge of ninjas, and extracted some chakras, they would start teaching medical ninjutsu.

A special medical ninja class was opened, with Shizune as the teacher, and some children with medical ninjutsu qualifications were selected to teach medical ninjutsu.

At the same time, Zabuza finally recruited some wandering ninjas.

There was even a small ninja family that wanted to join Phoenix Village.

The village was developing better and faster.

Driven by Phoenix Village, the Bird Country also developed rapidly.

Because of the attraction of the ninja school, a large number of foreigners immigrated to the Bird Country, such as the surrounding Rain Country and Bear Country.

Even big countries like the Wind Country and the Earth Country have people moving their families to the Bird Country.

They put in a lot of effort just so that their children can enter the Phoenix Village Ninja School in the future and become a ninja.

Seeing that such things are still going on, some daimyos of some countries can't sit still.

Population is the foundation of national development. How can a country develop if people go to Bird Country?

In the mansion of the Daimyo of Wind Country, the Daimyo was very unhappy.

"Send a letter to the Daimyo of Bird Country immediately and ask her to stop accepting immigrants from Wind Country."

"If not, I will start a war and flatten Bird Country."

"Such a small country actually ignored my majesty. It's simply not knowing how to live or die."

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