At night, Naruto's family. Naruto tossed and turned in the bedroom, unable to sleep, very irritable. Hinata blushed, staring at the ceiling with her eyes open, her ears erect. The noise was too loud, creaking non-stop, and it felt like the whole house was shaking. "What on earth are dad and dad doing? They make so much noise every night. They said it during the day, but they still don't stop at night." Naruto couldn't stand it anymore, jumped out of bed, put on pajamas, walked out of the room barefoot, and walked towards the bedroom next door. As soon as he walked out of the room, the noise next door suddenly disappeared, and the house became quiet. Naruto paused. "Finally it's quiet. It seems that you noticed that I got up. Humph!"

"It's good that it's quiet. Go back to sleep. I'm so sleepy!"

He turned and pushed the door open to enter his room.

In the next room, Minato and Kushina breathed a sigh of relief.

Kushina scolded: "It's all your fault. You made so much noise."

Mizuki lay on the bed, looking at Kushina sitting on him, speechless.

I made a lot of noise?

I didn't move at all!

"Go on!"

But at this moment, Naruto's voice came from next door.

"Ninjutsu. Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto lay on the bed and ordered the shadow clone: ​​"You go out and keep watch. If it's too noisy, remind them. It's the middle of the night and they're not letting me sleep."

"I'm still a child. Poor sleep will affect my growth!"

Mizuki and Kushina: ...

Can we still keep this child?

Kushina said angrily: "No, this life is unbearable. I will give Naruto drugs for dinner tomorrow to avoid disturbing us."

Minato: ...

Giving drugs to children, is this a real mother?

"Ahem, don't!"

"Put on your clothes, I'll take you out. There is a hot spring hotel in the capital of the Kingdom of Birds. The environment is very good. No one will disturb you. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

After Minato finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

There was murderous intent!

He looked up tremblingly, only to see Kushina staring at him.

"How do you know? Who did you go with?"

Minato: "Wife, listen to my explanation, it's not what you think!"

"It was Hizashi, Hizashi told me, I'm not lying to you, I'm really not lying to you..."

In Naruto's house, Minato screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and there were continuous begging for mercy.

Even Naruto's shadow clone knocked on the door to ask about the situation, but was punched through the door by the angry Kushina.

Naruto was so scared that he curled up in bed and covered his head with a blanket.

It took a while for the noise to stop.

In the capital of Bird Country, Sweet Honey Hot Spring Hotel, in the independent hot spring pool, Minato and Kushina finally ended the fight.

Kushina was very satisfied and finally forgave Minato.

"Kushina, Mizuki found me and wanted me to return to Konoha to continue to serve as Hokage!"

Kushina frowned.

She was full of disgust for Konoha, and she was very unhappy when she heard about returning to Konoha.

"Why would Mizuki plan this? He also defected from Konoha, why doesn't he go back himself?"

"No, Mizuki's words are not good, let him go back by himself."

If Minato returned to Konoha, she would definitely go back with him.

She was angry when she thought of what those villagers had done to Naruto!

Minato: "Well, I'll listen to you. I won't go back!"

He hugged Kushina and smiled, "Go to sleep if you're tired. Don't think about unhappy things. In the future, our family will live happily here!"

"Well, give Naruto a few more brothers and sisters."

Kushina glared.

"How many? Do you think I'm a sow? If you want to give birth, give birth yourself."

"One is annoying. I can't do things at home with peace of mind. I have to sneak out. If there are more, I won't be able to live."

Minato was also a little embarrassed.

It's really unpleasant to be interrupted when doing things. Even if it comes a few more times, there may be problems in that aspect.

But what can we do about it? The child is not yet an adult and cannot be driven out of the house.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "What do you think about letting Naruto go back to Konoha to be the Hokage?"

Kushina's eyes also lit up, thinking: Yes, if Naruto goes to Konoha, won't no one disturb me and Minato? Then you can do whatever you want, as loud as you want.

But she denied it immediately.

"No, Naruto suffered so much discrimination and indifference in Konoha. Konoha is the place where his pain was born."

"Let him go back, isn't that pushing him into the fire pit?"

Minato: "No, I will

I think that letting Naruto return to Konoha would be a good thing for him. "

"Konoha is the source of Naruto's pain, but only in Konoha can he untie his knot and completely walk out of the shadow of the past."

"If he lives in the shadow of his childhood all his life, the darkness in his heart will gradually accumulate until it finally breaks out."

Kushina was silent.

In fact, she was also worried.

Some experiences are unforgettable. She found that Naruto often had nightmares at night, saying "Don't ignore me, why don't you play with me" in his sleep.

That kind of helplessness made her heart ache to the point of bleeding.

That is why she hated Konoha more and more.

"Naruto is a cheerful child. He seems to be careless and heartless, but I can feel that he is extremely sensitive, cherishes every feeling, and is afraid that people around him will worry. "

"So he hides his pain in his heart and never tells us. ”

“But this is not a long-term solution after all. We have to find a way to resolve the darkness in his heart. The only way I can think of is to let him return to Konoha.”

“The worship and love of the villagers may be effective!”

“In addition, Naruto’s dream since childhood is to become a Hokage and be recognized by the villagers.”

“This is an opportunity to fulfill his dream.”

Kushina was a little persuaded.

“What you said seems to make sense, but Naruto attacked Konoha before. Will the villagers of Konoha accept him?”

Although Konoha sent an apology letter from all the villagers, who knows if it is just a formality to coax Minato back!

Minato said: “No, didn’t Orochimaru also launch the Konoha collapse plan and still become the fifth generation Hokage.”

“Also, the ninja world has been talking about Uchiha Itachi these days.”

“According to my guess, Konoha has a big problem and urgently needs a new Hokage to stabilize the situation. The current Orochimaru is likely to be fake. I’m really afraid that something has happened. ”

“Even an S-rank rebel like Uchiha Itachi can be cleansed and even pulled back to be the Hokage, which shows that Konoha has reached a desperate point.”

“Let Naruto go back, he will definitely be accepted.”

Kushina nodded.

But then she asked: “You want Naruto to return to Konoha so much, don’t you just want to drive him out of the house to make it easier for us to do things?”

Shuimu said righteously: “How is it possible, am I such a superficial person? Naruto is our son, how can I dislike him.”

“Dislike?” Kushina grasped the key point.

“You really dislike him, so you want to send him away with this reason, right?”

“Humph, men, you only know how to think about problems with your lower body, even throwing your son aside, I see through you.”

Minato: …

Is a woman’s intuition so accurate?

“No, absolutely not! ”

I can’t admit it even if I kill myself, otherwise she would really think that I only care about my lower body.

“No, oh, I’m so sad, it seems that my charm is not attractive enough, you actually become rational in front of me.”

Minato: How can I answer this?

All these are life-threatening questions!

The next day, Minato found Mizuki and told him his thoughts.

“You don’t go back to Konoha, let Naruto go back to Konoha to be Hokage?” Mizuki was speechless.

It was not easy for him to bring Naruto out of Konoha, and he had a bad impression of Konoha every day. If he let him go back, wouldn’t it be like returning to the pre-liberation era?

But think about it carefully, if Naruto became Hokage, wouldn’t the whole Konoha become his possession?

Compared to Minato, Naruto listens to him more.

Mizuki asked: “Let him go back to Konoha alone, you and Kushina are willing to bear it?”

Minato: “Naruto and I can both fly Thunder God, I can take Kushina to see him if it’s okay. He can come back whenever he wants, and it doesn't matter if he comes back to sleep every night."

Well, Flying Thunder God is really convenient.

Minato said again: "Naruto's dream since childhood is to become a Hokage and be recognized by the villagers. If his dream is fulfilled, maybe the darkness hidden in his heart can be eliminated."

Mizuki thought for a moment, nodded, and said: "Okay, I agree, let Naruto return to Konoha to be Hokage. Of course, he has to agree to this. He doesn't have a good impression of Konoha, so he may not agree. "

Minato: "Don't worry, I will communicate with him, and the final decision is up to him."

After leaving Mizuki's office, Minato found Naruto, and the father and son talked to each other.

"Naruto, what do you think of Konoha now?"

"If you are allowed to return to Konoha, will you go back?"

Naruto was stunned and said: "In fact, my hatred for Konoha has almost dissipated with the death of the third generation and Danzo. "

Minato asked: "Don't you hate those villagers? After all, they used to be like this.

To you. "

Naruto smiled and said, "The culprit is the Third Hokage. They were just deceived by the Third Hokage. If it were me, I would probably be like them!"

"From Sasuke, I understand one thing, that is, when a person is devoured by hatred, he will become not himself, until he finally reaches a dead end."

"I am not Sasuke. Although I have suffered hardships, I know that people should look to the future instead of staying in the past."

Minato was relieved and distressed.

Naruto is only 13 years old, and he has learned to think about problems from other people's perspectives. He is so sensible.

Such a mentality is enough to serve as a shadow and lead a village.

Naruto said again: "Although I don't hate it, I won't go back to Konoha even if I go back. Here are my parents, Master Mizuki, Grandma Tsunade, and everyone. If I go back to Konoha, I will be alone again."

Minato: "But now there is a mission that requires you to return to Konoha Village and serve as the Sixth Hokage."

"Ah? "Naruto was shocked.

"Let me be the sixth Hokage? Why?"

Minato: "This is a task issued by your master. Either I go or you go, but I think you are more suitable than me."

"You can forgive those villagers because you are the person involved and you have the right to forgive."

"But I am your father. I am not qualified to forgive them and will never forgive them, so I can't go back."

Naruto frowned.

"Do I have to go?"

Minato: "You should know that Mizuki wants to unify the ninja world and concentrate the power of ninjas to fight against the Otsutsuki clan."

"If you are the Hokage, it will be much easier to recruit Konoha, which is more conducive to the unification of the ninja world."

Naruto said: "Is that so!"

"Since it is for the ninja world, I am willing to go back to Konoha. But I am only 13 years old. Will Konoha let me be the Hokage?"

"Also, Konoha now has another Hokage. If I go back, I can't kill Orochimaru and seize the position of Hokage, right? "

Minato explained: "Konoha first sent me an apology letter and tried every means to get me back. When that didn't work, they spread the news of Uchiha Itachi's fake defection in an attempt to get Uchiha Itachi back."

"I guess something happened to Orochimaru, and Konoha is in urgent need of a new Hokage."

"Don't worry, since I've decided to let you go, I'll make sure the situation is clear. "

Minato planned to go to Konoha to gather intelligence first and find out the information.

In the office, Mizuki was thinking about what reason to get the half of the Yin attribute Nine-Tails in Minato's body out.

And the half of the Yang attribute Nine-Tails in Naruto's body should also be taken out, first for himself, and then given to the disciples, so that the system can return it once more.

The Nine-Tails is not like other tailed beasts. Half of the Nine-Tails can fight the other eight tailed beasts alone, which shows how powerful the Nine-Tails is.

Sending the Nine-Tails to trigger the return, the returned Ten-Tails will definitely not be comparable to ordinary Ten-Tails, and may even surpass the Ten-Tails.

But although he is the benefactor of Naruto's family, it is not appropriate to ask for the Nine-Tails in their bodies.

"What should I do?"

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of a suitable reason.

"Forget it, there is no rush for this matter, take your time!"

"Now let's continue to send tailed beasts and exchange for the Ten-Tails! "

Last month, the Three-Tails and Seven-Tails were given to Haku and Hinata respectively, and the system returned two Ten-Tails and a sacred tree fruit.

Now Mizuki still has the One-Tails, Two-Tails, Four-Tails, and Five-Tails in his hands. There is no point in keeping them, so he should continue to exchange them for the Ten-Tails.

Mizuki now has a total of 9 disciples, namely Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Nobita, Rock Lee, Senju Rope Tree, Hyuga Neji, Mizunotsuki Haku, and Hyuga Hinata.

Among them, Sasuke and Sakura have already received their lunch boxes, so there is no need to consider them.

Naruto has the Nine-Tails in his body and cannot give it away for the time being.

Rocky Lee is in Konoha, and he does not have much chakra, so he is not suitable to be a Jinchūriki.

Nobita is not qualified, and his chakra is not enough, so he is not suitable to be a Jinchūriki for the time being.

Haku and Hinata have become Jinchūriki.

"Only Rope Tree and Neji are left. There is no problem for them to become Jinchūriki, so let's ask them! "

Mizuki found Neji and Nawaki separately and asked them if they were willing to accept the tailed beasts and become Jinchūriki.

The two did not think too much and agreed directly.

Nawaki was resurrected by Mizuki, and Neji's father Hyuga Hizashi was also resurrected by Mizuki. Mizuki's great kindness to them was hard to repay, so when Mizuki proposed, they agreed without hesitation.

"The one-tail is good at wind escape and magnetic escape, and can also seal; the two-tail is good at fire escape, controlling blue flames; the four-tail is good at blood limit melting escape; the five-tail is good at blood limit boiling escape."

"These four tailed beasts have their own strengths. How do you plan to choose?


Nawaki said: “I use Wood Release. I can use all other skills except One Tail.”

Ningji: “Me too. I practice Taijutsu. I don’t have any requirements for Tailed Beasts. I can use all other skills except One Tail.”

One Tailed Shukaku doesn’t let people sleep, so no one wants to be Shukaku’s Jinchūriki.

Suiki said: “In that case, give Two Tailed to Nawaki and Four Tailed to Neji.”

“Next, I will seal the Tailed Beasts into your bodies. ”

He brought Rope Tree and Neji to the Kamui Space, and then used the Six Yin-Yang Seals to seal the Two-Tails and the Four-Tails into their bodies respectively.


[The host grants the disciple Senju Rope Tree the Tailed Beast Two-Tails Matatabiki, triggering a 3000-fold return.]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a perfect Ten-Tails and 1 Chakra Fruit.]


[The host grants the disciple Hyuga Neji the Tailed Beast Four-Tails Son Goku, triggering a 6000-fold return.]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a perfect Ten-Tails, 2 Chakra Fruits, and a map of the secret realm of Flower and Fruit Mountain.]

Shuimu raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "Flower and Fruit Mountain?"

Then he remembered that the Four-Tails Son Goku said in the anime that it was the Monkey King from the Water Curtain Cave.

"Tsk, I thought it was the Flower and Fruit Mountain in Journey to the West."

"The Flower and Fruit Mountain in the Ninja World is useless. ”

Ps: Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone! There is only one chapter today for the festival, but the word count is close to 5,000 words, I hope you enjoy reading it!

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