The gravitational space has been completely destroyed.

In the field of light, all objects have been assimilated into light.

There is only light here, and there is light everywhere.

Soon, these lights converged towards the center, and finally all converged on the God of Light and were absorbed by him.

All his injuries were healed, and the aura he exuded became even stronger.

The gravitational space has become a nutrient for him to replenish himself.

"Humph, you run fast!"

"But it's useless. You have been marked with the mark of light by me. I can find you wherever you run."

"I am the light. I can reach any place with light."

A light gate appeared, and the God of Light walked in.

In Phoenix Village, Shuimu looked at the light gate that suddenly appeared in front of him and was ready.

He was not surprised that the other party could come out of the gravity space. The attack of the lightsaber could directly penetrate into the divine space, which meant that the space could not stop him.

"You can't run away!" The God of Light stepped out of the light gate and sneered.

Shuimu didn't say anything more, and the third eye between his eyebrows opened again.

This eye stared at the God of Light.

"Good fortune!"

The God of Light felt the fluctuation of his pupil power and sneered: "It's useless. How can a mere mortal fight against the gods?"

"Since you don't know how to raise me, you'd better go...ah..."

He suddenly screamed.

"You...what did you do to me? What is this? Get out, get out now!"

The God of Light held his head and shouted in fear.

At the same time, Shuimu's third eye between his eyebrows closed automatically, blood and tears flowed from the slit of his eye, flowed down his nose, flowed to his chin, dripped on the ground, and scattered into plum blossoms.

His face was very pale, like a dead person, without any blood.

His body couldn't help shaking, and he almost fell to the ground.

He hurriedly summoned a jade seeking the way, turned it into a walking stick, leaned on the ground, and supported his body, so that he didn't fall down.


"This consumption..."

The pupil technique was successfully performed, but his soul energy was consumed by nine-tenths, almost exhausted.

The consumption of pupil power was even more terrifying, and even his eyes closed automatically and could not be opened.

This consumption was not under his control.

The consumption of the art of creation depends entirely on the soul of the object of the technique. The stronger the opponent's soul, the more soul power and pupil power Shuimu consumes, and vice versa.

The soul of the God of Light was obviously very strong, and almost drained Shuimu.

"But fortunately, it succeeded!"

Shuimu looked at the God of Light in front of him weakly, and saw that the other party was holding his head and screaming in pain.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, two souls were fighting, attacking and biting each other, and the battle was extremely tragic.

One of them was the soul of the God of Light, and the other was a new soul created by Shuimu using the art of creation.

You bite me, I grab you, and you go back and forth. Every effective attack can consume some of the soul power of the other party.

This battle is all about consumption!

Whoever can hold on to the end will be the winner.

"Get out, don't even think about taking my body!"

The God of Light shouted loudly: "Blessing of light!"

After the words fell, Shuimu found that all the light around him was converging towards the God of Light.

The sunlight in the sky was originally shining on the earth, but at this time the sunlight condensed into a beam and shot directly at the God of Light.

It was bright daytime, but the world became dim. Only above the head of the God of Light, a beam of light connected the world.

With the blessing of the light, the state of the God of Light improved immediately.

"This won't work!"

"The other party can absorb the power of light and replenish itself continuously. It will soon be able to get rid of the new soul."

Shui Mu endured the discomfort of his body, came to the side of the God of Light, opened the divine space, and then sucked the other party in.

The soul of the God of Light was fighting and had no time to take care of Shui Mu's little movements.

Entering the divine space, the environment immediately became dark.

There is no sun, no moon, no starry sky, only a faint light wandering on the ground.

This little light can't support the battle of the God's Messenger.

The soul of the God of Light, which had just improved a little and had a slight advantage, was immediately beaten back to its original form and lost its absolute suppression power.


He roared, but it was useless!

He began to be afraid.

The soul opposite is fearless and has no idea what fear is.

, only knew how to attack, without any defense.

A strong attitude of fighting to the death.

On the other hand, the God of Light was more and more afraid the more he fought.

Every time he collided, his soul power would be lost.

After fighting for a while, his soul power had already lost one-third.

Although the opponent's losses were not small, if he continued like this, even if he won the battle, his soul energy would be lost by nine out of ten.

This is the foundation for his cultivation to become a god!

If he continued to lose, he would never be able to take that step in his life and truly advance from a God's Messenger to a God.

Even, his soul was so weak that he could only give up his cultivation in this life and reincarnate.

This was not what he wanted.

"Damn it, why is this happening?"

He was really scared, and no longer fought head-on with the new soul, but turned around and ran.

His idea was very simple. The spiritual sea was so large and almost boundless. As long as he kept running, he would not be attacked and lose his soul power.

The soul that suddenly appeared in his mind must have been caused by Shui Mu's pupil technique. Any technique has a time limit. When the time is up, the soul will naturally leave.

His idea was indeed good, but unfortunately he was wrong.

When his soul chose to turn around and escape, the new soul did not chase him anymore, but stood there and breathed deeply.

As he breathed, the injuries on his body began to recover, and the lost soul energy began to replenish.

Seeing this, the God of Light was shocked beyond words.

You are an external soul, but you are restoring soul power in my spiritual sea?

"What the hell are you?"

The God of Light was scared!

He was not at an advantage in a head-on confrontation. Even if he won, he would suffer heavy losses, or even perish together.

If he lost, he would be doomed.

So he chose to escape, but after a few steps, he found that the other party was actually recovering.

He couldn't even recover his soul energy quickly, how did you do it?

Whose spiritual sea is this?

The Envoy of Light didn't know that Shuimu in the outside world was getting paler at this moment. Although the third eye between his eyebrows was not open, his eyelids were twitching.

Even the crutches in his hand could not support his body.

He sat down on the ground and almost collapsed.

"Damn, why is it consuming again!"

"This won't work. If this goes on, the Envoy of Light won't be finished, and my own soul will collapse first."

His head was dizzy, but he still forced himself to think about the solution.

After a while, he finally thought of Liushen Flower Dew.

Liushen Flower Dew can temporarily increase mental power by six times. The so-called mental power is the power of the soul.

Although this increase can only last for 10 seconds, at this moment, there is no other choice.

He immediately took out Liushen Flower Dew, hurriedly opened the bottle cap, and took a sip of it in front of his nose.

The fragrant flower dew aroma entered his nose, and Shuimu immediately felt refreshed.

His mental power was immediately increased, but it did not reach six times, only two times.

He did not care why the effect of the Six Gods Flower Dew was weakened. At this time, his mental power was increased and he had to win the battle quickly.

"Seeking the Way Jade Kunai, shoot!"

He instantly created 9 seeking the way jades, and then all these seeking the way jades turned into kunai and shot at the Light Messenger.

Although the body was damaged, the soul could not be damaged at the same time.

But if the body was damaged, the soul would also become weak. The body and the spirit are closely connected.

9 kunai shot into the body and spirit sea of ​​the Light Messenger, and the soul of the Light Messenger immediately noticed something strange.

It became weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, the new soul on the opposite side, after Shuimu's mental power was temporarily increased, his recovery speed immediately accelerated.

Without waiting for full recovery, the new soul instinctively realized that he had occupied an absolute advantage, so he rushed towards the soul of the Light Messenger.

The speed was faster than before.

The soul of the Messenger of Light ran away, but the new soul was faster than him, and the distance between them was closing rapidly.

It would not take long for him to catch up!

"Oh no!" The Messenger of Light looked back while running, and when he saw that the other party was getting closer and closer to him, he realized that he was going to die.

He couldn't understand why he, a dignified Messenger of God in the God Realm, who was beyond the existence of mortals, encountered such a disaster on this garbage planet.

"Damn it!"

"A garbage thing actually forced me to this point, I can't accept it!"

He stopped running, because he couldn't run away anyway.

He turned back.

"Even if I die, I will drag you down with me."

He roared and rushed up, and the two fought again.

This time, the Messenger of Light

The messenger also became fearless, but the gap in strength was a bit large, causing him to be at an absolute disadvantage.

"It's almost over!"

The Messenger of Light suddenly said, and the next moment, he hugged the new soul tightly with both hands, letting it beat and bite without letting go.

"Let's die together!"

He gathered all the remaining soul power together, and then ignited it with a special method.

The violent power is about to explode!

Before the self-destruction, he regained control of his body and opened his bright eyes to look at Shuimu.

"Shuimu, you are proud enough to force me to this point. I didn't expect that a mere mortal in the lower world has mastered means that even I can't resist."

"But don't be complacent, I will be back!"

The next moment, violent mental energy burst out from the body of the Messenger of Light.

This power swept out instantly, and Shuimu's soul was affected by it. It was in great pain, and he fainted on the ground without even a scream.

At this time, Naruto also entered the Kamui space, ready to help Shuimu fight the enemy together.

As soon as he came in, he was swept by the spiritual energy, his eyes rolled and he fainted directly.

In the spiritual sea of ​​the Light Messenger, the two souls also returned to nothingness.

Even the entire spiritual sea was destroyed by the explosion and turned into nothingness.

The body of the Light Messenger was still intact and not affected at all, but the spiritual sea was gone, and it became a useless corpse.

Even if a new soul entered, it could not occupy this body.


The 5-meter-tall body fell to the ground and turned into dots of light, dissipating in the air.

After a while, it completely dissipated.

There was only a palm-sized disc left on the spot, and no one knew what it was.

After an unknown amount of time, Shuimu woke up slowly.

His head hurt, like a needle prick!

He forced himself to sit up, and for a while he couldn't remember what happened.

After a long while, he finally remembered.

"Where is the person, dead? Or escaped?" He frowned.

Before he fainted, he heard the Messenger of Light say that he would come back.

"In that case, he must have escaped!"

If he died, how could he come back?

"But I was clearly unconscious and had no resistance, why didn't he kill me?"

"Even if he was seriously injured, he shouldn't have lost the strength to kill me!"

He couldn't figure it out.

But no matter what, he didn't die.

This shows that the art of creation is still powerful.

It is worthy of being a technique that surpasses the blood-stain net, very powerful!

"In addition, what was the power that suddenly burst out of him at the last moment? It actually made me faint in an instant, it was really strong, much stronger than the field of light."

"Why didn't he use such a powerful method earlier?"

The sudden appearance of the Messenger of Light taught Shuimu a lesson.

He was already very strong. No one dared to object to his claim of invincibility in the ninja world. He didn't even worry about whether the Otsutsuki clan would come. No matter how many came, they would just be food.

Especially after he destroyed Myoboku Mountain, his heart became even more inflated, and he began to give up.

He had lost interest in practicing to become stronger.

He just let the system return things as they came, and no longer considered anything.

He practiced immortal arts for three days and two days, without any sense of urgency, and was not in a hurry at all.

What he thought in his heart was that he was invincible anyway, so why practice? Even if he became stronger, he would still be invincible.

Wouldn't it be better for him to eat, drink and have fun if he had that time to practice?

But now he understood that there are always people outside the sky. What's the point of being invincible in the ninja world? A random messenger from the divine realm almost killed him.

"It seems that it is still not strong enough!"

"I can't continue to be so bad, otherwise it will be troublesome when the God of Light comes again next time."

He struggled to get up, but as soon as he moved, his brain was full of tingling.

This is not a problem with the body, but the damage to the soul.

Using the art of creation to create a new soul in the body of the God of Light consumed a lot of his soul power, and then the strong mental fluctuations burst out from the body of the God of Light, causing secondary damage to his soul.

Now his soul is more damaged than Orochimaru who just performed the art of rebirth.

If he is not careful, he may end up with his soul scattered.

Fortunately, he has a strong physique and sufficient life energy.

The soul lives in the body, and the body will nourish the soul. Although the injury to the soul is very serious, it will slowly recover after nourishment.

"It's just that this recovery time may be a bit long!"

According to his estimate, it may take at least three years to recover.

"Natural recovery is definitely not possible, we still have to rely on the system."

"Get some medicine to nourish the spirit, and then return it through the system.

, it should be effective for the soul injury. "

He struggled to stand up again, but still couldn't. The slightest movement made his head hurt badly.

So he had to give up and continued to lie on the ground, and soon fell asleep again.

In the sleeping state, the recovery of the soul injury was a little faster.

Mizuki was sleeping in the Kamui space, but everyone in Phoenix Village was panicking.

"What should I do? It's been seven days, and Mizuki and Naruto haven't come out yet. Will it be..." Minato looked ugly and didn't continue.

Kushina's eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.

Tsunade and other people were also silent.

Ningji asked Nobita: "Can't you summon the watermelon yet?"

Nobita shook his head and said, "I tried many times, but it didn't work every time. Before it left, it told me that it would go back to Meow Star to offer sacrifices to the Meow King and would go to the Meow Clan King City for half a month. "

"In the King's City, it is impossible to summon it. "

As long as we can summon Watermelon and let Watermelon use the reverse summoning technique on Mizuki, we can determine whether Mizuki is dead or alive.

Tsunade frowned and sighed: "Oh, it has to be at this time!"

"Now, we can't even determine their life or death, we can only worry here every day."

Kushina was at a loss, she was very panicked, if Naruto really got into trouble, what should I do!

"Minato, what should I do?"

Minato was also very anxious, but as a man, he had to hold on at this time.

"Don't worry, they are so strong, they won't die easily."

"The enemy is very strong, the battle is probably still going on!"

"Although they didn't come back, the enemy didn't appear again, at least it means that the enemy didn't win."

"So, there is still hope!"

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