The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Mizuki turned his head and saw Itachi and Kisame chasing him quickly. Their instant body movement was extremely fast.

Konan even used the paper dance to create a pair of wings behind him and flew to chase him.

In comparison, Mizuki, who had not even learned the instant body movement technique, could only jump forward in the jungle like a slow-moving old monkey.

"It's endless, isn't it?"

He stopped, turned to face the three people, and closed his eyes again.

"I've said that I have no interest in joining the Akatsuki organization. Why are you so persistent?"

Itachi and the other two also stopped.

Itachi said: "I am a traitor of Konoha and I hate Konoha very much. You are a ninja of Konoha. If you don't join Akatsuki, you are my enemy and I will kill you."

"Your body will be made into a puppet and continue to be used by Akatsuki."

Mizuki smiled and said: "I have the art of shapeshifting. Even if I can't win, I can retreat at any time."

"Want to kill me, haha!"

Itachi had no expression on his face and gave an ultimatum: "I ask you again, do you want to join Akatsuki?"

Although Mizuki closed his eyes, Itachi's expression was clearly presented in his mind.

"Uchiha Itachi, I admire you very much, but since you want to kill me, I won't be polite either."

After the words fell, the three detonating tags had been ignited, the shapeshifting was activated, and Mizuki and Itachi's positions were instantly swapped.


The explosion resounded through the forest. Uchiha Itachi was in the center of the explosion and had no time to escape.

But the next moment, the fire dissipated and a group of crows flew out.

These crows gathered on the side, swaying, and regrouped into Uchiha Itachi's body.

Mizuki didn't have time to admire Itachi's technique, because at this time, he heard a "hissing" sound behind him.

"Good Uchiha Itachi, he actually arranged the detonating talisman in advance!"

The next moment, an explosion occurred behind Mizuki. At the critical moment, Mizuki changed his shape again and exchanged positions with Kisame.

In order to prevent Kisame from also learning from Itachi to arrange the detonating talisman in advance, Mizuki and Kisame exchanged positions and immediately used the shape change on a stone 5 meters away.

In less than 0.5 seconds, Mizuki used shape change 3 times in a row.

The first time was to attack, the second time was to escape, and the third time was to prevent danger.

When he stopped, Mizuki realized that there was a large area of ​​​​sting pain in his back.

Even though he reacted quickly, the detonating talisman arranged by Uchiha Itachi still affected Mizuki, and his clothes on his back were blown into pieces, and his skin was also burned over a large area.

If it had been 0.01 seconds slower, Shuimu would have been seriously injured or even killed.

"How cruel!"

Shuimu was impressed by Itachi's fighting wisdom and his ruthlessness and decisiveness.

The contempt in his heart was completely restrained.

At the same time, Kisame, who was exchanged by Shuimu, was already enveloped by the flames of the explosion and screamed miserably.

But when the flames dissipated, Kisame's body turned into water and flowed all over the ground.

"Water clone!" Shuimu's mouth twitched.

He took the initiative to attack and used the shapeshifting technique three times in a row. As a result, Itachi and Kisame didn't lose a hair, but he was injured.

The clown turned out to be me? ?

The shapeshifting tactic that has always been successful has hit a hard wall today.

This is the adverse consequence of leaking one's own intelligence.

If the enemy knows the shapeshifting technique, as long as they are not stupid, they will think about how to deal with it.

There is no invincible technique!

Overconfidence leads to failure.

"My echolocation is not accurate enough and has a delay. It is good for sensing the enemy, but it is too weak for fighting."

He did not notice when Uchiha Itachi used the crow substitute and when Kisame used the water clone.

If he had his eyes open, the opponent's movements would definitely not escape his observation.

Unfortunately, because he was afraid of Itachi's illusion, Shuimu could only fight with his eyes closed.

"Damn it, this is too passive. If I continue to fight, I'm afraid I will be killed."

Shuimu felt very aggrieved, but helpless. In one encounter, he suffered a great loss and was injured.

Since he came here, he has never suffered such a great loss.

He felt that he had to leave!

"As expected of Uchiha Itachi, I admit defeat. You are powerful and I am no match for you, so I'm leaving!"

He said very simply, and then jumped to the top of the tree.

Itachi said: "You can't get away. Although the shape-shifting technique is flexible, it will also consume chakra. How long can your chakra last?"


God, either join the Akatsuki organization or die!"

Shuimu laughed and said, "Who said that I only have the art of shapeshifting?"

After he finished speaking, he flashed a few times and was out of the sight of the three people, then spurted out chakra from his feet and activated the air-stepping technique.

He did not fly high, but flew close to the forest canopy, at a low altitude, at the maximum speed, and quickly went away.

In the forest, Uchiha Itachi said, "He can't run far, let's keep chasing!"

After a short fight, Uchiha Itachi had a more intuitive view of Shuimu's strength.

"He not only has shapeshifting, but also masters the perception ninjutsu. Even if he closes his eyes, he can accurately perceive the position of surrounding objects."

"In addition, he also learned the Rasengan of the Fourth Hokage, and innovated, adding the nature change of wind escape chakra to the Rasengan, which has skyrocketed in power and is comparable to the Tailed Beast Ball in destructive power. ”

In Itachi’s mind, the threat level of Mizuki has been upgraded to S-level.

“The Third Hokage didn’t like him in the first place, and three Anbu died this time. When he returns, the Third Hokage will definitely take the opportunity to attack.”

“Mizuki will definitely resist, and then a war will break out. No matter what the final result is, Konoha will suffer huge losses.”

Itachi was worried.

He now had only one thought, to catch up with Mizuki and kill him, and never let him return to Konoha and cause damage to the village.

But Mizuki had already flown far away, how could he catch up?

The body-flash technique also consumes chakra, and it cannot be used infinitely.

After chasing for two or three kilometers, there was still no trace of Mizuki, and Itachi began to worry.

“I can’t catch up, give up.” Konan announced directly.

“Maybe he is faster than us, maybe he changed other directions, in short, we have lost him.”

Itachi regretted it very much.

“If I had known earlier, I should have used Amaterasu to burn him to death directly. ”

Unfortunately, regret is useless.

“The only thing I can do now is to find an opportunity to pass Mizuki’s information back to Konoha, so that Konoha can formulate a response plan to minimize Konoha’s losses.”

It took Mizuki 5 minutes to fly about 25 kilometers and consumed 3 card of chakra.

At this point, his chakra has run out.

He used many times of shape-shifting before, which consumed a lot of chakra, plus the consumption of the air-stepping technique.

Now Mizuki has only 1 card of chakra left in his body.

This last 1 card of chakra cannot be consumed any more, and must be kept to prevent emergencies.

He flew high in the sky and looked around.

“This distance is already very safe. Uchiha Itachi and the others can’t catch up even if they don’t give up.”

“There happens to be a small town ahead, so I’d better go and deal with the injury on my back. "

After entering the town, Shuimu found a hotel and took a bath with a highly effective tonic.

The effect of the medicine was as strong as ever. By the next morning, the wound on his back had almost healed.

Thinking back to yesterday's battle, Shuimu was still a little scared.

He almost got caught.

"I used to be too arrogant. I always thought I was invincible because I could change my shape."

"Although Uchiha Itachi wanted to kill me, he also taught me a lesson. "

Whether a person is strong or not cannot be judged only by chakra, ninjutsu, etc.

Chakra, ninjutsu, etc. are external factors, while internal factors are combat wisdom and combat experience.

In the battle yesterday, Mizuki would never have thought that Itachi would have arranged the detonating talisman in advance.

If he had realized it, he would not have been injured by the explosion.

This is the lack of combat wisdom.

In short, Mizuki was crushed by Uchiha Itachi in terms of wisdom.

It's very frustrating and a bit helpless to think about it.

"Since I got the ability to change my shape, I have only studied how to attack and how to kill the enemy, but I have never carefully considered the weaknesses of this technique."

"To the extent that I was used by Uchiha Itachi and almost killed myself. ”

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Mizuki didn't even know himself, so he lost yesterday.

After figuring this out, Mizuki suddenly felt his mind was clear, as if he had broken through a certain realm.

"In addition, if you want to not be afraid of Uchiha Itachi, you must solve the problem of illusion."

If this problem is not solved, Mizuki will always be at a disadvantage whenever he encounters Uchiha Itachi.

Either, improve the accuracy of echolocation to the extent that you can "see" the enemy's every move as clearly as dynamic vision.

Or, enhance mental strength, as long as the spirit is strong enough to ignore illusion control, then you will not be afraid.

"Echolocation, no matter how it is improved, will eventually have defects, so don't consider it for now."

Although the speed of sound is very fast, there is still a delay.

The speed of sound in the air is 340m/s. If Mizuki is 30 meters away from the enemy, then the echo will reach his ears, and it will be very slow.

It takes about 0.1 seconds.

That is to say, there will be a delay of 0.1 seconds between the opponent making a move and Mizuki "seeing" it.

In a battle between masters, 0.1 seconds will determine the final victory or defeat.

Therefore, echolocation is not suitable for use in battle.

"So, there is only one way to go, which is to improve mental strength."

The Yamanaka family and the Nara family should have drugs or methods to directly enhance mental strength.

But Mizuki will definitely not be able to get this secret medicine.

The only thing he can rely on is the system.

"Get some refreshing drugs later. Sasuke and Sakura will each be granted 1 return opportunity."

When they return to the village, I will send the medicine.

"Let's go back to the village. I don't know what the third generation has prepared to welcome me."

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