The caravan moved forward without haste.

While Shuimu was on high alert, he was also thinking about countermeasures.

What should he do if he met Jiraiya, what should he do if he met Uchiha Itachi, can he beat him, should he fight or flee...

In the afternoon, it suddenly started to drizzle, and looking around, it was all white, and the vision was very poor.

Shuimu wore a hooded cloak to keep the rain out.

But the damp and sticky air, as well as the muddy road under his feet, made Shuimu feel a little uncomfortable.

He didn't like to travel on rainy days.

The caravan walked on the road in the forest, and everyone was very quiet except for the sound of wheels.

Suddenly, the front stopped.

"Mr. Mizuki, there's something going on ahead!"

No one needs to tell Mizuki, he has already seen it.

There is only one person standing in the way. He is wearing a black windbreaker with red clouds, short orange hedgehog hair, and a forehead protector from the Rainman Village rebel ninja.

The most noteworthy thing is his eyes, with circles of lines, which are unique.

"Samsara Eye!"

Mizuki could never have imagined that it was not Jiraiya or Uchiha Itachi who came, but Tendo Pain.

"Tendo cannot come alone, Pain and the Six Paths are all dispatched at the same time."

"In addition, to control Pain, Nagato must also be nearby."

Mizuki was really convinced.

I am not a big shot in the ninja world, does the Akatsuki organization need to do this?

Pain stood in the middle of the road, looking at Mizuki.

"Konoha Ninja Mizuki, introduce yourself!"

"I am Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, a god!"

Mizuki twitched the corner of his mouth.

This is so cool!

It's much better than Orochimaru asking others if they know about immortality when they meet.

"I know you are strong and you are targeted by the top leaders in Konoha, so I specially invite you to join Akatsuki today."

"Let's work together to create a peaceful, perfect ninja world without oppression and conspiracy. The unfair treatment you suffered in Konoha will not happen in the world we create in the future."

Mizuki's mouth twitched.

This pie is so beautiful, but unfortunately he doesn't know that he is just a pawn in the hands of others.

His ideal beautiful world will never come true.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

Pain nodded and said in a flat tone: "Then I will defeat you and let you join Akatsuki willingly."

Mizuki immediately said: "Wait a minute!"

Pain looked at Mizuki and said nothing.

"I am happy to fight, but I have to fight over there. These ordinary people should not be affected by our fight."

Mizuki pointed to the depths of the jungle.

Pain said, "No, they saw my Samsara Eye. To avoid information leakage, they all have to die!"

Pain's words made Shuimu angry.

"In that case, I'll deal with you first!"

He moved behind Pain and handed out the Rasengan, but Pain was obviously not so easy to deal with.

"Shinra Tensei!"

A powerful repulsive force appeared instantly, pushing around wildly with Pain as the center.


Shuimu screamed in pain, his body flew backwards, and the Rasengan in his hand dissipated directly.

The caravan was even more overwhelmed by the Shinra Tensei, but fortunately they were not too close, otherwise there would be casualties.

Shuimu was particularly calm while retreating.

"The cooling time of Shinra Tensei is 5 seconds, so, do it again."

The next moment, the moving shadow was activated again, and he appeared behind Pain again, continuing the Rasengan.


Pain turned around in an instant and grabbed Shuimu's wrist.

Mizuki was shocked.

This nerve reaction speed was too fast, just like he could predict it.

Pein grabbed Mizuki's wrist with one hand, and a black stick came out from the palm of his other hand and stabbed Mizuki's shoulder.

This black stick was a product of the Samsara Eye, involving Yin-Yang escape.

If the black stick pierces the body, the chakra acupoints will be blocked and the chakra flow will be disrupted. Even the tailed beasts can be controlled by the black stick.

Mizuki's face changed and he shouted: "Transformation technique!"

With a "bang", Pein turned into a little sheep, and his hands turned into sheep's hooves.

Mizuki's wrist was freed from the restraints and was immediately freed.

After only 0.1 seconds, Pein returned to his original form, but at this time, Mizuki had already jumped several meters away.

Pein looked at Mizuki and said: "The ninjutsu that can make others transform, even at that moment I couldn't resist. You are not only a strong man, but also a genius in ninjutsu."

Mizuki looked at Pein with a solemn expression.

His own teleportation failed again.

First it was Uchiha Itachi, and now it was Tendo Pein. This made Mizuki feel that his strength was still a little lacking.

Although he knew many ninjutsu and his methods were strange.

But when facing these strong men, he had no advantage.

It was a bit like Obito fighting the Fourth Hokage.

On the surface, it seemed that Obito had all the advantages, and his Kamui could attack and defend, and he was very invincible, but in the end he was taught a lesson by the Fourth Hokage.

"You still lack combat awareness."

"Although the transformation technique only lasted 0.1 seconds, I only thought about retreating."

Although 0.1 seconds is very short, it is enough for a master to attack once.

"If I had taken the opportunity to attack just now, Pein might have been killed by me in seconds."

The variant transformation technique can make others transform, and it is a forced transformation. After the transformation, the enemy changes shape and cannot be attacked.

If used well, it can crush the opponent directly.

The disadvantage is that the stronger the person, the shorter the transformation time.

When used on Naruto before, it could force Naruto to transform for 5 seconds, but just now, it only allowed Pein to transform for 0.1 seconds.

And the stronger the person, the greater the consumption.

In an instant, Mizuki's chakra was reduced by 5 cards.

It's a pity that Mizuki didn't seize the opportunity to counterattack. If he had taken advantage of the 0.1 second gap to swing the kunai, he would have achieved good results.

There is still too little combat awareness.

"Your technique is very powerful, but it's a pity that it lasts too short. In addition, your nerve reaction, combat awareness, and combat experience are only at the level of everyone else."

"Even if you have mastered many magical ninjutsu, you still can't do anything to me."

Pein said, raising his right hand.


Mizuki's body immediately flew out of control towards Pein.

At this time, the black stick had already emerged from the palm of Pein's left hand and aimed at Mizuki's shoulder.

Mizuki was not panicked, and used the Shapeshifting again and got behind Pein.

Pein reacted very quickly and turned around instantly.

"Take advantage of enough chakra, do it again!"

Mizuki's left hand slapped Pein's body, and the Rasengan condensed in his hand. At the same time, the Mutation Clone Technique was used.

When the Rasengan took shape, Pein turned into a little lamb.

Doing two things at once was put to use for the first time.

The next moment, the Rasengan hit the little lamb's head.

0.1 seconds passed in a flash, and Pein regained his human form, but his body had been knocked out, his head was severely damaged, and he fell to the ground and rolled more than ten meters.

Then he was completely motionless.


Mizuki gasped.


One transformation technique consumes 5 cards of chakra, used twice, plus several uses of Shapeshifting and Rasengan.

At this time, the chakra in Shuimu's body was almost exhausted.

Only 2 cards left.

Looking at the body of Pein not far away, Shuimu smiled bitterly. It was too difficult to deal with only one Tiandao, and most of his chakra was exhausted.

In the woods, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and someone was approaching quickly.

Through the bushes, you can see the iconic black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker.

Shuimu turned his head and looked at the caravan not far away, and sighed.

"You, wish for the best!"

At this moment, he was already too busy to take care of himself, and he was really powerless to do anything about these people in the caravan.

The leader of the caravan also saw the helplessness on Shuimu's face.

"Mr. Shuimu, is there really no way?"

Shuimu shook his head and said, "You have been implicated by me, but if you want to blame, blame the Third Hokage."

The leader of the caravan didn't know what Shuimu meant, but at this moment, he was completely desperate.

The next moment, five figures fell.

It was the other five of Pain's Six Paths. After they arrived, they did not attack Mizuki immediately, but stood in front of the corpse of Tendou.

Hell summoned the King of Hell.

The King of Hell opened his mouth, stretched out a long purple tongue with hands, put the damaged Tendou Pain into his mouth, and began to chew.

Mizuki knew that he had to leave, otherwise he would not be able to leave when Tendou was resurrected.

"Before leaving, let's fight for the last time."

He turned to the caravan leader and said, "You guys flee back immediately, I'll hold you here for a while, you guys, try your luck."

There were Konoha ninjas sent by the third generation in the back, searching for those who attacked the Hokage's office.

If there was a fight here, they would definitely sense it and send people over.

If these people in the caravan met Konoha ninjas, they might have a chance to survive.

After Mizuki finished speaking, without the caravan leader saying anything, everyone fled back.

Mizuki stood still and created dozens of clones.

These clones scattered and ran in all directions.

They all disappeared.

The opposite Pains did not stop them, they were just clones, as long as the main body was still there.

As for the ordinary people in the caravan, they did not chase them.

The most important thing is Shuimu.

Behind Pain, the King of Hell chewed and then opened his mouth.

Tiandao Pain walked out intact.

"Pain Six Paths, come!" Six Pains stood together, six pairs of Samsara Eyes, extremely oppressive.

Shuimu said: "The legendary eyes of the immortals, the Samsara Eyes, are indeed powerful."

"But I still refuse to join the Akatsuki organization."

Tiandao Pain: "You gave up your escape for those ordinary people, I admire you very much. But if you insist on refusing, I will have to kill you."

Shuimu was speechless.

"Didn't you say that the establishment of Akatsuki was to create a beautiful peaceful world? If I don't join, you will kill me. What kind of peace is this?"

Pain: "If you don't join, you will be an obstacle to peace, so you have to die."

Shuimu opened his mouth wide, unable to refute this reason.

He said: "It seems that I really have to join. In this case, you first tell me about the situation of Akatsuki."

"Where is your base? How many members are there? How strong are the members? How do you want to achieve peace..."

Tendo Pain said: "I know you are stalling for time and want that group of people to escape."

"But I said that they saw the Samsara Eye. And they know part of the Samsara Eye's ability. In order to prevent information leakage, they must die."

"So, you've wasted your thoughts."

"I will tell you these questions after you join Akatsuki."

"So, make a decision!"

Shuimu frowned. At this time, he had heard screams from behind.

A group of poor people, after all, did not escape the tragic fate of being killed.

Blame it on the Third Hokage!

The screams soon ended, and then two footsteps were heard.

Mizuki turned his head and saw Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame walking over. The Samehada on Kisame's back was still dripping with blood.

"Leader, those people have all been dealt with."

Kisame smiled cruelly.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Mizuki, ready to make a move. Especially the three magatama in his right eye, which were already slowly rotating.

He had the urge to open the Mangekyo and release Amaterasu.

Mizuki looked at Tendo Pain and smiled.

"My decision is to refuse!"

Tian Dao said calmly, "If that's the case, then you can leave your life here."

Shui Mu shook his head and said, "I will not join the Akatsuki organization, nor will I die. Even the Samsara Eye can't kill me."

Tian Dao: "You can come and go freely by relying on your shape-shifting ability. However, unless you move to a very far place in an instant, you can't escape my pursuit."

After saying this, Tian Dao Pain's feet left the ground and floated up.

He looked down at Shui Mu, his eyes full of indifference.

It was like a high god who ignored the ants on the ground.

"I am a god. In the realm of God, you can't escape!"

Shui Mu sighed and said, "You call yourself a god, but you don't know that you are just a chess piece on someone else's chessboard."

"Talking about peace, but ignoring life and slaughtering at will."

"Akatsuki is not as good as Konoha."

"That's it!"

After saying this, Shui Mu stopped talking.

"He wants to run!" Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan immediately noticed the changes in Mizuki.

His right eye instantly turned into a kaleidoscope, and the flame of Amaterasu appeared, aiming at Mizuki.

The black flame burned Mizuki directly.

But the next moment, with a "bang", Mizuki turned into a puff of smoke and completely dissipated.

Mizuki in the field was not the real body at all, but a false clone.

Tiandao frowned: "He released the clone before, so this is the purpose?"

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