The third generation stopped talking.

He originally thought that Danzo was talking nonsense, but now that he heard there was evidence, he began to look forward to it.

If there was evidence, he could do it to Mizuki openly.

Why bother with assassination or poisoning? Why not just kill him directly?

Just because Akatsuki couldn't kill Mizuki doesn't mean Konoha can't.

There are so many ninjas in the village, they can kill him by consuming him.

"Tell me!" the daimyo urged.

Danzo said to the dean and Nobita, "You two, tell me what you saw before."

Nobita pulled the hem of the dean's clothes, his eyes full of pleading.

The dean sighed and said, "Mizuki has something with wings like a bird, and the surface of that thing is full of detonating tags."

"At that time, that thing seemed to appear out of thin air in his hand, but he quickly put it into the ninja tool bag."

"The children and I saw it. At that time, several children asked what it was, but Mizuki didn't explain."

The third generation was speechless.

What is this?

He turned to look at Danzo and asked, "Is this the evidence you found?"

Obviously, this alone is not enough to prove that it was Mizuki who attacked the Hokage Building.

Danzo looked confident.

"There is no one else except Mizuki."

"First of all, the thing in Mizuki's hand in the orphanage is enough to destroy the Hokage's office."

"Secondly, according to Yamanaka Inoichi, it took only 3 seconds from sensing the unknown object entering the barrier to the attack on the Hokage Building. This terrifying flying speed is definitely not something that birds can do. Even the Tailed Beast Balls are not so fast. Therefore, it is completely untrue to say that the murderer is Uchiha Itachi. And Mizuki knows space-time ninjutsu. I have reason to suspect that the unknown object that attacked the Hokage Building was subjected to space-time ninjutsu, so it was able to move from the barrier to the Hokage Building in 3 seconds."

Hearing this, the third generation and the two consultants nodded.

"Finally, an unknown object entered the barrier from the direction of the village entrance. At that time, the caravan protected by Mizuki had only left the village for less than two minutes."

"If it is a coincidence, then so many coincidences put together, it is definitely not a coincidence."

"The murderer who attacked the Hokage Building and caused the death of the daimyo's wife is definitely Mizuki."

Everyone lowered their eyebrows and pondered.

At this time, Nara Shikaku said: "Although the reasoning is reasonable, it is still too far-fetched."

"It is impossible to prove 100% that Mizuki is the murderer, we can only say that he is a suspect."

Danzo smiled and said: "As long as there is suspicion, it cannot be ignored. It is also very simple to find out. Send someone to arrest him and then send him to the interrogation team for investigation."

"If he does not resist, it means that the murderer is not him."

"If he resists, then he has something to hide."

The Daimyo looked at the Third Generation and asked: "Third Generation Hokage, what do you think?"

The Third Generation glanced at Danzo and said: "Just do as Danzo said, but Mizuki is very strong and has a great ability to escape. We must be fully prepared."

"Once he resists, he must be killed with thunder."

The Third Generation finally made up his mind to take action against Mizuki.

Since there is evidence this time, it is a great opportunity.

"Daimyo, Mizuki is very powerful. To prevent accidents, please return to the daimyo's mansion first."

"Leave the next thing to us."

The daimyo nodded and said, "In that case, thank you for your hard work."

The daimyo left with the officials and entourage, and the maid followed with the cat Xiaohu in her arms.

As soon as they left Konoha Village, the daimyo said in the sedan chair, "It's all because of this cat that killed my wife. But it was my wife's favorite pet when she was alive, so I won't kill it."

"Throw it away and let it fend for itself!"

The maid had no choice but to throw the cat away.

As soon as the cat landed, it ran away immediately, and disappeared into the woods on the side of the road in a few seconds.

As a habitual offender, its ability to survive in the wild is also first-class, not inferior to wild cats.

Still in that office, the third generation was making a plan to deal with Mizuki.

Danzo took the director of the orphanage and Nobita out of the meeting room.

"Master Danzo, what you promised is..."

Danzo said: "Don't worry, since you have come out to testify against Mizuki, I will send someone to send those children back to the orphanage."

"However, this child has the qualifications of a ninja, and the Root needs such talents, so let him follow me in the future."

The orphanage director's face changed, and his eyes were full of pity.

He knew that entering the Root

What will he face after the division.

Unfortunately, he has no right to refuse.

In the meeting room, the third generation listed Mizuki's abilities, especially the ability to escape.

"First is the shapeshifting. According to analysis, Mizuki needs to sense the target before he can exchange positions with the target to perform this technique."

"In addition to visual perception, Mizuki has another perception ability."

"According to the news sent back by Kakashi, under Mizuki's teaching, Sasuke can rely on hearing to distinguish the movements around him even with his eyes closed, and can even accurately shoot down the shuriken flying around him with a kunai."

"From this, it can be seen that Mizuki's other perception ability is hearing."

"As long as Mizuki's vision and hearing are blocked, so that he cannot perceive the surrounding objects, the shapeshifting cannot be used."

"Then, Mizuki can switch positions with his clone..."

The third generation has learned a lot about Mizuki's abilities.

The plans made are also specifically for Mizuki.

At the Hokage Building, Mizuki waited for a long time, but the Third Generation still hadn't come back, so he didn't plan to wait any longer.

"It's already noon, let's go have lunch first, and then go to the orphanage to see Nobita."

He ate something casually on the street, then bought a lot of snacks and headed to the orphanage.

But when he arrived at the orphanage, he found that the orphanage was empty.

"Are you going out for an autumn outing?"

"But why is the door open?"

He narrowed his eyes, walked into the orphanage, and looked around.

The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Half-washed bowls in the sink, half-washed clothes in the bucket, and a broom thrown on the ground...

All this shows that the people here did not plan to go out, but left suddenly, or even were forcibly taken away.

"Who did it?"

Mizuki thought of Danzo at the first time. No one would do such a thing except Danzo.

He went out immediately, explored around, and soon found the children's footprints on the ground.

Following the footprints, Mizuki walked for nearly half an hour and came to the foot of a mountain. In front of him was a cave.

Just as he was about to go into the cave to take a look, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Danzo's voice."

Mizuki immediately hid behind a stone.

After a while, two people appeared in his sight, one of whom was Danzo, and the other was his apprentice, Nobita, whom Mizuki did not expect.

"Danzo wants Nobita to join the Root?"

From Nobita's face, Mizuki could see that he was coerced.

Mizuki secretly observed and wanted to hear what Danzo said.

But when they got here, Danzo stopped talking and just pulled Nobita to prepare to enter the cave.

"This is a good opportunity!" Mizuki felt malicious.

Danzo had Izanami, but the activation of Izanami was not instantaneous and required hand seals.

"Danzo will never expect me to be here. A sneak attack will be a hundred percent successful."

Danzo tried to use Kotoamatsukami to control him before, and Mizuki has not forgotten this grudge.

He let him run away last time, but he will never do that this time.

"Well, let's be safe!"

The storage ring flashed, and a kunai appeared on his right hand. On his left hand, the Rasengan was also formed.

The next moment, Mizuki appeared behind Danzo.

A cold light flashed!

"Ah!" With a scream, Danzo's right hand was cut off at the root.

At the same time, the Rasengan also hit Danzo's back. The terrifying force directly penetrated Danzo's chest and broke his heart.

Danzo had no time to react and died directly.

He never thought that he would be attacked in his own territory.

It's just that the third generation took all his men away, otherwise this place would be guarded at all times.

"Old dog, you have come to this day!"

Shuimu taunted Danzo's body, then picked up Danzo's arm that fell on the ground and put it into the storage ring.

Nobita, who was standing by, had never seen such a bloody scene before and was already scared silly.

"Nobita, come back to your senses!"

After a while, Nobita recovered and looked at Shuimu with fear and evasion.

"Why, you have never seen a murder?"

"I have... I have, my parents... were killed by bandits..."

"Do you want to avenge your parents?"


"If you do, don't be afraid of killing. If you are afraid of killing, how can you take revenge in the future?"

The fear in Nobita's heart immediately dissipated.

Shuimu walked towards the corpse, ready to remove Danzo's right eye.

At the same time, he asked, "Why are you with Danzo?"

Nobita immediately said, "Master Mizuki, the Daimyo and the Hokage want to kill you."

"What?" Mizuki was startled, turned around and looked at Nobita, and said, "Tell me the whole story."

After Nobita's explanation, Mizuki immediately realized

I can't stay in Konoha any longer.

Don't resist? How could I not resist?

"Good Third Generation, I finally found an opportunity!"

Shuimu felt lucky that he knew the news in advance by accident.

If he had been kept in the dark, the consequences would be disastrous.

Don't underestimate Konoha, and don't underestimate the Third Generation. If I walked into the ambush, I might really fall.

After all, the Third Generation knew my abilities.

"Damn it, I really can only defect now."

"But if I leave Konoha, how can I rely on the system return to improve my strength?"

Shuimu thought about it and finally made a decision.

Take Naruto and Sasuke away together.

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