The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

The ninja tool shop, Shuimu is here again.

It feels like a supermarket in the end-of-the-world zombie world.

Take whatever you want!

Long swords, kunai, shuriken, senbon, blade bag, various scrolls...

He didn't stop until he filled up a storage ring.

Before leaving, Shuimu took out hundreds of millions of gold and piled them on the counter. This money is enough to cover the blades he took away.

He is now the village chief and a person of status. How can he do such sneaky things?

As for taking the ninjutsu scrolls from the Hokage Building, that's not stealing, that's robbery.

Robbery is OK, it's fair and aboveboard.

You were robbed by me, you can't blame me for bullying the weak, you can only blame your inferior skills.

"Take these things back, Phoenix Village will not lack ninja tools in the short term."

With ninjutsu and ninja tools, Phoenix Village's basic foundation has been stabilized.

This is not over yet, he then visited the herbal medicine store, barbecue restaurant, meatball store, Ichiraku ramen store... everything that can be taken away, he took away.

With the system's granting and returning function, for him, nothing is worthless.

"What is most lacking now is people."

A ninja village with only 6 ninjas, what kind of ninja village is that.

"Who can be taken away?"

The first person Mizuki thought of was Neji.

Unlike anime, without Naruto's Kototenzuki, Neji is still a rebellious teenager. He hates the Hyuga family's system of branching the main family, and believes that hard work is worthless in the face of talent.

Neji has no sense of belonging to either Hyuga or Konoha Village. Such a person is suitable to be taken back to the Land of Birds.

"But there is a bird in a cage, which is very troublesome."

If the bird in the cage is not removed, even if Neji is taken away, the Hyuga clan can use the bird in the cage to kill him at any time.

"What can we do?"

In fact, Mizuki thought about this problem for a long time, and finally he could only think of one way, and it was an impossible way.

Kill Neji, and once Neji dies, the bird in the cage will immediately start to destroy the Byakugan. After starting, the seal of the bird in the cage will naturally become invalid and removed.

Then, Mizuki used the ability of the Rinnegan Outer Path to use the Reincarnation Technique to revive Neci.

In this way, Neci is no longer restricted by the bird in the cage.

But the problem is that after performing the Reincarnation Technique, the caster must die.

Mizuki is not stupid enough to use his own life to exchange for the lives of others.

So, this method is impossible for him to do.

"If I want to not die after performing the technique, I must become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki."

In fact, there is another way to revive the dead, that is the fairy talisman of the Toad Clan of Myoboku Mountain.

The Six Paths Sage once used the magic talisman of Mount Myoboku to revive his brother, Otsutsuki Hamura.

But Mizuki didn't think he could borrow that kind of divine object from Mount Myoboku.

Jiraiya died, and Mount Myoboku didn't revive him, let alone others.

"Forget it, let's not consider Neji for now!"

"When you find a way to remove the curse seal, or master a resurrection ninjutsu, it won't be too late to take him away."

It's difficult to rely on himself, but he has a system.

"Except Neji, there are no good candidates for the rest of Konoha for the time being."

Other Xiaoqiang have a strong sense of belonging to Konoha and a deep bond. It's futile to take them away, so they are not considered for the time being.

"Since Konoha is not an option, let's consider people from other villages."

"Gaara from the Sand Village is a good candidate. After forcibly taking him back, let Naruto give Kotoamatsukami a set of tricks."

"Kimimaro, Xiangling, and Mizuki from the Sound Village are all talented people."

Now, the closest one is Gaara.

The opportunity is right in front of us!

In the finals of the Chunin Exam, the battle is over. Konoha has a large number of people. The minions of the Sound and Sand Ninjas are almost dead, and the remaining main characters have all fled.

No one knows the details of what happened on the roof except those Anbu and Mizuki.

The Sound and Sand Ninjas have no idea that their boss has been controlled by Kotoamatsukami and reconciled with Konoha.

Now that the boss is dead, their first reaction is to escape.

There is only one Kabuto Yakushi left in the Sound Village. He runs very fast. His excellent spy skills allow him to leave Konoha easily.

On the Sand Ninja side, the jonin Maki had long disappeared, and Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro rushed out of Konoha together.

Gaara was slightly injured during the battle with Rock Lee, and was supported by Temari and Kankuro.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, so Temari and Kankuro beside him dared not utter a word, for fear of angering this killer and doing something righteous.

The matter of exterminating relatives is coming.

The three of them dealt with the passers-by who followed behind them and rushed towards the direction of the Kingdom of Wind.

Suddenly, the three of them paused and stopped. Temari and Kankuro looked at the people in front with vigilance.

"Can you hand over Gaara to me?" Mizuki smiled.

Because the battle on the roof was blocked by the Four Purple Flame Formation, they didn't know much.

Only when the formation was broken at the end did they know that the Fourth Kazekage was dead.

In addition, Kankuro and Temari's attention was on Gaara the whole time.

So, they didn't know Mizuki at all.

When Gaara saw Mizuki, the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly rose.

"Kill! Kill! Kill you, kill all of you!"

Temari picked up the fan and said, "Kankuro. Take Gaara away first, I'll cover you."

She unfolded the fan, revealing a star, and was about to fan it, but she accidentally met Mizuki's eyes.

In an instant, she was dominated by fear, her face was full of horror, as if she had seen the most horrible thing.

The same happened to Kankuro on the side. His body could not move, and he could not raise any will to resist. He just felt that he would die in the next moment.

He knew that he was in an illusion, but he could not get rid of it. It was like a ghost pressing on the bed, extremely desperate.

In comparison, Gaara's reaction was completely different.

He seemed to be enraged, his pupils began to change, and his body began to transform into a tailed beast. In a blink of an eye, he turned into a small Shukaku.

"Kill you! I will kill you!"

Mizuki did not give him a chance at all. His left eye was always exposed with a Mangekyō, and he directly used the pupil technique to kill the soul.

Gaara was immediately defeated, and the tailed beast transformation was forced to end.

"What did you do to me?" Gaara was also confused.

Mizuki smiled and said, "Promise to go with me to a place, and I will tell you."

Gaara asked, "Where?"

Mizuki said, "A place completely different from the Sand Village."

"You are in the Sand Village, you are feared and hated by everyone, even your own father wants to kill you. But in that place, no one will be afraid of your power, and no one will hate you."

"In the Sand Village, no one of your peers is willing to play with you. But in that place, you will have many, many friends, and everyone will welcome you and be happy to play with you."

Gaara's face was full of longing, and he murmured.

"Not afraid of me, willing to play with me..."

At this moment, there was light in his eyes.

But the next moment, the light went out.

"You lied to me!"

"There is a monster living in my body, I am a monster. No one dares to play with me, no one dares to be friends with me."

"Kill, kill everyone!"

Mizuki sighed in his heart, this boy, it's really hard to deal with!

So, he had to use his best trick.

"There is a person like you there, with a monster in his body. Others may not, but he will definitely accept you."

"Because you are the same kind of people!"

"The same kind of people as me?" Gaara's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Come with me, your life will be completely changed!"

Gaara walked towards Mizuki without hesitation.

What Sand Village, what Wind Country, all go to hell.

Temari and Kankuro didn't get rid of the illusion until the two walked away. The two were sweating all over, their legs were shaking, and there was still fear on their faces.

"What should we do?" Kankuro asked.

Temari shook her head: "That man is too scary. Gaara can't even use ninjutsu in front of him, and we can't stop him. Let's go back to the village. This matter is not something we can interfere with."

Temari looked at the direction where Gaara left, without too much anxiety in her eyes.

In fact, she really hoped that what Mizuki said was true, and hoped that Gaara's life could change.

No matter how it becomes, it is better than a murderous demon.

Mizuki took Gaara to the east.

In the east of the Land of Waves, due to Mizuki's intervention, Zabuza and Mizunotsuki Shiro did not die as in the original book.

Phoenix Village is really short of people!

Konoha, after the chaos, soon calmed down again.

As soon as the third generation died, the major families immediately stopped watching and came out to end the situation. Those Otoshi and Sand Shinobi who invaded Konoha had no power to resist. They were caught and killed, and it was over in a few hours.

In the final of the Chunin Exam, on the broken roof, Konoha's Anbu was collecting corpses.

Jiraiya, Kakashi and other Konoha masters were all here.

Looking at the body that was pressed into a meat pie, everyone had no expression on their faces. The death of the third generation was tacitly agreed by everyone. Everyone has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Jiraiya walked to the body of Orochimaru, kicked it with his foot, and said, "Orochimaru, stop pretending, I know you are not dead."

The flower fell, the body of Orochimaru opened its mouth, a hand stretched out, and a new Orochimaru emerged from it, sticky

It was so mushy that it made people want to vomit overnight meals.

Jiraiya looked at this scene expressionlessly, but he was complaining wildly in his heart.

Disgusting snake!

After Orochimaru came out, he was extremely weak and could hardly stand steadily.

But he was still full of relief and said with a smile: "Mizuki-kun is still too young. He left without even checking the body."

Jiraiya: "In my opinion, he didn't even think about killing you, just like he let me go in the Hokage Building."

Orochimaru's smile paused.

Jiraiya said again: "I heard that the third generation passed the position of Hokage to you before he died?"

Orochimaru nodded and said: "Yes!"

Jiraiya: "I won't agree!"

While speaking, a Rasengan had hit Orochimaru's face, directly blowing off his head.

The battle between Jiraiya and Orochimaru, the three ninjas, began.

Orochimaru was already seriously injured and weak, and couldn't even use a summoning technique. How could he be Jiraiya's opponent? In the end, he showed his true form of a white phosphorus snake and was killed by Jiraiya.

He couldn't escape, and was surrounded by Konoha ninjas.


The third Hokage of Konoha Village died, the fourth Kazekage of Sand Village died, and Orochimaru of Sound Village also died!

This small-scale war between the three villages ended at the cost of the deaths of three village chiefs.

The only winner was Mizuki, the rebel ninja of Konoha Village.

Mizuki's name spread throughout the ninja world in just a few days.

Killing three top leaders of ninja villages by himself is an unprecedented feat in the entire ninja world.

Mizuki brought Gaara to the Land of Waves and looked at the Bridge of the Land of Waves, which has not been completed yet.

"Although I have my reasons, the most important thing is that Konoha is irresponsible."

"I hope Mizunoe Haku and Zabuza are still in the Land of Waves!"

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