The two of them were very close.

"He's just a kid, Tsunade-sama, how can you lend him money?"

"Besides, he doesn't know you, so he definitely won't lend it to me."

Tsunade nodded and said, "That's right!"

Then she added, "In that case, I'll go and gamble with him."

"He loses faster than me, and his luck is obviously worse than mine. I'll definitely win money if I gamble with him."

Shizune pouted and said, "He's just unlucky, but you're bad at gambling."

"Nonsense!" Tsunade slapped the table and said loudly, "My gambling skills, inherited from my grandfather, are among the best in the ninja world."

Shizune rolled her eyes.

At her age, she's still asking for it.

Tuntun, lying on the ground, tilted his head to the other side and sighed like a pig.

The reason why he couldn't grow up was because this old woman lost all his food money.

He had no food to eat, and even went hungry for nine meals in three days, which seriously affected his growth and development.

"Let's go to the casino!"

Shizune couldn't stop him, so she could only hold Tuntun and follow behind.

While walking, she advised Tsunade to be kind!

Of course, Tsunade wouldn't listen to Shizune. When she arrived at the casino, she saw a gambling table full of people.

Through the gap, Tsunade saw Naruto at a glance.

Naruto stood on one foot on the ground and the other on the table. He held the dice cup in his hand and shook it wildly above his head.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Buy and leave, buy and leave!"

This time, Naruto was the banker, betting on the size of the points.

Three dice, the total number of points is less than or equal to 9 points, it is small. More than 9 points, it is big.

If you guess the size correctly, the dealer will pay you one to one.

In addition to guessing the size, you can also guess the specific points. If you guess the points correctly, the dealer will pay you thirty to one.

If it is a leopard, such as three one points or three two points, the odds are one to one hundred.

"This kid is quite a gambler."

Tsunade's interest immediately came up and she wanted to squeeze into the crowd to gamble.

As a result, there were too many people, so she couldn't squeeze in and could only stand outside and stare.

At the gambling table, everyone bet on the guessed points, and all bets were three six leopards.

Everyone bet 100 taels. This is a public area, and the gambling amount is limited, so you can't bet more.

"Come on, it's time to open, bet on it!"

Naruto put the dice cup on the table, and everyone shouted: "Open it! Open it!"

Naruto shouted loudly: "I have lost three times in a row, this time I will definitely win."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the dice cup, and three dice appeared in everyone's sight.

Three dice: the points are six! Six! Six!

"Hahaha, three sixes, it's three sixes!"

"Win, win again!"

"It's really a fat sheep..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear it, otherwise he won't bet with us."

Naruto looked at the three sixes and shouted: "Ah, why is it like this again, I don't accept it!"

This time, Naruto lost 260,000 taels.

It's also a good thing that he didn't act as the banker every time, otherwise, let alone 10 million taels, he couldn't afford to lose 100 million taels.

Tsunade's eyes were shining at this moment. She couldn't wait any longer. She pushed the people in front of her away with both hands. The strength was so great that these ordinary people had no power to resist.

She came to the table and firmly occupied a seat.

Those who were pushed away by her wanted to scold, but when they saw that it was Tsunade, they stopped scolding immediately.

This is also a fat sheep, and you can't offend her.

"It's the last round of the banker. I don't believe I can't win!" Naruto picked up the dice cup and shook it again.

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

Everyone started to place bets again, all 100 taels, and continued to bet all three sixes.

Tsunade took out the only 35 taels of lunch money left, and followed everyone else to bet on three sixes.

"Bang!" The dice cup fell on the table.

"I will definitely win this time!"


The dice cup was opened, and three dice were seen, with the points of six, six, and five respectively...

Shizune stood behind Tsunade and said, "It's over, I'm going to be hungry at noon."

Tuntun raised his two pig trotters, covered his eyes, and shouted "Hey, hey".

The pigs couldn't stand it anymore!

Everyone screamed, "How could this happen?"

This time, the whole army was wiped out, and the dealer took everything.

Some people looked at Tsunade, then at Naruto, thinking that this female fat sheep must be fatter.

After all, she lost as soon as she placed a bet, which was very telling.

As the dealer, Naruto also stared at the dice with the point of 5, his eyes flickering slightly.

He thought to himself, "How could this happen? It should have been

It's 6 o'clock, it shouldn't be!"

"No, you have to pay attention!"

He hid it very well and didn't let anyone see it.

Shuimu told him not to let anyone see that he was deliberately losing money.

"Hahaha, I said I would definitely win this time, hehe, all mine, all mine."

He held all the money in front of him with his arms, his face full of excitement and excitement.

"Okay, I have been the banker for 5 consecutive times, now it's time to change people."

Everyone said: "New banker, new banker!"

So everyone looked at Tsunade.

Shizune pulled Tsunade to leave, and said loudly: "We have no money, we don't want to be the banker."

Tsunade was unwilling to leave, and shouted: "Where is the boss? Call the boss."

The casino owner came soon and asked: "Fat... that, sir, what do you want?"

Tsunade said: "Borrow money, one million taels!"

"Sir Tsunade! "Shizune was going to explode.

But Tsunade went her own way and ignored her. Shizune knew she couldn't stop him and could only be messy in the wind.

But the casino owner didn't want to lend.

"Well, sir, you have borrowed a total of 3 million taels before, and you haven't paid it back yet. I'm a small business here, and I don't have any extra money to lend you."

The name of the fat sheep is well known in the ninja world.

And the fat sheep has a good reputation. Although he borrows money, he never defaults on it. Even if it takes a little longer, he will pay it back in full.

But this casino owner really doesn't have that much spare money.

Tsunade frowned and said, "It's not that I won't pay you back. When I win the money, I will pay you back with interest."

At this time, Naruto said, "Sister, if you are short of money, I can lend it to you. I have money."

Mizuki has instructed that if you meet a big-breasted sister who wants to borrow money, don't hesitate to lend it to her.

She can borrow as much as she wants. If it's not enough, go back to Phoenix Village.

Tsunade asked, "How much interest do you want? ”

Naruto: "I don't want interest, I will pay back as much as I borrow."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes and said: "You actively lend me money and don't want interest, what is your purpose?"

Tsunade felt vaguely that there was some conspiracy.

"It has been 25 years since I left Konoha. Mizuki was at most two years old at that time, and he should have no memory of me."

"That is to say, those people in Phoenix Village don't know me."

Although Tsunade was puzzled, she couldn't figure it out for a while.

Naruto said: "You only have 35 taels left, but you still come to gamble, and even borrowed millions and lost them all. This shows that you are like me, a person who loves gambling extremely."

"It is a very noble character for a person to concentrate on one thing, even regardless of everything."

"So, I am very happy to lend you money. "

Shizune opened her mouth wide, almost going crazy.

To lose everything in gambling and to be in debt, is this called focusing on one thing? Is this called noble character?

Tsunade nodded repeatedly, deeply agreeing.

"I never thought that a little kid like you could say such profound words."

"In that case, give me one million taels!"

"Don't worry, I never have the habit of not paying back debts. If you borrow money from me, I will pay you back exactly."

Tsunade got the money and started to be the banker.

Similarly, roll the dice.

"Buy it and leave it!"

The gamblers around were so happy, it was another fat sheep banker.

Just like when Naruto was the banker, they bet all their money on three sixes, a total of 26 people.

Only Naruto was different, he bet three ones.

"Open! "

The dice cup was opened, and the three dice had the numbers one, two, and three.

Shizune stood behind Tsunade, staring at the three dice with eyes wide open in disbelief, thinking she was hallucinating.

According to past experience, shouldn't the number of the three dice be 666?

"Hahaha, I win, all!"

While collecting the money, she poked Shizune with her elbow, and whispered, "How about it, am I right!"

"That kid, his luck is definitely worse than mine, he's just a fat sheep."

"With him, I will definitely win today."

Shizune pouted and whispered, "Tsk, it's only the first hand. If you lose later, don't say you have bad luck. ”

This time, Tsunade won 2700 taels.

Come again!

Everyone didn’t believe in evil and continued to bet on three sixes, and Naruto continued to bet on three ones.

This time, Tsunade threw three threes.

“Hahaha, it’s all again, come on, all your money is mine.”

This time, Tsunade won 2700 taels again.

She was so happy.

In the next few rounds, no matter how everyone bet, Tsunade won all.

After 5 rounds, Tsunade won 13500 taels.

Shizune even thought she was dreaming.


Can you win money?"

Next, it was someone else's turn to be the banker, and Tsunade was even more excited.

Whatever she bet, the dice would come out. If she bet on big, it would come out big. If she bet on small, it would come out small. If she bet on three ones, it would come out three ones.

The gamblers around her also widened their eyes, thinking it was incredible. However, this did not prevent them from making money. They followed whatever Tsunade bet on.

The result was that all the bankers soon lost everything.

They were not as rich as Naruto, who could not afford to lose.

Some people began to question whether the dice had problems, but the casino would not tolerate them.

You happily take the money when you win, but say there is something wrong with the dice when you lose. So you are smart, right?

It has come to this point. Even if there is a problem, you have to accept it.

So, those who won the money were afraid that it would be their turn to be the banker and they would lose money. They all found excuses to leave.

But the casino has a rule that the winners at this table cannot leave until they have been the banker for a round. This is a rule that all gamblers accept.

As a result, these gamblers began to spit out the money they won.

But after they became the banker, they were reluctant to leave and continued to follow Tsunade.

They were already gambling like crazy.

Even if the rational people left, others would come to the table to fill the vacancies.

As a result, everyone had wins and losses, only Tsunade was the winner. The money in the hands of these gamblers became less and less, and gradually all went to Tsunade.

By dinner time, Tsunade had won more than 4 million taels.

After paying back Naruto's 1 million taels and the casino owner's 3 million taels, there was still more than 1 million taels left.

Shizune's hands were shaking as she held Tuntun.

"It's rich, it's rich!"

"Tuntun, I can finally buy you more delicious pig feed."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

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