In this war, Kusanagi Qianye harvested a huge number of attribute points.

Some! Some! Some!

He raised his physical skills, ninjutsu, and illusion to the apex of upper ninja, and also obtained a little shadow-level attribute points.

“So, is this 1 shadow-level attribute point added to ninjutsu or to physical art?”

Grass Qianye was a little hesitant in his heart.

Now his most powerful hole cards are nothing more than the Giant God Fire Dragon Art and Physical Technique.

Then it seems that whether it is to improve ninjutsu or improve physical skills, it is okay.

“Let’s raise my physical skills to the shadow level!” Kusanagi thought for a while, feeling that the ninjutsu he had mastered now was still too little, since this was the case, improving ninjutsu was actually not a big increase in strength.

But physical skills are different.

“Ding… The physical skill is upgraded to the shadow level, and you can continue to add points. ”

Listening to the crisp system prompt, Cao Qianye only felt that his body suddenly became countless times stronger.

Although it is only a little attribute point, the significance of this attribute point is really huge.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have extra attribute points now, otherwise if I raise my physical skills to the peak of the shadow level by the way, I am afraid that there will be few people in this world who can defeat me head-on for the time being!” Grass Qianye smacked his lips, thinking a little greedily.

“It’s time to sort things out in the village!” Finally promoted to the shadow level, Kusanagi summoned Kusakataki to his body refreshedly.

“How are the current materials and construction in the village?” Cao Qianye squinted his eyes and asked lightly.

Kusataki said without hesitation: “There are almost no reserves of materials. Our village is small, and after two big wars, the previous storage has been completely depleted. However, as long as the compensation from Yunnin Village is sent, there will be no such problem. ”

“As for the construction, in addition to the buildings owned by big countries such as the Ninja School and the Ninja Hospital, we also have the rest of the buildings, and although they were badly damaged in this battle, they will soon be able to recover.”

“After these two battles, the strength of the ninja in the village has increased terrifyingly! I myself have been promoted to Kami-Shinobi, and the rest, there are already four elite Kami-Shinobi, and more than twenty Kami-Shinobi. On the contrary, it is the middle and lower Shinobi, and the current number is extremely low. ”

“The ninja school can be prepared, and the ninja hospital will be left alone. Also, after this battle, I am afraid that Kusanagi Village can be on a par with the five major powers, and you have to take care of it and recruit more wandering ninjas. Kusanagi nodded in satisfaction, satisfied with the situation of the village.

After experiencing such a terrifying two wars, the heavy casualties of the low-level ninjas in Kusanagi Village were completely expected by Kusanagi.

But the elite ninja who could survive so much was beyond Kusanagi’s expectations.

“Next, except for the dark and garrison troops who remained in the village, all the ninjas are still sent out to fight in the whole world! Our Kusanagi Village wants to be strong, and we can only fight to support war! Kusao Qianye clapped his hands and slowly stood up.

Kusakataki looked at Kusanagi with adoration, and agreed with Kusanagi’s order.

Although he did not know why Kusanagi Village could become stronger after these two wars.

But this could not change the powerful god-like image of Kusao Qianye in his mind.

Not only in this Kusanagi’s heart, but even if the entire Kusanagi, whether it is an ordinary person or a ninja, they regard Kusanagi as a god-like existence.

“! He is a small Kusanagi Village, and he dares to kill the high-level of our Konoha Village! He’s going to war with us! “Even if the three generations are thoughtful, they can’t help but slap the table in front of them at this time.

The rest of the shadow-level, elite upper Shinobi, and upper Shinobi of Konoha Village all stood on the side with an angry face.

When they heard the news of Danzo’s death, the anger in their hearts was no lower than that of the three generations.

For Konoha Village, this is all a provocation! An intolerable provocation that needs to be washed with blood.

“The only way to wash away this shame is blood and life. I am willing to defend the dignity of Konoha Village with my life! The Golden Flash Wave Feng Shuimen’s mood was extremely complicated, but at this time, he was also the first to stand up.

“At the beginning, we had a good time working with him, and at that time I was still amazed that this kid’s strength was out of terror! But now it seems that I still underestimated the extent of this kid’s progress. Bo Feng Shuimen clenched his fists vigorously, and his heart was full of trembling intent.

“The matter of going to war needs to be carefully considered! In today’s Kusanagi Village, Kusanagi himself has the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse, and his subordinate Kusakataki also has the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse because of a set of ninja tools! Coupled with the fact that they borrowed the Sand Guardian Crane from the Sand Hidden Village, their strength cannot be underestimated, and they cannot easily start a war with them! ”

In the face of his subordinates’ request for battle, Sandaime forcibly endured the anger in his heart and became exceptionally calm, and he glanced at everyone lightly and analyzed.

“So we swallowed this breath?” The rest of the crowd was also unhappy at this time.

Sandaime took a deep breath and said, “Today’s Kusanagi Village has completely offended Yannin Village and Yunnin Village!” Why should we, Konoha Village, rush to go head-to-head with Kusanagi Village? Sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight, and then sitting on the fisherman’s profit, is what we should do now. ”

In the face of this method proposed by the three generations, although he was unwilling in his heart, he could only accept it.

Because they knew that this seemed to be the best way for Konoha to do it.

But now, there is still a faint feeling of unease in their hearts.

“Remember the last time we met, this guy’s strength was just a small upper Shinobi, how long had it been since we met? He actually already has the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse? And it’s still the top one in the movie level!? Kakashi’s mind conjured up the face of a teenager about ten years old.

In addition to Konoha Village, Iwa Ninja Village and Yunnin Village at this time are all chickens flying and dogs jumping.

The three generations were not bad, for Tokage and Thunder Shadow, this time they were a great shame!

Being bullied by a teenager and only escaping in ashes, this made their prestige for many years completely shattered.

Unfortunately, despite their anger, they had to reissue the previous order.

“If you encounter Kusanagi on the way to the mission, you can abandon the mission and it will not be considered a shame.”

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