“Don’t forget why we’re here! We are here to solve problems and restore peace to the world! Sure enough, Xiao Nan stood up, her face full of compassion, not afraid of the terrifying power of the ape flying sun.

“I’m here to solve problems! Therefore, killing the ninja of Kusanagi Village will solve the problem! After all, allowing the dangerous organization of Kusanagi Village to exist is itself a factor that makes the world unpeaceful! Sarutobi said unceremoniously.

“That is, the existence of Kusanagi Village is originally a threat to peace! Even he himself has already killed ninjas who don’t know how much with his own hands! Such an evil organization, do you want to let him continue to exist? Tsuchikage also sneered and stood up.

The corners of Kusanagi’s mouth brought a light smile, although this Konoha Village was extremely strong, but the more so, the more relaxed Kusanagi’s heart became.

“Because, only in this way can we let the Xiao Organization stand on our side!” You know, the Xiao Organization is not the kind of organization that bends to exchange for peace, they sincerely want to rely on their own strength in exchange for peace! The more you do this, the more the organization will be on my side! ”

Cao Qianye squinted his eyes, his heart was not in a hurry, but he couldn’t give his subordinates a hurry.

“You guys are talking nonsense! We Kusanagi Village live our lives well, if it weren’t for the big war between your Iwa Shinobi Village and Konoha Village that involved us, where would we need to fight and kill? Kusataki stood up angrily and pointed at Tsuchikage’s nose and cursed.

“Is this your sincerity this time?” Xiao Nan’s cold voice echoed in the conference room.

With a smile on the corner of Kusanagi’s mouth, he pulled Terumi to continue to sit down.

There are free thugs to use, so that Kusanagi will not be stupid to come out by himself.

“Hahaha! Sincerity? Naïve little girl, are you still living in a dream? Want sincerity? Then, I will give you sincerity! “Ape Fei Ri slashed his body and erupted with a terrifying aura, and at this moment, his power as the strongest shadow-level powerhouse undoubtedly exploded.

Although his ninjutsu may still be restrained, the strength of his Chakra is unattainable by others.

“You guys! How can you do this? Xiao Nanqi’s pretty face was flushed, and Nagato and Yahiko beside her were also indignant at this time.

“These politicians!!” They clenched their fists tightly, wishing they could not beat those hateful old faces with their own hands.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Cao Qianye stood up slowly, “A few friends, let’s relax!” These people who play politics have dirty hearts. Reason with them, it is better to let the sow learn to climb trees. You know, the only thing that can make them bow their heads is the fist. ”

Ape Fei Ri squinted his eyes and looked at Kusa Qianye carefully. He had been in this conference room for a while, and he also showed his anger as much as possible, but Kusanagi’s tepid attitude made Ape Fei Ri Chopper’s heart a little more jealous of Kusa Qianye.

“Sure enough, he is a strong person who can kill Tuanzang!” Ape Fei Ri looked at Kusanagi Qianye’s handsome face, and couldn’t help but wonder in his heart whether his strength was enough this time.

“There are two shadow-level powerhouses in Kusanagi Village, and Sand Yin Village and Mist Yin Village, although they are allies of Kusanagi Village, in the situation that it involves a life and death battle now, they will definitely not go out to help Kusanagi! Even if it is shot, there is no shadow in Shayin Village, and there is only one Zhaomei as a shadow-level powerhouse in Wuyin Village. Tsuchikage and Lei Ying glanced at each other, and in their hearts repeated the information that Hanzo had analyzed for them before.

“After all, can’t war be avoided?” Xiao Nan shrugged his head in frustration.

Nagato and Yahiko also pursed their mouths, with a look of unwillingness.

They came here for peace, how did they know that Konoha Village didn’t have this idea at all?

“War? Naturally, if it can be avoided, it is avoided. So, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance! Let’s have a decent fight! Five against five, five people from each side, five games against each other. With every round you win, you can make a claim to the loser! And the loser, must meet the requirements of the winner. Ape Fei Ri stared at Kusanagi Qianye and asked softly, “How?” ”

“Five against five!” Grass Qianye looked at the ape flying sun slash playfully, and then looked at the sneering earth shadow and thunder shadow, and he had completely understood the other party’s plan in his heart.

“I’m afraid they just proposed five against five because they have five shadow-level powerhouses, right?” Kusanagi squinted his eyes and swept past Sarutobi Hinata, Onoki, Lei Kage Ai, Wave Feng Shuimen, and Pepperfish Hanzo one by one.

Although Hanzo still showed indignation at this time, Cao Qianye was already like Mingjing’er in his heart, and he saw through their strategy.

From the moment he entered the door, this ape flying sun chop was acting with Hanzo, so that Kusanagi thought that the relationship between them was very general.

Then he proposed this way of dueling, making Kusao Qianye think that they only had four shadow-level powerhouses.

In this way, Kusanagi himself can guarantee one victory, and counting Terumi, he can guarantee two victories. In addition, Kusaki is also a shadow-level powerhouse, plus the rest of the elite ninjas, as long as they fight, it seems that they can also win.

“yes! Five against five! Winning a game puts forward a condition. This can be regarded as reducing the scope of the war to a minimum. Little girl, our approach should be okay, right? Tsuchikage asked as he looked at Xiao Nan with a kind face.

“Kusanagi, do you dare to fight? This is the best way to calm the war, are you too timid to agree? Tsuchikage turned to look at Kusanagi and asked using the Agitation Method.

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