Itachi said, "Putting him into a little loop like this makes it easier for him to fall into illusions applied with vision!"

"That is, the pocket is stuck in what you call a loop?"

"This is Izanami? When did you cast the spell! Sasuke asked.

Itachi looked at Sasuke and said, "The first time Pocket stabbed me with a knife!"

Sasuke was still puzzled, "Then how did you do it, you said that some pupil techniques do not require vision to perform spells!" "

What does pupilism mean that does not apply vision?"

Itachi explains, "Izanami is a pupil technique applied using the human senses of himself and his opponent!

"Choose any moment in the action, and record the physical feelings of yourself and the other party at that moment, and use the pupil technique to take a picture!"

"Suppose it is a, and assume that in the passage of time, a certain impressive scene is B, C, etc., and record them one by one with the eyes of the writing wheel!"

"After recording a certain moment, deliberately reproduce the same somatosensory sensation as recording A, and create A'."

"Izanami was able to coincide A and A' and further reproduce B'C'."

"Having the opponent hover for a specific amount of time in such a way is, it is the ability to create an infinite loop."

"Of course, it comes at the cost of blindness, just like Izanagi!"

Hearing this, Sasuke pondered for a moment.

Then he said, "Are you saying that the consciousness of the pocket and the weasel in the fantasy realm and me are forever locked in an infinite loop?"

Itachi said, "No, there is a way out of this technique, and Izanami was originally a ninjutsu created to save and punish those Izanagi's magicians!"

"What does that mean?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi said, "It seems that you are no stranger to Izanagi!

"It's called the perfect pupil technique of the Uchiha family that can change their fate!"

"If there is a result that is unfavorable to you, this pupil technique can eliminate it and return it to a state where nothing happened, that is, you can use it to get the result you want."

"The next thing to talk about is to give birth to part of the history of the Uchiha family of Izanami as opposed to Izanagi!"

"I hope you know about it too."

"In the great battles of the past, when the Uchiha family encountered a moment when they could not be defeated, Hitomi Izanagi made a great contribution."

"However, this ninjutsu, which can change the outcome at will, carries a more serious risk than blindness."

"The pupil power is too strong, which has become the reason for the conceit and violent runaway of the sorcerer!"

"But even so, there is one user of Izanagi, and there is no problem!"

"But in fact, there were more than two, so within the Uchiha clan, they began to fight for a favorable outcome."

"To stop such family infighting that uses Izanagi to compete for favorable results."

"Izanami was created!"

"Because it is impossible to trap the user of Hitomi through vision, reality is an accidental product of fate, and we cannot predict it, but Izanagi can distort unfavorable reality and guide a new destiny."

"The original reality has been changed to a new fact because of the sorcerer's preferences, and it is unbearable for the enemy to be revived in the eyes of the enemy who has been defeated by himself."

"Izanami, on the other hand, is to let the sorcerer go in a circle for the rest of his life when he tries to use Izanagi to change the results to his advantage."

Hearing this, Sasuke suddenly realized.

"I thought Izanagi was the ultimate pupil technique, but is Izanami better?"

"I didn't expect that the distorted reality of using Izanagi would cause the cycle of Izanami."

Itachi said, "But Izanami is the art that stops Izanagi!" "

The way out of the loop was paved from the start."

"It was originally used to save the Uchiha people from arrogant slackness, and it was also to stop people from using the technique to easily escape the results!"

"When you decide to accept the results you should face and no longer run away, the cycle of Izanami will be solved, this is a guide who no longer relies on ninjutsu, and actively accepts the ninjutsu of fate!"

"Ninjutsu that can be escaped is too dangerous to use in actual combat, so Izanami is forbidden."

"So, when Pocket no longer disguises himself with other people, he can escape from the loop!"

"The history of the struggle of the Uchiha clan, in this history, the arrogance of the magicians, the violent departure of individuals, and the antagonism of the families that accompanied the birth of Izanagi!"

"Izanami who was born to stop all this."

Sasuke said, "Izanagi and Izanami are relative forbidden arts, and I understand their history, and it is not difficult to understand that the magician accepts fate and admits past failures and moves forward.

"But why, why did you deliberately apply this technique to the body of the pocket, this technique can escape."

The ferret looked at the pocket and said, "Because he is very similar to me before, he thinks he has everything, he thinks he can do everything, so he blindly rushes forward, because of this he is afraid of failure, and deceives himself that I can't fail."

"The end of deceiving yourself is to become no longer trusting the power of others, and I used to be like that."

"And the situation of the pocket is that he treats the power of others as his own, and he deceives himself in this aspect, and I understand his thoughts."

"The same person who was played by this ninja world, I also understand why he can't forgive and recognize himself no matter what."

"It's really wrong what this guy is doing, but it's wrong to just accuse him of being alone."

"I hope you won't be like me, obsessed until death."

Hearing this, Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"What qualifications does he have to let brother you do so much for him, he is different from you, you are perfect."

[Naruto: I didn't expect Sasuke to say such a thing! ] [

Kakashi: My heart wanted to kill Itachi, but now I say it's perfect. 【

Ino: It's so meaty, Sasuke would actually say that! 】

Itachi said to Sasuke, "I used the pupil technique of another god on you in an attempt to guide you in a manipulative way, no one treats you as a child more than me, you are only an object to protect in my eyes, I don't believe in your power."

"In short, maybe no individual is perfect."

"That's why they absorb things that can supplement their own deficiencies, and only by complementing each other can they slowly approach a good place, just like the two pupils of Izanagi and Izanami."

"I want you to see me clearly and look for things I don't have, so don't say I'm perfect."


ps: please urge more, gift!

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