After a period of fighting, Aizen Shinnosuke and his men finally succeeded in dealing with all the remaining Root Ninjas.

However, after the battle, except for Aizen Shinnosuke who looked a little embarrassed, the other three Uchiha Fugaku were all injured to varying degrees.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the three people leaning against the tree trunk and shook his head with a look of disappointment.

Although he was disgusted, Aizen Shinnosuke's hands were not slow. Aizen Shinnosuke immediately took out the three peach cards with his backhand and threw them to Uchiha Fugaku and the others one by one.

The three were considered to have fully recovered.

""Huh~ Shinnosuke, what should we do now?"

Facing Uchiha Fugaku's question, Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously looked around. Then, he pointed at the corpses on the ground and said

""Use that scroll to pack up these guys. They are our Lord Danzo's subordinates after all. No matter what, we have to give them an explanation, right?"

Said Aizen Shinnosuke, who was the first to take action, directly picked up two of the bodies.

Seeing this, Hyuga Hizashi quickly took out an empty storage scroll.

With the help of the other two, only a dozen bodies were packed up in a short while.

""Let's go!"

After looking around again and confirming that there was nothing left behind, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded and left with the three of them.

After a while of traveling, Aizen Shinnosuke and his four companions finally found Tsunade and her group who were resting at the camp. After several consecutive jumps, Aizen Shinnosuke arrived at Tsunade's side. As for Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hiashi, they naturally went back to their own homes.


Tsunade glanced at the emotional Aizen Shinnosuke and asked calmly

""Yes! It's all in here!"

Said Aizen Shinnosuke, waving the storage scroll in his hand towards Tsunade.

"What do you have in here?"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke holding a scroll and throwing it around, Tsunade grabbed it and then reached out to open it.

"Oh, nothing, just the bodies of the Root Ninjas!"

Tsunade paused when she heard Aizen Shinnosuke say that the scroll contained the bodies of the Root Ninjas. After twitching for a long time, she threw the scroll back to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"You want to die! Why are you pretending to be a corpse?"

Tsunade said as she took out a water bag to wash her hands. She looked disgusted.

Unlike Tsunade, Aizen Shinnosuke held the storage scroll without any disgust on his face. At the same time, Aizen Shinnosuke said to Tsunade:

"If you don't give Shimura Danzo that little bit of substantial evidence back, he might just insist that he didn't send the so-called Root Ninja to attack us.

He might even make an excuse and say that we massacred the villagers!"

Aizen Shinnosuke snorted coldly, Shimura Danzo, that old bastard. He is the kind of guy who talks nonsense all the time. If you can't produce substantial evidence, he will be crushed to death. Not to mention himself, even Sarutobi Hiruzen is not taken seriously by him.

"Your second grandfather is really blind. He actually has such a guy among his guards......."

Before Aizen Shinnosuke could finish his words, he was picked up by Tsunade.

Veins popped out of her forehead and she yelled at Aizen Shinnosuke:

"Little ghost, what did you say happened to my second grandfather?"

"It's okay! I didn't say anything! This is all Shimura Danzo's fault?!"

Seeing Tsunade was angry, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately patted his chest and said. The speed of admitting his fault was really as fast as possible.

Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke didn't avoid anyone when they were playing. Therefore, not only the people of Konoha saw it. Even the Sand Village ninjas led by Rasa saw it all.

Rasa looked at the guy who was being held down by Tsunade and begged for mercy. He couldn't believe that he was the Aizen Shinnosuke who had forced him to keep running away on the battlefield.

"Why......Konoha is full of talented people?......"Alas!"

After taking a deep look at Aizen Shinnosuke, Luo Sha followed the idea of out of sight, out of mind, and went straight back to his tent, no longer paying attention to what was happening outside.

Just like that, after playing around all the way. At noon on the fifth day, Aizen Shinnosuke and his friends finally saw the gate of Konoha.

At the gate, there were still many people waiting there as before.

The only difference was that this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third Hokage, and his friends were also there.

""Old man!"

Seeing the person coming, Tsunade jumped down from the carriage and waved to Uchiha Fugaku in a very unruly manner.

Shimura Danzo, who was standing next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, saw that Aizen Shinnosuke and the others came back unscathed. His hands hidden in his sleeves were pinched so hard that his fingertips turned white.

Of course, Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know about these things at all.

However, this did not affect him from annoying the old dog Danzo.

"Danzo-sama must be disappointed that we all came back. Moreover, we became heroes who ended the war!

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled and extended his hand to Shimura Danzo, saying only......Not as kind as it looks.


Looking at the smiling Aizen Shinnosuke, Shimura Danzo felt nauseous.

So, when Aizen Shinnosuke stretched out his hand, Shimura Danzo felt dirty just by looking at it, not to mention stretching out his hand to hold it.

"It seems that our elder Danzo doesn't like this etiquette. It's okay. I just happen to have something to give you. However, we have to wait until we sign a peace agreement with Sunagakure."

Hearing that Aizen Shinnosuke had something to give him, Danzo Shimura's vigilance was instantly raised to the highest level.

But before he could say anything, Aizen Shinnosuke had already turned and left.

Danzo Shimura looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, who was smiling at everyone else, and was even more furious. Recalling that he had not received any news from the ninjas he sent out for several days, Danzo Shimura could figure out what the thing that Aizen Shinnosuke was talking about was.

In an instant, Danzo Shimura's face became even uglier.

After a cold snort, he didn't care what the situation was around him. He turned around and left, leaving a cold back to all those who didn't know the truth.

The civilians of Konoha were very happy when they knew the end of the war.

However, when they inadvertently caught a glimpse of the angry Danzo Shimura, they were all confused. I don't understand why Elder Danzo doesn't look so happy?

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