Two hours passed, and the kids had forgotten about Aizen Shinnosuke's anger. They gathered in groups of three or four, enjoying the lunch they brought from home.

Aizen Shinnosuke also took out his lunch box, which was twice as big as that of an average person, from his desk, and then walked out of the classroom.

Uzumaki Kushina, who had been paying attention to Aizen Shinnosuke, naturally noticed this scene. After thinking quickly, Uzumaki Kushina closed the lunch box she had just opened. Then, picking up the bag containing the lunch box, Uzumaki Kushina quickly caught up with Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Please wait a moment......Please wait a moment!"

Aizome Shinnosuke was walking in the corridor when suddenly a voice came from behind him. Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and saw Uzumaki Kushina running towards him.

"What can I do for you?"

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned and looked at Uzumaki Kushina. If possible, he didn't want to have too much contact with Kushina. After all, Kushina's identity is the next Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. In the case of insufficient strength, Aizen Shinnosuke temporarily did not have any intersection with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

"that......Thank you for what happened this morning. I don't have anything to give you. But I brought a lot of rice balls. How about we eat them together? It's my way of thanking you. How about that?"

This is the first time that Kushina has looked at Aizen Shinnosuke's face so closely. This face is much better than the yellow-haired sissy before, but it is slightly less handsome than the big guys in a software called Tomato.

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke's face, Kushina's cheeks also turned slightly red for a while.

"How is it?"

Seeing that Aizen Shinnosuke didn't answer, Uzumaki Kushina asked again.

Kushina's voice brought Aizen Shinnosuke back to consciousness. Aizen Shinnosuke lowered his head and looked at Kushina who looked shy. Under Uzumaki Kushina's gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head firmly.

"No need, I'm not used to rice balls! Besides, I already have an appointment!"

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and walked away. In the corridor, only Uzumaki Kushina was left standing there, a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"This hateful guy, no wonder he sits with that sissy! Both of them are hateful guys! No! This guy is more hateful!"

Kushina looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was walking away, her whole round face was puffed up, just like a bloated pufferfish. Then Kushina stomped her feet angrily and turned back to the classroom.

Not long after Kushina left, a blond-haired guy poked his head out from the other end of the corridor. He first looked at the place where Aizen Shinnosuke left, and then turned his head to look at the place where Kushina left.

As for Aizen Shinnosuke, he came to the roof of the ninja school carrying his lunch box. Here, someone was already waiting for him.

"Shinnosuke, here!"

When the guy on the opposite side saw Aizen Shinnosuke coming, he quickly put down the rice ball in his hand, and then stretched out his arms like a gibbon and waved at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"I say, Nawaki, has no one ever told you that you are really ugly when you wave?"

Yes, the guy who waved to Aizen Shinnosuke just now is the younger brother of Tsunade, the current head of the Senju clan, Nawaki!

Nawaki is a sixth-grade student this year, while Aizen Shinnosuke is a fourth-grade student. Although the two are in different grades, it can be seen that Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki have a very good relationship.

"Let's not talk about that for now. Let me see what you cooked today!"

Faced with Aizen Shinnosuke's sarcasm, Nawaki pretended not to hear it. He reached out and snatched the lunch box from Aizen Shinnosuke's hand, and then opened it impatiently.

"Oh~ Great, braised lion head, mapo tofu and three fresh vegetables! Shinnosuke, you are really great!"

While saying this, Nawaki couldn't wait to take out his chopsticks and pick up a lion head, and took a big bite with the rice ball in his hand. Aizen Shinnosuke glared at Nawaki fiercely, then picked up his rice, picked up a dish with chopsticks and took a bite with it.

"Oh, by the way, Shinnosuke, you are from Class 4-1, right?"

Halfway through the meal, Nawaki seemed to remember something and asked Aizen Shinnosuke

"That's right, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't our family have a little girl from the Uzumaki clan? Grandma said she was too young so she was arranged to study at the Ninja School. It seems she is in your class. If she has any problems in the future, please take care of her!"

In fact, as early as when Rope Tree asked, Aizen Shinnosuke already knew what he was going to say. In this regard, he did not refuse, but said

"Sure, but as a reward, I want to meet your sister once!"

"Why do you always miss my sister? Didn't I tell you that she went to the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain recently? Let's wait for her to come back!

But, Shinnosuke, I will take the Genin exam soon. When I pass the exam, I will be a ninja! I can go to the battlefield!"

Hearing what Nawaki said, Shinnosuke suddenly stopped picking up the food in his hand.

"Are you going to take the graduation exam soon?"

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned, and his expression was a little ugly. Rope Tree looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, not understanding why he had such an expression, but Rope Tree finally nodded.

"Well, the graduation exam will probably be next week! But don't worry, I'm ready! After all, I want to be a great ninja like my grandfather!"

Shinnosuke's heart sank after receiving a positive answer. If Nawaki is about to graduate, then the Second Ninja World War will start soon. In that case, he has to speed up, otherwise, Nawaki, this fool, will definitely die on the battlefield.

"Do you know what the exam is about?"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked, trying to get some information from Nawaki.

"Um......I remember what the teacher said, it seems that we have to fight against ninjas who are already Genin. If we can hold on for a certain period of time, or defeat the opponent, then we can graduate successfully!"

When Nawaki said this, he acted very casually, as if he was just talking about a trivial matter.

But looking at Aizen Shinnosuke, he was very serious when he heard the content of the test.

Let the Genin be the examiner? That decision made by a fool?

Aizen Shinnosuke remembered that Nawaki seemed to have just entered the battlefield. It seemed that because of his recklessness, he stepped on the detonating tag and died.

From this, it can be seen that what kind of strength can a Genin who came out of a group of Genin have?

However, since it is said that Nawaki was blown to death, the most criticized point is......

After Rope Tree was killed by the detonating tag, Orochimaru should have run to Rope Tree's side as soon as possible. But even so, when Orochimaru found Rope Tree's body, Rope Tree's internal organs were still hollowed out.

This is also a point of confusion for many Naruto fans.

However, everyone agrees that this incident was the work of Danzo. The purpose is to master the first generation of Wood Release, and then use it to unify the ninja world. Aizen Shinnosuke recalled the various conspiracy theories in the Naruto world to constantly tell himself that this is a real world.

In this world, death is a very common thing. It is so common that in less than 30 years of his grandmother's life, this world has fought a total of three ninja wars.

So in this regard, Aizen Shinnosuke really wants to ask those guys who are responsible for crossing, how did he cross to this world?

If you want to say that you get lucky when you go out, play Naruto at work, these can be crossed. Moreover, you can cross to the world of Naruto accurately. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke has nothing to say.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke clearly remembered that he was clearly playing the game of Three Kingdoms Killing at that time. His own Dabao was just about to give Chong'er a ruthless knife, but the next second his eyes went black, and when he opened his eyes again, he came to this world. He went directly from the famous Hussar General of Three Kingdoms Killing to an orphan without a father or a mother.

So Aizen Shinnosuke didn't understand, what was the relationship between him playing Three Kingdoms Killing and Naruto? Why didn't he travel to the Three Kingdoms, but to the world of Naruto?

But fortunately, after traveling to this world. As a traveler, Aizen Shinnosuke also got a golden finger that every traveler must have.

And his system is the Three Kingdoms Killing card system!

That's right, what Aizen Shinnosuke got was the hand cards in the Three Kingdoms Killing. Those are those kill, flash, thousands of arrows, and happy and forgetful. Every time a card is used, chakra is required as the driving energy.

At the beginning, Aizen Shinnosuke had only two hand cards, kill and flash.

The effects of these two cards are very obvious. The effect of the killing card is that after throwing it at the target, it will cause damage once, and the wound is just like being hit by a ninja tool.

However, there is another special thing about the killing card, which is that it can be injected with chakra. After injecting chakra, the killing card will explode. The power of the explosion increases with the amount of chakra injected.

And the flash card allows Aizen Shinnosuke to avoid damage once. Whether it is a physical attack or a ninjutsu attack, Aizen Shinnosuke can dodge it through the flash card.

However, this card can only be used on oneself and cannot be used on other people.

If you want to open another card, in addition to fighting with others to get points. Then you can only kill people. After killing the enemy, you can also get points.

Then these points can be used to exchange for hand cards. So far, after Aizen Shinnosuke's continuous efforts, he has finally opened seven types of Three Kingdoms Killing cards, which are: ordinary kill, fire kill, thunder kill, flash, steal, cross the river and demolish the bridge, peach.

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