Time passed, and soon it was late at night.

In the woods, figures flashed, and they quickly approached the Konoha camp.

In the camp, because they had experienced a sneak attack not long ago, the Konoha ninjas were a little slack. After all, they thought that the people from the Hidden Rain Village would not attack their camp again in a short time.

Aizen Shinnosuke walked in the camp, looking at the ninjas who gathered in groups of three or four to brag and chat. Seeing that they did not even have the most basic vigilance, Aizen Shinnosuke's brows were immediately frowned so much that they could pinch several mosquitoes to death.

"Shinnosuke, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Rope Tree came to Aizen Shinnosuke's side. In the whole camp, only Aizen Shinnosuke could talk to him.

"They are too lazy. What if this place attacks the camp again?......"

"No, didn't the master say that they attacked not long ago? They won't come again in a short time!"

Rope Tree waved his hand, not caring about Aizen Shinnosuke's worries.

"Oh, if I were Hanzo, I would���You have such a mindset. You are so arrogant and complacent. This is a war, not a game of chess. Who can pat their chest and guarantee that nothing will go wrong?"


Sheng Shu was still trying to explain for his master, when a voice came from behind them.

"Shinnosuke is right!"


Rope Tree turned around and found that the people coming were Orochimaru and his elder sister.

"Teacher Orochimaru!

Aizen Shinnosuke also nodded to Orochimaru as a greeting.

"Shinnosuke is right, war is not a fixed thing. However, Shinnosuke is wrong about one thing, ninjas are not an army. Our camp does not have so many rules, and ninjas are organized in classes."

Orochimaru looked around the people in the camp, the ninjas gathered in twos and threes. Although they looked loose, they could take care of each other in the first place if something happened.

""Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, two huge explosions were heard from the left side of the camp. Immediately after, there were even more violent explosions.

Orochimaru was immediately surprised, and Tsunade beside him was also surprised.

"Are the guys from the Hidden Rain Village crazy? How dare they attack the camp?"

Rope Tree looked at the explosion site and asked Orochimaru and Tsunade.

"They are not crazy, this is all their plan! It is estimated that even Jiraiya-sama going to the so-called base was also planned by them!"

After the voice fell, Aizen Shinnosuke took a step ahead and ran towards the left camp.

Orochimaru and Tsunade quickly came to their senses and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke running towards the left camp. The two of them naturally hurried to catch up, and the other ninjas followed behind Orochimaru and the others and rushed to the place where the sound came from.

After arriving at the left camp, the camp was already a sea of fire. Most of the tents were on fire, and there were many bodies of Konoha ninjas lying on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Aizen Shinnosuke gritted his teeth for a moment. He looked around and found that most of the people who fell here were Genin. So he strode into the camp.

"Put out all the fires, and everyone else follow me to fight the enemy!"

Orochimaru led the other ninjas to come and quickly made arrangements. Although Orochimaru was still young at this time, he had already begun to show the demeanor of a qualified leader.


On the other side, Aizen Shinnosuke had also run into the Hidden Rain Village ninja who was assassinating the Konoha ninja. Seeing that the kunai in the opponent's hand was about to pierce the body of the Konoha ninja, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly threw out a card in a hurry and knocked the kunai in the opponent's hand away.


The people of Yuyin were a little surprised to see that it was just a little kid who knocked their kunai away.

But this does not mean that he will stop.

The ninja of Yuyin kicked the ninja who had no power to resist away, then took out a kunai again and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile on his face.

"Little brat? Why are you going to the battlefield at such a young age? You Konoha really have no one left!"

As soon as the voice fell, the other party rushed up with a kunai clenched.

Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his left and right hands. Then, two cards appeared in his hands.

Seeing this, the ninja from the Hidden Rain Village became alert. He remembered that just now, this little brat used a card to knock his kunai away.

""Hey, playing cards? Go home, kid!"

However, he was still alert. He couldn't lose the momentum. The Rain Ninja roared at Aizen Shinnosuke. At the same time, he threw the Kokumu in his hand and headed straight for Aizen Shinnosuke's face.

"You're talking too much nonsense!"

Aizen Shinnosuke threw two cards in his hand towards Yugakure, one for fire and one for thunder. The two cards brushed past the opponent's kunai and also attacked the opponent's face.

After the cards were out of his hand, Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his right hand again, and then directly threw it out

""Get out of the way!"

Under Yuyin's gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke's body instantly became invisible. The kunai he threw actually went through his body, and the little brat was not hurt at all.


The Rain Hidden Ninja was startled by this sudden scene. At this time, Thunder Kill and Fire Kill had already arrived in front of him.

The Rain Hidden Ninja didn't think twice and took out another kunai, trying to directly bounce the two cards away.

However, when the kunai in his hand touched one of the cards. That card actually released a large amount of electric current in an instant. For a moment, the Rain Hidden Ninja was electrocuted and screamed.

Before he could get rid of it, another card had been inserted into his body.

With a bang, the card exploded directly. The Rain Hidden Ninja who was still shouting just now was blown all over the sky.

Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously glanced at his system panel. The exchange points had changed from 872 points to 1135 points.

A Rain Ninja actually brought himself 263 exchange points

"Not bad!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said to himself

"Not bad!"

Suddenly a voice came from the side, Aizen Shinnosuke looked back and saw that it was Orochimaru who was speaking.

At this moment, he had just reached out to kill a Rain Ninja and was looking at Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile on his face.

Orochimaru moved his mind and threw the Rain Ninja bitten by his own Snake Hand directly to the ground. Then Orochimaru put away the snake sticking out of his sleeve and came to Aizen Shinnosuke's side.

"I didn't expect you to be able to show such strength in your first battle. Really good!"

Orochimaru patted Aizen Shinnosuke's shoulder to encourage him.

""Teacher Orochimaru, why are you all here? What about the other camp?"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked Orochimaru while looking at Tsunade who was present. Aizen Shinnosuke thought, the guys from Yugakure would not attack only one camp, right?

"It's okay, most of the camps on the other side are jonin. The ones stationed here are genin and chunin. It should be the news spread by the spies, so the ninjas of Yuyin rushed here directly."

After hearing Orochimaru's answer, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded.

No wonder, most of the people he saw lying on the ground were genin, and there were also chunin among them, but he didn't see a single jonin.

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