In the Konoha Hokage building, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other three were in the Hokage's office, watching the news sent back by Orochimaru.

"Hiruzen, you have been reading this news for three days. Haven't you finished reading it yet? That Orochimaru guy did it on purpose! Aizen Shinnosuke killed Salamander Hanzo? How is this possible?

He just graduated half a year ago, right? At that time, they were still being chased by the Jounin of Kumogakure! And you said that half a year later he had the strength to kill Salamander Hanzo, who was hailed as the demigod of the ninja world? Could it be that the battlefield is a place to nourish people? He has only been there for half a year, and he has the strength to fight against the demigod of the ninja world?"

Utatane Koharu looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was sitting behind the desk, his face full of sarcasm.

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long breath, and put down the scroll with the information in his hand with a sad face.

"This matter is too important to be taken seriously! You also know that Hanzo is known as the demigod of the ninja world, and now Orochimaru and his men have settled in the Hidden Rain Village......."

Speaking of Orochimaru and his men entering the Hidden Rain Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed once again.

"Hiruzen, regarding this matter, I think it would be better for Orochimaru and his men to leave the Hidden Rain Village first! I received news that the Daimyo of the Land of Rain has sent a message to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, and has condemned us there. If Orochimaru and his men stay any longer,......"

On the sofa beside him, Mito Kado En pushed his glasses up and spoke to Sarutobi Hiruzen with a worried look on his face.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen himself had received the news about this matter a long time ago. His Anbu was not really doing nothing.

"Well, let Orochimaru and the others go back to the border and wait! And I always feel that the Daimyo of the Land of Rain will not just give up on this matter!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed again. He couldn't remember how many times he sighed during this period.

After he finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at Shimura Danzo who had been sitting there without saying a word. In fact, during this period, in addition to the news from the front line about Shinnosuke Aizen that made him worried, there was also the matter of his old friend.

I don't know what kind of evil has befallen Shimura Danzo during this period. Not only has he spoken less, but he has also become mysterious. Several times, he asked the Anbu to look for him, but Shimura Danzo was not at his Root base.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him where he had been, and Shimura Danzo kept silent.

"Danzo? Don't you have anything to say?"

As Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, Utane Koharu and Mito Kado En's eyes fell on Shimura Danzo who was drinking tea. The two looked at Shimura Danzo's face that was half bandaged, and they also wanted to know what Danzo thought about this matter.

"I have nothing to say. Our Konoha's Genin was able to kill Hanzo, who is known as the demigod of the ninja world. This shows that our Konoha is very powerful! He is so strong, what else do I want to say?"

Shimura Danzo didn't even open his eyes, and still spoke with a calm look.

Looking at Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned. He kept staring at Danzo, trying to see something. However, Danzo always looked like he had nothing to do with it.

"All right, Hiruzen! Danzo really didn't have anything to say, so forget it. Let's let Orochimaru and the others come back first. Since Hanzo is dead, there is no need for so many people on the front line. Leave some people to conduct border reconnaissance and alert, and the others can go back to the village with them!"

Utatane Koharu waved to Sarutobi Hiruzen, dispelling his doubts.

""Okay! That's it for now!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally looked at Shimura Danzo deeply, then turned his head, picked up the scroll beside him and began to write an order to Orochimaru.

Seeing this, Shimura Danzo left the Hokage's office directly.

Back at the Root base, a ninja with a fancy mask on his face quietly appeared behind Shimura Danzo.

"Lord Danzo!"

"Are the personnel in place?"

Shimura Danzo turned around and looked at the person who had just appeared behind him. Without further ado, he asked directly

"They are all in place, and we can ensure that the news will be spread as soon as possible!"

After hearing the news, Shimura Danzo nodded and instructed the Root Ninja

"Spread it out! Spread the news to me! Let's say that after receiving the news of the retreat, Aizen Shinnosuke cursed the Daimyo of the Rain Country and even threatened to kill the Daimyo of the Rain Country!"

That's right, Shimura Danzo has been keeping things secret for a while, and he has been looking for an opportunity to attack Aizen Shinnosuke and his men. After all, he will not forget what happened in the Hokage Building before.

As the Root ninja left, Shimura Danzo sat in a high position with an ambiguous smile on his face.

"Insulting the daimyo and even wanting to kill him! Carrying such a crime, I want to see how Tsunade and the others can protect you this time!"

In the ninja world, although the ninjas have great power. But to put it bluntly, they are just a group of"killers" under the command of the daimyo. Even Senju Hashirama, who is known as the god of the ninja world, cannot avoid such a situation.

In other words, today's situation was laid by Senju Hashirama back then.

Although the daimyo is just an ordinary person, and the guards of the daimyo's mansion are all ninjas from various ninja villages. But in this world, no one dares to provoke the daimyo.

They are like the emperors of ancient times, high above. Once something goes wrong , the affairs of the Daimyo are the top priority.

So let alone the news that Shimura Danzo asked his subordinates to spread, insulting and even threatening to kill the Daimyo. This is the same as in ancient times, saying that the emperor would be assassinated.

Soon, under the deliberate instigation of a group of people with ulterior motives. The topic of Aizen Shinnosuke insulting the Daimyo of the Land of the Rain instantly ignited the entire ninja world.

Everyone has not yet recovered from the news that Aizen Shinnosuke killed the demigod of the ninja world, Hanzo of the Salamander. The news that Aizen Shinnosuke insulted the Daimyo of the Land of the Rain scared most of the people in the ninja world to death.

"The people of Konoha are really crazy!"

In the office of the Kazekage of Sand Village, the Third Kazekage looked at the news in his hand. Although he was scolding Konoha, the smile on his face did not diminish, and he was very excited.

The elders of Sand Village on both sides of the table were also very excited.

This time, they can be said to have a legitimate reason. The guys in Konoha actually dared to insult the Daimyo, even if the other party was just a small country, the Daimyo of the Rain Country, it was not something that these"ordinary people" could insult at will!

Moreover, the spies hidden in Konoha also sent news. Konoha's Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have been called away by the Daimyo of the Fire Country, and Konoha was now in a situation where there was no leader.

""Sir, we should issue a statement immediately to condemn Konoha! At the same time, we should send out our ninja army and march directly to Konoha!"

One of the elders of the Sand Village below spoke to the Third Kazekage.

Hearing the other party's proposal, the Third Kazekage nodded repeatedly and his eyes fell on Chiyo who was standing beside him.

"Elder Chiyo! I leave this matter to you. You lead the ninjas from the Wind Country to attack Konoha. I am here to issue a statement condemning Konoha's actions!"


Chiyo nodded and agreed to the order of the Third Kazekage.

The Land of Lightning, the Hidden Cloud Village.

The Third Raikage looked at the message in his hand and stared at his son with wide eyes.

"Is this really the news from Konoha? Their Genin first killed the Salamander Hanzo, and now they dare to speak rudely to the Daimyo?"

The young future Fourth Raikage looked at his father and nodded with a strange expression.

"Yes, father! This is the news from our spy hidden in Konoha. This news really came from Konoha!"

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