"Eh? You really guessed it!"

Aizen Shinnosuke's smile did not diminish, and his eyes even narrowed with laughter.

"All right, then according to the bet, I will send people 2 and 4 away now."

Just when the Lord of the Rain Country was expecting Aizen Shinnosuke to send his son away, suddenly Aizen Shinnosuke threw out the previous card again and really"sent away" people 2 and 4.

""What are you doing? I won! I won!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Rain finally collapsed. He was like a mad dog, trying to bite Aizen Shinnosuke with his teeth. However, he didn't even have hands, and was gently pushed by Aizen Shinnosuke and fell to the ground.

"Yes, you won. I did what I said, I sent him away. But he left this world! It's all your fault. You didn't tell me that you wanted me to let them leave this Daming Prefecture! Why didn't you tell me before?

If you had told me, I would have let him go! So, why didn't you tell me?"

"You did it on purpose! You did it on purpose! You were teasing me! You were teasing me! What? It feels good to tease a daimyo, right? You treat me like a toy, and you think you can tease me at will, right?"

The daimyo of the Land of Rain fell to the ground, twisting his body constantly. His shouts resounded through the sky, and in the distance, Aizen Shinnosuke could already hear the barking of dogs.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say your voice is so loud that it can even wake up dogs! Yes, I am teasing you, so what? Just like you think that our Konoha ninjas will withdraw to their own country because of your order.

I also think that you, the daimyo, can be teased by me at will!"

As he spoke, flames suddenly appeared in the yard below, and the remaining people were directly burned to death by the raging fire.

The daimyo of the Rain Country saw this scene and wailed helplessly.

"Well, it's time for the two of us to say goodbye!"

Aizen Shinnosuke put on his mask again, picked up the ancient ingot sword beside him, and once again placed it on the body of the Lord of the Rain Country.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Lord Shimura Danzo sends his regards!"

After saying that, Shinnosuke Aizen stabbed the ancient ingot sword in his hand directly into the body of the Lord of the Rain Country. At the same time, the sound of breaking the door also reached Shinnosuke Aizen's ears.

He quickly put away his weapon, and then jumped to the eaves.

Soon, a large number of samurai filed in. They were actually the first line of guard of the daimyo's mansion, and the ninjas before were actually the daimyo's personal guards.

"Well, not bad, the timing is just right!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the samurai who rushed in from below and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, then. Let me see if there are any cute ones I missed."

The moment the warriors of the Rain Country rushed into the daimyo's mansion, they were shocked by the scene that looked like hell on earth. The ground was covered with body parts and bloodstains, and in the middle of the yard, there was a pile of corpses burning.

""Sir! The daimyo is here!"

Soon, one of the samurai found the daimyo of the rain country dead on the eaves. The samurai looked at the daimyo who had lost both arms, and their faces were full of sorrow.

They couldn't believe that their daimyo was killed.

And in this way. Just by looking at the daimyo's body, they could imagine how much damage the daimyo had suffered when he was alive.

"Sir! There are still people alive here!"

Shinnosuke Aizen, who was on the roof, stood up straight when he heard the voice from below. He didn't expect that there were really people alive? Is the TV series really not a random show?

Under the gaze of Shinnosuke Aizen, a child was pulled up from the well by the samurai.

The leader of the samurai looked at the child whose lips were frozen purple, took off his coat distressedly, and put it on the child.

"Sir, this is......What on earth is going on? Why is the daimyo......"

Looking at the trembling child, the leader of the warriors knelt down in front of him and asked him what happened.

"It was a ninja, a ninja attacked us."

Although the child was young, he was also the child of the daimyo of the Rain Country. He naturally knew what happened just now. However, because he was hiding in the well, he didn't hear some of the words clearly.

"Ninja? Sir, do you know which country the ninja is from?"

Hearing that it was a ninja who attacked their daimyo, the group of samurai became furious. They waved their swords and threatened to kill the ninja.

"Really? Kill me!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind them. Many warriors turned around subconsciously and saw a guy who wrapped himself tightly, holding a knife and standing behind them.

"it's him......it's him......"

As soon as the child saw Aizen Shinnosuke, he screamed excitedly. The samurai leader directly protected the only remaining bloodline of the Daimyo of the Land of Rain, and at the same time commanded other samurai to attack the enemy on the opposite side.

If it takes a little effort for Aizen Shinnosuke to deal with ninjas. Then facing the so-called samurai is actually the same as facing a group of civilians.

After all, not every samurai is called Mifune. More samurai are actually civilians who have taken up weapons. It's just that they are unwilling to be civilians, so they call themselves samurai.

This time, it was more pleasant than chopping melons and vegetables. With almost no effort, Aizen Shinnosuke directly killed the child and the last samurai leader.

"you......Your behavior will be condemned! The other daimyo will not let you go!"

Having heard this many times, Aizen Shinnosuke has already frowned.

This time, Aizen Shinnosuke was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly kicked the samurai, then drew his sword and swung at him.

"It's already night, disappear quietly!"

Then with a big slash of the sword, the samurai was cut in half. The last child, Aizen Shinnosuke, was not spared either, since he liked to hide in the well.

So, Aizen Shinnosuke let him sleep in the well. Who knows, decades or hundreds of years later, a male version of Sadako may appear!

After dealing with the last two people, Aizen Shinnosuke really left this time.

Not long after he left, many villagers rushed into the daimyo's house. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a few big words written in blood: Konoha Shimura Danzo, greetings to everyone!

"You are really amazing. You didn't even let such a young child go?"

Shinnosuke Aizen was on his way to the Hidden Rain Village when he was suddenly stopped by someone. The person was hiding in the shadows, but the voice was very familiar to Shinnosuke Aizen.

"Anyway, they are all stained with blood, whose blood is not blood? Don’t you think so! Orochimaru teacher?"

As Aizen Shinnosuke teased, the person in the shadows walked out. As expected, the person who came was Orochimaru. Judging from his expression, he should have been watching Aizen Shinnosuke in the dark.

Therefore, he was so familiar with what happened just now.

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