"Eh? You can actually talk?"

Aizen Shinnosuke never expected that the elephant he summoned could actually talk.

"Of course! Are these bugs below your enemies?"

The mammoth rolled his eyes proudly, and then looked down. From its perspective, humans who were only a meter tall did look like bugs.

"Ah! That's them, can you do it?"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded. If he had known that mammoths were so awesome, he should have summoned them long ago, instead of just summoning those ten crazy African elephants.

""It's covered, brother!"

Facing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, the mammoth opened its mouth and began to inhale. Then, its nose stretched out suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew towards the Iwagakure ninjas.

Except for some Iwagakure ninjas who were quicker and used earth flow walls to block the strong wind, the others who were a step slower or did not have time to hide were all blown away by the mammoth's wind.

With just this one move, the originally few Iwagakure ninjas suffered another major loss.

The commander of Iwagakure collapsed. He didn't understand. What on earth is this kid, and why every ability is so incredible.

On the other side, in the cave. Orochimaru, who noticed that Iwagakure had stopped attacking, was deeply surprised, and then directly sent a small snake out to check the situation.

Then, he knew. It turned out that Aizen Shinnosuke was back again, and he summoned a huge elephant, and was confronting the Iwagakure ninjas.

"Shinnosuke is back!"


Hearing Orochimaru's voice, Tsunade, who was treating Jiraiya, turned her head and looked at him.

"You heard it right, Aizen Shinnosuke is back again. But I didn't see any other Konoha ninjas, so he should be the only one back!"

Orochimaru nodded and spoke to Tsunade again.

"Nonsense! What is he doing here alone? There are so many Iwagakure down there.......Orochimaru, go help him!"

"Of course, then you two should pay more attention!"

Orochimaru nodded, then turned and left. He rushed out of the cave directly and ran in the direction of Aizen Shinnosuke.

However, when Orochimaru got not far from Aizen Shinnosuke, he found that there were not many Iwagakure who had besieged them before. There were countless arrows stuck in the ground, and then there were charred corpses. Some Iwagakure hid behind the earth flow wall, avoiding Aizen Shinnosuke and his summoning beasts.


Orochimaru jumped to the side of Aizen Shinnosuke. From this angle, there were only a few ninjas left in Iwagakure.


Seeing that Orochimaru was fine, Aizen Shinnosuke finally let go of his worry.

"How many people are there?"

The two did not chat for long, and Orochimaru immediately asked Aizen Shinnosuke

"How would I know? But after my two attacks, there shouldn't be many of them left!"

Hearing this result, Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction.

But at this moment, shouts came from below.

"Earth escape technique: Great Earthquake Core!"

It turned out that the remaining Iwagakure ninjas had launched an earth escape technique called Great Earthquake Core together. In an instant, the ground under the mammoth's feet began to collapse, and it fell down uncontrollably.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the mammoth had been trapped in a pit higher than him.

Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru were even level with the ground.

Seeing that the mammoth had been controlled, Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru quickly jumped away. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke lifted the summons to the mammoth.

The mammoth immediately turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into the big pit.

"Damn Konoha brat!"

After dealing with Aizen Shinnosuke's summoning beast, the Iwagakure ninjas all gnashed their teeth and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. In their hands, they clenched their weapons tightly.

"Are you okay?"

Orochimaru and Aizen Shinnosuke leaned against each other, and they looked vigilantly at the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas.

"Of course!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded and took out his ancient ingot sword.

"Kill them!"

With a roar, the Iwagakure ninjas rushed towards Orochimaru and Aizen Shinnosuke.

Looking at the Iwagakure ninjas screaming and rushing towards him, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a new card.

This time, the Iwagakure ninjas were already alert. When they saw the card in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand, almost subconsciously, the Iwagakure ninjas began to make hand seals with their hands.

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

"Fire Style: Fire Attack!"

A second before the flame from Aizen Shinnosuke's mouth arrived, many earth walls rose from the ground, protecting the Iwagakure ninjas.

Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke's Fire Style Ninjutsu with a look of surprise in his eyes.

According to his observation, Aizen Shinnosuke's Ninjutsu has reached the level of A-level Ninjutsu. This kid can really surprise him.

Then, as a teacher, he, Orochimaru, can't lose face!

""Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Although it was just a simple wind style ninjutsu, under Orochimaru's use, the earth flowing walls of the Iwagakure were almost cut in half by the wind.

The remaining half of the earth flowing walls could not stop the scorching flames of Aizen Shinnosuke. If this continued, it was only a matter of time before they were killed here.

""Damn it! Retreat!"

There was no other way. Although he was unwilling, the commander of Iwagakure had to give the order to retreat to the ninjas behind him.

The moment the order was issued, the ninjas of Iwagakure suddenly ran like wild horses.

However, there were still some guys who ran slowly. They were stabbed by Aizen Shinnosuke's killing card and finally lost their lives.

As the Iwagakure people dispersed, Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru stood on the battlefield. Both of them couldn't help but smile.

Orochimaru was happy that they finally got rid of the danger this time, while Aizen Shinnosuke was looking at the exchange points in his system and smiling like a fool.

"I never thought that you are so strong now!"

Orochimaru reached out and patted Aizen Shinnosuke on the shoulder, looking at him with a look of satisfaction.

"It's all thanks to the teacher's good teaching!"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned around, with a smile on his face.

"I don't remember what I taught you! Don't flatter me! Let's go, Jiraiya is still injured!"

Under the guidance of Orochimaru, Aizen Shinnosuke finally met Tsunade and the seriously injured Jiraiya.

""Sister Tsunade, Master Jiraiya!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to the two of them, then took out the Peach Card and shot it into Jiraiya's body.

As a green light flashed, Jiraiya, who was half dead just now, suddenly became vigorous.

""Huh, your ninjutsu is really useful, Shinnosuke. I treated Jiraiya for so long before, but I could only suppress his injuries!"

Tsunade wiped the sweat from her forehead and spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke excitedly.

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