"The Great Toad Sage wants to see me?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"That's right, I wanted to talk to you last time I came back from Myoboku Mountain. The Great Toad Sage told me that he wanted to see you!"

Jiraiya nodded, indicating that he was not talking nonsense.


Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya. Under his gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke did not even think about it and shook his head to refuse.


Jiraiya was startled and thought he had heard it wrong.

"What? I don't want to see an old toad. Why should I go see it? Is it powerful?"

"Shinnosuke! That's the Great Toad Sage, please show some respect!"

Jiraiya slammed the table and stood up. He would never allow anyone to humiliate the Great Toad Sage. After all, the other party was indeed a 'sage who knew magic.’


Looking at the aggressive Jiraiya, Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at him with contempt.

"Big toad immortal? Jiraiya, let me tell you, even if he really became an immortal, he is still a toad! Don't think that just because he can talk and practice, he can show off to me and ask me to go see it? Dream on!

If he is really awesome, he can just grab me if he has the ability. An old toad who only knows how to sleep, calling him an immortal is giving him face. I said, I won't go if I don't want to go!"

Seeing the two people at loggerheads, everyone else at the table was indeed shocked.

Among them, Orochimaru and Tsunade were the first to react. Orochimaru pulled Jiraiya, and Tsunade stood up and grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke

"Well, if Shinnosuke says he won't see you, then let's not see you. Jiraiya, why are you so excited?"

Tsunade waved her hand and spoke to Jiraiya.

On the other side, Orochimaru also firmly pressed Jiraiya to his seat.

""Okay, Jiraiya, you know Shinnosuke's temper. He said he won't meet him, and you should at least tell me what the big toad sage wants to see Aizen Shinnosuke about, right?" Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Orochimaru. After hesitating for a long time, he didn't tell Orochimaru and the others that Aizen Shinnosuke had become the child of prophecy.

"Forget it, since we're not meeting, I'll talk to you later!"

"That's right, let's eat!"

Tsunade greeted everyone, and the dinner table returned to its previous lively scene.

The next day, Aizen Shinnosuke was lying at home resting. Suddenly, Namikaze Minato opened the door and entered.

"Shinnosuke, Fugaku is here to see you!"

Shinnosuke Aizen looked up when he heard the voice and saw Uchiha Fugaku following behind Minato Namikaze.

"Fugaku, come and sit down!

Aizen Shinnosuke sat up and waved to Uchiha Fugaku.

"How is it? I arranged for you to do it before."

The first time he saw Uchiha Fugaku, Aizen Shinnosuke thought of what he had arranged for Uchiha Fugaku to do.

"On the surface, the major families in the village are still headed by the Sandaime. But in reality, any family with a bit of strength has been wary of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his men.

Especially Danzo Shimura, who was imprisoned at home. You don’t know that since he returned to the village, he has become the target of everyone’s beating in the ninja team.

Later, coupled with the matter of the Daimyo of the Land of the Rain, the civilians also disliked Danzo Shimura. If it weren’t for the pressure from the Sandaime, Danzo Shimura would have died countless times."

Uchiha Fugaku was sitting opposite Shinnosuke Aizen. Minato Namikaze brought Uchiha Fugaku in and left. Just as Uchiha Fugaku was reporting the news, the door on the side was opened, and then Konan with blue hair brought a teapot and poured a cup of tea for Shinnosuke Aizen and Uchiha Fugaku respectively.

"Forehead......Thank you, Shinnosuke. This is......"

"Oh, Konan. I picked up a war orphan in the Land of Rain. She will work for me in the future."

Uchiha Fugaku looked Konan up and down. He could see that Konan respected Aizen Shinnosuke very much. In addition, he had never seen her before, so he asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, the other party's identity was so special.

"War orphans from the Rain Country? It seems that this is not allowed......."

After listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's introduction of Konan's identity, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly felt apprehensive. Because according to the regulations, war orphans are not allowed to be taken away by other countries.

After all, if this is allowed. Then once the war starts, within a few years, the population of those small countries will be wiped out. Even if the five major countries are having a hard time, they are better than those small countries, right?

Therefore, taking away war orphans is actually something that all countries know. Either kill them or leave them alone, they are not allowed to be taken away anyway.

But now......Aizen Shinnosuke......

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Aizen Shinnosuke raised his head and met Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, and said unhappily:

"Do you think I'm the kind of obedient kid?"

Seeing Aizen Shinnosuke was so self-aware, Uchiha Fugaku was speechless. Then, Uchiha Fugaku nodded seriously.

Yes, the guy sitting opposite him. He was a ruthless man who wanted to attack his Hokage before leaving the village, not to mention bringing back a war orphan. Even if it was as the rumor said, he had cursed the name of the Rain Country.......Even if someone said that the Lord of the Rain Country was killed by Aizen Shinnosuke, Uchiha Fugaku would not find it strange.

"By the way, Shinnosuke, do you know who killed the Daimyo of Rain Country?......"

Uchiha Fugaku was talking when he suddenly met Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes. In an instant, Uchiha Fugaku felt a violent shock in his heart.

"......Shinnosuke, the rumors can't be true?......Did you really kill him?"

Uchiha Fugaku really felt like he had seen a ghost. He was the daimyo, the ruler of a country. How could you kill that bastard Aizen Shinnosuke just like that?

"Hey, I didn't say that, these are all rumors!"

Although Aizen Shinnosuke did not admit it, Uchiha Fugaku was sure. It was definitely this guy who did it. Could it be that Aizen Shinnosuke thought that Uchiha Fugaku didn't see the proud little expression on Aizen Shinnosuke's face?

"Aizen Shinnosuke, I really don't know what to say to you......."

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Uchiha Fugaku was about to speak, Aizen Shinnosuke raised his hand to stop Uchiha Fugaku, and then said

"Now the Sand Village of Wind Country is coming aggressively, what's going on over there?"

The Sand Village's attack was unexpected. At that time, the Hokage was being entangled by the Daimyo, and there was no time to make arrangements like before, so he directly ordered the major families to send people to the border between Wind Country and Fire Country.

So, the Uchiha clan also sent people to the border of Wind Country.

It was reasonable for Aizen Shinnosuke to ask Uchiha Fugaku for information.

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