"Xiao Nan, what do you think......What do you think of me?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Konan, and Konan also looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. She didn't understand why Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly asked her.

"How about it......Great!"

"very......Very good?"

Aizen Shinnosuke widened his eyes. He didn't expect that he would get a good guy card like this.

"That's right!" Konan nodded, and then said:"If it weren't for Shinnosuke bringing me back to Konoha from the Land of Rain, I would probably still be hungry now. To me, Shinnosuke is a very good person!"

At the end, Konan showed a bright smile on his face.

But when Aizen Shinnosuke heard what Konan said, he didn't know why he felt that he was great, but also very sad.

"Good people are good, good people are good......"

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled awkwardly and turned his body to the side with a lonely look on his face.

Konan looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who had his back to her and turned her head away in confusion. She couldn't understand what was wrong with Aizen Shinnosuke? Why was he talking so strangely?

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was sad that he was a good person, at this time, in the meeting room of the Hokage Building.

All the jonins who were staying in Konoha were here, Tsunade and the others, as well as the elite jonin Kato Dan who had just returned from the front line of the Wind Country, all gathered in this meeting room

"......The above is all we experienced in the Rain Country. Although there were some losses later, overall, our results were still very successful."

Orochimaru reported the news of the Rain Country, and then sat down without paying attention to the eyes of others.


Looking at Orochimaru who had returned to his seat, the four of them looked at each other, and then it was Sarutobi Hiruzen who spoke.

"We are very pleased with your achievements in the Land of Rain, but you just said that Aizen Shinnosuke actually brought back two war orphans from the Land of Rain. Is this true?......"

"Lord Hokage, you can rest assured that those two people are now my disciples. I have the confidence to train them to become the pillars of Konoha!"


When Danzo Shimura heard what Orochimaru said, he immediately slammed the table and pointed at Orochimaru and shouted

"It's war time now, how do you know if those two kids are from Rain Country or other countries and are specially trained spies?

If that's the case, doesn't it mean that you brought the enemy's spies back to Konoha?"

After saying that, Shimura Danzo turned his head and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen beside him, and said,"Hiruzen, I think Orochimaru and the others are really confused. I suggest that you hand over those two war orphans and Aizen Shinnosuke to me. I will train them well!

At least.........It won't be like what's happening now, bringing a guy of unknown origin into Konoha!"

"What are you talking about, old man?"

Tsunade couldn't stand it anymore when she heard that Shimura Danzo actually wanted the Hokage to hand over Konan and Aizen Shinnosuke to him.

Others didn't know, but Tsunade had been with Konan all this time, didn't she know?

How could Konan be a spy like Shimura Danzo said? The girl had a pure mind. If it weren't for the war, she would have been a girl with a loving father and a loving mother.

"Tsunade! Calm down first, you are too emotional!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stretched out his hand and tapped the table, frowning and reminding the emotional Tsunade. However, after saying Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded solemnly.

"But what Danzo said was not wrong. After all, they were war orphans from other villages. Not to mention that bringing back war orphans from other countries was strictly prohibited by the daimyo.

Even if the two people brought back by Aizen Shinnosuke this time were not spies, would other Konoha companions follow Aizen Shinnosuke's example next time they encountered such a thing? Moreover

, it seems that you two agree with this matter.

So......In the future, will someone bring back spies from the enemy country? If something really happens, who should we blame?"

Tsunade and Orochimaru were speechless when they heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Indeed, Konan and Nagato could ensure that the two of them were not spies, but what about the people who learned to do things later? Will someone pretend to be a war orphan and then invade Konoha?

At this moment, Tsunade and Orochimaru were silent.

Seeing this, Danzo Shimura immediately spoke up and asked Sarutobi Hiruzen to hand over Shinnosuke Aizen and the other two to him. He, Danzo Shimura, was bound to clear this"bad atmosphere" for Konoha.

At this moment, Jiraiya, who had not been involved in this matter, slowly stood up under the gaze of everyone.

"Old man, I have something to say about this matter! I think that Aizen Shinnosuke, Konan he brought back, and Nagato are the three people Konoha can trust completely. If you want the reason, I will tell you specifically after the meeting!"

"Jiraiya, you......"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya. When Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to bring Nagato and Konan back, Jiraiya said he would never allow it.

Later, Aizen Shinnosuke took a tough attitude to bring Konan back. Moreover, in daily life, Jiraiya and Konan did not seem to have a good relationship.

"Crazy! The three of you! I think you all went crazy on the battlefield!"

Looking at Jiraiya who once again made excuses for Aizen Shinnosuke and the others, Shimura Danzo slammed the table in front of him.

""Shut up! You old bastard! I think you're the one who's crazy!"

Everyone in the conference room, including Orochimaru and Tsunade, didn't expect Jiraiya to be so irritable today. He even insulted Shimura Danzo in public. In the horrified eyes of everyone, Jiraiya pointed at Shimura Danzo's nose and said,"If you hadn't neglected your duties on the front line, how could our Konoha have suffered such heavy losses? Based on this incident, don't say that you are an elder, I have reason to kill you!"

After saying that, Jiraiya was murderous, as if he really wanted to kill Shimura Danzo.

Think about him, Shimura Danzo, the personal guard of the Second Hokage, the right-hand man of the Third Hokage, when has he ever suffered such humiliation?

Shimura Danzo was about to overturn the table and have a fair fight with Jiraiya, but before the table was overturned, his arm was held down by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Nonsense! Everyone is making a fuss! What do you think this place is? A market for buying vegetables?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen roared a few times, then said to Jiraiya and the other two

"Jiraiya, the three of you sit down! And you, Danzo, sit down!"

"Hiruzen, but......"

Danzo Shimura was obviously unwilling to accept this result. He pointed at Jiraiya and the others and wanted to speak again.

"I said it! Sit down! Don't make me say it again!"

Shimura Danzo followed Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice and ran into Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes full of murderous intent. Shimura Danzo also knew that this matter was too much, so under Sarutobi Hiruzen's gaze, Shimura Danzo could only sit down silently.

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