Sarutobi Hiruzen had a gloomy face. To be honest, if he hadn't sworn an oath with the name of Hokage just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen promised that he would have a good talk with this guy Aizen Shinnosuke. What kind of person is the one who understands the will of fire the most thoroughly? Is this how Aizen Shinnosuke understands it? Why do they have to hide some news from him, the Hokage?

"so......Do you understand, old man?"

Jiraiya looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked

"I understand!" Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked at Jiraiya and said,"So what do you want me to do? Pretend that I know nothing? Ignore Aizen Shinnosuke?"

In this regard, Jiraiya shook his head:"Those are later stories. The reason I tell you is to let you know. Although what Aizen Shinnosuke did is incomprehensible to us, he must have his reasons.

In addition, instead of caring about Aizen Shinnosuke, you might as well think about yourself. Konoha suffered such a serious loss this time, the villagers will not let you, the Hokage, go so easily, right?"

After speaking, Jiraiya turned around and was about to leave. However, when he reached the stairs, Jiraiya thought about it and returned to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you haven't said?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Jiraiya standing in front of him, looking at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Old man, you know me. In my heart, Konoha is more important than anything else!"

"I know, so Jiraiya......I'm very confident in you!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. If he asked which of his three disciples had the strongest feelings for Konoha, then Sarutobi Hiruzen had no doubt that it must be the disciple in front of him.

Although Jiraiya was not serious all day long, people can't be judged by appearance after all.

"As your disciple, I will take this opportunity today to tell you everything!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not speak, but just looked at Jiraiya quietly, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Because of what happened before, Shinnosuke, Orochimaru and the others are already dissatisfied with you as the Hokage. I don't deny that in the beginning, Konoha was indeed prosperous under your leadership.

But ask yourself, are you still the famous ninjutsu professor in the ninja world? Your ambitions have long been exhausted, right?

Now you only think about your close friends. What do you think will be the end of Konoha if things go on like this?"

After listening to Jiraiya's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded silently. After a long time, he finally spoke

"I see. So who are you planning to take over as Hokage?"


"Really? Tsunade......Can she do it?"

"I don't know, but Aizen Shinnosuke is very confident in her......."

Jiraiya wanted to explain, but before he could finish his words, Sarutobi Hiruzen stretched out his hand to stop Jiraiya and said,"Jiraiya, I, the Hokage,......Is it really that bad?"

"No!" Jiraiya shook his head and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen:"In my heart, the teacher will always be the famous Third Hokage in the ninja world! However, human power will eventually be limited, even the Six Paths Sage cannot say that he will never make mistakes, so......"

Seeing that his most trusted disciple said so, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have aged ten years.

"So, in fact, this war is for you to help Tsunade improve her political achievements, right? It's great to have the help of you two and Aizen Shinnosuke. When I took over as Hokage, I was alone.

Later, I couldn't take it anymore. That's why I promoted Koharu, En and Danzo. In this case, let's do it! I believe that Konoha will shine differently under your leadership!"

At this point, Jiraiya already knew. His teacher has already.........It can't be said that he gave up, maybe he just found a successor who could take over his job!

Looking at Jiraiya leaving, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out the pipe that had been with him for a long time from his arms.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not smoke it, but just played with it in his hand.

"Tsunade? After many twists and turns, the position of Hokage finally returned to the hands of the Senju clan, but that's good, this way it can be considered a beginning and an end!"..................

"Hiruzen, what do you mean? Are you really going to give up the position of Hokage to that stinky girl Tsunade?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to the office, before he even sat down, Shimura Danzo and two other elders broke into the office. As soon as they entered the office, Shimura Danzo took the lead in attacking Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Asshole! Danzo, you actually eavesdropped on our conversation between master and disciple?"


Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's scolding, Shimura Danzo snorted nonchalantly:"If I hadn't eavesdropped, how would I know that you were actually thinking of abdicating!"

"It's up to me whether to abdicate or not!"

"You have the final say? Then what are you going to do with the three of us? You are so righteous, Monkey, why didn't I see that you are such a kind person before?!"

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En, who were standing aside, also knew about Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan. This news was indeed hard for them to accept.

Just like what Danzo said, if Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicated. Then they would definitely not feel good. Apart from anything else, everything now would probably have nothing to do with them anymore.

"Hiruzen, we can discuss this matter again. Danzo is right. After all, it is the position of Hokage, and Tsunade is still too young. Why not wait a few years? You are in your prime now, and you can take the time to train Tsunade later."

Seeing that his old friends are persuading���He discussed it with himself. At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen just felt tired.

Under his care, they all lived such a good life. These three people were always looking for trouble in front of him, and now they knew that he was in his prime?

"I have already made up my mind. When the war is over, I will resign from the position of Hokage."

When Shimura Danzo and the other two saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen was determined to resign, Shimura Danzo was the first to lose patience. He had paid so much for the position of Hokage, and now Sarutobi Hiruzen was giving up the position to Tsunade so casually?

How could he admit it? How could he be willing to admit it?

"Monkey! Are you crazy? Or are you under a magic? Do you know what you are talking about?"

Shimura Danzo rushed to the table in two steps, grabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen by the collar, and asked him harshly

"Of course I know what I'm talking about?! Danzo, you haven't figured out your own affairs yet. Besides, I'm the Hokage, and you can't make decisions about the appointment of the next Hokage!

Now, the meeting is over. You're still in confinement, go back!"

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