In the next few days, nothing new happened. Because Kushina was close to Aizen Shinnosuke and Namikaze Minato, no other blind guys came to bother her.

But for Aizen Shinnosuke, there was one more guy when they had lunch every day. This meant that Aizen Shinnosuke had to cook more dishes. Only in this way could it be just enough for four people.

""Um, Aizen Shinnosuke, my sister will be back tomorrow! Do you want to go see her?"

Usually when ninjas return to the village, there will always be a lot of people who will go to the gate of Konoha without any prior arrangement. They are waiting for their family members to come back, although sometimes, some people can't wait.

Facing the question from Nawaki, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head.

"Forget it, I'll just bring the food to your house!"

When Namikaze was talking to Aizen Shinnosuke, Namikaze Minato would look at Aizen Shinnosuke from time to time, then look at Namikaze.

"Minato, do you want to come?"

How could Minato Namikaze's little move escape the attention of Rope Tree and Aizen Shinnosuke? Even Kushina noticed Minato Namikaze's little thoughts.

Rope Tree thought about the reason why Minato Namikaze seemed to know Jiraiya, so he asked him.

And Minato Namikaze nodded immediately without being pretentious.

"Okay, okay. So tomorrow when Aizen Shinnosuke buys groceries, I'll help you!"

Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at Namikaze Minato and said nothing. He tacitly agreed to this.

The next day, the villagers of Konoha spontaneously stood behind the gate of Konoha, waiting for the team to return.

As time passed, finally, figures began to appear at the end of the road.

""I'm back!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, and immediately, the villagers reacted greatly.

Everyone rushed out of the village and began to look for their families in the crowd.


Sheng Shu also jumped in front of Tsunade and looked at her excitedly.

""Sheng Shu!"

Tsunade looked at her brother whom she hadn't seen for a long time and gave him a bear hug. The big weapon that had already taken shape almost suffocated Sheng Shu to death.

"It's Nawaki! Long time no see!"

Behind Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya also came up. Both Jiraiya and Orochimaru liked Nawaki very much.

However, for some well-known reasons, Tsunade didn't like Jiraiya and Nawaki to get together.

"Brother Orochimaru, Brother Jiraiya!"

Rope Tree finally managed to break free from Tsunade's arms, and then greeted Orochimaru and Jiraiya obediently.

"Well, we still have to go to the Hokage Building to report the situation, you go back first!"

Orochimaru stepped forward and raised his hand to rub the head of Nawase, and said to him

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at home! By the way, we've prepared a welcome dinner for you later. Brother Orochimaru, Brother Jiraiya and my sister, come with us!"

"Okay, okay! I just happened to be hungry and thin during this time on the front line!"

Jiraiya laughed very heartily. Orochimaru did not refuse the invitation of Rope Tree.

In the Hokage Building......

"The above is the current situation on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, according to our investigation.

Salamander Hanzo will not attack us so quickly in the short term, but I think we still need to be on guard, so I'd like to ask the teacher to take care of the selection of the commander on the front line!

" In the conference room of the Hokage Building, Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya stood in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, with Orochimaru taking the lead in reporting the situation of the Rain Ninja to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the other three Konoha elders: Utane Koharu, Mito Kado En, and Shimura Danzo sat on Sarutobi Hiruzen's left and right hands respectively, listening to Orochimaru's report at the same time.

"So, war won't break out for the time being......."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe and nodded.

"But since Orochimaru said that they need to be on guard, then you, Danzo, will lead the people, right? You only need to guard the border, and at the same time be alert to the sudden attack of Hanzo of the Salamander! If anything happens, you report it immediately, and we will send support right away!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen already had a plan for who to arrange to go to the front line. Danzo Shimura did not refuse after receiving the order, and his face had been as stinky as it had been for decades.

Now both of Danzo's eyes are still good, but because of his age, his face has wrinkles. Coupled with his dead face that has not changed for thousands of years, Tsunade and others really don't want to pay attention to this so-called elder Danzo.

""Okay, we've finished talking about this. Then, old man, we'll leave first!"

Seeing that Orochimaru had finished talking about everything, Tsunade didn't want to stay any longer and waved to Sarutobi Hiruzen. Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could refuse, Tsunade had already left the office.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru followed Tsunade out of the office. Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless about his three impolite disciples.

"Humph! You really indulge them too much, Hiruzen! There are not even the most basic rules!"

Shimura Danzo looked at Tsunade and the other two who were leaving, and his already ugly face became even gloomier.

"Young people are bound to be a little unstable. However, Danzo, you must pay more attention to the frontline! If you encounter any problems, stay calm first, then send me a message, and I will send someone to support you as soon as possible!"

"I know, monkey! What? Do you think I don't know how to fight after becoming an elder?"

Danzo glared at Sarutobi Hiruzen, with an expression of 'You look down on me, I don't accept it'.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt about his old friend like he did to his own disciple, and was quite helpless. Speaking of ability, Danzo is actually capable. It's just that this person's brain sometimes doesn't work very well.

"Anyway, you should pay more attention. The situation on the front line is serious. Don't make mistakes!"

Faced with Sarutobi Hiruzen's reminder, Shimura Danzo snorted coldly and turned away.

In this regard, whether it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu, or Mito Kado En, the three of them looked at each other and then sighed.

On the other side, after leaving the Hokage Building, Tsunade and the other two walked towards the clan land of the Senju clan.

"Hey, Tsunade, what is the feast that Rope Tree mentioned?"

On the way, seeing that Tsunade was in a good mood, Jiraiya approached Tsunade and asked in a low voice

"How should I know? Nawaki is also mysterious and doesn't speak clearly!"

Faced with Jiraiya's question, Tsunade was also a little confused and curious. She was also a little curious about what the feast her brother was talking about was.

Not long after, the three of them came to Tsunade's house together.

""Grandma! I'm back!"

As soon as she entered the house, Tsunade shouted to the inside of the house. After entering the room, Uzumaki Mito was sitting in the living room, smiling at Tsunade who had just entered the house.


Tsunade threw herself into Uzumaki Mito's arms, and the girl's coquettish look made the old lady laugh non-stop.

"You are such a child, you are still so reckless even at your age. How can you get married in the future if you are like this?"

Uzumaki Mito stroked Tsunade's head with a kind face. The two of them looked very harmonious.


""Mister Mito!"

Except for Tsunade, both Jiraiya and Orochimaru became serious after entering the door. They stood at the door and greeted Uzumaki Mito.

""Okay, I'm glad you're back. Did you guys have any major problems on the front line this time?"

Uzumaki Mito looked up at Orochimaru and Jiraiya. She knew these three kids who grew up together.

Among the three, only Orochimaru looked more stable. As for the other two, no one knew when they would really grow up.

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