Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade ran back to the camp as fast as they could. Before they entered the camp, they heard the shouts of killing that resounded through the sky.

"Sister Tsunade, I'll go first!"

After saying this to Tsunade, Aizen Shinnosuke took out the ancient ingot sword and rushed into the camp.

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke, turned around and ran in another direction.

""Go to hell!"

As soon as he entered the camp, Aizen Shinnosuke saw a Sand Village ninja preparing to kill another Konoha ninja. Aizen Shinnosuke's speed increased again, and he rushed directly towards the Sand Village ninja.


Seeing his puppet being blocked, the Sand Village ninja was directly shocked.

However, when he saw clearly that the person coming was just a young child, the Sand Village ninja immediately showed a cruel smile.

""Hey, little brat! Can't you find your mother?"

As he said that, the Sand Village Ninja waved his hands. Under his control, the puppet was as flexible as a living creature, and rushed straight towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

Looking at the puppet rushing towards him, Aizen Shinnosuke was very calm. The ancient ingot sword in his hand was horizontal, blocking the weapons in the puppet's hands.

The moment the ancient ingot sword and the puppet's weapons collided, a clear sound of breaking was heard by everyone.

The Sand Village Ninja subconsciously thought that it was the Konoha kid who suddenly appeared on the opposite side. He was not strong enough and his weapon was broken by his puppet.

Suddenly, the smile on the face of the Sand Village Ninja became even wider.

""Little devil! Die!"

The Sand Ninja waved his hands again, controlling the puppet to kill Aizen Shinnosuke. But when the Sand Ninja controlled the puppet, he realized that his puppet had broken the weapon of the Konoha kid.

The sound of the weapon breaking just now was actually the weapon equipped by his puppet.

"how come......"

The Sand Ninja looked at his puppet, which he had spent so much effort to make. It just collided with the weapon in the hands of that kid, and his weapon broke?

However, the sadness was only short-lived, only two breaths. The eyes of the Sand Ninja burst into brilliance.

‘If I get that weapon......’

As the fantasy continued, the Sand Village Ninja's breathing became heavier unconsciously. Aizen Shinnosuke could clearly feel that the Sand Village on the opposite side was beginning to get excited, which made Aizen Shinnosuke look puzzled.......Are you okay? Why are you so excited?

"Watch out, this guy.......A bit perverted!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked back and saw that the person who spoke was the Konoha companion he had just rescued.

"abnormal......What does it mean?"

Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly felt a little bad, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

"According to the intelligence, the guy on the other side likes men and tortures them to death every time......."

As he spoke, the companion glanced up and down at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Well, I like your style!"

This time, Aizen Shinnosuke really couldn't hold it anymore. Almost subconsciously, Aizen Shinnosuke thought that the guy opposite him was excited just now because of the other party's so-called perverted interest.’

"Hey! Little devil......"

As soon as the Sand Village ninja opened his mouth, Aizen Shinnosuke got goosebumps all over his body.

""Shut up, you bastard! Go to hell!"

Seeing the little devil from Konoha suddenly get angry, the Sand Village ninja was puzzled.

Didn't he just want to say something harsh and ask for a weapon? Why is this guy so angry?

Subconsciously, the Sand Village ninja felt that the weapon should be extraordinary. Otherwise, why would this Konoha ninja be so excited?

"Humph! You can't escape! Just listen to me!"

After hearing the words of the Sand Ninja, Aizen Shinnosuke was really uncomfortable from the inside out.

Gripping the ancient ingot sword in his hand, Aizen Shinnosuke took a deep breath and then rushed towards the Sand Ninja at high speed.

"Don't even think about it!"

Sensing Aizen Shinnosuke's thoughts, the Sand Ninja pulled up his puppet.

The puppet's body opened, and countless poisoned flying needles and hidden weapons shot out from the puppet's body, rushing straight towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

Although Aizen Shinnosuke couldn't see those hidden weapons, the moment he saw the puppet's body open. Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his left hand, and a flash card appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand.


As the card's effect took effect on him, Aizen Shinnosuke rushed towards the Sand Village without hesitation.

Seeing that his hidden weapons didn't hit, the Sand Village ninjas looked like they had seen a ghost. His flying needle hidden weapons and the poison on them were all carefully prepared by himself.

Although they were a little worse than Elder Chiyo, it was impossible that they had no effect at all, right?


Just as the Sand Ninja was about to speak, he saw a long sword approaching him.

"Damn it!"

The Sand Ninja bit his back teeth. If he was still holding the puppet at this distance, he would not be able to dodge.

Thinking of this, the Sand Ninja immediately cut the chakra thread between himself and the puppet.

Then, the Sand Ninja rolled several times in a row and narrowly avoided the attack of Aizen Shinnosuke.

"So decisive?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the abandoned puppet. He didn't expect that this Sand Ninja would be so decisive. He abandoned the puppet without saying anything.

Aizen Shinnosuke knew that the puppeteer's skills were all on the puppet. A puppeteer who abandoned the puppet was just like a ninja without chakra.

"So......What are you going to do now?"

Aizen Shinnosuke squeezed the handle of his sword. He wanted to see what the puppeteer should do after abandoning the puppet.

"Little Ghost......I'm so proud of you!"

The Sand Ninja turned over and took out two new scrolls from behind.

The smoke dissipated, and two new puppets appeared in the hands of the Sand Ninja. This time, the Sand Ninja controlled a puppet with one hand, and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a grin.

"You actually let me use half of my strength!......What should you do now?"

The Sand Ninja's hands flew, and the two puppets were under his control. Each of them waved its weapon and rushed towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke saw this and wanted to use the ancient ingot knife in his hand to smash the weapons in the hands of the two puppets again.

But this time, the Sand Ninja was obviously prepared. Just as Aizen Shinnosuke swung his knife, one of the puppets rushed forward, and more than a dozen rope-like things stretched out from the puppet's body.

Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke hurriedly stopped and then quickly retreated.

""Go! Little brat! Why don't you keep going?"

The Sand Ninja looked at the retreating Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile on his face.

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