In the dark night sky, huge thunder flashed. A huge sound resounded through the sky, and everyone on the battlefield saw this terrifying scene.

"The battlefield over there......Who is there?"

Hatake Sakumo asked the ninja behind him. According to his observation, the lightning was too close to their camp.

If he didn't know that the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village hadn't come, Hatake Sakumo would have thought that some powerful ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village had already touched the surroundings of the camp.

"there......Lord Shuomao, that is the area that Baiyun Zao and his team are responsible for!"

"White clouds in the morning?"

Hatake Sakumo thought about it, and then he remembered

"That's the Chunin who's good with a sword, right?"

If there's one thing Hatake Sakumo remembers most clearly, it's undoubtedly the sword.......If Hatake Sakumo remembers correctly, his swordsmanship is quite impressive.

Although it is still a bit immature, it is already at a good level.

"Yes, that's him! We are here......I haven't received any message from them!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Hatake Sakumo suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

"Lord Sakumo......What's wrong?"

The ninja who was still talking saw Hatake Sakumo suddenly turn his head and look at him. Subconsciously, he thought he had said something wrong.

"Stupid! The whole camp was attacked by the Sand Village. Since that place is ours, how could there be no Sand Village ninjas going there!"

Hatake Sakumo's heart sank. He had finally driven Chiyo and the others out of the camp. As a result, someone actually told him that the place that belonged to their Konoha was not guarded at all.

Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo was disheartened.

On the other side, Chiyo and the others, who looked embarrassed, had the same reaction as Hatake Sakumo after noticing the abnormality in the sky.

"Who went over there?"

Chiyo pointed to the direction of the lightning in the sky and asked the person next to her.

"Elder Chiyo, that's where the river head went!"

""River chief? The river chief below?"

Chiyo asked the person next to him. Hearing the question, the other person nodded immediately.

"It's over, it seems that the river chief will not come back!"

Chiyo was immediately disheartened.......Chiyo also knows this person, and his puppetry skills are not weak.......It was indeed a little short.

But this time their night raid was not without gain.......

Chiyo turned her head and looked behind her. Her son and daughter-in-law had been rescued. This was the biggest gain of their attack!

"Let's go! Let's go back to the camp first!"

After knowing who the dead guy was in that direction, Chiyo felt relieved. Then, he led everyone to the camp.

Although the thunder in the sky frightened both Hatake Sakumo and Chiyo, the one who felt it most deeply was the person involved!

The river chief below stood in place, looking at the thunder flashing in the sky above his head. He had forgotten to run away, and he stood there like a pillar.

At the side, Aizen Shinnosuke also felt the power of this ninjutsu. Now he doesn't dare to stay here any longer.

As for whether the river chief below is dead or alive......Let's talk about it later. If he doesn't run away now, Aizen Shinnosuke can't guarantee that he can survive under this thunder.


Just as Aizen Shinnosuke ran out not far, suddenly, a roar that resounded through the sky was heard.

Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously turned his head and saw a giant beast's head made entirely of thunder appear from the sky. With a roar, it smashed straight to the ground.

"this is not......Uchiha Sasuke's Ninjutsu Kirin?"

Aizome Shinnosuke looked at the big head of the giant beast in the sky and felt very familiar. Aizen Shinnosuke thought about it carefully. Finally, he thought of Uchiha Sasuke's S-level Ninjutsu in the original work, Kirin, which was performed with the help of natural lightning!

Could it be that......Does the ninjutsu performed by his own lightning refer to the arbitrary use of any S-level lightning ninjutsu?

Thinking of this, Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously looked at the card about lightning in his system. However, after looking for a long time, Aizen Shinnosuke still didn't see anything.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke has made up his mind to take a good look at his system after returning.

Since coming to this world, Aizen Shinnosuke has always used the system as a simple means. In addition to the basic understanding, Aizen Shinnosuke has not learned anything else.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke made up his mind to understand his system well, the giant beast made of thunder in the sky had already fallen.

The next moment, the originally dark sky was as bright as day. Countless thunders followed the giant beast and poured the energy in their bodies to the earth wantonly.

Aizen Shinnosuke stood not far from the center, and he found that these thunder and lightning seemed to be walking around him. With himself as the center of the circle, no one within an arm's length around him was attacked by thunder and lightning.

After leaving this distance, there were still places around that were struck by lightning.

Moreover, just a random strike of lightning turned the ground black.

At this time, Aizen Shinnosuke noticed that his exchange point had changed from the original 759 to 1532. It seems that the guy called Xiabianhezhang has died under the thunder.

"I didn't expect that a river chief below would give me 773 exchange points.......I still underestimated him!"

After waiting for a few more minutes, the lightning finally ended. Aizen Shinnosuke immediately rushed to his���I ran to the place where the river chief was in my memory.

But where was the river chief? There was only endless black on the ground. It seemed that the river chief was gone, not even his ashes were left.

""Tsk, what a pity!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head and ran back to the camp.

When he returned to the camp, Aizen Shinnosuke hadn't thought about looking for Tsunade yet. As a result, when he opened the curtain of his tent, Aizen Shinnosuke found that Tsunade had already been waiting there.

"Sister Tsunade?"

Tsunade stood up suddenly upon hearing the voice, and then quickly came to the side of Aizen Shinnosuke. Without saying a word, she lifted up Aizen Shinnosuke's clothes and checked him up and down.

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