Hatake Sakumo's proposal immediately received support from everyone, especially the ninja sitting at the end who had just asked Tsunade about Aizen Shinnosuke's situation, who nodded repeatedly.

"Indeed, this matter should be told by the guy named Aizen Shinnosuke. If the situation is true, then we will have an extra force in the battle with the Sand Village!"

The words of the ninja were supported by others.

From this situation, it can be seen that in Konoha, except for Shimura Danzo and the other two brainless Konoha elders, the others, whether ninjas or civilians, are actually very good to Konoha.

Some people would rather sacrifice their lives than endanger Konoha. On the other hand,

Shimura Danzo and the other three guys......Forget it, let's not talk about it! Kato Dan was the one who took charge of bringing Aizen Shinnosuke here. Even before Hatake Sakumo finished his words, Kato Dan had already rushed out.

In Aizen Shinnosuke's tent, Aizen Shinnosuke was still thinking about the Root organization. Suddenly, a voice came from outside the tent.

"Aizen Shinnosuke, are you there?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was puzzled when he heard the voice. Judging from the voice, the person who came should be Kato Dan.

But didn't he just call Tsunade to attend a meeting? Why is he looking for him now?

Subconsciously, Aizen Shinnosuke was a little suspicious. Are the people who came here ninjas from the Root organization? They turned into Kato Dan and came to find him?

With suspicion, Aizen Shinnosuke walked out of the tent.

As soon as he went out, he saw Kato Dan waiting for him outside with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke became more vigilant.

He and Kato Dan were just nodding acquaintances, and they just knew each other's names. How could it be like this now, as if they were very familiar with each other?

"It's Brother Duan! What's the matter?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was ready to act according to the other party's situation. He wanted to see what this guy from the Root Organization was going to do!

""Oh, it was Lord Sakumo who asked me to come find you!"

As he said that, Kato Dan stretched out his hand and put his arm around Aizen Shinnosuke's shoulder. Subconsciously, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a card from his hand hiding in the dark.

Kato Dan knew nothing about this, and still said to Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile:"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. The lightning escape ninjutsu that scared me before turned out to be your ninjutsu!"

Hearing what Kato Dan said, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately glanced at Kato Dan.

Could it be that he guessed wrong? This guy......Is it the real Kato Dan?

Under the leadership of Kato Dan, Aizen Shinnosuke went straight to the outside of the main tent. At this moment, Aizen Shinnosuke finally believed that this guy was really Kato Dan.

Aizen Shinnosuke put away the cards in his hand in the dark and put on a smile.

Kato Dan looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and smiled inexplicably, and suddenly his face was full of strangeness.

"Aizen Shinnosuke, why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

Faced with Kato Dan's question, Aizen Shinnosuke explained:"Nothing, I just thought of something funny."

"What's fun?"

Seeing that Kato Dan was about to continue asking, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly took the initiative to lift the curtain of the tent.

"Sister Tsunade and the others are still waiting for us, let's talk about the rest later!"

Shinnosuke Aizen walked into the tent, and the people inside subconsciously looked at where Shinnosuke Aizen was.

For some reason, Shinnosuke Aizen always felt that the eyes of these people looking at him were too hot. Especially the guy closest to him, Shinnosuke Aizen suspected that if there were not so many people here, that guy would rush over in the next second. The other party's expression immediately reminded Shinnosuke Aizen of the perverted river chief below.

Almost subconsciously, Shinnosuke Aizen walked directly behind Tsunade and stood behind her honestly.

As Kato Dan sat down, Hatake Sakumo immediately spoke

"Aizen Shinnosuke, we held this meeting today to discuss the powerful lightning ninjutsu. But just now, Tsunade told us that the caster of that ninjutsu......It's you!

This is really hard to believe for us. So, we asked you to prove that the person who cast the lightning ninjutsu......It's really you!"

After listening to Hatake Sakumo's explanation, Aizen Shinnosuke finally understood why they wanted him here.

It's not Aizen Shinnosuke's fault that he didn't listen to Kato Dan just now. The main reason was that he had always thought that Kato Dan was a ninja from the Root Organization who used the transformation technique. So......

"How can I prove this? Release one on the spot?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't mind giving them another hit on the spot, but it was a pity that the cooldown time of the"out of thin air" had not yet expired. When he released the ninjutsu, he would really be impotent.

Hearing that Aizen Shinnosuke was going to release one on the spot, the others waved their hands

"That's not the case, that's not the case!"

Hatake Sakumo also tried to interrupt and said:"Aizen Shinnosuke, didn't you tell me before that your ninjutsu is activated in the form of cards? Show me your card?" Hearing what Hatake Sakumo said, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately took out the Lightning Card and handed it to Hatake Sakumo. Hatake Sakumo reached out and took the card from Aizen Shinnosuke's hand. The material was the same as the card called Peach Garden Oath that he had seen before.

However, the picture in the middle was replaced by a thick lightning. Moreover, the words on it were replaced with the word"Lightning".

"This is the ninjutsu released by this little thing? It can have the power of S-level?"

Others also ran to Hatake Sakumo, curiously looking at the card in Hatake Sakumo's hand.

They really couldn't imagine that the powerful S-level lightning ninjutsu was released by such a small card.

After Hatake Sakumo looked at it carefully, he returned the card to Aizen Shinnosuke. At the same time, he asked Aizen Shinnosuke:"Is the effect of your ninjutsu the same as before?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head. Hatake

Sakumo was immediately shocked:"What? Could it be that you don't have the same strength as before?"

"That's not the case!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head again.

"Actually, my ninjutsu, to be precise, is to release any lightning ninjutsu that can reach S-level power. In other words, no matter what lightning ninjutsu it is, as long as its power reaches S-level, I can use it."


This time, the others were really frightened. Everyone in the tent, including Tsunade, stared at Aizen Shinnosuke with wide eyes.

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