"It's true that I'm a spy, but wasn't I trained by Konoha? Could it be that Shinnosuke thinks that I will be a threat to Konoha?"

Yakushi Nono looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a puzzled look on his face, and his slightly narrowed eyes revealed doubt and curiosity.

This is true. Although Yakushi Nono is a good spy. However, she is actually too gentle in her heart, otherwise, she would not want to leave the spy organization and become the director of an orphanage in the anime.

Thinking of this, Aizen Shinnosuke has already made up his mind about her.

"This is the best, of course, if you have no intention of being a spy. I advise you to talk to Sister Tsunade, we will consider your situation appropriately. It is not impossible to remove you from the position of spy forever! However

, before that. I will keep an eye on you, whether it is......"For what purpose!"

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke turned and left.

What Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know was that the last words he said just now had a strong shock on Yakushi Nono. Yakushi Nono stood there, with his left hand on his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat.

"Leaving the spy......"Can I really do it?"

Shinnosuke Aizen didn't know what Yakushi Nono was thinking. Because, after just two days of rest, the Sand Village launched another attack. Shinnosuke Aizen followed Hatake Sakumo and others to resist the Sand Village's attack head-on.

On the battlefield, many people died almost every second.

But no matter who was in the two camps, they were still thinking about how to send their weapons into the bodies of the enemies opposite them.


Shinnosuke Aizen pulled the weapon in his hand out of the body of a Sand Ninja, and hot blood gushed out immediately. Some of it even splashed on Shinnosuke Aizen's body.

Shinnosuke Aizen, who was originally very handsome, was covered with blood, coupled with his expression full of murderous intent. At this moment, he has turned into a Shura on earth.

After getting rid of an enemy, Shinnosuke Aizen held the ancient ingot sword in his hand. He roughly found a direction, and then ran to the side at a very fast speed.

However, before Shinnosuke Aizen ran for long, three Sand Ninja jumped out from the side. The three of them surrounded Shinnosuke Aizen at the same time.

"Three people? You really think highly of me!"

Aizen Shinnosuke sneered and tightened his grip on the ancient ingot sword.

Facing Aizen Shinnosuke's ridicule, the people of Sand Village did not refute. They just took out their weapons at the same time.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked around at the three guys. None of them was holding a puppet, which means that none of them was a puppeteer.

""Wind Style: Vacuum Ball"

The Sand Village in the front quickly formed seals with his hands and exhaled continuously from his mouth.

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned, twisted his body and ran to the side quickly.

However, the other two would not just watch Aizen Shinnosuke dodge so easily.

The Sand Village near Aizen Shinnosuke took the initiative to rush towards Aizen Shinnosuke. As soon as he rushed up, the weapon in his hand chopped towards Aizen Shinnosuke at an extremely fast speed.

Aizen Shinnosuke raised the ancient ingot sword to block the opponent's weapon. But behind him, the opponent's wind style ninjutsu was already approaching Aizen Shinnosuke.

And on the other side, the last Sand Village was still staring at Aizen Shinnosuke covetously, and for a while Aizen Shinnosuke was unable to avoid it.

""Go to hell! Little brat!"

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the Sand Ninja who was wrestling with Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke didn't care about it at all. Aizen Shinnosuke raised his left hand with his index and middle fingers erected. He shouted:"Kun Zi· Earth and River Wheel!"

The ground began to shake, and in the horrified eyes of the three ninjas, a huge rock rose from the ground. Aizen Shinnosuke just stood on the top of the rock and easily avoided the attacks of the three Sand Ninjas.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke controlled the"Earth and River Wheel" under his feet and rushed towards the three people.

In fact, not only the three people, but other people on the battlefield also saw the ninjutsu made of this huge rock like a giant snake.

On the other side of the battlefield, Hatake Sakumo, who noticed the rock snake, smiled bitterly.

"This Aizen Shinnosuke is really......"

"How dare you be distracted while fighting me!"

Opposite to Hatake Sakumo, Chiyo, who was controlling ten puppets at once with both hands, snorted coldly.

Hatake Sakumo came back to his senses immediately, holding tightly in his hand the Aoki sword that Aizen Shinnosuke had given him before, which was said to be able to break through protective gear.

Originally, Hatake Sakumo thought that the so-called protective gear was the vests or shields worn by ninjas.

At that time, Hatake Sakumo thought that this weapon was useless, but he accepted it because its material was better than his own white fangs. However

, when Chiyo attacked at night that night, Hatake Sakumo discovered that the weapon in his hand could easily cut off the opponent's puppets.

And every time the opponent used a puppet to defend himself, he could even go over the puppet and directly chop the opponent's ninja.

In other words, the so-called protective gear does not refer to the actual protective gear such as a shield.

It turns out that the so-called protective gear refers to something that can prevent oneself from being hurt during a battle.......

So, when Hatake Sakumo and Chiyo fought, he took out the Qingguang Sword.

Chiyo also knew that the weapon in Hatake Sakumo's hand was very strange. So Chiyo was always cautious when fighting Hatake Sakumo.

Soon Hatake Sakumo and Chiyo fought in a���, Chiyo's ten fingers were flying, and she was more flexible than those who controlled one puppet with both hands.

Hatake Sakumo was not to be outdone, and the afterimage of the Qingguang sword in his hand appeared.

The collision between the two ended with Chiyo's puppets being damaged.

After a while, Chiyo took back the puppet in her hand. It turned out that her puppet had been chopped and scarred.

You know, this is the puppet passed down to her by the Second Kazekage. As a result, it was chopped to the point of being scrapped by this guy Hatake Sakumo.

"Hatake Sakumo! You bastard!......"

Chiyo gnashed her teeth, wishing she could eat Hatake Sakumo directly. Hatake Sakumo, on his side, held his weapon tightly, guarding against Chiyo. As for making harsh remarks, he is no longer a young man, and has long passed the era of a passionate middle school boy!

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