There were many dead bodies on the battlefield, so a guy being suddenly cut in half did not cause much reaction.

After taking a look and making sure that Hatake Sakumo could temporarily hold off the Third Kazekage, Aizen Shinnosuke confidently picked up the ancient ingot sword and rushed to Tsunade.

A guy like the Third Kazekage, who could influence the entire battle situation by himself, naturally could not let Hatake Sakumo watch him alone.

The best thing would be to replicate what Tsunade and the other two did in the anime. Separate the three strongest men on Konoha's side and stare him to death. The one fighting against Tsunade was a guy next to the Third Kazekage, whose name Aizen Shinnosuke did not know.

However, the opponent's wind-style ninjutsu had reached the highest level.

When Tsunade faced the opponent, she suffered a great loss. There was no way, Tsunade's ninjutsu was all in close combat, and she could not touch anyone, and could not inflict any damage at all.

However......Fortunately, someone is thinking about Tsunade.

"Wind Escape......"

Just when the Sand Villager was about to use another wind-style ninjutsu on Tsunade, his heart suddenly trembled, and he squatted down subconsciously.

The next second, a knife came and swung over his head.

If he hadn't squatted quickly, he might have been chopped in half. Aizen Shinnosuke was not surprised at all that his weapon had missed, and since he failed, he quickly retreated.

The Sand Villager was not one to suffer a loss, and he immediately turned around and kicked towards the place where Aizen Shinnosuke had just been. It was a pity that Aizen Shinnosuke had already retreated, so his attack naturally missed.

""The little brat of Konoha!"

Seeing that the person coming was only a guy in his teens, the Sand Village guy frowned.

"How did you get here?"

Tsunade was also very surprised by the arrival of Aizen Shinnosuke

"Lord Sakumo alone cannot watch over the Third Kazekage on the other side. I will stay here to help you deal with him, you go and help Lord Sakumo first!"

After saying that, without waiting for Tsunade to refute, Aizen Shinnosuke rushed towards the Sand Village again.

The conversation between Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade was not hidden from anyone, that is to say, the Sand Village also heard the conversation between Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade.

"Want to attack Lord Kazekage? With all your strength?"

The ancient ingot blade in the hand of Aizen Shinnosuke collided with the kunai of the opposite Sand Village that was enchanted by the wind escape. While they were struggling with each other, the guy from Sand Village sneered and spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke.

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke, and finally chose to believe him, and turned around to help Hatake Sakumo.

Seeing that Tsunade was really going to leave, how could the Sand Village ninja allow it? The whole person suddenly burst out with powerful strength, and after pushing Aizen Shinnosuke away, he suddenly exerted force on his feet and was about to attack Tsunade.

"Want to run?"

Aizen Shinnosuke had just stood up, and when he looked up, he saw the Sand Village rushing towards Tsunade.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a golden card and threw it directly at the Sand Village.


As the duel effect was triggered, the axe shadow appeared again in the void. Of course, only Aizen Shinnosuke and the Sand Village could see all this.

"What is this?!"

Where have the ninjas of Sand Village seen such a strange thing? They twisted their bodies subconsciously, trying to avoid the attack of the axe shadow.

However, all this is destined to be in vain.

The duel card says [Unavoidable attack]!

Sure enough, no matter how the Sand Village ninja twisted his body. The axe shadow still chopped the Sand Village ninja firmly!

It's just a pity that he was not cut in half like the first Sand Village ninja. The axe shadow only chopped on the shoulder of the Sand Village ninja opposite him. Although the injury was serious, the guy still had the strength to fight.

After being delayed like this, Tsunade had already rushed to the front of the third generation of Kazekage. Cooperating with Hatake Sakumo, he fought with the third generation of Kazekage.

The Sand Village ninja looked unwillingly at Tsunade who had already fought with his own Kazekage, and then turned his head with murderous intent, staring at Aizen Shinnosuke who was not far from him.

"Yo? It seems that you haven't been able to help your Kazekage!"

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled harmlessly, but this only further angered the Sand Village.

""Go to hell!"

After simply stopping the bleeding, the Sand Village used a wind-style ninjutsu to attack Aizen Shinnosuke.

Facing the Sand Village's ninjutsu attack, Aizen Shinnosuke did not dodge, but took out a card that he had not used so far.

As Aizen Shinnosuke threw the card, a chain appeared in the void, directly linking Aizen Shinnosuke and the Sand Village ninja together.

"This is......What is that?"

The Sand Ninja looked at the chains that trapped him and subconsciously tried to break free. But no matter how he touched the chains, his hands would always pass through them and he would grab nothing.

Before the Sand Ninja could figure out what it was, he saw that the kid from Konoha actually took his ninjutsu attack head-on.

Almost subconsciously, a happy smile appeared on the face of the Sand Ninja. But the next second, the Sand Ninja felt a pain in his body.

He found that he was actually injured.

More importantly, after he was injured, the boy was no longer able to fight. The damn chain that could not be touched, actually disappeared just like that?

The Sand Village was already seriously injured, and after taking the damage from his own wind-style ninjutsu, it was already a candle in the wind.

On the other hand, although Aizen Shinnosuke did take the opponent's ninjutsu attack head-on. But with the card Momo, which could be called a bug, as long as Aizen Shinnosuke did not die immediately, he could survive. Look

, looking at Aizen Shinnosuke standing in front of him intact. The Sand Village ninja could no longer bear this impact, and with his blood boiling, he died in such a miserable way.

"It really hurts! It seems that I should use this chain of iron chains less on myself!"

Aizen Shinnosuke stroked the place where he was hit by the wind-style ninjutsu just now and curled his lips.

Tsunade's opponent was dealt with, and it was Kato Dan's turn next.

Although Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know the guy who was fighting Kato Dan, at least he had a name.


That's right, it was in the anime, when the Third Kazekage was poisoned to death by Scorpion, with the approval of Chiyo and others, he took over the position of Kazekage and became the Fourth Kazekage Rasa!

Now, his identity is just the bodyguard of the Third Kazekage.

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