Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Flashback: My First Jinchuriki

Anko couldn't believe that mere moments after losing her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y, she was in a heavy make out session with the man who had done the taking, while at the same time being joined by one of his other lovers, who was currently s.u.c.k.i.n.g on her n.i.p.p.l.e much to her p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. "Oh…oh it's so good," Anko m.o.a.n.e.d breaking the kiss upon feeling two fingers beginning to enter her passage. From the size of them she knew that they belonged to the green-haired girl currently latched to her b.r.e.a.s.t.

After stirring the fingers around inside of her, Anko watched mesmerized as Fu removed them from her c.u.n.t and brought them in front of her face. Anko blushed in embarrassment at the sight of her and Naruto's release that covered them and she turned a deeper shade of crimson as the Jinchuriki brought them to her mouth. The green haired girl then licked them clean running her tongue along them pulling the combined essence into her mouth. Fu m.o.a.n.e.d contently at the taste before smiling and slowly lowering herself to drink directly from the source.

Leaning back on her elbows, Anko simply watched as the younger woman took up a position between her legs and began placing kisses along her t.h.i.g.hs. When the Jinchuriki attacked her core she threw her head back and m.o.a.n.e.d as the girl's tongue began moving about inside her in hopes of scooping up more of Naruto and hers cream. When she brought her head forward again, Anko smiled as she found Naruto kneeling near her face. Seeing that his c.o.c.k had recovered and knowing what he wanted her to do she leaned forward taking as much of it into her mouth as she could.

As she bobbed her head on his pole, she realized that she was tasting herself and him, much as Fu had. Far from being disgusted she found their combined taste to be quite flavorful. She had to pull back to scream as her o.r.g.a.s.m from Fu's ministrations caught her by surprise. Falling back into the bed she panted contently. Her vision of the smiling blonde looking down at her was obscured by the orange-eyed Jinchuriki whose chin and lips was coated with her essence. Anko grabbed Fu by the back of the head and pulled her down into a deep kiss. As their tongues danced against each other Anko felt movement at the foot of the bed and then Fu suddenly tensed.

The female jinchuriki broke the kiss looking over her shoulder to say, "Mmm, you are spreading me so wide, Naruto." The blond man leaned forward to kiss her before straightening in order to begin moving within her. Fu m.o.a.n.e.d out loud as her arms gave out causing her to bury her head into Anko's shoulder.

Anko stared up at the blonde as he began to really pound the young woman into her. Raising her legs and wrapping them around the girl Anko pouted, "No fair, I want some too."

Naruto smiled at her but didn't pull out of Fu. Instead he adjusted himself so he could reach down and begin rubbing her slit as he continued to f.u.c.k Fu senseless. Anko m.o.a.n.e.d contently as he petted her mound. Fu rose back up m.o.a.ning, "I'm so full. Does my p.u.s.s.y feel good, Naruto?"

"It feels great Fu," Naruto said contently, "You're so f.u.c.k.i.n.g tight and wet."

"Hey, "Anko said fearing she was being forgotten, "What about mine?"

"Well let's see," Naruto said moving his hand before pulling out of Fu who whimpered at the lost. He then plunged into Anko roughly causing her to cry out in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e which rose in volume as he began sliding within her. "Ah, just as I remember it," Naruto said pleasantly, "Hot and slippery. Maybe even a little tighter if that is possible. You must be really feeling having Fu here."

"That…That's not true," Anko said embarrassed.

"Why," Fu said quickly a little hurt creeping into her voice, "I am enjoying Anko's presence."

Naruto stopped moving and pulled out of Anko before positioning himself to once more enter the Jinchuriki. Missing the feeling of fullness already Anko said, "Why'd you stop?"

"Because you aren't being honest," Naruto said plunging himself once more into Fu.

After going stiff the girl collapsed onto Anko and remained still as she panted happily. She m.o.a.n.e.d slightly as Naruto pulled out his c.o.c.k out which was still rock hard having resisted c.u.m.m.i.n.g inside her. He then ran his fingers along her abused snatch before burying his middle finger inside her. Pulling it out, he held it in front of Anko face. Despite a d.e.s.i.r.e to respond similarly as Fu had, she resisted by turning her face to the side.

Naruto chuckled before bringing the fingers to his own mouth to lick off Fu's juices. "Delicious," he said as Fu began to stir.

The female Jinchuriki climbed off of Anko turning to face Naruto as she said, "Why are you not making Anko feel good?"

"I like it when girls are honest," Naruto said.

"Anko's being shy," Fu said placing a hand on Anko's mound. Looking over her shoulder the young woman added, "Don't worry, Fu will make you feel good."She then buried her face between Anko's legs. While she ate the jounin out she tried to bring her body around but was stopped by Naruto who picked the girl's lower body up and deposited it so her snatch was staring Anko in the face. He then laid down next to Anko, who was biting her lip as she tried to refrain from m.o.a.ning.

Placing kisses along her ear he asked, "Is Fu right and are you just being shy? Or, are you ashamed to admit that you want to be as free at showing affection as she is?"

Anko opened her mouth to reply but Fu began stimulating her c.l.i.t causing her to m.o.a.n out. She clamped a hand over her mouth and could almost feel the smile against her neck from where Naruto was kissing her. "You don't have to worry about anyone judging you here Anko." He then moved to Fu's c.u.n.t thoroughly exploring it with his tongue before turning to Anko and kissing her on the lips.

Anko resisted at first but soon couldn't deny that her first unabashed taste of another woman was pleasant. Naruto broke the kiss and smiled as Anko licked her lips afterwards. She then directed her gaze towards the young woman's quim. Slowly she raised her head until she planted her mouth over it causing Fu to raise her head from Anko's p.u.s.s.y as she m.o.a.n.e.d in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e before returning her attention to pleasing Anko.

Naruto sat back and watched as the two women ate each other out. As the women's m.o.a.ns grew louder his d.i.c.k seemed to actual grow harder if such a thing was possible. He almost came when Fu tensed screaming her release, coating Anko face in her release. Fu fell to the side and Anko licked her lips as she sat up her gaze directed at Naruto's crotch. When her eyes met his, to Naruto it appeared that the woman that Anko pretended to be was kneeling in front of him. Gently nudging Fu's head and giving Naruto a smile that reminded him of the day he met her in front of Training Ground Forty-Four she said, "Hey sis get up."

Smiling at the Jinchuriki Anko kissed her saying, "Yeah, anyway why don't you help me tame that monster," while pointing at Naruto's d.i.c.k.

Fu returned the smile nodding her acceptance of Anko's nickname and her agreement at her suggestion. Anko crawled towards Naruto pushing him onto his back before sitting on his stomach placing her snatch right next to his c.o.c.k. Motioning for Fu to follow suit she positioned the jinchuriki's c.u.n.t on the other side of Naruto's tool. Anko then pulled the girl's h.i.p.s towards her own sandwiching the blond's member between their two pussies. Anko at first began rubbing herself against it quickly followed by Fu who caught on to what the jounin was doing.

For Naruto the sensation of having both women rubbing him with their mounds was unbelievable. As they continued to rub themselves against him, Naruto closed his eyes basking in the feeling of warmth and wetness that surrounded his manhood. Sadly as a result of his earlier holding back and the show the two women had put on previously he felt that his time to enjoy the moment was going to be short lived. Already feeling the sensation that told him the end was nigh he m.o.a.n.e.d, "F.u.c.k girls I'm going to blow."

"Do it," Anko said near her own release as well, "coat us in your c.u.m."

"Shit!!!!," Naruto shouted raising his h.i.p.s off the bed as his c.o.c.k spilled his load over the two women's stomachs. Anko clutched Fu to her as she came as well reaching down and pinching the female's jinchuriki's c.l.i.t which prompted the girl to c.u.m again. Anko and Fu fell away from each other with Anko falling onto Naruto's c.h.e.s.t.

He wrapped his arms around her causing Fu to scamper up his c.h.e.s.t and worm her way into the embrace. Surrounded by each other's warmth it wasn't long before each of them fell into sleep's embrace. Just before shutting his eyes Naruto's last conscious sight was of the content female jinchuriki which was probably why he dreamed of the events leading up to her inclusion into his life.


Sometime around Naruto's failed attempt to seduce Anko:

Tayuya was bored. Currently she was sitting on a rock trying to refrain from killing one of the annoying civilians that was trying to get into Takigakure along with her. Having scouted Suna to the point that she believed she had information on all the relevant kunoichi she had quit her job and moved on. She had left Suna with no true final destination in mind while toying with the idea of going to Iwa. However, in the end she had decided to save it for last due in part to the rather hostile stance it had taken lately. Although she couldn't be sure and it was based on what Naruto told her about Deidara taunting that Akatsuki had already kidnapped two jinchuriki, she believed that the two taken had been Iwa's. With a good portion of its military might gone sneaking into the village would be difficult due to the increased patrols.

"Hey beautiful how about once we get to Takigakure I show you a good time?" the persistent and annoying man asked sitting next to her.

Giving the man the meanest glare in her arsenal she said, "Unless that good time involves you slowly opening your belly with a dull knife I'm not interested."

The man's eyes went wide and he quickly moved away from her. Tayuya chuckled darkly further bolstering her appearance of being unapproachable. She barely managed to stifle the sigh she felt at the Taki shinobi watching the group from the shadows taking their sweet time in approaching. On one hand she could understand it since if the weaklings she could sense were anything to go by the only reason the village had never been conquered was probably because nobody knew how to get there. Even civilians like the one she was with and had lived there for years wouldn't know how to find the place. Therefore, to get to and from the village people had to meet at designated spots in order to be escorted there. As the people waited, and her own highly tuned sense proved, the Shinobi would monitor them keeping an eye out for spies, while going over the travel passes and other I.D.'s that the lone visible shinobi that Takigakure wanted them to believe was present had collected.

Tayuya wasn't worried about them finding a discrepancy in her paperwork mainly since everything she had given the man were legitimate doc.u.ments of Suna and Konoha. All they would find was that she was a world traveler who took up work at various establishments in order to pay for her travels. Granted, having official doc.u.ments didn't exactly mean much of anything when entering a Hidden Village. But having a paper trail that could be followed did, especially when no acts of sabotage or spying were logged as a result of her leaving.

Spending a moment to look over the group she was with she figured that starting over in a hidden village was something quite a few of the people present hoped lay in their future. She could feel the shinobi around them preparing to move so was aware of the reason one of the civilians gasped as he was startled by their appearance.

"Greetings," the lead shinobi said, "All those ready to proceed to the village please come forward." Naturally almost everyone did only to be blindfolded and lead down a path towards a boat. Getting aboard she put all her senses to work hoping to use them to map a path in her mind, since although her entry into the village may be peaceful there was no promise that her exit would be.


"F.u.c.k, I'm bored in here." The statement caused some chuckling from the other side of the glass. Recognizing it as male Anko asked, "Is that you Naruto?"

"Yeah," she heard more clearly do to his pressing the button for the intercom.

"You just reminded me of someone," Naruto replied thinking of his fiery red-head.

"It wouldn't happen to be one these other mysterious girls of yours would it?"

"Yeah it was."

Anko racked her brain trying to figure out who it was but couldn't. Although she had heard some of the rumors surrounding Naruto's sudden popularity and figured most, if not all of the women that had appeared on the dates with him were under his spell, couldn't really think of one that her statement would have reminded him of. Giving in to curiosity she asked, "Who?"

She could hear the smile in the man's voice as he said, "Her name is Tayuya."

Anko knew she had heard the name from somewhere but couldn't place it. It must have shown on her face because Naruto said, "She was one of the Sound Four." An image of a red-head flashed before her eyes having visited the unconscious girl in the hospital once. Mainly out of a sense of understanding of being abandoned by Orochimaru.

"I thought she was in a coma."

"She was but Kyuubi helped wake her up and she's moving around the shinobi world…"

"Helping to grease your way between kunoichi's legs, huh?"

Anko bit her lip due to her d.e.s.i.r.e to ask the blonde a question. Finally her craving to know overpowered her so she blurted, "Why'd you target me?"

"To tell you the truth I wasn't planning too." But, he quickly added due to a frown appearing on her face, "That didn't come out right. What I meant is…I saw how lonely you were and simply wanted to drive it off. Playing tag in the forest seemed like a good way to do that. But actually seducing you would have been on a separate occasion. I wouldn't want to take advantage of you when you were vulnerable like that."

"But you would have eventually come after me right?"

Naruto wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for so as usual answered honestly. "While it probably wouldn't have been anything to do with my ambition… yeah I think it's safe to say I'd have seduced a beauty like you eventually."

Anko turned away from the glass due to the blush his words caused to appear. Trying to play it off she leaned against it while crossing her arms. The two of them lapsed into silence neither willing to bring up the matter of whether or not such a moment would happen again in the future. Just as the silence was becoming unbearable Anko could hear the sound of a woman talking. Guessing it to be Ino who Naruto had probably been covering for, Naruto bid her good-bye leaving Anko to contemplate whether or not to give into the feelings she knew the jutsu she was currently under was helping along.


Naruto had left Anko in the underground facility that Orochimaru had used before abandoning the village having been covering for Ino. Anko had been under the jutsu for about five days and as she had told them it seemed to be in its final phase. However, surprisingly Anko had agreed to Tsunade's proposal of testing its effectiveness against her again.

Yet none of that concerned Naruto at the moment as he slammed into a tree. He slumped down it to land on his b.u.t.t. Staring straight ahead he saw the smirking blonde responsible for the pain spreading along his back, but before he could complain about her rough treatment of him cursed as she was joined by a brunette who had dropped from the canopy of leaves above.

The brunette flashed through a flurry of signs her hands moving too fast for his eyes to follow, but the jutsu she cast quickly became apparent as an Earth Dragon rose from the earth behind her. The dragon shot towards him but still Koharu wasn't done as she performed a second jutsu shooting several fireballs from her mouth at the dragon setting it afire.

He got out of sight of the two women who hadn't pursued him making him nervous. From behind a tree a blade suddenly struck out but bringing forth the kunai he had stored in his sleeve he blocked it forcing it back. The masked owner of the blade appeared from her cover behind the tree holding the blade in front of her as she teasingly asked, "Going somewhere?"

"If you three don't start holding back some then I'd wager I'm going to the hospital most likely," Naruto quipped keeping his guard up.

Although her face was covered he knew his words had upset Yuugao as her voice hardened as she said, "Do you think Akatsuki is going to take it easy on you?" She then charged the jinchuriki easily forcing him on the defensive.

Naruto managed to create some room between him and the Anbu captain by blocking her sword before dropping into a leg sweep. Yuugao leapt over it but Naruto created a clone that tackled her while she was in the air. Landing on her back, she stabbed the clone in the gut dispelling it before leaping back to her feet. Looking around she was surprised that not only was Naruto gone but that he had left no trace of the direction he had taken off in.

Picking a direction she took off to link back up with Tsunade and Koharu in order to strategize a plan to flush him out. Naruto meanwhile peeked out from the tree he was hiding behind to scan the area after coming to a rest. Although Koharu was taking the exercise seriously his quip revealed that Yuugao and he believed Tsunade were taking it even more so. He supposed he should have realized they would due to their past losses. Guessing that meant he needed to show them that he was strong enough to take care of himself he was about to create a few shadow clones when he sensed an attack. Ducking at the last minute, the fist hit the tree causing it to explode into splinters.

Reacting quickly, he grabbed the arm and flipped Tsunade over his shoulder. As expected though, she easily landed on her feet. When she turned towards him however Naruto saw a quiet anger that matched the tone he had heard in Yuugao's voice. Knowing that he needed to show the two women that he wasn't going to be dying anytime soon, he charged Tsunade.

He closed quickly with her and her eyes widened slightly at the sudden change in his tactics. She threw a punch that he sidestepped and responded with an elbow that caught her in the side of the face. The blow caused her to step back and Naruto spun catching her in the stomach with a kick. While she folded around the attack she still managed to grab ahold of his leg and spinning around she tossed him into a tree.

As he slid down the tree he had a sense of déjà vu, but Koharu didn't drop down this time. He created two clones that attacked her as he got back to his feet. Tsunade made short work of them and then refocused her attention on him.

Naruto could see that some of the silent anger that she had been exhibiting due to his lack of seriousness had faded now that he was standing his ground as opposed to his earlier joking and running. Tsunade charged causing Naruto to defend himself by doing his level best to avoid her fists. Eventually she landed a punch to his gut that lifted his feet into the air as she buried her fist into his stomach.

As Naruto folded around the attack she saw a small smile split his lips. She briefly wondered why till he burst into smoke.

"Shit," she said turning in time to see the young man closing with her with a Rasengan held behind him. But before he could get within striking distance of her, a dragon like mouth opened in front of her made from dirt. It then began shooting globs of mud at Naruto who was forced to abandon his attack and bringing his arms in front of him to protect himself. After several of the projectiles connected that Naruto also burst into smoke.

Koharu dropped from the trees behind Tsunade scanning over the trees of the forested training area for any signs of the blonde. "He is quite slippery," she said finding no sign of him.

A smile appeared on Tsunade's face as she replied, "Misdirection is one of his best skills. Thanks by the way. I'd never have lived it down if he connected with that." Tsunade could feel Koharu nod behind her. The woman then stiffened but Tsunade didn't need to ask why as she believed that it was due to the hundreds of Naruto's that began stepping out from behind the trees.

"Kami," Koharu said unbelieving, "I had heard he could make so many from when he caught Mizuki. But I had thought it merely an exaggeration."

"Get ready," Tsunade said preparing to defend herself as the clones began running. But instead of attacking the two women they began fighting each other.

Yuugao dropped down joining the two women as the clones began thinning their own ranks. "It would appear he still is quite weak against genjutsu though." One of the Naruto though made the hand sign to break genjutsu so the three women targeted him.

Naruto broke the genjutsu to see that many of his clones had already been defeated during the brief time under the illusion. Seeing the three women charging him and that none of his clones realized they were still fighting each other he called out, "I surrender."

Dropping to his b.u.t.t he dispelled the rest of the clones as the three women came to a stop. "Damn, and I thought I almost had you."

"You dropped your guard and paid the price," Tsunade said kneeling in front of him. "But on the bright side you did manage to make us work for the victory."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to be the one that gives him the after action report," Yuugao said stepping up behind the Hokage.

Straightening Tsunade said with a knowing smile, "Is that what we're calling it now?"

Yuugao blushed in embarrassment although her mask covered it up. Still she nodded helping Naruto stand before Shunshining to her office where she'd tell him what he did right and wrong before giving him a reward. Tsunade sighed, since she'd have to return to her office and that meant putting her henge back in place.

Turning to tell Koharu she was leaving she noticed the woman starring over the devastation they would be leaving for the ground crews to clean up. "Hey what is it," she asked moving up behind the elder.

"I've missed cutting loose like this," she replied with a half smile.

Tsunade nodded before beginning to head back to the village taking a less traveled route to delay having to reapply her henge. Koharu fell into step with her. Tsunade would have teased her about wanting to remain young looking as long as possible but the frown on the elder's face stopped her. Before she could ask what was wrong Koharu asked, "Tsunade, have you told him about her yet?"

"No," Tsunade said, "I was going to back when he needed someone to act as a scout but since Tayuya is filling that role. I've put it off. Now though I figure you can since you'll have to tell him about the role you played in stopping her family's rebellion."

Koharu nodded but said, "There's something else you should know about her though."

Raising an eyebrow Tsunade asked, "And that is?"

"She was the one that gave us the warning of her husband's rebellion," Koharu said eliciting a look of shock to appear on the Hokage's face.

"Damn, like I don't have enough to worry about with how he's going to react when Kyuubi stops being so chicken and tells him her role in his parents' death. Now I have to worry about his reaction to you elders killing Sasuke's family and that Mikoto was the one that got the word out to Sarutobi."

"We were acting in Konoha's best inte…"

Koharu trailed off though as when Tsunade held up her hand giving the elder a stern look. "Tell me about it later," the Hokage said angrily feeling a d.e.s.i.r.e to drink that she hadn't since becoming one of Naruto's lovers. Seeing the village, she put her henge in place as did Koharu, although the disguise didn't hide the frown marring the older woman's face due to her fears of Naruto response to learning she had given the order to have the Uchiha wiped out along with Danzou and Homura, or that the Matriarch of the Uchiha was locked securely away in the deepest dungeon of the Leaf Maximum Security Prison.


Tayuya easily found a job as a server at one of the few restaurants that catered almost exclusively to Shinobi of Taki. However, she was beginning to think coming to the village was going to be a huge waste of time. As far as she could tell the few shinobi here were all wimps, especially the supposed leader of the village. The only reason she had stayed this long was because according to Tsunade's book a jinchuriki was supposed to reside in the village. Sadly, nobody outside of Konoha had any real information on her. Gauging the supposed kunoichi's strength relaxing in the small open air café she was working in Tayuya really doubted any of them were going to be of much use in helping Naruto's ambition along.

Wiping down a table after one of her customers left Tayuya cursed the cheap bastard for leaving her a laughable tip of a few coins. While performing the chore she let her mind wander to the other matter that had kept her in the small village, and that was the oppressive air that the shinobi seemed to be admitting. They were like beaten dogs and Tayuya was convinced most would take off running if startled.

She hadn't seen the source of worry yet and most of the civilians seemed oblivious of it, but she was sure it was there. Most of the patrons tensed though when a green-haired girl, that Tayuya's bingo book identified as the jinchuriki entered the village through the secret entrance near the café. The girl seemed to be quite vulnerable as she walked past the café and as she ran her orange eyes over the restaurant all the other shinobi present made sure to look elsewhere. She made eye contact with Tayuya and was quite surprised when the red-head didn't look away. She looked like she was about to smile when she was suddenly hit in the side of the head by a rock.

The girl held the gash it had opened up and glared at the young boy who had thrown it. But the glare wilted as more people began looking at her. Since everyone's attention seemed directed at the young girl they missed why the young boy was suddenly laying on his back. Sitting up he had a gash of his own on his head and began crying. Moments later a woman ran up and although she had seen her son throw the rock had the audacity to glare at the startled young woman before snatching up her son to look at his wound.

Tayuya smirked having used one of the coins that the cheap bastard had left to hit the kid. Giving the area a scan she made sure nobody had noticed her small intervention. Confident the clueless shinobi around her were just that, she directed her attention to the girl and noticed that as she wiped at her cut that the wound was gone. She felt a smile tug at her lips as she settled her gaze on her jinchuriki target.


Naruto pulled at his collar only to feel Temari gently kick his leg underneath the table. "Stop that," she said leaning in.

"I'm trying, but it's so stuffy," Naruto replied complainingly not liking the high collar of the black and red jacket he wore.

"Deal with it," Temari said looking stunning in a black dress, "It's the latest fashion in Suna."

"I'll try and keep that in mind as I suffocate," he replied taking a moment to look around the restaurant. Catching his current reflection in one of the mirrored surfaces scattered around the area he found he really missed his old face. Although he had kept his eyes the same due to Temari's insistence.

Temari let his joke slide since she had to admit the jacket did look uncomfortable. "Why don't you unbutton the top few then?"

"I don't want to look like a clod in front of everyone," he replied, but nevertheless followed her suggestion.

Temari smiled as he let out a breath in comfort and noticed that several other men in the restaurant immediately followed suit. No doubt figuring that if the Kazekage's sister was going to let her date for the evening do it then they should too.

A lot more relaxed Naruto asked, "So when is everyone going to get here?"

"Soon, I wanted some alone time before we began to talk business."

Naruto nodded looking around the restaurant before asking, "Do you always meet with your fellow councilors in such grand style?"

"No, this is more of a display for the populace. It's to show a united front to the people despite all the bickering and backstabbing they engage in during the actual council meetings."

Hearing the bitterness in Temari's voice he asked, "Is that why you spent so much time in Konoha to avoid working with them?" Temari nodded so Naruto placed his hand on hers. When she looked at him he smiled and said, "Thank you, I appreciate you putting up with it for my account."

"Oh don't worry, you'll be showing your appreciation later," she said with a seductive smile.

"Hey you're actually early for once," Kankurou shouted walking up to the table a civilian girl on his arm. Eyeing the man with her the puppeteer said, "And you brought a date?"

"Are you saying it should be difficult for me to find a man who wants to spend time with me?" she replied with a hint of danger in her voice.

Kankurou recognizing he was in dangerous territory said, "I'm just commenting that it's unusual for you that's all."

Temari conceded the point before raising a hand in Naruto's direction and introducing him. The name she gave naturally matched the identity she had proved for him. Kankurou nodded politely before taking his seat after pulling the chair out for his date. They made small talk as more and more councilors began to arrive while taking seats around the large table. Some brought their spouses or children but Naruto's eyes landed on one woman in particular.

She arrived with a senior councilor and what caught Naruto's eye was that she was one of the women Tayuya had left information with Temari and Matsuri about. As Maki took her seat next to the far older man Naruto wondered if she was with him as they didn't appear to be related. Temari must have sensed his question as she leaned in and said, "She isn't his lover. Joseki is grooming Maki to take his place on the council."

"Grooming?" he asked confused.

"Joseki is particularly adamant about not trusting Konoha. He's trying to make sure the person most likely to replace him sees things similarly as he does," Temari said having been butting heads with the man due to her trying to bring the two villages closer.

The councilor took his seat, inclining his head to many of the members present completely skipping over Temari and Kankurou. Naruto noticed this so asked, "Why doesn't he like Kankurou?"

"When Gaara was kidnapped some of these men tried to write him off. Kankurou didn't take to kindly to that and roughed Joseki up a little."

A murmur rose in the restaurant as Gaara made his way towards the table with Sari on his arm. The kunoichi was beaming despite receiving some jealous looks from many of the single women present. Gaara met everyone's eyes as he sat stopping momentarily on Naruto. A small smile cracked his face recognizing the jinchuriki despite his henge.

As the councilors began talking Naruto paid close attention to what many of the men present were talking about. Joseki seemed to garner the most respect due to his age but Naruto noticed that when he spoke poorly of Konoha it made Maki a little uncomfortable. Almost like she was afraid that she'd be put on the spot by the man to confirm she believed many of the anti-Leaf things the elder councilor said.

He began to zone out to much of the conversation but refocused when he realized the man was talking to Temari as he said, "... and unlike some of us present at least not all of us are buying into the Leaf's blatant attempt to get us to drop our guard."

Temari was ready for the challenge saying, "Really and how are they doing that by helping to save our Kage. Or perhaps by being the only village to respond to Gaara's d.e.s.i.r.e to unite against Akatsuki."

"You are young so I don't expect you to be aware of just how slippery the Leaf can be," Joseki said dismissively.

Temari was about to snap at the older man but Naruto calmly asked, "Has the Leaf killed someone close to you?"

The question caught the elder off guard, but he quickly schooled his features before replying, "I lost a wife to the Leaf during the Second Great War and my daughter to the Oto invasion."

Naruto nodded his head, but began cutting into his meal. One of the other councilors wanted to know why the henged jinchuriki thought it mattered so asked, "Why?"

Naruto slowly chewed the piece of meat he had placed in his mouth to think of a response. Finally after swallowing he asked, "Do you want to lose more?" The others stared at him in confusion so he clarified saying, "Wives, husbands, sons, and daughters I mean. The way I see it, by making it so that the younger generation sees things through the same anger tinted glasses as some of you do. It almost ensures that the cycle of fighting and peace is doomed to continue."

"Say that after you've lost something precious," Joseki said angrily.

"I'm not trying to belittle your loss, but simply trying to point out that rejecting Konoha simply because of it ensures more people will suffer the same," Naruto replied calmly. "Please don't take this the wrong way but if you hadn't voted to help Orochimaru in his invasion of Konoha. Your daughter wouldn't have died."

Joseki slammed his hand down spilling several glasses nearest him causing the restaurant to lapse into silence. "So you would ignore that Konoha engaged in practices that almost bankrupted our village."

Shaking his head, Naruto replied, "No, but I would have waited until after Konoha had rejected any request to renegotiate those trade practices before taking the village on a path to war." Despite keeping his eyes on Joseki, Naruto could see that Maki seemed surprised at his reasoning but that she also may have felt the same way.

Joseki glared at Naruto for several more moments before tossing his napkin into his plate. Standing he excused himself claiming to need some fresh air. Maki seemed conflicted but settled on following since she had been invited to the dinner by the retreating elder. Naruto looked around the table and saw a few elders seemed surprised by his argument but that many felt similarly as Joseki. When he looked at Gaara, the former jinchuriki inclined his head before starting a conversation that was less heated.


The door to Temari's apartment slammed open as she backed while making out with her lover. Hearing the door shut behind him, she said, "Drop the f.u.c.k.i.n.g henge." Naruto quickly complied before pushing her against the wall of the narrow hallway. He began kissing along her neck pulling a m.o.a.n from the kunoichi's throat.

Naruto lifted the hem of her dress up before sliding his hand into her p.a.n.t.i.e.s to find her soaking. Sliding his fingers inside of her the jinchuriki said, "You're f.u.c.k.i.n.g drenched down there."

"It's…it's your fault I'm like that," Temari m.o.a.n.e.d as the fingers worked their magic on her, "the way you talked to that dried up bastard had me wanting to jump you right there." As she spoke her own fingers were trying to free Naruto's c.o.c.k from its confines. When she succeeded she m.o.a.n.e.d, "No more foreplay. Shove that monster inside me."

Naruto pushed her p.a.n.t.i.e.s down before lining himself up with Temari's entrance. Picking the woman up, he pushed her against the wall as he buried himself inside her. "Ohhhhh," she m.o.a.n.e.d as he gave her a moment to adjust to his invasion before he began moving within her. Temari m.o.a.n.e.d as she locked her legs around him. As he pounded her against the wall she began s.u.c.k.i.n.g on his earlobe while whispering, "I can't ever get enough of your d.i.c.k."

Naruto pulled his head back to stare into her eyes enjoying the look of crazed l.u.s.t the normally reserved kunoichi displayed only for him. Leaning in, he began to hungrily kiss her as she clamped her hands behind his neck. Feeling her beginning to tighten around him, Naruto broke the kiss saying, "Are you going to c.u.m?"

"Yes…oh f.u.c.k…I'm close…" Naruto stopped moving burying himself as deep as he could and feel the tip of his d.i.c.k poking her deepest spot. Almost immediately she shouted, "No, don't stop."

Naruto g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she squeezed her muscles around his schlong but remain still teasingly saying, "Now, now Temari we have all night."

But Temari wasn't having any of that and pulled his forehead to hers and giving a dark glare said, "I've been dealing with asshole councilors for you for weeks. Now make me c.u.m and make me c.u.m now."

Naruto gulped heavily, but responded as she wished by pulling back before slamming forward even harder and faster than he had been moments before. Temari screamed appreciatively shouting, "That's it lover. F.u.c.k me; pound me through this f.u.c.k.i.n.g wall." Due to how close she had been and his faster pace it wasn't long before Naruto felt her tensing around him again. Suddenly her legs tightened pulling him deeper into her as she screamed, "I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g!" Her velvet walls began milking him of his essence which he released bathing her insides in his liquid heat.

After riding out their together Naruto leaned forward panting as Temari sagged in his arms. "Mmmm," she m.o.a.n.e.d happily. Naruto tried to lower her but she simply held on. Getting the hint he carried her towards her bedroom where he laid her down on her mattress. As he tried to straighten she refused to let go so he climbed into the bed. She snuggled into his c.h.e.s.t and quickly fell asleep feeling tired himself he figured he could Hiraishin back to Konoha in the morning.


Tayuya was worried as she moved throughout the village stealthily. She had made an effort to get to know the girl known as Fu over the past week. It hadn't been easy especially since she seemed to have a deep resentment for the people of Taki. But eventually Fu had begun to seem to trust that Tayuya wasn't like the rest of the villagers. She had even stopped by the restaurant where the red-head worked to say good-bye before leaving on a mission. Tayuya had managed to mark her with the locating seal the Kyuubi designed by hugging the girl and telling her to be careful. Fu had been surprised and touched by the gesture. As a result of Fu's response to the simple gesture Tayuya had decided that she would get in contact with Naruto when the female jinchuriki got back and hopefully between the two of them could convince the girl to defect to the Leaf.

However, shortly after Fu's leaving Tayuya began to fear for the jinchuriki since it seemed the oppressive atmosphere that had been choking the village had lifted. Almost like whatever had been silently menacing the place had left. Reaching the Village Hall, she snuck in definitely deciding that the village outside of Fu lacked talented shinobi.

Finding a council chamber she strained her ears to hear what was being said on the other side of the thick door. Although mumbled she could hear several councilors debating among themselves. Catching the tail end of their conversation she heard, "Are we sure we did the right thing?"

"Of course we did," another voice replied, "We didn't stand a chance against that thing. Better to sacrifice the jinchuriki then have the whole village wiped out."

"Still, what are we going to do in the future? We'll need to rely on the Hero water from here on out. We should have used it to kill that freak."

"Stop your sniveling. Even with the Hero's Water we are no match for Akatsuki."

Hearing the name of the organization after the Jinchuriki, Tayuya grew angry and almost charged into the room to kill the people inside. However instead she got ahold of herself before quickly exiting the building. She cursed the village that was saving its own skin by sacrificing one of its own. Reaching her apartment she knew her sudden leaving would be noted no doubt possibly harming her ability to sneak into other villages. But, she knew in the long run Naruto would want her to do the right thing.

Donning her shinobi attire, she gathered up her few possessions and followed the sensations the seal she had placed on Fu in order to locate her before Akatsuki.


Fu dropped into a clearing near the coordinates the councilors had given her. She was supposed to link up with a team of kunoichi in order to gauge the responses of Iwa. However something that had raised her guard was that the team she was supposed to meet had been out of contact for over ten years. If the limited rumors she was privy to were true then they had been incarnated by the Leaf. When she had raised that point the councilor in charge had easily brushed off her concerns saying that they had escaped but they used that cover story to their advantage. As he had explained it if they failed again Taki could easily put the blame on the Leaf claiming that the village had turned them.

Reaching the meeting point she settled in to wait and watch the area from some nearby trees. As she waited she allowed her mind to turn to Tayuya. She had first met the red-head the day after her return to the village from a long term mission having suddenly been summoned back. During her week in the village the red-head had kept popping up on her. Fu had tried to ignore her at first and when Tayuya had cornered her one night she had even pushed the girl to the side to get by her.

She had stopped though when the red-head snapped, "You must really enjoy f.u.c.k.i.n.g being alone, huh?"

Fu had rounded on her about to tear into her but was surprised to find the woman missing. Aware that she may have been one of the influxes of new civilians Fu knew she shouldn't have been capable of disappearing on her like that unless she had shinobi training. Taking to the roof tops of the village she quickly scanned it finding the girl leaping over them heading towards the great tree at the center of the village. Fearing that the woman was a spy after the Hero's Water she quickly gave pursuit. She considered raising the alarm, but decided against it since for the most part felt the other shinobi would get in her way. She lost sight of the young woman as she hit the last rooftop and dropped down to the ground. Reaching the end as well she scanned over the lake that surrounded the tree expecting to see some sign of the girl running over the water. Instead she heard a calm voice say, "I'm not interested in the Hero's Water."

Fu looked directly down seeing the red-head sitting on a barrel with her legs crossed. Fu dropped down to the ground and grabbing Tayuya by the shoulders pushed her against the wall as she said, "Who are you and what do you want then?"

The red-head smirked as she calmly said, "My name is Tayuya."

"Why have you infiltrated the village?"

"To get to know you," Tayuya replied. Fu eyes widened in surprise and her grip lessoned allowing her to get free by flipping over the jinchuriki. Landing behind the green-haired girl she continued, "Now how about we go somewhere to get something to eat and talk?"

"I'm not welcome in most places," Fu said bitterly.

"But yet you still protect this village," Tayuya said surprised.

"It's my duty," Fu said, "Now what are you after."

"I already told you," Tayuya said walking away. Fu quickly caught up prompting the former Sound-nin to say, "I thought you wanted to be left alone."

She glared at the woman but said, "I have to make sure you aren't a threat."

Tayuya gave a knowing smile before entering a restaurant Fu stopped at the entrance since it was one that didn't allow her to eat there. Finding a spot where she could watch the building for Tayuya's exit she wondered why it was she hadn't raised the alarm yet. She was considering doing just that when she became aware of the delicious smell of the pies the restaurant was known for. Spinning around she saw Tayuya sitting behind her with two plates and a whole pie lying next to her.


"Let's just say that like another jinchuriki I know you have a very distinct weakness to genjutsu," Tayuya said holding one of the plates up for her.

"You know another jinchuriki," Fu said surprised.

Tayuya placed the plate down before standing and turning around. She pulled her long hair to the side to reveal her Kyuubi mark. "He's the host of the nine-tails," she said allowing her hair to cover it up again and giving a knowing smile added, "And I'm quite sure he'd love to meet a beauty like you."

Fu blushed completely unused to compliments of any kind. Tayuya laughed saying, "But for now how about you listen to what I have to say and we see how things go from there." So over several pieces of pie Tayuya began laying the ground work by telling Fu that there was a place out there where she could belong and that being a jinchuriki wasn't a curse but a gift to be used to help end the fighting that had made her sealing necessary.

Fu smiled at the memory and was tempted to blow off the mission in order to follow through on Tayuya's d.e.s.i.r.e for her to meet the mysterious man that had sent her. But she was forced to put such thoughts on hold as she became aware of two plant-like mandibles sprouting from beneath her. Jumping from the tree branch just as they snapped shut, attempting to cut off her legs, she landed on another branch as the creature kept rising from it.

As the black cloak with red clouds appeared she recognized that the man must be from Akatsuki having learned about it from Tayuya since her village had kept her in the dark about the group. The plant-like protrusions separated revealing a half black, half white face. "Aw man I was hoping to get a quick bite," the white half said his tone light.

"And what would you have done if she had bled out before we got her to the sealing cave," the black half said.

"I'm sure Itachi could have cauterized the wounds," was the white's reply.

"If he was even there you fool," black Zetsu countered.

"You're from Akatsuki," Fu said dropping into a guarded stance.

The black half focused on her saying, "And how do you know that. The Taki councilors assured us that they hadn't made you aware of us."

Fu was shocked even though she figured she shouldn't have been as the village had never made it much of a secret they despised her. But she had always believed that due to her strength despite that hatred she was indispensible to the people of Waterfall. Staring at the inhuman looking man in front of her she supposed he possessed a power greater than hers. Or at the very least his organization did, so they had traded her life for theirs.

Glaring at the man she said, "Well I have," and leapt at him saying, "Just like I heard you work in pairs. You'll regret coming after me by yourself." She aimed the punch right for the center of Zetsu's face. Just before it connected it split apart as he separated. Fu's eyes widened in surprise but the black half grabbed her arm tossing her into the trunk of the tree whose branch they were standing on. The Black Zetsu calmly said, "I'm never alone."

"Oh my turn," the white half said charging the jinchuriki.

Fu though pushed off of the tree ducking under the White Zetsu's punch. She slammed her fist into its stomach and as he backed up holding it sent another punch into the side of his head knocking him from the branch.

"Idiot," the black half said preparing for the girl's charge.

He wasn't disappointed as Fu quickly closed with him. However unlike his white half, Black Zetsu was quite proficient at taijutsu. He easily managed to block most of her attacks but was caught by surprise when she spit a glob of mud into his eyes. Black Zetsu fell back but before she could capitalize on his blindness white blotches began appearing on her skin. Feeling her chakra being drained as the spores began to take the shape of the white Zetsu she cursed, "Get off me you bastards."

She then began to channel her Bijuu chakra. As she was covered in a golden chakra the clones began to grow faster but even they had limits to what they could absorb and were forced to let go less they explode from the energy. Still it left Fu at the disadvantage of facing two super-charged clones which quickly charged her. Fu leapt from the tree her golden chakra taking the form of a pair of wings that kept her afloat. The two larger White Zetsu stared up dispassionately but made no move to get her down. The reason for this was because White Zetsu landed on her back the sudden extra weight knocking her close enough that the two other Zetsu could leap onto her pulling her to the ground of the forest.

When they hit the ground she rolled back over the White Zetsu who g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Ah heavy." But before she could get to her feet was hit by one of the Super Clones whose punch knocked her against a large rock hard enough to leave an impression. As the clones closed with her she reached a hand out and her chakra shot forward taking the shape of a large Insect like leg which pierced one of the clones through the forehead. Before she could focus on the second though a pair of black arms appeared from the rocks grabbing her own and pulling them back painfully against the rocks. She heard the black Zetsu say, "Can't have any more of that now can we?"

Before she could say anything the clone closed with her delivering powerful shots to her exposed sternum and ribs. As she absorbed more and more punishment despite the chakra cloak covering her she could hear her Bijuu telling her to let it free. Although tempted to do so she knew the creatures only interest was in its own freedom and once free would most likely rampage around the country side until stopped. Since it had a particularly strong hatred for Taki she was sure it would head there first and although she had no love for her home especially now, kept it in check because of a red-head that had become her friend in what may have been her last week in the village.

Just before losing consciousness she saw something land heavily on top of the clone in front of her causing the area to explode into dust.


Using the locating seal Tayuya easily found the area where Fu was supposed to be. As she had neared she lamented that she probably wouldn't have needed the seal as she could feel the heavy chakra of the Bijuu the girl carried. Guessing that meant the battle was already underway she picked up her pace coming to a stop as she saw Fu pinned against a rock a large white marshmallow looking man doing his best to break the girl's ribs.

Getting into a position above the White Zetsu clone she dropped off the branch channeling her chakra to activate her Stage Two form. The Zetsu paused momentarily just as the jinchuriki's head began to sag and looked up to have his face met with Tayuya's feet as she allowed gravity to do the work. As she landed she smashed his head into the ground crushing it and her landing threw up a tremendous amount of dust. Reaching into her pouch she pulled out her flute blowing a note which allowed her to map out her surroundings. The sonar also revealed the presence of the second opponent inside the rock. Playing several more notes she placed him under a genjutsu and while under no illusion that it would delay him long did force him to let go of Fu. Grabbing up the unconscious girl Tayuya quickly took to the trees trying to escape from the area while trying to call Naruto by channeling her chakra into her mark.

"That was unexpected," White Zetsu said emerging from the ground as Black Zetsu did so from the rock.

"Shut up," Black Zetsu said merging with his white half. "We'll never hear the end of this if we let her escape." Zetsu then merged back into the ground using it to try and get ahead of the fleeing kunoichi who held their prize.


Naruto appeared on a branch in a red flash in front of the transformed Tayuya. "Tayuya, what's going on," Naruto asked expecting her to be in the middle of a life or death battle.

"No time to explain," Tayuya said landing next to him, "Here take her and flash back to Konoha."

"What about you," he asked concerned.

"Don't worry about me, just go!"

Naruto didn't budge though so she quickly said, "She's the jinchuriki of the Seven-tails. I just ambushed some Akatsuki assholes so get going and I'll try and lose them."

"No," Naruto said before henging into her, "Find a place to hide. I'll lead them away from you and you can sneak back to Taki."

"Naruto they're after you too," Tayuya said her voice filled with concern.

"I know," he said kissing her before leaping away as he called back, "But I can't let you take all the risks by yourself. I'll Hiraishin when I'm sure they've taken the bait."

Tayuya cursed but knew further arguing with him was pointless. Releasing her transformation she dampened her chakra as best she could before hiding. A moment later the figure of Zetsu appeared from where they had just been standing. It looked around the area before seemingly picking up the trail of their prey and merged back into the tree giving chase. Waiting a good twenty minutes she began heading back to Taki but only began breathing easier when she finally felt that Naruto was safely in Konoha.


Naruto kept leaping from branch to branch while hoping whoever was after the girl hanging on his back didn't chase after Tayuya. He didn't need to worry as the man began rising from the branch in front of him. He came to a stop in front of the man still henged as a transformed Tayuya.

Zetsu said calmly, "That's far enough. Hand over the jinchuriki and we'll let you go."

"How about you walk away and I'll let you live," Naruto countered but knew it was an empty boast mainly because with the injured girl on his back he was at a disadvantage.

"You got guts, I'll enjoy dining on them later," Zetsu said splitting in half.

"Wait, first let me show you a magic trick," Naruto said jumping behind the tree trunk disappearing from Zetsu's view before activating his jutsu wishing he had taken the time to place a Hiraishin seal in his apartment. Zeroing in on one of his girls that was alone, he disappeared in a red flash.


Hinata was taking a bath in the Hyuuga compound. As she sat in the soothingly warm water she frowned since it wasn't helping her relax. The reason being, that she was positive that Tsunade's chakra was now red. Feeling her mood drop some more, she sank deeper into the bath until only her eyes were above the water. She then began blowing bubbles as she exhaled trying to think of some way to get rid of her doubts. Sadly before enlightenment reached her a red flash appeared above her followed by a loud splash.

Hinata, half expected Naruto to appear from out of the water, not a transformed creature that vaguely resembled Tayuya. Pulling back she was about to Jyuuken it but seeing the nude beauty about to attack it held up its hands saying, "Wait Hinata it's me."

He then dispelled his henge causing Hinata to ask, "Naruto what are you doing here?"

"Tayuya was in trouble and after helping her escape I needed to Hiraishin but everyone else was in a crowded area," Naruto said the jutsu allowing him a brief glimpse of the area he was teleporting too. Before Hinata could ask for more details he said, "Shit," before looking around the large indoor tube frantically.

Finding the girl he had teleported with, he quickly moved towards her as she was floating face down in the tube. Turning her over, he breathed a sigh of relief that she gasped for a breath. She then opened her orange eyes. The two of them stared into each other's eyes until she clocked him in the chin. Naruto stumbled back as she used chakra to stand on the water. However before she could threaten him she was hit multiple times in the back by the nude Hinata. Naruto caught her but before he could explain everything a knock at the door alerted them to another presence.

"Hinata," Hanabi's voice called, "Do you mind if I join you?"

Hinata looked at him panicked but Naruto rolled over the edge of the tube taking the other girl with him hiding on the other side of it. Hinata quickly scrambled out of it moving towards the door as she wrapped a towel around her. Opening it she said, "Sorry Hanabi but feel free to enjoy it yourself," as she quickly darted down the hall towards her room.

Hanabi watched her sister a moment before shrugging her shoulders and just before dropping her towel to enter the water thought she saw a flash of red come from the far side of it. Moving towards the area, she saw that the area appeared wet, but shrugged upon seeing no other sign of someone having been there.

Naruto appeared in Hinata's room keeping his hand clamped over the struggling jinchuriki's mouth. "Thanks Hinata," Naruto said, "Do you think I can trouble you to head to my apartment."

"I don't mind," she said dressing quickly, "I'll activate my mark when the coast is clear." She then left the room heading there as quickly as possible.

Naruto smiled before directing his attention to the girl. Making eye contact he said, "Please stop struggling and I'll let you go. We have to be quiet or else we'll make things difficult for the girl's whose bath I ruined."

Fu nodded, so Naruto removed his hand keeping it near her mouth just in case it was a ruse. When she didn't scream he pulled back before laying her down on the bed. "Alright, now let me explain where you are. I've taken you to Konoha, my home and my name is Naruto. I'm not sure if you met her but the girl that helped you escape from Akatsuki was Tayuya."

"I've met her," Fu said, "You must be the jinchuriki that marked her."

Naruto nodded saying, "Yeah, did she tell you why."

"Only that you are trying to gather powerful individuals to help unite all the shinobi villages."

"I guess that is close enough to the truth for the moment."

"Is Tayuya alright?"

Naruto closed his eyes using the mark to get an idea of where she was before saying, "Yeah, she's back inside Taki. I imagine now that you're safe she'll be leaving pretty soon."

"Why help me though," Fu said looking away, "I'm so worthless my own village sold me out."

Naruto gently cupped her cheek forcing her to meet his eyes as he said, "You're not worthless and anyone that says otherwise will be answering to me." Fu blushed before looking away again a slightly uncomfortable feeling appearing in her stomach. Her embarrassment grew as he scooped her up into his arms saying, "Hold tight," and then disappeared to appear a moment later in his apartment. Settling her down on his bed and thanking Hinata.Settling her down on his bed, he then quickly thanked Hinata.

He told Fu to get some sleep and that he would get someone to look over her injuries. Despite assuring him that she wasn't tired, a few moments later she was snoring lightly. Naruto then walked Hinata home before going and getting Tsunade.


The Hokage looked over the assembled clan heads and elders before saying, "As I'm sure you've all heard the Jinchuriki of the seven-tails has appeared in Konoha asking for asylum. This meeting is to hear what your thoughts on the matter are."

She could see that quite a few of the clan heads gathered felt along the same lines as her especially since they had heard how Taki had set the girl up to be captured. The only ones she was truly afraid might be against it were the elders especially since without their support keeping Fu in Konoha may become difficult.

As expected Homura was against it and although he hadn't spoken yet she could tell Danzou was as well. Most likely since he knew Tsunade would never allow him to use the girl as he wished. Perhaps he hoped by denying Fu's request it would force the girl into a corner making it easier for the elder to manipulate her.

Homura though for the moment at least was the sole voice of dissention. Although he had been droning on for a while Tsunade only really began to pay attention as he began winding down. "Furthermore, keeping the girl in the village will bring about an unacceptable risk to the civilians."

Tsunade was proud that the attempt to tug at the Clan's emotional strings by mentioning the potential danger didn't seem to work. Danzou could see that as well so said, "You've been rather silent on the matter Koharu. Perhaps you would like to add something."

"While my colleague does raise an interesting point, I'm afraid I'm going have to disagree with him on this matter."

Tsunade kept the smile she felt from her face at Koharu's words. But it was difficult especially since Danzou and Homura both appeared so surprised. Apparently the other two elders were so used to voting in a block that they didn't bother to confer with one another. Whatever the reason for their surprise though, Tsunade found the look on Danzou's face priceless.

Before one of the other two elders could try and step in for damage control Shikaku Nara said, "Perhaps you'll explain your reasoning."

Koharu nodded saying, "It's rather simple actually so I'll ask the question that we should all be asking ourselves which is. What do we plan to do with our own jinchuriki?" The question caused a murmur among the Clan heads and when it died down Koharu said, "Homura and I assume Danzou are against us offering protection to Fu because they say it will cause Akatsuki to target us that much sooner. I'm afraid that despite that probably being true the fact remains that we are targets and as such shouldn't push the girl away simple to push the matter to a later date. They have already extracted the one tails and if our sources are correct the Four and Five tails have also fallen."

"But Koharu…" her old teammate began only for Koharu to continue on.

"I know the village should come first, old friend. But by denying Fu the protection of the Leaf village we are only strengthening our enemies."

"And what of Taki?" Danzou asked.

"What of them," Tsunade said her eyes narrowing.

"They are already clamoring for the return of their kunoichi. Are you really willing to risk war with them to keep the girl in the village?"

"If they are such cowards as to give up their strongest kunoichi instead of fighting then they aren't a threat," Tsunade said with a hint of finality.

"Are you willing to spend the life's blood of our shinobi if you are wrong?" Danzou asked expecting the Hokage to back down.

Tsunade looked over the gathered shinobi present before saying, "No," but when Danzou smiled she said, "I'd expect the Shinobi of the Leaf to gladly give their lives in the protection of those who need it." She could see that with Koharu supporting her that even the Clans that normally would have fallen into step with the elders simply not to be on their bad side were solidly behind her now.

Standing she said, "Therefore as of this moment Fu is now considered under our protection. Thank you for your time." Walking out of the council room she smiled as she saw Naruto sitting next to the obviously nervous young woman. In the short time she had been in Kohona she could tell that the girl had fallen in love with it. Although she had a penchant for trouble since she could often be found in strange places as she had never really had a home of her own before having lived inside an abandoned building in Taki. Even thought Naruto had gladly allowed her to stay with him the girl still snuck off and could be found sleeping in local business. For the most part it was places associated with Naruto like Ichiraku or the Yamanaka flowershop. As expected those shops didn't mind, but every now and then she'd chose one where the owners still thought poorly of Naruto and by extension the girl he was rarely seen without lately. Those groups tended to raise a huge fuss, but quieted down when people began avoiding them since most of the village appeared to be behind Naruto now.

Naruto stood as did Fu who remained partially blocked as she tried to hide behind the blond. Smiling to put the girl at ease Tsunade said, "Fu from this moment on you can consider yourself under our protection and if you like we'll add you too our shinobi roster." The girl nodded from behind her human shield. "Good," Tsunade said, "Well then I'll be adding you to Team Kakashi then."

"That means we're teammates now Fu," Naruto said turning to the girl who smiled brightly back before hugging him tightly.

Tsunade turned to fill out the necessary paperwork to make it official as well as to keep her jealousy at the contact in check since there had been a strict no s.e.x policy in place. It was due in part to Naruto not being willing to seduce a girl so soon after almost being killed and as a result of Fu showing up during what would normally be her or the other women's alone time with the blond. Still if Naruto didn't get over that hang up soon, Tsunade would f.u.c.k his brains out right there in front of Fu. Particularly, since she was positive that the two kunoichi in Suna were reaping the benefits of the moratorium placed on his bedroom skills in Konoha.


Fu opened one of the sky lights of the greenhouse that she liked to sleep in. One reason was because that it seemed that the place actually welcomed her presence since one time she had found a blanket dr.a.p.ed over her. She guessed it was probably because the girl that often ran the flowershop was friends with Naruto. Although the sun was still up, she had decided to arrive early since the smell of flowers often put her at ease.

As she made her way through the bed's of flowers she laid down in the midst of her favorite as she allowed her mind to wander. Naturally she thought about how different Konoha was from Taki. Even though Naruto said for a time he had been ignored by the villagers he assured her that they had never reacted with outright hostility. A few had been less than friendly to her but for the most part a good number of people had welcomed her. It sort of made her feel guilty at times, since she got the feeling that she in effect was benefiting from the hard work she imagined Naruto had put in to change the people's minds about him. Still when she had brought it up to him, the blond had laughed it off saying that it was because the villagers had learned to be more opened minded.

Thinking of him, Fu was filled with the sense of warmth that started in the pit of her stomach but soon spread throughout her body. She wondered if Naruto found her attractive but considering the way he often pulled back when she tried some clumsy advance guessed he was just too nice to say he didn't think of her like that.

She heard a door open and since it had gotten dark out as she lay among the flowers a light turned on. She heard feet entering the area and although the greenhouse was quite large she feared being discovered since she couldn't be sure if it was Ino or not. She was put at ease though as she heard Naruto's voice say, "You two said you needed to talk to me."

Fu slowly crept towards the voice catching sight of Ino and Hinata who were standing in front of Naruto. It was Ino who responded saying, "Well talk might have been a slight exaggeration." Ino nodded to Hinata who had inched close enough to the jinchuriki to hit him several times as Ino distracted him.

"What's going on," Naruto said as he was gently laid back on the ground by the two girls.

Ino stood and along with Hinata began stripping saying, "We're tired of waiting."

"But you know Fu might show up any minute and it's only been a week and a half…"

"Naruto," Hinata said kneeling next to Naruto after divesting herself of all her clothes and after Ino took off his pants began gently stroking him, "As Ino has explained we are tired of waiting. I think it is sweet that you are giving Fu time to adjust. However, you have been slacking in your responsibilities to us. We shouldn't need to resort to such measures to get our Naruto time."

Hinata then leaned forward and began l.i.c.k.i.n.g his c.o.c.k as Ino followed suit from the other side. Fu felt herself get wet at the sight as the two girls enjoyed the pillar of flesh like it was the most delicious thing they had ever tasted. Reaching between her legs, she felt that the thin fishnet shorts she wore were already soaked through. She began gently rubbing herself as she watched them on her hands and knees. She crouched even lower as she brought one of her hands up to her mouth to bite on the knuckle of her finger to prevent herself from m.o.a.ning out.

Hinata straightened saying, "Ino do you mind if I go first?"

"Be my guess," the blonde said giving his c.o.c.k one last lick. Before guiding it into Hinata's snatch as she lowered herself onto it. Ino then took up a position behind Hinata and playing with her b.r.e.a.s.ts whispered into her ear after running her tongue around it, "How's it feel after so long?"

"Like coming home," Hinata replied raising and lowering herself atop the meat pole with Ino matching her movements from behind. As Hinata got lost to the moment she fell forward while still moving her h.i.p.s up and down Naruto's length. She screamed out hard as Ino pulled away and began l.i.c.k.i.n.g at her snatch along with Naruto's tool.

She felt a hand on the back of her head and realized that Naruto could move again. But instead of pushing her away, he pulled her towards him kissing her greedily. Ino looked up from her l.i.c.k.i.n.g at the sight saying, "See, I told you he'd get into it."

Naruto began rocking his h.i.p.s before breaking the kiss saying, "I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

"It's okay," Hinata said placing kisses along his c.h.e.s.t.

Ino teased her though saying, "That's not what you were saying this morning."

"Having his c.o.c.k in me has a way of brightening my view," Hinata said giving it a squeeze with her c.u.n.t. Feeling the blond jinchuriki's tool growing in her, Hinata stood up moving up and down faster her t.i.t.s flapping with her movements as she panted, "Your getting close. Give me it…give me your c.u.m Naruto." He complied with her request filling her w.o.m.b with his seed causing Hinata to throw her head back as she screamed her release.

She collapsed forward but moved to the side aware that Ino was probably just as ready for her own ride. But first the blonde kunoichi licked his tool clean of the juices bathing it. Once it was back to full hardness she said, "Giddy up." She then began to ride him until he bathed her insides in the warmth that she believed she was permanently addicted too.

Fu watched as both kunoichi took turns with him and at one point had been positioned so that their cunts were pressed against each other as he took turns moving between them. After having rubbed herself to a third o.r.g.a.s.m she snuck out but followed the blond around during the rest of the week as he apparently decided that it was best if he pleased the rest of his mates as well before they took similar drastic actions.


Naruto relaxed in the hot springs guessing the hour to be close to about midnight. He had spent the rest of the week with trying to please his harem. The only one he had yet to sleep with again was Koharu and that was because he was waiting for her to breakdown. Considering how pent up some of his Konoha girls had been after only a week he was afraid of what the woman would be like considering it had been over a month.

Before meeting each one he had always confirmed that Fu was far away using the locator seal and although afterwards would find her closer she remained far enough away that he didn't think she had seen anything. He had just returned from being with Tayuya who was on the road having left Taki. Her next destination was Kumo, and although Naruto was sure she would manage feared she would get caught entering since she'd have to go with less trusted black-market doc.u.ments since Konoha and Kumo were technically still enemies due to what had happened with the Hyuuga.

Leaning back in the water he closed his eyes as he tilted his heads to the heavens. When he opened them again he saw a shaved snatch above his face and recognized the skirt as Fu's. "What the he…" was as far as he got before he found his ability to talk hampered by the girl sitting on his face.

Despite finding the scent that surrounded him delectable and his body responding to the e.r.o.t.i.c sight he managed to pull his head out from under her. Backing up deeper into the water he said, "Fu what's gotten into you."

"I've talked to your other mates," Fu said climbing along the water on all fours, "they told me that if you are going to decide not to include me without consulting me that I should make my d.e.s.i.r.e to experience p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at your hands known."

Still slightly uncomfortable since it was the first time he found himself on the receiving end of being targeted he was covering his manhood with his hands. Fu smiled before tilting her head saying, "I've already seen it in all its glory Naruto, and while I appreciate your wanting to give me time after my near death experience. I think it's time you put it to use making sure the rest of my time on this earth is pleasurable."

She then sat back on top of the water spreading her legs saying, "See how wet I am? I'm like this because I've been watching you p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e your mates. Please don't exclude me."

Naruto slowly made his way towards Fu as she rubbed herself in front of him. He stopped in front of her cupping her cheek as he stared into her eyes saying, "There is no going back if we do this."

"There is nothing for me to go back too. I want to belong to something special like the rest of your mates," Fu said before leaning forward and kissing him. As the two made out they were unaware that two old acquaintances were coming to terms as well.


As the two jinchuriki made out Kyuubi took the opportunity to channel some chakra into Fu. She easily found what she sought as she found a large bug container like the kind used by the Aburame to catch their specimens residing under a single cone of light. Although she currently possessed a small amount of chakra it was enough for Nanabi to sense her.

"Kyuubi, stop hiding I can sense your foul tasting chakra," Nanabi said turning to face her. Stepping into the light the giant beetle snorted before saying, "Why have you taken that disgusting form?"

"I have my reasons," Kyuubi replied.

"So why has the so called greatest of the Bijuu decided to grace me with its presence?"

"I want you to throw your support and power behind your host," Kyuubi responded.

Although she found its face difficult to read she didn't need to as the creature began laughing at her causing Kyuubi to narrow her eyes. "The only reason I would give my host power is to trick it into freeing me. I don't know how it is you are free of your own cage, but the price you paid seemed to be quite high since I can barely feel your power."

"I see," Kyuubi said stepping up to the cage. Placing her hand on it, the seal appeared on the clear plastic reacting to her chakra.

"What are you doing?"

Smiling at the Bijuu, Kyuubi made a minor adjustmeant to the seal which the cage showed by small holes opening in the plastic. She could tell right away that what she had planned was working as the Bijuu began shivering no doubt confused as to the pleasurable sensations it was feeling due to her hosts actions.

Stepping back into the darkness that surrounded the cage Kyuubi said, "We'll speak again when you've had a chance to change your view of things."


"Ahh," Fu m.o.a.n.e.d out c.u.m.m.i.n.g from Naruto's oral assault on her snatch. Due to her o.r.g.a.s.m she lost control of her chakra and began to sink into the water. Naruto scooped her up and easily held her in his arms lining her snatch up with his rod.

"Are you ready?"

Fu nodded so Naruto began to pull her down onto his tool finding her to be almost as tight as Matsuri. Fu bit his shoulder after tensing telling him that the experience was somewhat painful. Stopping once he was buried inside of her the blond gave her time to adjust. Eventually he felt her grip on him lessen so began to test the waters by pulling out of her slowly. She hissed in a mixture of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and pain but since she hadn't told him to stop then pushed back in just as slowly.

As he held her above the water she began to match his pace before saying, "M-more Naruto…give me more."

Naruto leaned down biting her n.i.p.p.l.e through her white shirt causing the girl to arch her back and squeeze his c.o.c.k. He then began to increase his pace escalating the girl's feeling due to her tight grip on his d.i.c.k. Moving to her other n.i.p.p.l.e he was gentler with it s.u.c.k.i.n.g on it and rolling his tongue around it. Despite her shirt blunting some of the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e the difference still reached her causing Fu to lock her ankles behind Naruto's a.s.s to pull him into her c.u.n.t harder.

Naruto stopped causing the girl to whimper but he silenced her with a kiss while walking to the edge of the springs. Placing her on solid ground he began truly pounding her and after lifting her shirt moved to suck on her small b.r.e.a.s.ts directly. Fu buried her hands in his hair pulling him into her c.h.e.s.t and again m.o.a.n.e.d out as he gently bit her n.i.p.p.l.e.

He pulled back enough to watch the green-haired beauty as she shook her head back and forth. Opening her eyes she met his saying, "Naruto, I'm scared."

"Why?" he asked confused.

"I think I'm about to c.u.m… but I've never felt like this before."

Naruto smiled, gently kissing her before saying, "There's nothing to be afraid of. It's always better when you c.u.m with someone you care about then when you are alone. Let it go Fu."

Standing straight with his legs still in the water he grabbed her legs and placed them on his shoulders doing his best to make sure her o.r.g.a.s.m was more powerful than anything she had felt before. Fu proved to be stubborn but when he buried himself completely inside of her and released his own spunk. Her eyes seemed to bulge as she arched her back and screamed her release. Riding out her o.r.g.a.s.m, he then picked her up and held her to his c.h.e.s.t as he sunk back into the water. He created a clone to keep a look out in case someone came to investigate the scream.

After several minutes Fu caught her breath and then raising her head from his c.h.e.s.t and feeling the still hard c.o.c.k inside of her looked into his eyes before saying, "Again please." Naruto's answer was to raise her up slightly before letting her slide slowly back down as they both shuddered.


Back in the present:

Naruto was pulled from his daydream by a hand stroking him to hardness. He looked down to see Fu looking into his eyes before saying, "Again please." This time Fu didn't wait for any sign from her lover knowing full well Naruto would never turn her away. Guiding him to her entrance she began m.o.a.ning contently as she became aware of Anko waking due to the bed's vibrations.


Anko walked stiffly up the stairs of her apartment building. As she fumbled with the keys to her apartment she looked over as the door to Kurenai's opened. "Anko," the woman said after eyeing her friends haggard appearance, "That must have been some mission."

Guessing that was the excuse Tsunade gave for her month absence Anko replied, "Yes it was very hard." Thinking of how the two jinchuriki seemed to have ungodly stamina she added, "Every time I thought I had things under control the enemy would simply raise to the occasion."

"Really, would you like to talk about it?"

"Not at the moment," Anko said, "In truth I simply want to climb into bed and sleep."

Kurenai nodded saying, "Well take comfort in knowing that all missions aren't that hard."

Anko gave her a large grin saying, "Oh I don't know about that. Something tells me that in the future they might be even harder." She then closed her door leaving a confused Kurenai behind.

Next Target: The Inuzuka's

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