Naruto: The Ero Ninja

Chapter 14 - 13.2

Ino quickly got to her feet no doubt sensing Tsume's d.e.s.i.r.e to hurt the unconscious woman so stood in front of Tsume holding her arms out. Glaring at Ino the older woman said, "Out of my way. This bitch was responsible for supplying the strain of rabies that the trainer used to infect one of his rivals dogs."

"That may be but…" Ino tried to say, but she was about to be pushed out of the way when Naruto placed a restraining hand on Tsume.

"Don't even try to stop me Naruto," Tsume said glaring over her shoulder. "If not for you that animal could have infected countless others including our nin-dogs."

"I know," Naruto said, "But if I let you kill her in retaliation I might as well give up now."

"Don't give me that," she said rounding on him angrily. "I'm within my right as the wronged party here."

Naruto nodded, but said, "Still if you do it. Then how can I convince any of the other kunoichi in Kumo that I mean it when I want to put an end to the hatreds between our two villages. Not to mention, Hinata also has a reason to hate Kumo as it was their manipulation of the events behind her kidnapping that led to her uncle's death. Besides, she was obeying the orders of her Kage. If ordered to do something similar would you." Tsume looked away causing him to say, "It's easy to say we're in the right all the time, but sometimes our actions are seen just as villainous by those outside our village's walls."

"Tch, fine," Tsume said crossing her arms and looking away from him.

"Thanks," Naruto said.

"Don't sound so smug," Tsume said still angry but almost as much so at herself for being convinced by Naruto to let Yugito off the hook.

"And if I find out you used your ability to control me to convince me to let her live I'm going to kick your a.s.s."

Although he didn't, the fear that Tsume might one day come to believe that he did resulted quickly in the smile being wiped off his face. Hoping to change the subject he asked, "What now? Do we take her to Konoha?"

"I'm afraid we can't," Yuugao said, "Not unless you don't want her leaving. Getting her in the village would be challenge enough, but if Danzou learned of her it would raise too many questions."

Beginning to despise the name Naruto added, "Not to mention he'd try to use her as leverage against Kumo. So then what do we do?"

"First, I want you to head back to Konoha. Have Tsunade look at that arm; also bring Anko with you when you return as having an interrogation expert on hand may come in handy. The rest of us will move towards a safe-house we have established in Hot-Spring Country. Tsume, you and Hana will travel at the rear to cover our tracks while Ino and I bring the prisoner there."

Naruto closed his eyes locating Tayuya saying, "Can you link up with Tayuya? She seems to be moving towards Konoha."

Yuugao nodded and helping Ino secure Yugito began heading southwest towards one of the many safe-houses the Anbu had scattered around the shinobi world.


Yugito awoke painfully and slowly but her senses were already taking stock of her situation. For one the wound the psycho Hidan inflicted seemed to have finally healed. Unfortunately, from her position she knew she was tied to a chair and apparently her chakra had been sealed. Surprised at even being alive she supposed things couldn't be all that bad all things considered.

Focusing on the blond again she noticed a cast on his right arm as she asked, "Who are you?"

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki," the blond answered immediately.

Surprised at how forth coming he was she asked, "Is this your first time interrogating someone?"

"Actually it is," Naruto answered, "Although interrogation might be a little harsh to describe it. We already know you were in or around Konoha recently and were responsible for supplying a disease to infect one of the Inuzuka's would be breeding stock."

Yugito kept the wince she felt from her face instead asking dispassionately, "Then what is there to discuss. Why not get to the point where you ransom me back to Kumo?"

"My you certainly seem to have a high opinion of yourself. I suppose that's a rather unusual stance for a jinchuriki, aren't you wondering whether or not your village is glad you're gone?"

"Don't lump Kumo in with the rest of the villages that treat their jinchuriki like garbage," Yugito said angrily, although in truth knew she owed the change in opinion to the Killer Bee.

"Well regardless," Naruto said standing, "You have to realize that Kumo actually being able to barter for your release is a rather slim chance. I mean Konoha has to consider what happened when your village tried to capture the head of the Hyuuga clan's daughter. I doubt you have anything of value to replace the man's brother."

Yugito was forced to admit that was true as she doubted that Kumo would be able to come up with anything to make a deal possible. As for all she knew, in order to satisfy the clan head's possible d.e.s.i.r.e for revenge her Bijuu would be extracted and placed in a Hyuuga. Hoping to buy time she asked, "May I inquire what happened to the two men that attacked me?"

"Impossible," Yugito said having struck several what should have been fatal blows to her opponent.

Holding up his cast, Naruto replied, "Quite possible, but I didn't escape unscathed. Although I have the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of knowing I did it to myself."

Confused, Yugito let the comment pass before saying, "Still if everything was as open as shut as you claimed you'd have me on my way back to Konoha." Allowing her voice to take on a seductive tone she said, "Perhaps you brought me here for some sort of reward."

Naruto chuckled causing Yugito to glare at him saying, "Let me guess. When I go for my reward and begin thinking with my other head you try and turn the tables on me to make your escape."

"Very astute Naruto," a voice said from behind her surprising the two tailed jinchuriki.

"Thanks Yuugao," Naruto said shooting a smile to the woman.

Yugito still surprised she hadn't sensed the woman began to concentrate picking up the breathing of a second. Although now that one of them had revealed themselves the second probably didn't feel any need to continue to hide her presence.

Refocusing on the man in front of her he continued speaking to the woman saying, "Still I must appear pretty hard up for her to think such a transparent ploy would work on me."

"Or it just shows how desperate she is," Yuugao responded coming into Yugito's view. "Still I think it prudent to check."

Yuugao ignored her instead dropped to her knee to take his c.o.c.k into her mouth. But, Yugito's question was answered as the other shinobi that had been behind her wrapped her arms around her saying, "Do you really need someone to spell it out for you?"

Looking out of the corner of her eye at the woman she could see she had purple hair and was wearing a trenchcoat. Anko smiled at her before directing her attention to Yuugao who was now taking his balls into her mouth while her hand continued to stroke him. Yugito couldn't look away despite herself due to Anko acting as a commentator saying, "You know seeing her like that is still really quite shocking considering how she used to be. I mean all she used to be about was work, work, work. The idea that she would drop to her knees at the drop of the hat in the middle of an interrogation is mindblowing. But having had that c.o.c.k inside me, well I guess I can understand her lack of professionalism."

Yugito looked away, but Anko chuckled noticing her watching the action out of the corner of her eye. Yuugao again began bobbing her head on Naruto's shaft while her hand played with his balls. When they contracted the Anbu captain increased her pace but stopped as the first spurts erupted into her mouth.

Yugito watched as the woman's throat worked overtime to swallow his spunk. Still a little leaked out and when he was finished she calmly tucked his c.o.c.k back into his pants before standing and walking back behind the bound woman. Before Yugito could comment she heard the sound of kissing behind her followed by Anko saying, "Mmmm, you saved some for me."

Naruto collapsed back into the chair he had been in when Yuugao first awoke. Seeing her confused face he turned semi-serious saying, "Now that I can operate clear headed again, let me explain your situation to you. Recently I've come into a rather interesting jutsu; it helps me to seduce kunoichi. Now my intention is to use it to help bridge the divides of hatred that separate the various villages." Upon seeing Yugito's incredulous look he said, "Farfetched, I know, but a result of my ambition is that when Tsume Inuzuka wanted revenge for the actions you recently committed she decided to attempt to forgive you. So let me propose a game. Allow me to use the jutsu on you and receive a minor punishment for your mission and if you resist it for five days like Anko did then you're free to go. If not, then you help me in uniting the villages."

"What if I refuse to play?"

"Then we lock you up in prison and let our Kage settle matters."

"Do you really think I'll submit to some weak as jutsu?" Looking over her shoulder at Anko, Yugito added, "I mean if she could resist it then it'll be child's play. I accept."

Naruto chuckled and moved behind her as he channeled chakra into his left hand. Placing it in the middle of her back, he said, "Who can say really, but it'll be fun to watch." As Yugito's body began to respond to the jutsu Naruto added, "Although to be honest Anko lasted a month."

"We're carrying out your punishment now," Naruto said as a door was thrown open. Ino, Tsume and Hana then stepped in with the elder Inuzuka holding a thin stripped tree branch in her hand. "Believe me it wasn't easy to convince her to let you off the hook with only twenty strikes from her."

Yugito began to struggle causing Tsume to grab her roughly by the chin. With a glare she told the younger woman, "Take it like a kunoichi. If I had my way, your head would be decorating the entrance to the kennels." Looking back at Naruto she added, "Besides when my kids got out of line they'd receive a similar punishment."

Moving behind the kunoichi Tsume pulled the jinchuriki's pants and p.a.n.t.i.e.s down exposing her a.s.s to the woman. Who then brought her homemade switch down on the exposed woman's rear. Tsume took her time between each strike and although upon reaching the twentieth felt less then satisfied that justice had been done did admit she felt better.

Yugito was let go and she immediately pulled her clothes in place. Determined to prevent the tears she felt from falling she settled for glaring at the sitting blond.

With a sigh Naruto stood saying, "You'll have free run of the house, as there are seals are in place to keep us all inside. If you do manage to find a way out, I don't advice running. We'll find you, and then maybe Tsume will get another chance to let her frustrations out." Yugito nodded so he said, "Ino will you show her to her room please?"

Ino nodded beckoning the jinchuriki to follow her. Before she even left the room she could almost feel the four women surrounding Naruto with the intention of being p.l.e.a.s.u.r.ed by him. Focusing on the blonde in front of her, Yugito asked, "He seems rather positive I'll give in. So far I've felt more aroused on long missions when it was too dangerous to drop my guard to handle things."

Ino smiled over her shoulder saying, "Well trust me when I say you've yet to experience it fully. That'll probably be on the third or fourth day."

Yugito scoffed saying, "I'll beat this. Now that I know what to expect, I'll be able to better prepare myself. But out of curiosity why not just use it on me without gaining my consent?"

Ino shrugged before saying, "I guess it's because of what happened with Anko. She was the first to really resist it. So we decided with her permission to use her as a test subject. By the end of the month she suddenly became overwhelmed by it and we feared if Naruto didn't take her then she'd lose her mind. But in the end and we believe it was due to him she calmed and decided to join him. But I guess the incident scared him a little, so before using it he wants you to know what his plan is."

"Suit yourself, but I'd wager that by tomorrow you'll be glad for a change of clothes." Ino turned to exit the room leaving the closet open. She had been the one to suggest filling it with different types of clothes to help Naruto better gauge just how under his spell Yugito was. Ino believed if she began wearing the more revealing choices then it would be a sign that she was ready to become his.

Alone, Yugito sat at the edge of the bed but winced due to the spankings she received. Turning her focus inwards, she entered her seal to speak with her Bijuu.


While Naruto had pumped Yugito full of his chakra, Kyuubi took the opportunity to speak with her fellow Bijuu. However instead of seeing Nibi imprisoned in a cage the seal appeared to have taken the form of a large play area filled with normal size cat toys. Stepping into the area fully she was surprised as Nibi appeared from behind a stand no larger than a normal house cat, although with two tails. The creature narrowed its eyes at her before surprise registered on its face at who had entered its seal. "Kyuubi, why have you come here and why do you look like that?"

Kyuubi smiled saying, "It's a long story and I'm afraid I don't have time to explain. It appears you have worked out some sort of arrangement with your host."

Nibi tentatively nodded aware of Kyuubi's immense hatred for humanity. Therefore, it came as quite a surprise when with a nod Kyuubi said, "Good. Tell me, is your host a v.i.r.g.i.n?"

"What is that?" Nibi said confused and tilting its head.

"I see," Kyuubi said ignoring the cat's question looking about the room. Finding what she was looking for she placed her hand against one of the walls. As soon as she did so the formula of Nibi's seal appeared.

Nibi's slightly panicked voice asked, "What are you doing?"

"Letting you in on something glorious," Kyuubi replied back changing bits and pieces of it. Almost immediately Nibi began purring feeling the effects of Naruto's jutsu. Kneeling next to the creature Kyuubi said, "Continue to aid your host and convince her to submit to mine and the feelings you are experiencing now will only grow stronger." Disappearing as Naruto cut the flow of chakra Nibi was left to wonder just what was happening to her host.


A short time later Yugito appeared in the seal. Searching for her Bijuu, she found it inside one of the cat toys that had a small hole. Surprised by the purring that was emanating from inside Yugito asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I believe so," the cat responded, "What about you?"

"I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew," Yugito admitted pulling the cat out to gently stroke its fur. The purring doubled in volume something which surprised Yugito since in the past Nibi seemed to feel nothing. Holding the cat up to look in its face she asked, "What's going on with you?"

"I'm not sure," Nibi admitted, "I've never felt anything like it before. But I believe it's similar to what you are experiencing."

Surprised, since in the past Nibi seemed largely unaffected by her l.u.s.ts, Yugito asked, "Is this a result of his jutsu?"

"You mean that boy's," Nibi responded, "No, it was a result of Kyuubi's tampering with our seal."


"That boy is the container of Kyuubi," Nibi answered.

"Why would the Kyuubi tamper with my seal?"

"I believe to convince me to suggest giving yourself to the boy?"

"That's not going to happen," Yugito said quickly.

"Why not?" Nibi responded almost plaintively, "I believe you have done so before."

Blushing Yugito said, "Those times were different. Those guys were just to scratch an itch. He made it sound like if I did submit it would bind me to him."

"Would that be so bad?" When Yugito looked at her surprised, Nibi looked away saying, "If you knew the Kyuubi like I did, the idea that it would help a human would be laughable. Yet that is exactly what it is doing and apparently has decided to take human form. This Naruto must be an interesting fellow."

"Drop it," Yugito said putting her foot down. Placing the cat down she said, "I want you to find a way to end his jutsu."

"No," Nibi said defiantly surprising its host.

"Listen here," Yugito said getting fl.u.s.tered.

However Nibi ignored her moving to one of the toys climbing on it she said, "Place your hand on the wall."

Doing as instructed her seal appeared and Nibi said, "Kyuubi left something in the formula. A clause if you will. If I aid you the seal resets and I go back to feeling nothing."

"Trust me, that'll be a blessing," Yugito said quickly, "Unless I defeat this jutsu it'll become an annoyance until I give in."

"Spend as long as I have in a sensory void as I have and even an annoyance will seem like bliss," Nibi said walking away from its host to again climb into the hole she had been resting in.

Yugito cursed ending the connection. Feeling her l.u.s.ts on the verge of boiling over she took it upon herself to handle the situation. Sadly unaware that the feelings it generated in her Bijuu simply increased its to see its host give in.


Naruto whistled to himself as he cooked breakfast dressed only in a robe. In truth, the four days he had spent inside the house had him feeling a little stir crazy. But looking at his arm guessed one way or another he'd have been sidelined. On the plus side though Kyuubi assured him it was fully healed, even the minor damage to his cells using his jutsu had caused. He was simply wearing the cast to put his lovers' minds at ease. He was also a little bummed that Tsunade had banned him from using the jutsu again. She explained that all it would take was one misfire of the jutsu or his being too close to it before he'd find himself unable to use chakra and it being likely even Kyuubi couldn't fix it. He still smiled at how upset Kyuubi had been at Tsunade's suggestion that she couldn't heal him. But she decided to side on the side of caution, so agreed with Tsunade.

Nonetheless it was hard to be bummed about anything when one was living in a house with several horny and willing women. Understanding why Naruto couldn't be seen with them in Konoha, the older women of his harem decided to make the most of the time. He was sure Ino and Tayuya felt a little neglected but they understood. Still that didn't stop them from sneaking into his busy schedule for a quickie or two.

Hearing shuffling he smiled sure that the person behind him was the one person in the house who had yet to partaken of the various s.e.x.u.a.l encounters that had happened around her. "Would you like some breakfast?" Naruto asked without looking back.

"I can make it myself," Yugito snapped back.

Shrugging he replied, "Suit yourself," before spooning the eggs he had cooked onto his plate. Placing the pan back down so that any of his other lovers who awoke could grab some. He took his plate to the table munching on them contently.

Yugito glared at the boy and was sure if looks could kill there'd be nothing left of him but ash blowing in the wind. "F.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard," she thought since when she had agreed to his proposition the least he could have said was that every night would have been filled with the m.o.a.ns of the other women in the house. As a result, every night thus far had found her masturbating to the siren songs of his other lovers as he pleased them in countless ways. What was worse was that he seemed almost capable of lasting all night causing her to wonder just what it would feel like to be with him.

Although she had a few s.e.x.u.a.l encounters of her own. None of the men had been able to fully please her no matter how energetically she had tried to keep them engaged. In desperation, she had considered seducing her fellow jinchuriki but due to Bee's habit of running off at the mouth feared the encounter would show up in one of his horrible raps. But none of that matter to her now as she was feeling far more restless then she had ever been in her life and only hoped that the jutsu ended promptly on the fifth day.

Naruto refrained from chuckling as Yugito searched the cabinets aimlessly apparently having no idea what she was in the mood for. His good humor also stemmed from the fact that she was a tightly wound spring of l.u.s.t only needing a slight push to make her release the l.u.s.t she was feeling. He guessed this from her current dress which much as Ino anticipated had grown more and more provocative. Dressed as she was in a short and satin robe, Naruto doubted she was even aware that when she bent down search the lower cabinets the robe raised to expose the lower half of her shapely a.s.s.

Finding a can of hash, he watched as she had trouble opening it since the ancient and dull can opener she was using kept slipping off of it due to her mounting frustrations. Watching as she grew fl.u.s.tered, he suspected she was about to smash it against the counter until it released its contents, so moving behind her said, "Here let me."

Looking over her shoulder she said, "Like you'll do much better, you're practically handicapped."

Still she allowed Naruto to take the can opener from her and clamping it firmly on the edge said, "Now turn." Yugito did so and much to her annoyance it didn't slip off the can. When the lid was fully cut free he said, "See, there's no telling what we can do together."

Yugito scoffed saying, "Opening a stubborn can is a long way from accomplishing the nonsense you've been spewing."

"Maybe," Naruto admitted but cupping her cheek he said, "But doing nothing guarantees failure."

Despite herself, Yugito found herself leaning into the palm as she whispered, "I don't want to betray my home."

"Neither do I," Naruto said closing the distance between their faces. "What I want is to build a place where they can coexist."

"What if we fail," Yugito said getting lost in his eyes.

Naruto smiled at the small slip but said, "Then we go down swinging."

Unable to restrain herself further Yugito lunged forward smashing her lips to his. Naruto responded in kind meeting her eager tongue with his own. While they made out Yugito's hands moved over his shoulders but finding the robe annoying undid the sash holding it close to move her hands beneath it.

Naruto for his part considered smashing his cast to free his arm but imagining a lecture from Ino and Tsunade decided to make the best of the situation. Using his left hand, he played with her tit enjoying the way the satin of her robe felt and sure it was stimulating her n.i.p.p.l.e deliciously.

Meanwhile Yugito's hands grasped his c.o.c.k and feeling its hardness said, "Kami you were up almost all night pleasing Anko. How can you still be so hard?"

"It's easy with the right stimulation and partners," Naruto said groaning as she rubbed his c.o.c.khead against her uncovered p.u.s.s.y since she had stopped wearing u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r around the second day.

M.o.a.ning herself at the contact, she said, "I want this so bad."

Naruto responded by spinning her around and bending her over the counter. Rubbing his c.o.c.k against her drenched lower lips, he said, "Tell me, how bad you want it?"

Yugito looked over her shoulder saying, "Please…don't…don't tease me."

Responding to her request Naruto leaned forward kissing her gently before pushing his c.o.c.k into her. Yugito broke the kiss groaning into the counter as her passage was filled by her fellow jinchuriki. Naruto went straight for the kill pistoning in to her at a blistering pace from the onset aware that after four days of frustration all she truly wanted was an o.r.g.a.s.m that she could only receive from a stiff c.o.c.k.

The way she m.o.a.n.e.d, "Yes…oh f.u.c.k yes…why… why did I fight it for so long?" She suddenly tensed shouting caught by surprise, "Oh f.u.c.k I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g!"

She collapsed against the counter still being partially supported by Naruto and rested her head on the counter top. Naruto far from finished with her grabbed her by the ponytail pulling her upper body up to his c.h.e.s.t and whispered into her ear, "Don't tell me you're finished already." He then began attacking her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e passage at the same hard pace as he had before.

"Stop…f-f.u.c.k…stop I'm still s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e…"

Naruto reached his left hand down and lifting her leg up just kept pounding away saying, "Your body doesn't seem to want me to stop. You're squeezing me so tight down there."

Feeling embarrassed at his words, Yugito said, "D-don't say that…"

"Don't be embarrassed," Naruto said, "I'm glad your body's reacting like that, because before you go back to Kumo. I fully intend to have explored every part of it."

Yugito's p.u.s.s.y clamped down on his c.o.c.k even tighter at his words. Looking over her shoulder, she smashed her lips to his again as he continued his brisk pace. All too soon though Naruto found himself on the verge of release, but attempted to delay it. As a result his d.i.c.k grew even larger which Yugito could feel prompting her to break the kiss, "You're close aren't you. I can feel it." He nodded his head in response but fought the urge as he continued to his actions as the sounds of the rhythmic meeting of their h.i.p.s filling the kitchen.

Still Naruto knew he was fighting a losing battle. Burying himself inside her with a shout of, "I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g," was surprised when she pulled away from him quickly spinning and dropping to her haunches with her legs spread l.e.w.dly. She then took his c.o.c.k into her mouth as he began spurting several thick ropes of c.u.m. That she swallowed thirstily as she rubbed her p.u.s.s.y thus triggering her own o.r.g.a.s.m causing her to m.o.a.n around his d.i.c.k much to his enjoyment.

When he finished Yugito let his d.i.c.k slip from her lips with a pop taking her time to swallow what remained in her mouth. Once finished, she placed a kiss against his s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e tip pulling a groan from him as the kiss turned into her energetically s.u.c.k.i.n.g of his c.o.c.k to get it hard again. To her great p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e it didn't take much so standing she wrapped her hand around his d.i.c.k using it to pull him after her as she led him to her bedroom.

Looking over her shoulder as she said with a l.u.s.tful smile, "I hope you are able to function on the little sleep you got because you're in for a long day of exploration."

Naruto chuckled saying, "I think you're going to quickly learn I'm always willing to rise to a challenge." Before surprising her as he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder as he quickly made his way to her room.

As Yugito beat her fist against Naruto's back playfully, a Bijuu began to understand why Kyuubi had taken the form that she did.

Next Target: Shizune

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