Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 6: Target Yuugao

Ayame was standing beneath the warm spray of the shower humming contently to herself. Having dreamed of a night like the previous one for years, she was pleased to find that the reality had completely blown them out of the water. It was quite early and even though all she wanted to do was curl up next to her lover and sleep. She was forced out of bed by the realities of running a small restaurant, as the early morning hours were essential to making it through the day, especially with a customer with such a voracious appetite as Naruto.

She smiled as she thought of what she had learned that morning namely that having a shinobi for a lover meant getting out of bed without waking him was difficult. When she had attempted to get out of the bed he had hugged her close telling her to stay with him. Although so very tempted to do so, she had told him that she couldn't. When he had pouted at her, she had laughed and after kissing him multiple times had told him that she needed to go in order to prepare for his eventual arrival at the stand. Naruto accepted the reality of having a lover with a civilian job, and therefore stricter hours by which she needed to get things done so had let her out of the bed.

Ayame turned the water off and after drying herself off stepped out of the bathroom to see Naruto sleeping again. She couldn't help the little 'aw' that escaped her lips as he snored gently as he looked too adorable to her. Gently folding her dress, she placed it into a bag and dressed in her waitress uniform before leaving the room. Exiting the hotel, she was surprised to find a beautiful blonde woman waiting out front who said, "Was he everything you dreamed he would be?"

Not sure who it was confronting her Ayame said, "Sorry, you must have me mistaken with someone else."

"Oh I don't think so Ayame," the blonde said.

"Who are you?"

"Picture me older with two-pigtails running down my back," the blonde said.

Doing as instructed she suddenly pictured the Hokage standing before her. "I'm sorry La…" she tried to say but found Tsunade's hand clamped over her mouth.

"Please don't cause a fuss," Tsunade said quietly glad it was so early, "When I look like this I'm free to move about as I please. Don't ruin it."

"Tsunade is fine," she replied but when Ayame arched an eyebrow she added, "Tsunade is the fourth most common name for girls in Konoha. Just don't make a fuss and people won't put two and two together."

"Okay. Um… may I ask what it is you want?"

"Well judging by the early hour, I suspect Naruto didn't have time to tell you more than the basics of what you have become a part of," Tsunade said.

Ayame nodded saying, "Do you mind if we talk on our way to Ichiraku?" Tsunade didn't, so the two women began making their way to the stand. "He told me about how this all started and what he plans to accomplish," Ayame said, wishing there was something she could contribute besides making ramen.

"Well there are quite a few little details he's left out," Tsunade said. But before filling the waitress in on the rest asked, "By the way, I know things probably sort of just happened, but are you taking any contraceptives?"

Tsunade didn't need the waitress to say anything as her eyes suddenly grew wide causing the older woman to laugh gently. "I can't believe I didn't think of that," she said beginning to worry considering the number of times Naruto had c.u.m inside her.

"Relax," Tsunade said, "I can use the after morning jutsu once we get to the shop. Also, simply see me once a month and I can use a jutsu to prevent pregnancy. After we get you a little practice you'll be able to do it yourself."

"Why would I need to do that?" Ayame asked confused.

"Because I'm going to have to teach you how to cast a genjutsu," Tsunade answered. "You see one of the things Naruto failed to mention is that once he sleeps with someone he changes their chakra network. In most villages this wouldn't be a problem; however in Konoha it can be downright dangerous. Luckily the Byakugan can't see through the genjutsu that I used to hide my age. Now we'll use it to make our chakra networks appear normal."

"That doesn't matter; this jutsu uses almost no chakra and is relatively simple. I can even cast it on you until you learn it, but should you ever be in a situation where it is dispelled somehow, I'll want you able to reapply it yourself."

"O-okay," Ayame said relieved.

She blushed as Tsunade added, "Besides, learning to use chakra a little will help you in the long run especially after Naruto learns to apply his mark to his women." Ayame looked at her with questioning eyes so the Hokage began to fill the young woman in on all the details that Naruto hadn't gone into.


Ino was whistling behind the counter of her family's shop contently. Naruto had taken her on a date the night before. They had gone to a rather nice restaurant nothing as fancy as the Golden Pagoda, but she hadn't minded sure that once he began taking missions again she'd get her shot to go. But what had made her truly happy that morning was something that Hinata had confirmed. Her chakra was now the same forest green as Tayuya's.

It hadn't been the date that was behind the change but something that Naruto had said during it. Ino took a moment to shake her head with a smile as she couldn't believe that Naruto was still finding ways to surprise her. During the date, which had happened the day after his night with Ayame, Ino had said, "Oh, by the way you'll never guess what color Ayame's chakra turned."

Before she could tell him he quickly said, "I don't want to know."

That had pulled her up short so she asked, "Why not, it's not bad?"

"I didn't think it would be," Naruto had replied before taking her hand from across the table, "But I don't want to know because it may affect how I treat you guys." He must have been able to tell what she was going to ask next because he answered her unasked question, "What I mean is…I guess I've had it too easy. I mean I tricked you into sleeping with me…," when she was about to say she didn't mind he stopped her to continue, "And I'm glad that except for some doubts, you and the others are happy. But I didn't even bother to consider there may have been some. I guess what I'm trying to say is that using the information the color of your chakra gives me would seem to make things a little too simple, and these relationsh.i.p.s should be anything but simple."

He had smiled and said, "I know, but I want to be able to tell when something is bothering you, just because I know and care for you. Not because someone needed to tell me your chakra shifted colors."

Ino had literally felt her doubts melt away then. Her relationship with him may be miles away from normal, but it was one as far as Naruto was concerned and he was going to work at it. She might not have been able to say she loved Naruto as she had so often claimed to love Sasuke, but she was beginning to doubt she had ever truly loved the Uchiha. As he had never made her heart beat the way Naruto had.

Looking at the clock she cursed yelling at her mom that she was leaving, since Naruto had mastered applying the seal and was going to place it on her and the others.


Tsunade was standing in a clearing in Training Ground S. The privacy barriers were up so she was free to drop her henge for the special training her and the others girls were currently engaged in. Once she had arrived she found Naruto in the process of applying his mark to Hinata and Ino.

The Hyuuga had decided to have hers placed on her right hip confident that except for certain dresses where the slash raised that high it would remain unseen. Ino had opted to have hers placed on her buttock. Tsunade had considered having hers placed on her b.r.e.a.s.t but felt that might be a tad tacky so instead decided to have it placed on her inner t.h.i.g.h where only Naruto would see it.

Tsunade had thought that would be the extent of it but Naruto had surprised them by saying he could now transport to wherever they were. When Tsunade had asked how he learned to so fast, Naruto had answered saying that when he was in the seal time moved as fast or as slow as Kyuubi wanted. He had told them that although he had been training in the real world for a week it had been over a month in the seal.

Therefore Tsunade had wanted to test his ability, especially since with a minor tweak Naruto would be capable of Hiraishin using Kunai or by simply placing the appropriate seal to anything. However somewhere along the way the training had turned into a game of strip tag with whoever Naruto managed to touch whenever he appeared near them being forced to discard an item of clothing. Thus far she was the only one full dressed, as despite Naruto going after her several times she had managed to deflect or stop him from laying his hands on her.

Although after she had come across both Ino and Hinata after they had lost all their clothes and seeing the slightly dazed looks not to mention the c.u.m leaking from their freshly f.u.c.k.e.d pussies wasn't sure she wanted to win the game. But while she waited for Naruto to appear she began to think about other matters.

Doing a quick search of her surroundings, she then thought about what she had in store for the blond man in the coming week. Kakashi was due out of the Hospital in the next two weeks. That meant that in the meantime, Naruto would be free for a little special training she wanted him to participate in. Namely seducing a woman that he had almost no prior contact with and in a combat situation, therefore Naruto had all of the next week to attempt to seduce Yuugao Uzuki. She figured it was a win-win for the blond although he didn't know about it yet. Even if he failed, provided he didn't screw up too badly, he would at the very least get some taijutsu training in.

Tsunade heard a shout of, "F.u.c.k.i.n.g shit," and smiled guessing that meant Tayuya was out of the game since the last time she had seen the red-head she had been wearing only a pair of p.a.n.t.i.e.s. Guessing that Naruto was going to give her the same treatment as the others, she got herself comfortable by leaning against a tree figuring it would be a while. Thinking of Tayuya, she had a plan for her as well, namely in training her in how best to help Naruto.

Tsunade knew that Naruto had picked the girl as an agent to learn about women that he didn't know about from outside of Konoha. But Tsunade's bingo book eliminated a good portion of the need to search for suitable women. But if anything it made Tayuya's job more important which was to help Naruto best approach what she thought of as a cold targets. While she felt that given time Naruto could thaw even the most cold-hearted of women. In certain situations he wouldn't have the time to work on his timetable, such as approaching a target in the middle of her home village. It would be Tayuya's job to make that cold approach as trouble free as possible.

Her job would be to find out everything there was about a target such as what they ate, drank, hobbies, and if possible s.e.x.u.a.l Basically to arm Naruto with all the knowledge he would need to make him irresistible. For Tayuya's training she considered using Yuugao too, but had decided against it wanting Naruto to figure the Anbu head out on his own. Luckily for her, the girl she decided to point the red-head at literally dropped the mission request in her l.a.p that morning.

Hearing a shouted m.o.a.n of, "Oh F.u.c.k.i.n.g Shit!" Tsunade figured that Naruto had finished with Tayuya and would be coming for her in earnest now. No sooner had she pushed off from the tree then a red flash appeared from her left. Grabbing the outstretched hand she kicked out catching her lover in the midsection sending him into a tree.

"Hey, be gentle. I bruise easily," Naruto said rubbing his stomach.

"I was being gentle, you'll know when I stop," Tsunade said with a smile.

"Aw come on Tsunade, I know you want to get the same reward I gave Ino, Hinata, and Tayuya," he said giving a cheeky smile.

"Try to be serious Naruto, this is training after all and you're still a long way away from being able to tag me," Tsunade said trying to sound business like.

L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips she said, "Prove me wrong then."

"Gladly," he said disappearing in a red flash.

He reappeared moments later but she gave him a similar response except this time when her kick connected Naruto burst into a cloud of smoke

"A shadow clone," she thought worriedly. She had just begun to think about the ramifications of what the attack meant when suddenly five Naruto's appeared in red flashes. She managed to deflect all of them dispelling three but the other two disappeared. A moment later ten more appeared; she fought most of them off again, but was glomped from behind by Naruto who grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.ts giving them a squeeze.

"Got you," he whispered into her ear as she m.o.a.n.e.d at his touch.

"You did," she admitted, but she heard a bell going off signaling the end of the session so added, "But too late to get me out of the rest of my clothes." Pulling out of his grasp she said, "Let's go meet up with the others."

Walking hand in hand with her lover to where they had agreed to meet, Tsunade smiled seeing the other girls in the process of pulling their clothes back on. Commenting she said, "Well looks like I win."

Tayuya leaned towards her fellow n.a.k.e.d kunoichi saying, "She's the only one that he didn't f.u.c.k and she thinks she won."

The other two girls giggled at her comment till Tsunade said, "You know something Tayuya you're right."

"Absolutely," Tsunade said an amused grin appearing on her face, "As a winner I should get a reward. Therefore, for the next week I'll be the only one sleeping with Naruto."

"What that's bullshit!"

"Hey we didn't agree to that."

"B-but I was supposed to have my date with Naruto tonight."

To the first two girls she simply pointed to herself and said, "Hokage makes the rules." But to the third said, "You're right Hinata so you're exempt tonight."

Hinata nodded relieved, but then sent a dark look Tayuya's way. Who noticed that it was mirrored by Ino, so she chuckled nervously, "Heh, heh"

Amused Tsunade said, "Tayuya, I'll speak with you later. There is some special training I want you to partake in." The red-headed nodded so Tsunade turned her attention to Naruto saying, "Naruto until you can use this jutsu effectively in combat which means against me.

I'm banning you from using it except to help one of us or emergencies."


"Trust me," Tsunade said cutting him off, "If word spreads that the Hiraishin is back in play, peace is going to be difficult to achieve. Since Iwa will undoubtedly attack, especially if they learn it hasn't been fully mastered yet." Naruto grumbled under his breath, but Tsunade knew the best way to cheer him up was to get him focused on a new challenge so said, "Naruto, next week you'll be training with Yuugao Uzuki."

"The head Anbu lady?"

"That's right, she'll be training you in taijutsu and combat tactics," Tsunade said.

"Am I to try and seduce her as well?" Naruto asked having a good idea of the answer.

"That's right," Tsunade replied, "It'll be good practice for dealing with a woman you don't necessarily know."

"Yeah, but she'd be just as vulnerable to the Temptation's Touch wouldn't she?"

"Don't bet on it," Tsunade said, "That's the other reason I want you to attempt to seduce her during simulated combat. When you went after me it was with my guard down, and the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e I felt from the massage helped to cover the fact that chakra was entering my system. However, I would probably have detected it during a combat situation."

"Why's that?"

"Because Naruto much like a genjutsu affects a person's chakra so too does the temptation's touch, and while generally you are using it when a women is not at her most perceptive doing so during a fight when she will be on the lookout for such a thing would be foolish."

"How am I supposed to succeed if you are taking away my best weapon?"

"You'll need to find a way to succeed without it then," Tsunade said without much sympathy. "If you're going to unite the world you can't rely on one technique or tactic."

"I get it," Naruto said, "Got any tips?"

"A few, but I'll keep them to myself for now. I want to see how you do going in cold and without any real insight into her," Tsunade said.

"I'll do my best, but what if I screw up?"

"Luckily for you, she most likely would come to me and we'll deal with it then," Tsunade answered.

"Lady Tsunade, are you in there?"

Tsunade turned towards the barrier surprised to hear her apprentice Sakura calling for her as she had made sure to schedule a shift at the Hospital for the girl while they trained. The reason being to avoid this exact scenario, since she knew it would hurt the future star medic to know she was the only woman Naruto had left out of helping him train, and probably felt she deserved to be there the most all things considered.

Turning to the three Kunoichi she breathed a little easier seeing that Tayuya had already made herself scarce. She was tempted to order Ino and Hinata to follow suit, but seeing the calm way Naruto looked as he stood to move by them figured he would say it wasn't necessary and would most likely spark an argument between them. Even though Sakura wouldn't be able to hear it, since sound only traveled one way through the barrier, she decided it wasn't worth the headache. Besides she figured Sakura had to realize that if she wanted Naruto, she would most likely have to give up on Sasuke.

She made sure her genjutsu was in place making her appear older and then dropped the barrier. As expected Sakura's eyes went wide in surprise before the hurt she felt filled them. Before the girl could ask what they were all up to Tsunade said, "I thought you had hospital hours."

"I...I do," her apprentice replied tearing her eyes away from her teammate who was chatting quietly with Ino and Hinata, "but Shizune was looking for you. Since she was looking for you without much success, I thought I would help while it's my lunch break."

Tsunade smiled since if she knew her first apprentice the woman after not finding her in the hospital was probably searching bars and the limited gambling parlors that Konoha had to offer. "Hey it is lunch time," Naruto suddenly blurted, "I'm going to Ichiraku. See you later Tsunade, Sakura."

Naruto waved to them as he walked away with Ino and Hinata going with him. Ino sent a sad look her friend's way, but didn't say anything.

Tsunade frowned, but had to give Naruto some credit. He left making it clear he didn't want Sakura to follow but did so in a way that it appeared that he simply thought she had been there looking for Tsunade. While she admitted she might be over thinking what she had just witnessed. She suspected she was right, having weaseled the reason Naruto was acting so distant out of Ino.

She forced Sakura's attention onto her saying, "Did Shizune tell you what she wanted with me?" She began walking back to the village taking a separate route as Naruto.

Following the Hokage, Sakura said, "No, just that she ran the test you asked her to. She did mention that your theory was right though."

Tsunade would have smiled at being right if she didn't feel that it also meant she was right about Kanji having been up to no good. "I see, thank you Sakura."

"Do you mind if I ask what this is about?" Sakura asked although she really wanted to know why Naruto had been doing training with Tsunade, Ino, and Hinata but had left her out.

Figuring that it wouldn't hurt Tsunade said, "Recently I got my hands on a scroll and despite it appearing rather old. I believed it to be newer than it appeared. I gave a sample to Shizune to test its age."

"But what does that mean?" Sakura asked not really understanding the importance.

"That's what I would like to know," Tsunade thought to herself wondering just what Kanji had wanted to achieve in giving Naruto the scroll.


Hinata approached Ichiraku the day after her date with Naruto. It had been everything she had ever dreamed a date with him would be. However, unlike Ino her chakra was still the lime-green that signified that she still had doubts. However she had also noticed that it was a lighter green then before almost yellow to which she figured may have reflected the jealousy she was feeling towards the other girls.

She sighed knowing that she would have to tell Tsunade as it was Hinata's job to inform the Hokage about the various changes in their chakra colors. As well as to occasional scan the village in order to make sure that other kunoichi weren't operating there under someone else's influence.

But with her own chakra moving further away from the red that she sought. She had decided to talk to Ayame. Maybe finding out how the waitress viewed her place in Naruto's life would help Hinata come to terms with hers. Entering the stand, she tried to smile as she heard the content humming of Ayame. But found it difficult as she wished she had never learned about the changes in their chakra.

"Hello welcome to Ichiraku," Ayame said with a bright smile welcoming her.

Hinata forced one onto her face, but noticing there were other customers frowned since it meant her questions would have to wait. Ordering a bowl from the menu, she ate slowly hoping no new customers would arrive. After an exceptionally long wait the last customer left leaving Ayame free to chat about more Naruto related topics.

Hinata could see that she was eager to ask about her date with Naruto, but before she could the Hyuuga inquired, "Ayame do mind if I ask you a question."

"Sure Hinata."

"Why don't you have any doubts about Naruto?"

Ayame pulled back not expecting such a question. Tsunade had told her much of what they learned and when she had asked what hers had turned to, was told red as well as what that meant. She hadn't inquired about any of the others but guessed Hinata's wasn't and that it bothered her. Ayame thought for a moment before giving the most honest answer she could come up with, "Because I'm finally where I want to be and I don't really care about what it took to get here."

Surprised at the waitress's answer Hinata asked, "It doesn't bother you that Naruto probably wouldn't have chosen you if he hadn't been given that jutsu."

"No, not really," was Ayame's chipper answer.

Hinata's frown deepened having said something similar to Naruto when he had asked her after they had been together. "What makes it true for her?" Hinata thought and could almost feel the color of her chakra growing more yellow.

Ayame noticed her words had a negative effect on Hinata as the Hyuuga looked down at the bar in thought. Wondering what she could do to help bring the girl out of her funk she said, "You probably don't know this, but Naruto broke my heart." Hinata looked up surprised so Ayame continued her story, "I first met him when I was seven years old. He was about four, and was constantly causing trouble for the people at the orphanage."

"He didn't always live in his apartment?"

"No, he lived in the orphanage until he entered the ninja academy," Ayame answered. Picking up where she left off she said, "He was avoiding the head lady whom he covered in paint. I guess she had been ignoring him for no reason, at least that's what he claims. However, I would tend to believe him because when I found him, he was crying over it. My mother had just died and my dad had to bring me to work since the stand wasn't as prosperous as it is now."

Ayame smiled sadly remembering the day she found Naruto crying behind the stand. "I invited him in and although looking back on it my dad had been nervous he still let me give him a free bowl. As you can imagine from that day on he was our number one customer."

"But how did he break your heart," Hinata asked riveted by what Ayame was telling her having no idea of Naruto's life before the Academy.

"Well two years later he would enter the academy and meet her," Ayame said a little bitterness entering her voice. "Up until then I would see Naruto ever day and he would tell me all that was new with him. I found myself slowly falling in love with him and then…"

"Hey Ayame," Naruto had said as she began to remember the day.

"What is it Naruto," Ayame had replied blushing a little as she brought him his bowl.

"Today was great; I can't wait to become an awesome ninja. But I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world today. I think I'll ask her out tomorrow."

A nine year old Ayame felt her heart break at the news and despite wanting to say something to the contrary said, "…That's fantastic Naruto. I'm sure she'll say yes."

Focusing on Hinata as the memory faded Ayame said, "Well as I'm sure you know Sakura said no, having already formed her crush on Sasuke. But Naruto being Naruto never once grew discouraged and continued trying to make her notice him, while I just kept cheering him on." Letting the sadness she felt fade Ayame said, "That's why I'm actually happy he found that jutsu. I mean he treats us all equally, as well as with respect and recognizes that we are individual people."

Hinata nodded and although she felt the jealousy that had been welling up inside her fade. Was forced to admit she didn't feel any closer to joining Ayame in the red chakra category. However just before she was about to pay for her meal and leave Ayame said, "I don't think your problem stems from Naruto so much as your place in his d.e.s.i.r.e to unite the villages."

Hinata looked at her in a way that said continue so Ayame said, "I know Naruto picked me for no other reason than he had feelings for me. But for you and the others you actually have ways you can help him achieve his goals. I'm actually a little jealous."

Hinata smiled kindly saying, "I'm sure Naruto considers having a steady supply of ramen as a vital part of anything he hopes to achieve."

Ayame laughed musically saying, "I suppose you're right. But I think your doubts stem from your shyness and if you don't mind my saying lack of assertiveness."

"What do you mean?"

"Well from what I've been told, it's easy to see why he went after Tsunade, besides the fact that he does care for her. Yet from what I understand Ino was chosen as more of a test subject. It just worked out that she would be the future head of the Yamanaka. But you were chosen for your position. That doesn't mean Naruto doesn't care for you, but I imagine if I was in your shoes I would fear disappointing him."

Hinata nodded surprised Ayame had hit the nail on the head. However Ayame delved deeper into what bothered her then even she had saying, "You have a sister correct. I've seen her with your father from time to time."

"Yes…" Hinata answered wondering what Ayame was driving at.

"She hasn't been branded with the Cage Bird seal. Isn't that normal procedure for siblings?"

"I…I'm a disappointment to my father. I suppose that if I had failed to become a shinobi, I would have been branded and Hanabi would already have been named heir."

Ayame nodded saying, "That's where I think your doubts stem from."

"I don't understand, you already said that when you said I fear disappointing Naruto."

"True, but not for the reason you think. I think that if you ended up in the branch family you fear Naruto would simply move on to your sister and seduce her for her position because you failed to achieve it."

Hinata felt almost shocked at Ayame's assumption, but couldn't deny it. Her father had never denied he felt Hanabi was a better choice for the head of the clan. Hinata supposed that considering that almost since Hanabi was old enough to walk she had been the darling of the main house, did feel that it was possible should Hanabi be chosen as heiress that Naruto would seduce her and that Naruto would find Hanabi was a better lover than her as well. It was silly, Hinata supposed on the face of it, but since Hanabi seemed to excel at anything she put her mind too, felt it was a genuine concern.

Paying for her meal Hinata stood saying, "Thank you, Ayame it was most enlightening." Leaving the stand, Hinata wondered if the best way to confront her doubts was to ensure that such a situation never happened in the first place.


Naruto arrived at the training ground promptly not wanting to upset his future sparring partner. He wasn't surprised to see her there waiting for him however. By the looks of things she had been rather early.

"Exactly on time, Mr. Uzumaki," the masked Yuugao said sounding cool and business like. "It appears that at least you haven't inherited Kakashi's perpetual lateness."

"Um, you can call me Naruto," he said nervously rubbing the back of his head.

Yuugao ignored him saying, "However since this is to teach you combat tactics as well as sparring it would have been better had you been here early to scout the area for traps." She then threw a kunai which cut a rope nearby. Naruto went on guard expecting kunai to come flying at him, not for a snare trap to pick him up and suspend him upside down from a tree.

Activating the training field's privacy barrier Yuugao walked up to the upside down Naruto saying, "Has Lord Jiraiya taught you nothing for you to be caught by such an obvious trap?"

Ignoring her question as she had ignored his earlier statement Naruto asked, "Hey is this trap something that they teach you when you make Anbu? Kakashi did the same thing to me during my Genin Exam."

"Then I would think you would have learned something about avoiding it since then," Yuugao replied.

"Why avoid a trap when you can have a Kage Bunshin walk into it?" Naruto replied with a smirk before dispelling into smoke.

Dropping from a tree behind her Naruto said, "Hi, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and you are?"

"Neko," Yuugao replied, "Now if you are done fooling around are you ready."

"Sure…" Naruto started to say but was caught in the c.h.e.s.t by two punches before a kick to his stomach caused him to stagger backwards.

He winced as he held his stomach and Yuugao said coldly, "If you are going to say you are ready then be prepared to defend yourself."

"I got it," Naruto said standing straight, "I'm ready." As soon as the words left his mouth she closed with him and true to form he managed to defend himself this time knocking her back. She inclined her head slightly in a small measure of respect before closing with again.


Tayuya lay on her back in Naruto's bed wearing just a pair of p.a.n.t.i.e.s. She cursed the big titted Hokage that was currently hogging her lover. "I should learn to keep my f.u.c.k.i.n.g mouth shut," she thought before reaching over to pick up the bingo book she had been given.

Opening it to the entry of the girl she had been tailing all day she wrote some notes into the blank spot at the bottom of the Suna kunoichi's page. It read "Fan wielding bitch is feeling the negative effects of her position, chiefly men fear approaching her due to her status as sister of Kazekage. Displays a passing interest in f.u.c.k.i.n.g pineapple headed asshole, but feelings are not reciprocated. I recommend a good hard f.u.c.k.i.n.g."

Chuckling as she finished writing her assessment she was surprised she didn't feel any real animosity towards the Suna Kunoichi. She guessed it was because simply put each of them had done their duty that day. It probably wouldn't have mattered if she did since Naruto would probably soon be tapping her. Strangely she felt herself getting a little aroused at the idea and slipped her hand beneath the waist band of her p.a.n.t.i.e.s.

As she languidly rubbed herself she began looking through the book she had been given to form a strategy of where she would head. She had offered to go to Sound first but Naruto had quickly rejected that idea. His reason was that he didn't want to put her in any unnecessary danger, and just because Orochimaru had abandoned her didn't mean he had forgotten her.

She pulled her hand from her p.a.n.t.i.e.s before she got too carried away, since she had vowed to go the whole week without any sort of s.e.x.u.a.l satisfaction so that when her punishment ended she could experience the mother of all She flipped to the Waterfall section of the book finding only a single entry which was a woman named Fuu. She like Naruto was a jinchuriki, but other than that not much of anything was known about her. The picture of the girl showed her to be quite beautiful, but she looked angry and sad. Figuring that to be her first stop once she left the village, since if she was right the girl had been alone all her life and would be an easy target for Naruto.

She decided Kumo would be next on her world tour. Flipping to the first entry she almost skipped it having her fill of big titted blondes. But Samui was apparently a jounin of some renown in the Cloud Village. The picture showed a woman giving an almost frosty disinterested look to the camera. Tayuya figured the woman would be a tough nut to crack but would find a way.

The next entry was of another blonde and this one was also a jinchuriki. However unlike Fuu's this woman's eyes lacked hate in them. Wondering if that meant Yugito had a better upbringing she guessed that this jinchuriki would be quite a bit more difficult to seduce then Fuu as well.

The next woman had dark features with white hair and her name was listed simply as Rio. Her occupation was listed as Raikage's assistant. Figuring her to be a high value target since who knew what information the woman was privy to. Tayuya would make it a priority to find out what stoked her womanly fires.

The last entry was of a woman with a similar skin tone as the Raikage's assistant. However, unlike Rio her eyes were a brilliant gold color and her hair was red. The picture had apparently been taken as she was shouting something at someone off camera. Tayuya wondered if that meant she was some sort of hothead and if she could somehow use it to Naruto's advantage.

Looking at the clock and putting such thoughts on hold since she had another fun filled day of tailing Temari the next day, pulled the bed's covers over her and went to sleep.


Tsunade rubbed her hand over Naruto's c.h.e.s.t a little disappointed since he had arrived to her room in no condition for the fun she had planned. "You know your sparring would generally be going better if you didn't let her hit you so much," she said channeling some chakra to her hand to help heal a particularly nasty bruise on his c.h.e.s.t.

Naruto chuckled saying, "I'll take your recommendation under advis.e.m.e.nt."

When the bruise faded Tsunade placed a kiss to the section of his c.h.e.s.t before asking, "What about things on the seduction front?"

"I'm sad to report no progress has been made on that front my Hokage," Naruto said sounding like he was giving a real report.

"Well, keep trying my Shinobi," she said lightly in return.

"Seriously Tsunade I don't think I'm going to be able to get through her defenses. She says only enough to get a point across, hell she didn't stick around for the break we took to eat. I think my best bet would be to find her in a bar somewhere and get a few drinks in her before I even tried to seduce her."

"Naruto there is a reason this is the best venue to seduce Yuugao," Tsunade said sadly.

"And that is?"

"Just like me, she knows the pain of losing a lover. However, unlike me, she didn't let her pain get in the way of her duty and instead focused all of her energies into her shinobi career. But she did it at the expense of the woman inside of her."

"I don't understand."

"Basically what I'm saying is that as far as Yuugao is concerned if it isn't directly related to her duties as a shinobi, it doesn't exist. As a result she hasn't had a drink of alcohol, been to a bar, or dated since her lover was murdered three years ago."

"Then how am I supposed to get through to her?" Naruto asked feeling frustrated.

"Remind her that she is a woman," Tsunade said leaning over him, "Trust me, she'll thank you for it."

"But how?"

"That you'll have to figure out," Tsunade replied before gently kissing him and adding, "Oh by the way, you better not come here tomorrow at death's door because ready or not you'll be satisfying my own womanly urges, understand?"

"I'll do my best," Naruto said with a smirk, "but if I can't you have nobody else to blame but yourself."

Tsunade pouted before laying her head on his c.h.e.s.t and letting his heartbeat lull her to sleep. Stroking her hair Naruto closed his eyes expecting sleep to take him as well but found himself inside the recreation of his apartment the seal had become.

Sitting on his couch was Kyuubi who was watching the replay of Yuugao kicking his a.s.s that he had suffered through earlier in the day and which was taking place in front of his coffee table, as that half of the apartment looked like the training field he had spent the day at. The fight paused as the doppelganger of him was being tossed over Yuugao's shoulder.

"I think this is my favorite part," Kyuubi said her tone filled with mirth.

Naruto though didn't share her amus.e.m.e.nt as he remembered how the rest of that particular combination had gone. The replay picked up where it left off and as soon as it did his copy was smashed into the ground. Yuugao held onto the arm she had used to flip him and as he tried to get up wrapped her t.h.i.g.hs around his head while holding the arm straight as she attempted to choke him out.

"Are you enjoying watching me get my a.s.s kicked?" Naruto said not finding the scene nearly as amusing.

"A little," Kyuubi answered honestly. "But shouldn't you have felt a little thrill during this part of the fight," she said tilting her head to the purple looking Naruto as his head was trapped between Yuugao's t.h.i.g.hs, "After all isn't your head trapped near your ultimate goal."

"I suppose that is one way of looking at it," Naruto replied after laughing a little, "Let's just hope I live to achieve it." Sitting next to her on the couch, Naruto asked, "Any particularly reason that you've been replaying this."

"I have spent the day reviewing all of your conquests up until this point," Kyuubi answered shifting a little closer to her host.

"Really, why?"

"To learn and maybe provide a little insight into this Uzuki. I now believe that I can pinpoint when exactly your charms had won over your other women. I was hoping I could use what I learned to identify if Uzuki was susceptible to them as well," Kyuubi said.

Naruto placed an arm around her as they watched Yuugao kick him away and asked, "Anything?"

"Sadly no," Kyuubi said as she blushed, "If Uzuki has an inner woman screaming for release as the Senju claims she is buried deep."

"Great," Naruto said not looking forward to another day of punishment at the Anbu's hands.

"It isn't that bad," Kyuubi said with a hint of admonishment.

"Apparently you don't feel what I do," Naruto said wincing as he watched the replay of when Yuugao had him pinned to the ground with his arm wretched behind his back.

"Fortunately no," Kyuubi said wincing herself at some of the ways the Anbu was bending Naruto. "But I do think it may be time to unleash a new tool in your arsenal."

"What would that be?" Naruto asked confused not knowing what Kyuubi was driving at.

"Remember when I told you I would modify your pheromones well I'm finished. I figure this is a perfect opportunity to give them a try. They may not make her rip her clothes off in order to have her way with you. But they may at least weaken her resolve enough for you to slip past her defenses."

"Great," Naruto said excited, "So how do I go about releasing them?"

"Simply imagine yourself doing so," Kyuubi said.

"That's it," Naruto asked expecting at least a few hand signs.

"That's it, I wanted to make it as simple as possible considering who I was doing it for," Kyuubi replied.

"Gee thanks," Naruto responded good naturedly to the teasing. "Out of curiosity could you make them strong enough that she would rip her clothes off."

"Possibly, but considering that I originally suggested them for taming Tsume felt that was a bad idea," Kyuubi replied after thinking on the matter for a moment.


"Well since in all likelihood you'll be releasing them in a crowded area," Kyuubi said, "and since you can't target a woman directly with them. I doubt you'd want an orgy to break out every time you go somewhere."

"That might attract the wrong kind of attention," Naruto admitted.

"Plus there is the affect they would have on males around you."

"What, men aren't going to try and **** me now are they," Naruto asked worried.

"No, but they may d.e.s.i.r.e to fight you, especially if you release them around a woman they are interested in," Kyuubi said. Seeing that Naruto was confused she explained, "Do not forget that pheromones are simply a means of attraction. I have simply made it so that women will respond more favorably to yours then most. But men who smell them will see you as a threat to their own to mate and will most likely attempt to drive you off. For all your crowing about how civilized you humans have become at your core you are still quite animalistic."

"Well I guess for the trial run it's a good thing it's just me and Yuugao then," Naruto said. Getting up Naruto walked around the couch and placed a kiss on the side of Kyuubi's neck. "Thanks Kyuubi. If I wasn't so sore even in my mindscape I'd give you another reward.

"Goodnight Naruto," Kyuubi said a little disappointed, but seeing a vicious kick that Naruto had received courtesy of the Anbu supposed she could understand.


Yuugao was feeling fl.u.s.tered and she hadn't even reached the training ground yet. It was after a late lunch on the fourth day of her training week with Naruto. "Just a day and a half to go," she thought to herself with a small measure of relief. It wasn't that she disliked Naruto, just the feelings that had begun welling up inside of her.

The first day of training had been almost enjoyable for her, and she had been glad the Hokage had suggested it. However the next morning things had gone downhill quickly. She still had trouble explaining it, but it was almost like his very presence aroused her. As a result, she found herself losing focus quite a bit, especially when he was close to her. But that wasn't what was worse for the Head Anbu. No, that was after the training sessions were over and when she was alone. Where an itch that she hadn't felt in years would beg to be scratched and had become more insistent as the week had progressed. She had almost caved that morning, which was why anyone that had more than a passing experience with her would notice that her hair, normally perfect with every strand knowing its place, had a few frizzes poking out of it.

It had been all she could do not to give in during the training session and to make it to the agreed upon time to eat which was about two hours after noon. When she had dropped the barrier to go eat her simple sandwich in her office where she always took her lunch, late or not, she had been surprised to see a young girl standing there holding a carrier she presumed from the smell was holding ramen. The waitress had bowed to her before running up to Naruto who had smiled upon seeing her.

Yuugao arrived at the training field to find the privacy barrier up. Wondering what Naruto was up too, she dropped it to make her way in. Not finding him training as she had expected. She made her way into the interior of the field carefully, mindful of traps and aware of Naruto's reputation as a prankster. She heard some grunts of exertion and making her way towards the sound found herself speechless as she came across the sight of Naruto screwing the ramen waitress from behind.


Naruto could almost feel Yuugao's gaze on him. He was tempted to look around him for her masked visage but refrained for fear of scaring her off. Focusing on Ayame who was holding onto the tree in front of her as if her life depended on it, he couldn't keep the smile from his face as he leaned down to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.ts which were sticking out of her opened shirt. Ayame m.o.a.n.e.d appreciatively driving him to begin slamming into her harder.

He was still a little surprised that Ayame had agreed to this when he had approached her the day before about it. But she had quickly agreed and told him she would help him in any way he needed her too. Judging from the way Ayame suddenly began moving back to meet his thrusts Naruto imagined she was beginning to sense the presence of their hidden watcher and that it was exciting her as well. Deciding to give Yuugao a show he reached down to lift Ayame's leg to show off her p.u.s.s.y as he plowed it.

"Naruto," Ayame m.o.a.n.e.d a mixture between excitement and embarrassment.

Leaning in Naruto whispered into her ear his pace never faltering, "You like it, don't you? Knowing that she might be out there watching me f.u.c.k you?"

Ayame didn't really reply with words instead groaning her response, but the way her p.u.s.s.y tightened around his c.o.c.k gave him all the answer he needed. Deciding to play a little with their audience Naruto said loudly, "F.u.c.k Ayame, your tightening so much around my c.o.c.k. You're about to c.u.m aren't?"

"Yes…yes Naruto. Your d.i.c.k just feels so good in my p.u.s.s.y," Ayame responded both surprising and pleasing Naruto. "Please make me c.u.m."

Naruto picked up the pace of his thrusts which began coming so hard and fast that Ayame found herself standing on her toes on her one leg as the other was still being held in the air by Naruto. He pressed himself in her completely pressing against her deepest spot and triggered her o.r.g.a.s.m which she announced by arching her head back as she shouted, "C.u.m.m.i.n.g!"

Naruto dropped her leg and grabbed onto her h.i.p.s as he released his seed into her in several powerful bursts. Some of which began to leak from her p.u.s.s.y almost as soon as he removed his c.o.c.k from her. Naruto pulled Ayame up to rest against his c.h.e.s.t as she was still a little weak kneed from her o.r.g.a.s.m. Still slightly dazed she kissed his cheek saying, "I love the feeling of your c.u.m floating around inside me."

Chuckling Naruto said, "But probably not as much as I love putting it inside you."

"Hmm, it's a shame you have to go back to training. Maybe we can convince your training partner to blow off the rest of it."

"We…" Naruto said lightly, "Just how do you imagine we should go about it."

"I could tell her how great your d.i.c.k feels," Ayame replied with a smirk.

Leaning in to place a kiss against her ear he whispered, "I think you already have My Ayame."

She shivered in his arms before leaving them saying, "But sadly, the rest of the world awaits. I can't leave my shop closed for too long even if now is the slow part of the day. I'll see you later Naruto."

"I'll let you out of the barrier," Naruto said watching as Ayame put her pants back on.


Yuugao had made it back to where she usually met with Naruto after lunch. She tried to not let the satisfied smile he wore get to her but admitted a little of the frustration she still felt from watching him p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e Ayame reached her voice as she said, "You're late."

"Sorry," Naruto replied leaving it at that not offering an excuse for his tardiness. Yuugao felt her ire raise as the damnable smile grew larger almost like he was aware that she knew why he was late.

"Well don't let it happen again," she said frowning beneath her mask at his reply.

Which was, "Can't promise that will happen." Dropping into his stance he asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Yuugao said but her stance said she was anything but and she soon found herself on her back staring up at Naruto.

With a smirk the blond said, "If you're going to say you are ready then you should be prepared to defend yourself." Blushing beneath her mask that her own words were being used against her, Yuugao stood trying to focus on the man in front of her, while trying not to think of him as such.


The next day came too quickly for Yuugao who had trouble sleeping throughout the night. Her dreams kept showing her the images of Naruto pleasuring Ayame. However, what was worse was that her mind began substituting her for the ramen stand waitress. Therefore she had woken up several times on the verge of an o.r.g.a.s.m knowing all she would need to do was break down and touch herself to give her that final push. Only her strong will prevented her from doing so.

Taking an extremely cold shower that morning she made sure that before she left she looked the part that she had presented for the past three years. That being the cool and efficient Anbu Head Captain, even if beneath the surface she felt her body was boiling for release. However she had made it to right in front of the training field where Naruto was waiting when she realized she had forgotten her goddamn mask.

Feeling frustrated that she wouldn't be able to hide beneath its porcelain features she was tempted to go back and get it. The only thing that stopped her was that in an effort to limit her exposure to the blond, she had stopped arriving early and only had a few minutes until she would be late. Cursing mentally, she entered the training field not wanting to hear another of the reprimands she had told Naruto leveled against.

From there the day had gone exactly as she expected with Naruto actual coming out the winner in most of their spars since she found it almost impossible not to imagine him n.a.k.e.d. Finally and mercifully it approached two o'clock, but she cursed as she saw Ayame standing there as the barrier dropped. Again she bowed to her before running past to greet her lover.

They didn't even wait until she was out of sight before raising the barrier. Yuugao decided she would inform the Hokage of their relationship and of Naruto's unacceptable use of the training field later. She was about to head back to her office but stopped as she saw an image of the two lovers together floating before her. Cursing she tried to get her rebellious body to start moving and it did but in the direction of the training field.

Opening a small hole in the barrier, she stepped through and quickly made her way to where she had spied on them yesterday. As she moved she made the excuse that it was to reprimand the pair. But couldn't deny the truth that she was moving silently so as not to startle them. Coming up behind Naruto who was sitting on a rock, she almost believed that she had been mistaken about what they were up too. And almost succeeded in convincing herself that what she had saw yesterday was just an illusion her s.e.x-starved mind had conjured up for her.

The reason for that was Naruto was slurping his noodles contently and from her vantage point she could see no sign of Ayame. She was about to head to her office when she heard Naruto say, "Delicious as always Ayame."

The reply was a large slurping sound. Climbing a tree Yuugao looked down to see that as Naruto finished what was in his bowl, that Ayame was kneeling in front of the pantsless boy bobbing her head up and down. When Naruto finished he placed the bowl next to him before gentle maneuvering Ayame on her back where he proceeded to fill her p.u.s.s.y once more with his c.o.c.k.

As Ayame wrapped her legs around Naruto and began m.o.a.ning, Yuugao had to stifle a m.o.a.n of her own. Surprised she looked down to finds her hand rubbing her p.u.s.s.y outside her formfitting pants. Willing her hand away she found that her body was no longer accepting her commands. As instead of moving away, it plunged inside of her waistband and into her p.a.n.t.i.e.s where it could stimulate her c.u.n.t directly.

Yuugao raised her other hand to her mouth to bite on her knuckle to prevent her m.o.a.ns from being heard as she turned to face the couple f.u.c.k.i.n.g in front of her. As she slid a finger inside of her p.u.s.s.y lips her mind turned Ayame into her and she couldn't deny that at the moment she truly wished that it was her that Naruto was screwing into the ground.

She picked up the pace of the hand working her as the couple below her neared their finish. Her body tensed as Ayame's m.o.a.n of, "I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g Naruto. Fill me with your hot c.u.m," reached her. Moments later she was soaking her pants in her release. Pulling her hand free, she stared at her soaked fingers before sticking them into her mouth to lick them clean.

As her mind began to clear she felt a measure of guilt and disappointment in herself at being so weak. She returned to where she would meet Naruto, but her mind still wasn't as clear as she thought. As if it had been, she probably would have noticed the dark stain that covered her crotch as well as a good deal of her inner t.h.i.g.hs.

Something that Naruto immediately did when he met her there a few minutes later. As Yuugao was still lost in thought and didn't notice his arrival he came up right behind her saying, "Dropping your guard could get you into trouble."

Yuugao spun but before she could stop herself said, "Maybe you should take your own advice."

Naruto tilted his head a moment before a smile split his face as he replied, "You must be talking about how Ayame and I have been spending our lunches lately. So you were peeking on us."

"No…no I wasn't," Yuugao said backing up as Naruto moved closer to her.

"Really," Naruto said directing his gaze down towards her soaked pants, "Then what do you call that."

Yuugao backed up into a tree before directing her eyes downward to see the dark material where the evidence of her o.r.g.a.s.m soaked through. She felt a sense of powerless and longing spring up inside of her as Naruto's scent filled her nostrils as he blocked her and pressed his body to hers. As a result she bought into his words when he said, "It's alright to let go," and pressed his lips to hers.

She kissed him hungrily but pushed him back to ask, "What about Ayame?"

He smiled at her saying, "Do you really think she would have allowed me to have s.e.x with her or been so loud if she didn't consider this a possibility? Isn't that right Ayame?"

"Give it to her good Naruto," Ayame said, "I wish I could stay and watch but I have to reopen the shop."

"I don't understand," Yuugao said feeling lost and confused.

Dropping down her body he hooked his hands into the sides of her pants and began pulling them down as he said, "For right now, you don't need to understand." Once she was free of her pants and p.a.n.t.i.e.s he took up a kneeling position between her legs putting one of them over his shoulder and said, "Just enjoy."

Enjoy she did as he buried his face into her mound and began eating her out. She came almost immediately, but Naruto simply licked up her c.u.m before going back for more. A second o.r.g.a.s.m soon followed the first as he began working two fingers inside of her as he s.u.c.k.e.d on the hood of her c.l.i.t. When he worked her little button from beneath its fleshy covering using his tongue and s.u.c.k.e.d on it directly she covered his fingers in more of her juices.

He pulled them out and was surprised when she pulled his hand up to her mouth to lick them clean. Smiling, as she did so he stood and freed his c.o.c.k of its confines before positioning it between her legs. "Yuugao if you want to stop, now's the time."

Pulling his fingers from her mouth her eyes clouded with l.u.s.t and d.e.s.i.r.e she reached for the back of his head to pull him in for a kiss. Tasting her on her lips Naruto decided that was as good an answer as any and slowly began pushing his c.o.c.k into her.

Once completely inside of her, he just as slowly began to withdraw picking her legs up and holding her against the tree. Leaving the tip in he slammed forward pulling a m.o.a.n.e.d, "Oh Kami you're so big," from his newest lovers throat. Hearing that urged Naruto to begin moving inside of her setting a slow pace in order to give her time to adjust to his size.

Yuugao was in heaven having almost forgotten what it was like to be with a man. The slow and languid pace that Naruto set at first gave her time to adjust to having a man inside of her, as well as his being the largest. But once she did get used to it said, "Faster…make me feel more."

Naruto immediately complied moving faster as well as delivering harder thrusts that had her seeing stars. Despite experiencing three in the course of what she guessed to be an hour from his tongue and her fingers she felt her fourth approaching and knew it would put the others to shame. She looked down to where she was connected to the blond and watched as he pistoned in and out of her. She could feel her internal muscles doing everything they could to milk him of his essence and to prevent him from escaping her velvet snatch until they did. However, she did feel a small measure of guilt which is why as she felt him begin to swell within her she said, "Y-you're going to c.u.m aren't you."

"Yeah, I'm close," he replied sweat running down his face, "Are you?"

"Yes…so close,"

"Good I'm going to fill…"

"No, please c.u.m outside," she said since only one man had ever been allowed to c.u.m inside of her.

That caught Naruto by surprise. He knew he really didn't have to, that he could make her want him to c.u.m inside her as he had used the Temptation's Touch on her as he fingered her. Yet when he felt her tighten around him and scream, "F.u.c.k I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g," and despite it being almost painful he pulled out of her allowing her to sink to the ground before coating her face in his own white seed.

Panting, he stared down at the woman who seemed quite unaware of her surroundings. Seeing his c.u.m coating her face was a turn on. But, what almost had him as hard as a rock was that despite her being out of it was that as a small trail of his seed moved towards her lips her tongue darted out to pull it into her mouth.

Ready to put his hard-on to use he asked, "Ready to go again," but sighed as he received no reply. "Guess the rest of training has been canceled," he said as he returned his c.o.c.k to his pants before cleaning her up using a napkin and canteen to wipe her face. Once he had her pants back in place he picked her up gently before heading to his apartment so that when she woke he could tell her just what she had become a part of.

Next Target: Temari

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