Chapter 332

“I’m not interested in the position of Naruto, go find someone else! For example, Hyuga Hiashi.” Facing Uchiha Fugaku’s expectant gaze, Hyuga Chen shook his head without hesitation.

“Why?” Uchiha Fugaku was puzzled, Naruto’s position was the most desired position for most Konoha Shinobi.

“First of all, if I really want to be Hokage, I can do it myself, I don’t need you at all; secondly, I have no interest in Hokage at all.” Hyuga Chen said lightly.

Hokage is just a nicer name. If it doesn’t sound good, it’s a village head. It’s a happy life, but if you go to be a Laoshizi village, Hyuga Chen is not sick.

To be honest, Hyuga Chen doesn’t understand what those people who want to be Hokage do, is it to exhaust themselves to death earlier?

When Uchiha Fugaku was unwilling and wanted to continue persuading, a voice came from outside.

“Father, I’m back.” Uchiha Itachi walked into the hall and saluted Uchiha Fugaku respectfully.

When he raised his head and looked at Hyuga Chen, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he couldn’t help touching the scar on his neck, and the wound was aching again.

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to grow up too.” Hyuga Chen smiled faintly.

Uchiha Itachi’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t say a word, while thinking about Hyuga Chen’s purpose in coming to the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Fugaku glanced at Itachi indifferently.

Although Hyuga Chen is an outsider and Uchiha Itachi is his own son, he still believes Hyuga Chen’s words because Hyuga Chen has no need to deceive him.

In other words, he is not even qualified to be deceived.

“Why come back so early today?” Uchiha Fugaku fixed his eyes on Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi frowned, and Uchiha Itachi felt suspicion in his father’s gaze.


“Okay, get out first! We still have something to talk to.” Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand to let Uchiha Itachi leave.

Uchiha Itachi frowned and glanced at Hyuga Chen, then nodded and left.

After leaving the hall, Uchiha Itachi jumped up to the roof. He wanted to know what Hyuga Chen and his father were talking about.

“You really don’t think about it anymore, but Hokage…”

Before Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, Hyuga Chen interrupted him, “There is nothing to think about, and don’t talk about Hokage with me. I am not interested in sitting in the office and dealing with trivial things all day long.”

Uchiha Fugaku’s mouth twitches. What is a trivial matter?

“Who allowed you to eavesdrop? Get out of me.” The strong gravity pulled Uchiha Itachi off the roof.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi falling to the ground, Uchiha Fugaku’s face immediately became cold.(Read more @

He didn’t expect that Uchiha Itachi would eavesdrop on their conversations on the roof. Uchiha Fugaku had suspected Uchiha Itachi, but now he is directly affirmed that he is a spy and a traitor.

“Why did you appear on the roof, give you a chance to explain.” Uchiha Fugaku’s voice was low and his face was dark.

He didn’t want to accept the son he had high hopes for, but he was a traitor who had betrayed the family.

“My father, stop! Don’t bring your clansmen into a rebellion, you will lead the Uchiha clan into the abyss.” Uchiha Itachi lowered his head and said.

“Joke, how did Konoha treat me to the Uchiha clan. During the third Ninja war, they knew that the Uchiha clan was good at Fire Style, but they sent Uchiha to the battlefield in the Uchiha village.” Uchiha Fugaku was angry at this point. .

Many of the elites of the Uchiha family were killed by the Uchiha family during the battle with the Uchiha family. The battle with the Uchiha family halved the power of the Uchiha family.

What did they get in the end? He went to run for Hokage, but besides the Uchiha tribe, anyone else voted for him.

Originally, he also wanted to completely integrate into Konoha.

But in the end he found that it was not that they could not fit Konoha, but that Konoha could not tolerate them.

No matter how much they contribute to Konoha, they will eventually be guarded and guarded by Konoha’s senior management.

If it weren’t for Konoha to exclude Uchiha too much, Uchiha Fugaku would not want to launch a rebellion.

Hyuga Chen sat there quietly, he was a melon-eater, just take a look, I didn’t speak.

“There is a reason for this. At that time, the situation in the third Ninja World War was critical, so…”

“Puffy~hahaha!!!” Hyuga Chen suddenly laughed, “Sorry for suddenly unable to control myself, I can’t help but laugh, you go on, go on.”

Uchiha Itachi glanced at Hyuga Chen, and then said, “Father, are you really going to fight Konoha? By that time, you will lose both sides. Other villages are likely to attack Konoha and even cause the fourth Ninja war.”

“Hehe, if you don’t resist, Uchiha won’t have a future, can you understand?”

“No, Third Hokage-sama promised me not to target Uchiha again.” Uchiha Itachi said.

Hyuga Chen shook his head and took out a jug of wine from the system space. It was brewed by Xue Ji when she was bored, and it was mellow.

Drinking a little wine, Hyuga Chen looked at Uchiha Itachi’s gaze as if he was looking at a fool. You believe what people say?

I can’t say that he is stupid, I can only say that Uchiha Itachi is a bit naive.

Uchiha Fugaku shivered with anger, can you believe what the old fox of Third Hokage said?

“You get out of me.” Uchiha Fugaku yelled, how could he give birth to such a thing.

“Father, if Uchiha and Konoha go to war, leading to the Fourth Ninja World War, how many casualties will it cause? Why do you only care about the small things in front of you? Why don’t you just magnify your eyes?”

“Puff~” Hyuga Chen accidentally spit out a sip of wine. Uchiha Itachi’s words just said that Uchiha Fugaku is small and narrow-minded.

Hyuga Chen looked at Uchiha Fugaku jokingly, wondering what Uchiha Fugaku would do.

“Get out of here at once.” Uchiha Fugaku’s angry face is like pork loin, so Uchiha’s affairs are trivial to you?

In the end, Uchiha Itachi withdrew silently.

“No good show, I should go now.” Hyuga Chen stood up and walked out slowly with the wine in his hand.

“Don’t you really think about it?” Uchiha Fugaku said without giving up.

The main reason is that the Uchiha family alone is not sure to fight against Konoha, so Uchiha Fugaku wants to invite Hyuga Chen.

Hyuga Chen didn’t even bother to reply.

Walking out of the Uchiha family, Hyuga Chen walked into a gloomy forest.

“Don’t hide it, come out now! With your crappy hiding skills, you are still making an axe in front of me.” Hyuga Chen said lightly.

Uchiha Itachi walked out slowly, staring closely at Hyuga Chen, “What did you say to my father?”

“Are you questioning me?” A hint of playfulness appeared at the corner of Hyuga Chen’s mouth, his faint gaze with heavy pressure.

The strong sense of oppression made it difficult for Uchiha Itachi to breathe, and he quickly turned on Three Tomoe Sharingan, stubbornly resisting the pressure released by Hyuga Chen.

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