Chapter 398

“Don’t stare, stare at it again and the ball will come out.” Uchiha Spring patted Xianglin on the shoulder.

“Huh, the task is important. After the task is completed, I will fight you.” Fragrant Pho said with a grunt.

Uchiha Quan chuckled slightly. Phosphorus was not her opponent. Under Rinnegan, Uchiha Quan could win Phosphorus within a few strokes.

“Let’s go to the country of rain first.” Xianglin angrily ~ walked forward.

When Uchiha Izumi saw the situation, he immediately grabbed the fragrant phosphorus, and then said: “In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. The intelligence officer of Akatsuki is White Zetsu. The clones of White Zetsu are almost all over the Ninja world. As long as you find a clone of White Zetsu, you are afraid you can’t find it. Is the whereabouts of Five Tails Kokuō-?”

Xianglin glanced at Uchiha Spring in surprise.

“Unexpectedly, you are not stupid, you are quite smart.”

Uchiha Izumi glanced at Xianglin blankly. Did she think she was stupid before?

Aroma Phosphorus was uncomfortably stared at by Uchiha Izumi, so he quickly changed the subject: “Let’s find the clone of White Zetsu first!”

Although the strength of White Zetsu’s clone is not very good, but the ability of seclusion is not low, if ordinary people will definitely not find White Zetsu.

However, it is simpler for Aroma Phosphorus and Uchiha Spring. Observation Haki and the others can also, especially Aroma Phosphorus. Her Kagura mind combined with Observation Haki becomes even more powerful.

Soon they found a clone of White Zetsu.

“White Zetsu, tell us the location of Five Tails Kokuō.” Uchiha Izumi said coldly.

When facing other people, Uchiha Quan’s expression is very cold

White Zetsu looked at them dumbfounded. He didn’t expect that he was hiding so well and was discovered. He is indeed the person next to Mr. Chen.

Facing Uchiha Izumi and the others, White Zetsu immediately told them the location of Five Tails Kokuō, who made Hyuga Chen behind these two people!

“Count your acquaintances, get out!” After dismissing the White Zetsu clone, Uchiha Izumi controlled the repulsion and flew into the sky with incense phosphorus.

“Rinnegan is different, it’s much better than using Moonwalk.” Xianglin looked at Uchiha Spring with envy.

Moonwalk consumes a lot of energy and cannot be used for a long time, but Uchiha Spring uses Rinnegan’s repulsive force to fly and consumes less.

And the flight speed is very fast.

After Uchiha Izumi and Xianglin left, White Zetsu wiped away the non-existent cold sweat, and then hurriedly passed the news back.

The importance of the tail beast to the organization is self-evident. Now the two girls next to Hyuga Chen suddenly asked about the whereabouts of Five Tails. Was that Hyuga Chen instructing?

Will it affect their plan to capture the tail beast?

Of course, these are not his headaches, he is just a small clone. The headaches are Tiandao Payne and Uchiha Obito, oh, plus White Zetsu.(Read more @

The avatar of White Zetsu relayed the news to Payne. After receiving the news, Payne looked serious to death.

They had just sealed One Tail, Two Tails, Three Tails, and Four Tails, and they were preparing to attack Five Tails, who were wandering in the Ninja World, but suddenly there was such a bad news.

“No one can stop my plan, not to mention that the other party is not Hyuga Chen, but just two women next to Hyuga Chen.” Payne said coldly.

Payne initiated a convening order from the Akatsuki organization to gather all the people from the Akatsuki organization and tell them the general situation.

“Chief, you also know my relationship with Chen, I withdrew from this mission.” Nawaki walked away coolly.

“Since Nawaki and I are teammates, he will not participate and I will not participate.” Kakuzu glanced at Payne deeply, then turned and left.

Kakuzu, who has lived for so many years, is not a fool. He instinctively told him that he should not wade in the muddy water this time.

“What’s the matter with the two of them? Isn’t it just a Hyuga Chen? What’s to be afraid of?” Deidara said.

“A Fei, don’t you talk a lot? Why are you not talking now?” Deidara turned to look at the abnormal A Fei.

ALFY is Uchiha Obito. At this time, he completely stepped onto the stage, but except for those who really knew ALFY’s identity, everyone thought ALFY was just a funny character.

“Huh? What did Senior Deidara say? I just fell asleep and didn’t hear it.”

Deidara’s mouth twitches, and if you want to find a reason, you can also find a better one. Can you sleep even standing up?

At the same time, Deidara felt that ALFY was a little abnormal, and the strength of this guy was definitely not as good as he showed.

When going out on a mission with ALFY, Deidara deliberately used clay bombs to spread him in, but this guy was intact.

“Being invited by Payne to join Akatsuki’s organization already shows that he is not easy. It seems that I can’t underestimate this stupid idiot.” Deidara said secretly.

“We are going to catch Five Tails before the two women, and now we will start to act.” Payne said lightly.

At the same time, Nagato stepped out, in order to complete the task quickly, this time he had to take action personally.

“The boss boss actually wants to shoot himself?” Deidara was very surprised. Since joining the Akatsuki organization, he has never seen Payne’s strength.

Even the fact that Tiandao Penn is a puppet was what Sasori of Akasawa told him before. Seeing Penn’s body, Deidara suddenly missed Sasori.

Now Deidara feels that he used to partner with Sasori quite well, but Sasori is now dead.

Payne took Deidara, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Afei away from Akatsuki’s base and rushed over according to the position given to them by Jue.

“Boss, what about Senju Nawaki and Kakuzu?” Deidara asked.

The two of them should be considered fleeing, right?

“I’ll take care of this, just do your own thing.” Nagato said lightly.

“Oh!” Deidara curled her lips uncomfortably, why didn’t the two of them use it?

“Hurry up, be sure to find Five Tails before the two women, otherwise it will be really troublesome.” Nagato reminded.

At the same time, Nagato speeds up and keeps a long distance away from the people behind.

A Fei, Uchiha Obito behind, fell into deep thought. He knew that Hyuga Chen and Uchiha Madara should be collaborators, but why did Hyuga Chen suddenly intervene?

“I heard that Five Tails is Hyuga Chen’s Summoning beast, maybe for this reason!” Uchiha Obito thought secretly.

But when I thought about it, I felt wrong. Five Tails is Hyuga Chen’s Summoning beast, so he can completely pass Five Tails Summoning. Why should he send two women to find Five Tails?

Uchiha Obito exploded his thoughts, but in the end he still didn’t figure out why.

“I am so passive in the face of Hyuga Chen. It seems that we must find a way to limit Hyuga Chen.” Uchiha Obito’s eyes flickered.

Suddenly Uchiha Obito had a plan in his mind.

Those two women should be very important to Hyuga Chen! If you catch them, can you use them to restrict Hyuga Chen?

Well, Uchiha Obito has never thought about what to do if I can’t beat Izumi and Aroma Phosphorus.

With the strength of Uchiha Obito, still want to seize spring and incense phosphorus? The people of Akatsuki are not enough to join together.

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