Chapter 401

Soon Phosphorus Izumi returned to Wuren Village.

“Brother Chen, we are back. Five Tails Kokuō refuses to come back with us. Now I don’t know where we are going. I guess we can’t escape the arrest of Akatsuki.”

“Just forget it if you don’t come back, I know Five Tails won’t come back.” Hyuga Chen chuckled and shook his head.

Regardless of any creatures, they yearn for freedom in their hearts and don’t want to be restrained, so this is also normal.

“Our mission is completed, what about the reward?” Xianglin leaned to Hyuga Chen’s side.

“Uh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you want any reward, go catch fish with us and eat the whole fish feast today.” Hong and Anko held the fragrant phosphorus on the left and right, and ran away quickly.

Xiyan and Lin stood in front of Hyuga Chen, just like the door god, standing in front of Quan.

“What are you doing? Do you think I’m Xianglin Nanzi?” Quan snorted and stomped away.

“To help you get rid of the harassers, just ask the teacher if you are happy.” Xi Yan smiled charmingly, with a brilliant smile.

Happy, I am so happy, Hyuga Chen has a stiff expression.

“Hehehe~” Hyuga Hanabi was sitting not far away, covering her mouth secretly.

“You little Nizi laughed a ghost.” Hyuga Chen squeezed her small face vigorously, and Hanabi screamed in pain.

“Sister, come on, the big bad guy is bullying me.” Hanabi yelled Hinata.

“Stop calling, little girl, your sister is not here anymore.” Ino and Sakura walked over, with playful smiles on their faces.

“Hanabi is so pitiful, but it’s a pity that I can’t do anything.” Tenten said helplessly.

“You little girl of Damn it has today. It’s really happy.” Little Sakura sneered and patted Hanabi’s head. Little Sakura was itchy with hatred for the little girl.

She won’t forget how Damn it this little girl was on the boat that came to Wunin Village. Now seeing Hanabi suffer the crime, little Sakura is very happy.

Hanabi angrily looked at the three people who were watching the bustle, remembering them on the blacklist in his mind, and making them look good when he finds a chance in the future.

“Little girl, are you thinking how to avenge us?” Ino knelt down and asked.

“I didn’t. The three good sisters hurried to save me. I never thought of revenge for you, and we have no grudges.” Hanabi said pitifully.

Little Sakura curled her lips and said, “You can’t believe what you bad girl said.”

“Hey, you are all big bad guys.” Hanabi’s eyes burst into tears.(Read more @

However, Hanabi’s tears did not arouse anyone’s sympathy. They knew that Hanabi’s ability to cry is a must. You can shed tears when you want them.

So even Mikoto doesn’t believe in this little girl, but the relationship between Hanabi and Kushina is pretty good.

“Master Chen, do you want me to teach this little girl for you?” Temari, who was standing behind Hyuga Chen, asked.

“No need for Temari.” Hyuga Chen said with shame. If you handed Hanabi to Temari for a lesson, she could beat Hanabi to death.

“Hanabi, do you know where you went wrong now?” Hyuga Chen asked.

Hanabi sobbed, what did she do wrong, it was obvious that the villain Hyuga Chen used her to vent her anger.

“It is your fault that you begged the wrong person. You are caught by me now, shouldn’t you come to beg me?” Hyuga Chen said with a sneer.

Hanabi was right to think about it, staring at Hyuga Chen with pitiful eyes, “Good brother, let me go, okay, I don’t dare to laugh at you anymore.”

“Do you think I would let you off if you beg me? You are dreaming!” Hyuga Chen looked at Hanabi playfully.

“Damn it Damn it, don’t be proud, my eldest sister is Kushina, Kushina said, you are docile by her.” Hanabi yelled.

“Kushina really said that?” Hyuga Chen asked suspiciously.

“Really, really, Sister Kushina really said that.” Hanabi looked guilty.

“Yes, you little girl, I didn’t expect to learn how to make trouble. I really don’t know how Kushina will deal with you when she knows it.” Hyuga Chen let go of Hanabi.

“No, what I said is true. Sister Kushina really told me that.” Hanabi quibbleed.

“Hanabi, when did I say that? I am more oblivious. Can you remind me?” Kushina stood behind Hanabi, his body burning with anger.

The cold sweat on Hanabi’s forehead dripped down, and his neck was twisted mechanically, just in time to see Kushina, who was burning with anger and whose hair was dancing without wind.

A big drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead again, and Hanabi thought hard about the solution.

“Sister Kushina, you have to listen to me explain.” Hanabi stared at Kushina with pitiful eyes.

“Heaven’s sins are forgivable, you cannot live your own sins, Hanabi, you are your own death!” Hyuga Chen pushed Hanabi in front of Kushina, with a playful expression on his face.

“Is there anything you can explain? Okay, I’ll give you a chance to explain.” Kushina pulled a chair from the side and looked at Hanabi with a sneer.

Hanabi scratched her head, her brain swiftly moved, and finally she really found a way.

This method is to slip away, let’s slip away first, or else I’ll be caught and killed by Kushina.

“Hanabi, do you want to drive? Do you think you can run away in front of me?” Kushina smiled faintly.

If Hanabi can escape in front of her, Kushina can go find a piece of tofu and kill him.

“Sister Kushina, I just made a slip of the tongue, can you let me go?” Hanabi tugged at Kushina’s clothes.

Since it is impossible to slip away, just beg for mercy!

“Sister Kushina, you can’t be so stingy. You said you will take good care of me in the future. You can’t speak without counting.”

“Don’t worry! My Kushina speaks absolutely, saying that killing you will definitely hit you today.” Kushina squeezed his fists.

“Sister Kushina, if you hit me, Brother Chen will feel distressed, and maybe he will clean up you at that time.” Hanabi shrank towards Hyuga Chen behind him.

“Sorry Hanabi, I won’t feel bad.” Hyuga Chen pushed her out without hesitation.

Hanabi glanced at Hyuga Chen bitterly, then raised her head and said, “Sister Kushina, don’t let her down.”

Just Hanabi’s small arms and legs, he really doesn’t resist beating.

Of course, Kushina meant to beat Hanabi, but didn’t actually do it. It would be shameful to beat a child.

But Kushina didn’t easily let go of Hanabi. Now Hanabi is standing on the stakes under the sun, and he wants to stand under the sun when Chen.

Little Sakura looked so happy that he should clean up this black-bellied Damn it girl like this.

“When can I let me go? I already knew it was wrong. Hinata sister, please come over and help me!” Hanabi wanted to cry without tears.

However, Hinata was not at home at this time, but Terumi Mei and Mikoto were dragged to the beach to catch fish.

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