Chapter 643

In the end, the teacher who disagreed in every possible way, after Chen offered his assassin, immediately agreed to Chen’s early graduation.

As for the assassin, of course it was Shikai from Zanpakutō. Chen told the teacher that he was already able to Shikai, and the teacher almost fell to the ground in shock.

Poorly he has lived for hundreds of years and has not completed Zanpakutō’s Shikai. This teacher wanted to cry very much. It was really shocking.

It’s no problem to finish the Shikai of Zanpakutō and graduate early. As long as you can perform Zanpakutō Shikai, you can go to Gotei 13 as the third seat at the worst.

“However, an exam is required for graduation. This exam is not easy. You need to go to “Hueco Mundo” to hunt down enough vacancies.” The teacher reminded Chen.

Graduating early, the exams are also different, you have to follow the expeditionary army to “Hueco Mundo” to conquer the void.

The main thing is to clean up those emptiness, lest the emptiness in this world overflows too much. This is a very dangerous thing.

Of course, the students who graduated early from the Spiritual Arts Academy are just going to take the exams. The danger is indeed there, but it is not that big.

“No problem.” Chen said, and then left.

Soon after Chen left, Yoruichi came to the office and also asked the teacher to graduate early.

Yoruichi is better than Chen, Chen wants to show him Shikai, and Yoruichi directly agreed.

Yoruichi’s strength, the teacher also saw that day, can torture Menos Grande Gillian, she is about to graduate, the teacher has no objection.

“Are you really going to graduate early?” Urahara Kisuke asked in surprise after hearing the teacher’s announcement.

Not only him, Kuchiki Cangchun, Aizen and others couldn’t help but glance at Chen and Yoruichi.

Before Aizen thought Chen was joking, but he didn’t expect to graduate early.

“Of course it’s true. It’s really annoying to come to class all day.” Yoruichi said, in fact, she didn’t want to come to class here.

Yoruichi is quite active, sitting here all the time, of course she can’t help herself. If her family didn’t let her drop out, she might have already chosen to drop out.

“Your family agrees that you graduate early?” Urahara Kisuke frowned and asked.

“What if I don’t agree? They don’t know, I don’t want to listen to the arrangements of a group of old guys.” Yoruichi said rather uncomfortably.

Those old guys don’t have the strength to fart, and they know every day that they are gesticulating, and Yoruichi is tired of it.

“Okay! You have to be careful when you graduate early, after all, you have to go to “Hueco Mundo”.” Urahara Kisuke reminded.

“Hueco Mundo” is a virtual territory, if something happens there, it is too late to ask for help.

“Do you want to graduate early?” Yoruichi asked Urahara Kisuke.

“Forget it, I feel there is still a lot to learn here.” Urahara Kisuke shook his head.(Read more @

“Why do you have to graduate early with Chen?” Kasuga Noaki gave Yoruichi a dissatisfied look.

“I’m happy, can you control it? Slightly~!”

Kasuga Yeqiang was so angry that he turned his head and ignored her.

“Don’t worry! After “Hueco Mundo”, I will definitely take care of you.” Yoruichi patted Chen on the shoulder.

“You take care of me? I think it’s exempt. You don’t need my care and it’s fine.” Chen glanced at her and said.

“Are you underestimating me? I can tell you that my strength is not the level that I can use now, even Adjuchas, I have the confidence to kill.” Yoruichi is very confident.

“Really? Have you met Adjuchas? Or did you fight Adjuchas?”

“I do not have.”

“Then why do you say that you have the confidence to kill Adjuchas? I think you still don’t blow it, and the sky will break if you blow it.” Chen shook his head and said.

“Don’t believe me? Okay, after I go to “Hueco Mundo”, I will kill an Adjuchas and let you see how good I am.”

Yoruichi clenched her fist, she must prove herself.

“The size of “Hueco Mundo” is so difficult to encounter Adjuchas.” Chen took Qiong’s hand and walked out.

Yoruichi followed and went outside to see Unohana Retsu and Kusajishi Yachiru lying on Unohana Retsu.

“Are you here?” Chen looked at them unexpectedly.

“Dad!” Kusajishi Yachiru slammed into Chen’s arms and rubbed Chen’s face affectionately.

Kasuga Yeqiang curled his mouth and tugged Chen with his hand. He was a little jealous in his heart. Yes, it was the jealousy of the little guy Ya Qianryu, she also ate it.

The gentle Unohana Retsu in front of him made Kasuga Noaki more vigilant, and the vigilance in his eyes was unabashed.

Unohana Retsu looked at Kasuga Noaki who was holding Chen’s hand, and smiled softly.

“Huh!” Kasuga Yeqiang snorted and didn’t buy it.

“Aren’t you going to “Hueco Mundo” to graduate early? I will follow you this time…” Unohana Retsu said with a smile.

Unohana Retsu is the person responsible for the safety of Chen and Yoruichi. After all, those who can graduate early are good seedlings, and Gotei 13 does not want to sacrifice the students who graduated early.

So even if you go to “Hueco Mundo” to hunt down the imaginary, Shinigami of the captain level will be sent to protect your safety.

Actually, I was going to send the captain of the fifth division, but Unohana Retsu took the job.

Unohana Retsu wants to pick it up, and no one dares to rob her. Although Unohana Retsu has a gentle smile every day, no one will forget her once brutality.

Five people including Chen, Kasuga No Dome, Unohana Retsu, Yachiryu, and Yoruichi entered “Hueco Mundo”.

Looking at the desolate scenery, Chen couldn’t help but said: “Unexpectedly, it wasn’t long before I stepped into “Hueco Mundo” again.”

“Have you been to “Hueco Mundo” before?” Yoruichi looked at Chen in surprise.

“This is a secret. It’s better for children not to inquire so much.” Chen pushed Yoruichi away.

“Cut~! Who is rare!” Yoruichi was called a kid and felt a little uncomfortable. How did she look like a kid?

“Have you heard, kid.” Kasuga Noaki glanced at Yoruichi’s chest specifically.

She won’t forget that Yoruichi had mocked her for being small before, saying that she was small, and obviously she was not big.

“No matter how young I am, I am better than you.” Yoruichi couldn’t help but noticed Kasuga Noaki’s eyes.

At this time, several Death 1.6 gods not far away came over, this is the camp of the expeditionary army.

They already knew that Chen and the others were coming, and had already received the notice, but they were very upset with Chen and the others in their hearts.

Originally, they were already struggling to deal with Xu. After all, this place is a virtual territory. Now that they have to separate their hands to protect people, they will of course feel unhappy in their hearts.

“You can do yours, and I will take care of them.” Unohana Retsu said to them.

“Yes, Captain Unohana.” This Shinigami was very happy in his heart, and he didn’t need to separate manpower to protect the two people who graduated early. Of course they were happy.

“As long as it is not very critical, I will not take action.” Unohana Retsu said to Chen and Yoruichi.

Of course, these words are mainly for Yoruichi. Unohana Retsu knows Chen’s strength, and Adjuchas may not be enough for Chen.

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